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I like how the covers have gone from full color painterly, to painterly but in the limited palette, and finally in the actual comic style. Should have done it sooner - this is definitely my favourite cover so far, even if it was a pain to work the layers of the tentacles and background with traditional media.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!




It does look like something worthy of a horror movie poster


Love the Gestation subtitle. Makes me think of Erin


Huh. Well shit. I guess it didn't really eat her then. I'm fine with this.


It's a cover, so it's not chronological with the comic pages. But feel free to interpret how you like!


I had really wanted Gestation to be the title for Chapter 2 before I realized this was gonna be 4 chapters instead of 3. It's ominous!


I'll say it over and over, I love the "everything is covered in meat" horror aesthetic

Travis Akin

I *almost* feel sorry for her, but knowing that she is/was just a little bonkers at this point kinda makes up for it. lol! Either way, seeing such a lovely tummy is much appreciated!

Douglas Hier

The artwork sound you did for the cover is really good, I hope we get to see more Whacky Candy adventures soon.