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That's a wrap! Thank you all for all the HUGE support for this comic. :D

Panspermia Chapter 3 will begin next week, if you're a newer patron you can catch up on it starting here!




So excited for chapter 3. Love that alien story!


This has been phenomenal and I look forward to whatever alien growth horror you got planned for Panspermia, hopefully the good doctor becomes enormous with more alien spawn

Kaz Wachowski

I wonder if the next one is willing to help them


Is it just me or is there something disturbing about how the characters never get their bodies back to normal, but I like it like that thou.


The difficulties of that are something I want to address in the future Wacky Candy chapters! The focus will always be transformation but given that not every character is a enthusiastic about their transformations as Mads, I'm gonna have to look into the de-transformation angle sooner or later


Looking forwards to the next Wacky Candyverse issue!

Tom the Fanboy

LOL Gotta get that eggplant in there!

Travis Akin

The WAM characters are definitely some of your more endearing, for sure. Haha

Douglas Hier

This comic was very fun to read, can’t wait for Whacky Candy to continue!


I was a little disappointed in this comic. Not that it's bad, because it's good! I was just hoping that there would be more focus on the transformation, or more of it? But then I was hoping that all of them would transform I guess. But other than that, it was a perfectly good comic I was happy to support.