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And that's the last page of What-a-Melon! Next week will be the cover, and we may see these ladies again in Wacky Candy 3~ 👀

Panspermia Chapter 3 will begin on March 29th, if you're a newer patron you can catch up on it starting here! 




I love how this all wrapped up, excited to see the new employee 'bimbo?' Lady. Wink wink?

Kaz Wachowski

Are all 3 going to be watermelons?


Hey, I know her, but she's a lot less blue here


*faints* magnificent


Aww, was hoping for a little more boobage.


That’s gonna be a interesting interaction she’s going to have with her niece. Really curious what the fate will be for those 3.


Boy there sure are a lot of witnesses to this one for them to clean up.


It just dawned on me that Cory and Whitt are probably gonna have to have a very long awkward talk with Katie and Erica hovering in the background as Mads and the other woman are rolled away.


I swear tah gawd, your character designs and expressions are consistently top tier. :o


Good to see that through the power of friendship Mads,Cory, and Erica won! A great conclusion/lead into another series. Also the expression for each of them are great! Congratulations on ending yet another fantastic story! Can’t wait to see them maybe return in wacky candy 3!


Personally, my favorite type of inflation is where the “victim” loves their new existence.

Zoe Acker

Wait a sec, Katie's boyfriend was there! I wonder if they'll see eachother &lt;.&lt;


I suspect they brainwashed Katie so she wouldn’t remember him


This ending makes me wonder if Whit is gonna make Mads like Katie. She seems pretty ok with this situation. Also, Would love to see the inner workings of their operation with a buch of fruit women walking around.


Sorry. Waddling around with barely enough room for their hips


Or Erica and Cory, like Mads is rolled away to be juiced while Cory and Whitt have a tug of war over Erica and whether or not to leave her as is or make her huge like Mads.

Zachary M Rivera

rogue gremlins, now things are getting interesting


I feel like a deal would have to be made. An "I'll give you your friend if you find a replacement" thing.

james miss

As much as I like your preg-centric comic, I wish it wasn't horror lol. If you ever want to make a whacky candy story about women getting heavily pregnant, I've written many pregnancy stories


That's fine, I know the tone isn't for everyone. But I personally see preg as a huge horror thing, making a lighthearted story about it would honestly gross me out lol. But I might try something that at least has the pregnancy shape.

Josh Gibson

Ok, this comic was tremendous. WC is my favorite universe. A couple of questions. So many factions here in this one. The farmer who blew his wife up to win. The rogue gremlins who ended up with Erica. Mads and Cory. I can see Whitt’s electromagnetic warp drive thing in the parking lot. Who is going home with whom? And you may have addressed this earlier but where does this fall on the timeline? Judging by how fat the two candy store workers have gotten, would this be the most recent chapter?


As a humble suggestion, I've always been a fan of preg-shaped berry stuff because a spell/ancient fertility idol/incompetent or dick genie gets the wrong kind of 'fruitful'.


What-A-Melon! is most recent on the timeline, less than a year after Wacky Candy 1&amp;2