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Contest first, figuring out how to be de-watermelonized later!




She wanted to make sure they won and save her friend. Truly a great best friend. However I feel like a DQ is about to happen and that farmer is actually going to be the winner 🤣. As always fantastic work on your stories and good luck with continuation and finish!


Ahahahaha I love her gumption


And that's when I heard the angels and wished I had a bucket of money to commission an image of Mads in her full immobilized glory with Katie


Mads and Carla seem to be the only ones enjoying becoming gigantic blobs of delicious edible woman.

Mason Dunne

It’s rare to see such enthusiasm in this genre, honestly refreshing!

Douglas Hier

I knew Mads was going to expand faster than Erica,I’d be surprised to her expand even bigger then that!


Now we just gotta shove a couple more handfuls of melon seeds into Erica.


Probably not gonna happen but it ends up becoming Erica and Mads becoming so enormous they're filling out the tent and push the other melon woman outside.


Thats the Spirit Mads. If you are going to be turned into a fruit be the biggest you can be and win.


Loompettes quickly funnel Erica whirl she’s distracted lol 😈

Tom the Fanboy

Fair comissioner rewriting the rules "Yesterday it was a pig in the sheep herding contest now it's humans being watermelons, what's next!? A dog playing basketball!?"


We need Erica and Mads bigger than everyone else and Cory to join them


“Why are you happy about this?!” “Can’t I just be having fun? Jeez!”


I love the overall lighter tone of this series. Curious that the Loompette didn't suffer the same fate as the one from Pick Don't Eat!


Erica better hope none of the Loompettes decide to take advantage of her open-mouthed shock. &gt;:)


Just noticed smtn, after all this time was mads not wearing a bra?