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"Don't I get a say in this?!?!?" Not when unlikely alliances are about to be made!




Well that’s not suspicious how she can understand them


I LOVE!!!! the jump to that conclusion lol granted, attempted kidnapping, but for a good reason now ^w^ i hope...


Hey, after reading this page I'd like to change what I said about the outcome of this comic if you remembera few weeks back. KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS😂😂 Also just noticed this, but how was the skinny one above to understand the loompette...🤔


Cory's looking a bit suss knowing how to understand Loompettes like that, I'm still betting she's Whitt's daughter or some other relation.


Ok, I give up, is that supposed to be a pun? Or is it some sort of inside joke I'm too old to get?


Oh! It's a reference to Among Us, your "sus" comment made me think you were also making a reference to it.


Oh, so that's where Americans got it from, suss has long been a part of Australian vernacular, I just knew that the word had become popular online so I could use it and people would understand me, I didn't know people got it from Among Us, which I have never played.


Is Cory the witch from the Pumpkin comic? It’s the hair that makes me curious in combination with her knowing the language. If not, is the loompette language a real world language some people just know?


Cory is related to another character! Loompette language kind just sounds like squeaky squirrel chatter.


Friends want to use Melon boobs to enter the contest interesting development 🤣

Douglas Hier

LOL now all that's left for Erica is to become a watermelon girl!

Travis Akin

That "What??" face. xDD


For some reason my brain is imagining the loompa language as very similar to the Animal Crossing language.