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it's rude to steal a woman's feeding tube while she's in drug induced hibernation, erin!




Looks like Erin’s hunger is finally overwhelming her...and hopefully by the end she and Fayes have bellies bigger than the woman

Zachary M Rivera

Well we know what's going to happen next


Is she trying talk to her? Or borrow her feeding tube for a bit? Seems like Erin might be able to sympathize with Fayes' choices now.


Looks like she tried but since the woman is not waking up. Probably taking the tube just as much to feed herself as Force the other to wake up

Tom the Fanboy

Stealing the feeding tube for herself is the ETHICAL thing, she doesn't want her fellow crewmate to explode after all. She'll just take a little from this victim, and a little from the next, and a little from the next, and so on, and so on....


Seeing as the only one to explode is the one who didn't get enough to eat, maybe not a great idea in the end. In both cases, taking a little from from each might actually be the way to go.