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And here we see the extraterrestrial lifeforms in their natural habitat, tending to their herd of bellies.




Now that is impressive and terrifying...and Fayes needs to triple her effort to compete with that

Zachary M Rivera

Definitely getting an aliens vibe here


That is certainly a nice herd of bellies they got there, tho I do hope not too many of them pop... Also this raises the question, what happened to the male members of the crew?


They probably ate them when they ran out of food, they are aliens after all. And I agree I don’t hope too many burst but rather get even bigger...and Fayes or Erin biggest of all

Zachary M Rivera

so here is what I think might happen next: 1. erin gets taken. 2. erin reports to/goes to fayes and tells her what she found. 3. we meet a new character. or 4. something else happens


Popping is rather inefficient in the long term, if the aliens actually have any say in the matter. And didn't Opik jokingly imply the crew were all female because "lower food consumption and weight" or something like that?