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Really, they could save so much on magic portal costs by stationing the factory on Earth, but space chocolate is just so much cooler.




Why and how are they paying for energy? I guess the ground portal might need its own power but we never see anything that could provide said power. Just stick a reactor or solar panels on the station.


It’s probably sci fi mumbo jumbo that it takes a lot of energy to move a single woman who weighs as much as a bull elephant


Please don't cut arts funding on the space station. I'd be sad if you fired the Loompette choreography director for the rolling & marching bands


Carrie: I’ve been going over last years reports and it says here you’ve cut the clothing budget by 75% why? Whittman: Why waste all that money on clothes when our ladies are gonna outgrow them within 24 hours of coming here. Carrie: This was employee uniforms for the stores. Whittman:….oops *meanwhile at one of the stores* Margaret: I am going to strangle her for making me work in hot pants and a bikini top with size 78 triple M boobs