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I'm going to start building the patron perk now, so there's going to be more focus on that for the time being. Of course, I'm still going to be releasing sweet sweet updates, but maybe, ONLY maybe, not as big

 • Added 12 new images!
 • Added 4 new scenes with Zack
 • Added Zacks room! Unlocks after zack relationship milestone
 • Added stat increase to different events. Let me know if you find an event that should increase or decrease a stat!
 • Replaced a few images
 • Added more functionality to the time scheme
 • Fixed a bug where the mall told you you already had the tailplug if you couldnt afford it
 • Implemented a rent system! Now you gotta pay!
 • Fixed the laptop porn bug. Added 5 different porn "videos"
 • Added time increments to a lot of events! Let me know if you find an event you think should increment time.
• Fixed shower and cam images not showing correctly


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