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Hello friends! This week brings update 0.5.6, mainly this is focused on functionality, fixes and improvements. Here's your special link:
Special link: https://mega.nz/file/7SAFSYCZ

Decryption key: 1qiQAetsa0v0ViYF9WIreT35de_Q2HZeC3z3Gd0Xwzw

For phone players, here's your special phone link!: Nota Bao (neocities.org)

Read the devlog or play the game to see for yourselves!

  • Changed the currency sign in the grocery store to correctly reflect the currency used from $ to £.

  • Changed the currency sign in the electronics store to correctly reflect the currency used from $ to £.

  • Fixed going on dates with your boyfriend / girlfriend from the new luxury apartment taking you to the mansion instead of back to the apartment.

  • Lily’s love points now further increase at the end of your day date.

  • Fixed a bug where if you go to sleep single at the apartment, it would cut to a scene where you would go to sleep with “single”. Instead, there should have been a different text. There is now.

  • If you were living in the city apartment, but haven’t unlocked the mansion, you should no longer see the text “You currently reside in the mansion”

  • If you have bought the luxury apartment, you should no longer see the text “You don’t have a place to be…”

  • The game will now correctly display “Find a more humble living situation”

  • Added a small change to how links are displayed in the game, for (hopefully) a nice UI change.

    • Please let me know what you think of it.

  • Removed the unused passages of the old intro to declutter the game.

  • Restructed some of the cult passages to return to the cult instead of the library.

  • Added a cinema to the downtown. Go down there to watch movies.

  • You wont spot Zack in the town anymore if you haven’t unlocked the apartment yet.

  • Implemented a chance to set your home. Options are Zack’s apartment, the mansion, the camp and the luxury apartment. You have to have unlocked the home to set it in their respective bedrooms.

  • Implemented a chance to find a cat and name it. It will reside with where you live.

  • Fixed nightmare at Zacks apartment not showing correctly.

  • Fixed Asylum showering not updating your showered status

  • Fixed Asylum shower image being disproportionate

  • Finally fixed the Lily nudes bug, where it would display received text from Lily immediately discarding the flavor text.

  • Changed multiple instances of if/else to switch/case for easier readability and code framework

  • Asking Lily to either slow down or send more nudes now results in a flavortext feedback letting you know which option you’ve chosen.

  • Changed some structural code regarding the outskirts. Non visual.

  • The luxury apartment will now cost the appropriate £50,000 instead of being given for free once you enter.

  • The apartment reception will now show the appropriate text instead of near nothing. You are also now able to buy the apartment.

  • Skipping the intro no longer defaults your job to the cafe

  • You can no longer look for an apartment at night, thus throwing you into the Asleep time-block.

  • You can no longer help Rob with his “problem” during the second phase of the cafe job unless you have the required amount of corruption (>35).

  • Going to the restroom to relieve some steam during the second phase of the cafe job will now grant you an increase in corruption

  • Nerdy specs

    • 84.041 words! (Patron version)

    • 608 words added! (tallied - I removed the old intro, remember?)

    • 719 passages (Patron version)

    • 2 passages removed (tallied - I removed the old intro, remember?)

    • Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!


Stefan Karakashian

Could you reference the game title, somewhere on the patreon page, I play several?

Bani Kaur

Is there a way to add cheat codes to the existing game play? I’m at day 130 and I don’t want to lose my progress


You should be able to import your save into the patron version 😎