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I should be finishing up my latest WIP in another day or two but after that I'm down to make something new.  I was thinking maybe a sexy redhead with green eyes! but I'm open  to suggestions ! Oh and thanks for the follow, I appreciate the support!


Mirko James

Thanks for the really good looking looks. Sexy redhead is always appreciated. Trying to be careful here but maybe movie Characters?Lead from Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill or from Dusk till dawn, Desperado or the nanny from a series or really awesome and also going with the redhead theme would be mary from dumb and dumber. Sorry in advance and Please delete if too specific.


My pleasure and thank you for the follow. For the time I'd like to focus on general more non-specific looks. Maybe at a later time I could add a different tier option to cater towards specific requests .


Definitely in agreement on the green-eyed redhead! One minor request if you do end up making her - could you make her a bit athletic (slight increases to body tone / musculature)? I've got a creator key, so I can of course tweak things myself, but I would like to see some slightly more toned base models (nothing extreme, mind you). And personally, I like the fact that you're not basing models on specific people, as I'd rather see a simply attractive woman than someone who almost but not quite looks like a famous person.


@Glenn, Can do!

Jordan Howard

First off, amazing looks. Honestly the best I've seen in VAM yet, because you have restraint to keep features realistic and the face textures really make it. Few suggestions that I've yet to see good looks for from anybody: black girls, hipster girls, spoiled/bratty college girls. Some elite level execution on those types of looks would get your patreon a lot of attention, because they haven't been done yet. Edit: looks relevant to current holidays would be awesome, like a St. Patty's day chick, halloween sluts, etc. An 18+ Hermione type look (doesn't have to be the actual actress) with custom witch clothing would be hugely popular.


Noted!, I'm definitely going to be adding looks for all races


I'd like to see an Asian or Brazilian :-)


I'm thinking Asian for the next look