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The usual calmness of the morning was something that Miri enjoyed greatly. Not having to deal with the outside world and allow herself to just snooze the day away like a cat in a sunbeam made her feel relaxed and contented, though unlike a cat, she had put tin foil over the windows to keep the room cool and devoid of any rousing sunlight. Back in high school she would have embraced the morning happily, eager to go out to run around or see her friends at school. Nowadays, the energetic teenybopper had matured, as Miri reasoned, and had no need or desire to engage in simple-minded gossip with dumb high schoolers about who is on what team or who is dating who. Instead, the black-haired fat girl chose to spend her days inside, eating and watching tv, only originally concerned as her weight began to climb and her tanned skin became pale from lack of sunlight.

As a teenager, Miri had made some moderate effort to stay active and keep her skinny, almost athletic body from changing, but had only as much success as any young woman she knew with the drive to convince themselves there was anything they could do about it. She knew that it was only a matter of time before her body slowed and began to fatten, and that if she didn't at least try to do something about it, she'd end up like her mom: bloated and heavy, waddling around the house, constantly hungry. It was on one particular day that Miri had looked up from her homework to see Lori walking back to her room with a two liter of Pepsi and a 12-pack of chimichangas to heat up in the microwave by her bed. As she watched the blobby globes of her mom's cellulite-ridden ass alternate raising upwards as they mashed against the other, then plopping back down into a thick jiggle, Miri had a powerful realization. Looking at her mom, then down to her skinny arm already tucked into a large bag of Doritos, then finally to the already softening layer of fluff under her shirt, she mumbled to herself, "One day that's going to be me if I don't stop it now."


And while she did make efforts to do so, she didn't care for running as a hobby rather than something they made you do in PE. The idea of dieting was terrible, and her attempts at them only lasted a week or so before she broke down crying over her failed regimens. She never beat herself up, but nonetheless tried despite her own questions as to whether her desire to stay under 130 pounds was worth fighting her entire genetic structure to do so.

Especially when school let out, and all she wanted to do was sleep.

As she lay in bed, half-dreaming memories of her long gone thinner days, Miri's thoughts drifted, as they always did, to food. She grinned at her younger self, amused at the idea that there had ever been a time where she would have passed up something so simple as a bag of chips, noting that as an adult, she could easily put away two family size bags a day if she didn't end up craving something else first.

"Ah." She muttered, opening her heavy eyelids for a moment, still buried under her blanket.

"Jeez, I AM just like my mom." She chuckled, recalling the day Lori had come to visit. She'd made herself right at home, not even paying heed to the dirty, cluttered counters or the overflowing trash can as she shoveled a handful of chocolates into her mouth.

Miri's mouth began to water as she went over the events of that day, visualizing the two of them chatting away on the couch, each woman with a pile of treats sitting next to them as they binged carelessly for the duration of the stay, pausing only long enough for Miri to give her mom her gifts.

Closing her eyes again, she continued her dream, imagining what the sundresses she got from Mirabel's would have looked like on her significantly porcine body. Even the suggestion of trying them on had caused Lori to go on one of her catty rants until the two began arguing over Miri's tendency to stretch out her clothes, then claim they belonged to her sister in front of family friends since she was too embarrassed to tell everyone she had gotten too fat for her mom's outfits. At very least, she thought, Lori had been nice enough to save face and not call her out on it.


"Whatever. She's outgrown then by now anyways." She said, rolling over in an attempt to fall back asleep.

A loud knock at the door broke her out of her reverie, and a feeling of dread and exhaustion overwhelmed her as she remembered that Megan was coming over today.

Trying her best to ignore the racket, she put earbuds in and pulled up an ASMR video to make drown out the sound and renew her drowsiness.

Despite her best efforts though, she could hear Megan yelling for her outside, and Tawny calling for her to come out, if only so they could get the day over with.


"Jesus fucking Christ oh my god just shut the fuck up and go away," she bargained, throwing in a bra to conceal her fat, saggy E cup breasts and stop them from flowing onto her impressively soft double belly, then walking to the door, still in her wide, lacey panties.

"Hey, what the hell?" She grumped as she opened the door, blinded by the daylight.

"Can't you ring the fucking doorbell? It's too early for that shit."

Megan stepped inside, a look of unamusement plastered on her angular face.

"You're not even dressed!" She started, kicking away an empty box of sweet tea bottles from the doorway.

"And for the record, we rang the doorbell like fifty times and you wouldn't answer, so I started yelling, just like you told me to."

The redhead looked around in disgust at her surroundings, standing in a clear spot on the heavily spotted carpet, her lithe looking legs looking tan and firm under her blue jogging shorts. Her hair, Miri noticed had grown out a bit in the last two months, falling now almost to her shoulders in the front, and pulled into a short, sporty ponytail in the back. Her body was soft, but tight, and had only the smallest traces of fat coating it, much like Miri remembered her teenage self earlier that morning.

Tawny also stepped inside wearing a pair of gray sweatpants several sizes too small for her Asian friend, and a bright pink sweater filled to it's limit with her massive boobs. The double-chinned blonde was already rosy cheeked and panting. When she saw Miri, she beamed happily, but it wasn't clear as to whether or not she was being polite, happy to see her friend, or just excited to have another fat girl to validate her lack of physical ability.


"Poor girl," Miri thought, well aware of how hot and out of breath she felt when she had to go out.

Again, Megan was the one to push the issue, cheerily jogging in place as she said "Come one, get your stuff on so we can go!"

Miri threw on the same size 28 shorts she'd been in and out of all week from the side of the bed and the most comfortable shoes she could find and began to waddle towards the door, chastised by Megan almost immediately for trying to grab a handful of packaged raspberry danishes and honey buns before they left.

As Megan began a bouncing stride up the street, both Tawny and Miri watched her from a brisk, but agonizingly tiring walk, already short of breath. Miri could feel the sweat under her breasts and between her belly rolls, the unpleasant heat and wetness making her even more stressed by the activity.

"Come on, we gotta try harder than that if we're gonna shed those pounds!" Megan cheered, running back to her two fat friends.

Tawny gave Miri a squinting grimace, and Miri shrugged tiredly, noting how little distance they had gone, breaking into a heavy, plodding jog to add more than two houses to her distance.

As Megan sped away and Tawny tried her best to hold her bust down as she attempted to catch up, Miri began to fantasize about what she would look like in a couple weeks, losing some of her thick, heavy fat and if she was lucky, end up thinner than her mom for the first time in a year and a half.

Panting and cramping, she remembered the pain from her earlier attempts at running years ago, and looked back to see that Tawny had already doubled over, hands on her knees and looking nauseously out of breath.

"Hey! *huff* Come on! *huff huff* Pick it up! She's getting away!" Miri panted.

Tawny gasped for a while before choking out a response.



Do it.....*puff*

We're not.....*huff*

Built...like her scrawny...ass."

She looked up, catching her breath slightly. Grimly, she continued with tears in her eyes.

"This is like.... ALL she does.. She barely eats...and just runs all day.. We're not like her. We can't do this shit anymore."

Miri turned to face Megan, who was now headed back their way with a disappointed expression. She felt her sweat-soaked chin bunch up around her thick ring of neck fat that a year ago could be considered just an extra chin. Her belly was beginning to untuck itself from her massively stretchy shorts as she realized just how far she too had to bent over to catch a breath of air.

Miri attempted to left herself up again and begin jogging again, attempting to control her breathing as much as possible. With every step, she felt her flabby hips jostling and bouncing up and down and to the sides in a circular motion as her heavy footsteps sent waves through her legs. She could feel her shirt riding up and her shorts beginning to dip in the back, revealing a tiny bit of her underwear and a thick roll of sweaty, quivering back fat. As she tried to swing her thick, flabby arms, her heavy, sagging arm flab rubbed wildly against her belly, which rested on her weak, toneless thighs and caused them to have to work even harder. Miri's second wind only lasted a moment or two, stopping after ten feet from where she started, doubling the obese couch potato over again.

"Are you serious?" Megan called

"I swear, you guys have never exercised in your entire lives. We're only halfway up the street!"

Tawny furrowed her brow and attempted to make a comeback.

"Yeah, well I didn't even want to come out here! I didn't even have breakfast and you bitched me out the door so you could show off your ribcage while we kill ourselves trying to keep up with you."

"You're not here to keep up with me, you're here to lose some of that blubber."

Megan responded matter-of-factly.

"No, actually, we're not." Tawny fired back indignantly.

Putting a hand on her thin, pinching hip, Megan sighed and asked flatly, "Then why are you here? I thought you wanted to lose weight. No, you don't need a chest mine, but at least give yourself a stomach that doesn't bury your legs."

Angrily, Tawny yelled back, "No! We don't care about that! We don't want to be skin and bones like you! We don't want to obsess over our weight! We don't want to be thin, and we never fucking did! This is just you trying to control us because you can't control your own obsession!"

Miri wanted to speak up and avoid having Tawny speak for the both of them, but found herself still too out of breath to jump in in time.

"Whatever. Go home then. Sit on your fat asses and eat yourselves into oblivion. I'm gonna finish my run so that I don't end up 400 pounds before I'm 25. Enjoy."

Megan rolled her eyes as she ran off down the street, angry and nauseated by the idea of looking anything like the helpless slobs she'd just ditched.

Miri stood up and looked over at Tawny who was crying onto her sweater, similarly drenched with dark sweat spots.

"I don't even know why we're doing this." She sobbed, causing her belly to ripple and chest bounce.

"Me neither." Miri concurred, shaking her head at the girl who had insisted they come out with her before insulting them and running off.

"I honestly could give a shit. I just didn't want to lose her as a friend."

"Seriously? She's been nothing but a pain in my ass since she moved in. We knew each other in high school and she was a little chubby. I figured she'd be an ok roommate, but I have this fucking crazy exercise freak always trying to get me on diets and shit I don't want to do. I just want to hang out and enjoy my fucking life. I'm not even close to 400 fucking pounds yet." She sniffled as both girls began shuffling back to Miri's apartment.

"I know. She said it about me too." Miri said consolingly.

"Yeah, right what the fuck? 400. You're like what, only 300?" The blue eyed girl asked.

Miri thought for a moment.

"Last I looked I was 280."

"Sorry, don't mean to be off. You know us dumb fat girls, always making stupid calls. Never mind her calculations since they're always right. I'm OBVIOUSLY pushing 400." Tawny sulked as the walked through the door to Miri's apartment, passing patch of flowers in the planter by the porch.

"Well if it makes you feel better, I'm even bigger than you are, so I must be pushing the 430 pound mark." Miri joked, irritated but trying to lighten the mood.

Tawny smiled as she sat down on the couch, her heavy top resting onto her lap as she smiled.

"More like 450-ish. You're pretty chunky."

Miri's shorts loosened and dropped to the floor as she lifted her massive belly out from the front of them.

"Makes sense. Hope you don't mind. It's fucking hot." She said.

"No, not really. I was actually gonna ask if you'd mind if I did the same. And if you could kick on the air?" Tawny said, already grabbing food from the the tray by the table.

Miri returned from the cabinets with a large 3-liter of generic soda that was meant to imitate Mountain Dew and a armful of pastry boxes.

"Go for it. I'm not worried about that here. I know what girls look like." Miri said as she sunk into her favorite spot, her liquidy inner thighs still touching as she spread her legs to ease their temperature.

"Hey..." Tawny said apologetically.

"Sorry if you did wanna go. I just didn't like how she was treating us and never wanted to run in the first place."

Miri shrugged.

"Actually, I didn't want to go either. I dunno if you can tell, but my 400-pound ass doesn't like running, and I could really give a shit about losing weight. Getting fat is just something that happens. And when she realize that when her diets stop working and nothing she does works anymore. I'm just sorry you have to be there for her denial."

"Yeahhh...You know, when she's not on her weight loss shit she's actually really cool." Tawny said, feeling sad and a little guilty.

Miri smiled softly.

"I know. I was there for a few. She's just sick right now. She can't get past her own body issues yet, but once she's done being all fucked up, she'll relax and we can start over."

Tawny began to tear up again and said with big, blue, watery eyes "Thank you. Can I have a hug?"

"Daww. Of course." Miri said, her smile becoming huge.

"But there IS one thing.....See, I haven't watched Paranatural World in a couple days....cuz I was waiting for you. So I'm gonna need to get on that if you're gonna be here."

Tawny's smile was genuine and beautiful, her face brightening as she raised her chin and said, "Oh! Well then, it is my civil duty as a friend to get on that with you."

After about an hour or so, both women fell asleep in the middle of an episode, with Tawny's hands stuffed comfortably under her heavy breasts and Miri spread out, crumbs in her bra, and cream-smeared wrappers thrown haphazardly onto the floor in a large pile of trash that had once been contained in a now-buried trash bag, the Korean girl's fat-dominated face bearing chocolate covered lips and glazed sugar from a honey bun she'd tried to stuff into her mouth in one bite.


Another four hours had passed before Miri had woken up to a light on in her bathroom and a sassy voice calling from within "MIRI! GET YOUR FAT ASS IN HERE!!"

Lazily, Miri called back, not bothering to get up or even open her eyes, "WHAT?"

Tawny walked out of the bathroom, grinning.

"You're fucking stupid, you know that?"

Miri kept her eyes closed, but raised her eyebrows.


"I weighed myself and you need a new scale. Your last weigh in was 280 because that's as high as it goes. It says I'm 280 and I'm sure as hell not as big as you."

Miri sat up, pushing with her hands against the couch to lift her body forward enough to sit upright, then chugged a large amount of soda from the bottle on the coffee table in front of her before responding, "Oh shit. Well, yeah, I guess.



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