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For as long as she could remember, Miri's biggest fear had been that she would start acting like her mom. Always picking people apart for how they dressed or how much they weighed despite constantly trying to stuff her thick, flabby body into her daughter's clothes, creating unflattering shapes and stretching out Miri's outfits.

The frustrated Korean inspected a pair of slacks that Lori had decided to "try on" during her visit earlier in the week after finding the waist on her size 18s lest loose and wrinkled on the floor of her living room.

"God fucking dammit," she sighed.
"You. Are such. A fatass. She grumbled loudly.

She was supposed to call her again today, but put it off as she trudged through the apartment in her underwear, complaining as she mentally renewed her lifelong anxiety.


She fought hard to fight back the catty bitchiness her mom had unintentionally instilled in her with the constant barrage of critiques from the passenger side of the car or standing in the shade of the porch, bitching about how some work would 'fix' such a lazy daughter.

"That doesn't even make any sense!" She rehearsed, sipping her second can of Mountain Dew since waking up an hour prior.

"I drive you everywhere, and I'M not taking initiative. I do all of the work in YOUR garden while you stand around, but I'M the lazy one. Why, because I sleep in? Where do you fucking think I got that from? You are seriously THE laziest person I know."

She paced some more, beginning to feel the fatigue of being on her feet for the last hour.
She knew she would never work up the courage to say any of these things to her mom unless she got angry enough to cave and sink to her level. She sighed, plopping down on her couch as she griped wistfully.

"All you do is bitch and make excuses."


Her phone rumbled on the table as it vibrated, causing Miri to jump before grabbing it and answering with false enthusiasm.


"Helloooo." Came Lori's signature melodic coo.

"What's going on?" Miri asked.

"Ohh nothing much. Just staying in today because of the heat. How is everything? Car work okay?"

The young woman rolled her eyes at the use of the heat as an excuse to not go out before reconciling that it actually was really warm outside. She probably could go out more, she thought, if it weren't so damn hot.

"Yeahhh, the heat is pretty crazy. That's why I haven't gone out much lately either.
Car works fine. Just nowhere to really drive it till Fall Semester starts up."

"So you don't go out anywhere?" Lori asked, her voice sounding skeptical.

"Well, to shop and eat and stuff." Replied Miri, only realizing what she'd opened herself up to after she said it.

Lori pounced on it immediately with an annoyed sigh.
"Of course all you use it for is takeout. You don't cook anymore, do you?"

Not wanting to fight, Miri just gave in.
"No mom, I haven't been cooking. I can never find what I want to eat at home, so I go out."

"It's because you're hooked on junk." Lori stated matter-of-factly, the sound of a straw bubbling punctuating the sentence.

"Yeah, gimme a break. You ate like a whole bag of chips last time, you have it too. Besides, I can hear your wrapper crackling." Said the increasingly hungry girl.

Lori's reply surprised her.
"Oh please, I'm not half as bad as you are. Besides, it's hard to find time to cook."

She wanted to be annoyed, but couldn't deny that she felt at least similar in her own way.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But still, it doesn't take all day. You're just too lazy to do it."

"Oh yeah?" Asked Lori who sounded like she was driving and on speaker phone.
"What, you're MY mom now? Then I can be like you and never clean my house."

Despite her words, the older woman sounded casual and remarkably unoffended.

Raising an eyebrow, Miri said, "You don't clean your house as it is. You always had ME do it."

Lori laughed.
"Well, I had a good worker!"

"Yeah, I bet. I need to get me one of those." Said Miri, shaking her head.

"Well, get knocked up and you can have one. Then bring her over to my house. I need a new maid."

Miri smirked sarcastically, but out of amusement.
"Yes, and then we can tell her to diet while we steal her pants and say we're sisters."

"You sound like a mom already, haha." Lori laughed again.
"Just be ready for it. It take long before she's our size."

Our size.

The statement snapped Miri out of her conversational carelessness.

"Yeah, I guess." She prodded carefully, curiously.
Last she saw, her mom WAS of similar size, if not a little bigger.

"What size pants DO you wear anyways?" Miri asked, a curious frown appearing on her face as she did.

"I wear a 20." Lori responded cheerily, unaware of or at least ignoring the concern in her daughter's voice.

Miri's pudgy hand traced the space between her round, perky breasts as she looked over at the stretched out 20's she'd pulled from the floor pile earlier.

".....Yeah, me too."

"See? I told you we could be twins. No one could tell us apart." Lori said happily.

"Yeah." Admitted Miri it's her hand pressed well into her lower belly roll, noting that her mom sported a nearly identical shape.

"I guess not.

The call lasted almost an hour, and despite Lori's jabs and general evasiveness about her own issues, Miri didn't feel insulted, or even upset by the interaction.

But she was hungry.

Throwing on the wrinkled jeans and a flowy white shirt that, had it not had a smudge of French fry grease, would be considered elegant, she moved to her mirror and fixed her hair.
As always, she practiced smiling, making faces in the mirror and attempted a few selfies. After numerous attempts, the smooth-skinned Asian girl was able to get a picture that emphasized her cute, chubby cheeks, without exaggerating her usual double chin.
As she walked to the door, she deleted a few botched photos, disheartened by the distinct roundness that had completely overtaken the thin, angular bone structure that had garnered her so much attention in high school.

"Still cute," she thought as she stared at the 'good pictures,' observing her inability to see past her protruding stomach at the angle the picture had been taken from, but pleased with the size of her chest.

"Welp, a little extra weight never hurt anyone." She said, casually shrugging it off and heading out the door.

Miri was halfway through her fourth out of five tacos when she received a text from Tawny reading simply: "We're bored. Come over."

She typed one handed from the front seat of her car, eating with the other hand as she attempted to turn the increasingly soggy shell around in time to prevent a dollop  of mixed greasy ground meat and sour cream from falling onto her blouse. She failed, but didn't express any discontentment for the situation, immediately grabbing the fabric and pulling it up to her mouth to lap up the fallen food, leaving a light orange splotch below her collar.
She responded saying that she was headed over and lifted her seat up from her slouched eating position to upright enough that she could drive and headed to the apartment.

When she arrived, Miri despaired slightly at needing to turn off the AC for as long as it would take walk up to the door and wait for someone to answer. The heat was always really hard on her, and she found herself panting just a little upon reaching the doorbell.

Tawny answered with a wild squeal, then pounced cheerfully onto her friend, mashing her gigantic breasts against her as she did. Miri attempted to hug back as best she could, their combined size making it difficult to get her plump, doughy arms all the way around the enthusiastic blonde.

"What's up? Come on in!" Tawny said happily, as she rushed her Asian friend into the apartment. Neither had gotten very far before Tawny reached into a box and in one smooth motion, unwrapped a Twinkie and popped it into her mouth.

"Want one?" She asked, holding an unwrapped sponge cake in Miri's direction.
Miri hesitated for a second, trying to weigh whether she cared more about snacking or being rude; both of which were high priorities.

Tawny frowned, rolling her head downward as she did.
"Oh please don't tell me you're trying to diet again."

Miri scoffed, grabbing the yellow treat and unwrapping it just as quickly as her friend did and stuffing it in her mouth, talking through chewing on it.

"Oh please, have you SEEN me? My fat ass was never meant to diet."

"Someone sounds confident! I was getting worried that you'd been convinced to stay away from us big girls." The overly busty blonde chirped.
"The thing with your mom go well?"

"Yeah, we're kind of on good terms I think. We got into it a little bit, but we took some time to cool off and came out alright."

Tawny noticed Miri discreetly scanning the Twinkie box and tossed her a few more.

"You eat yet?" She asked casually.

"Yeah actually, I was eating when you texted me, but I'm still kinda hungry." Miri replied with a slight grimace.

Tawny pulled her shirt down further as she wandered over to the couch, plopping down heavily onto it.
"Nah lady, it's cool. Everyone around here is a fatass. We've got plenty of stuff to feed your habit. Just take whatever."

Miri looked over from the kitchen, nervous about just taking food from a friend's cabinets, but also trying not to stare at the curly haired blonde's fluffy back rolls, indicating, she thought, certain weight gain in the last week or two.

"Habit?" She called back, digging through the cupboards for something sweet.

"Yup. Food addiction, love. You don't get a wobbly ass like your without one." Tawny said, carelessly searching Netflix for something to watch.


"Oh no, I get it. And yeah, my mom's been telling me I'm hooked on junk food for a while. Not that she's really been around, but whatever." Miri stated, pulling out a pack of chocolate chip cookies.

"Well, you don't really have to really be around to figure that out. I mean, when was the last time we had a conversation that didn't involve food?" Tawny responded honestly, but without a detectable hint of malice.

"Yeah, no I get that. It does seem to come up a lot around me." Miri admitted, plopping heavily down onto the couch, feeling the cushion sink in as she slouched into it, her big, round belly settling onto her thighs.

Tawny was used to the sensation of a fat girl next to her and carried on carelessly.
"That and it's on your mind literally all the time. That's why you keep growing so fast. Good thing you got that car when you did."

"Yeahhh," began Miri.
"That's kinda true. I do like food a lot. And if you or Meg ever need a ride, I'm happy to take you wherever. Sitting around here's been good to you too. Your belly's catching up to your boobs now."

Tawny looked down knowingly, pressing her hand into the pale roll of plump, perky fat sticking out from under her strained T-shirt.

"Yup. Startin' to turn into a lil butterball. And thanks, I might take you up on those rides. Meg's all into running now though, so she might pass. MEEEEEG!!"

"WHAAAAT?!" Megan called from a bedroom down the hall.


Megan came out in a pair of blue jeans and a black button down shirt, both of which looked a little baggy on her.
Though still round and thick, her stomach wasn't resting quite so much of her hips and thighs, which remained wide, but looked smaller and much more firm.


"Oh woah," Miri said, doing a double take.
"You lost weight! What the hell happened?"

The redhead shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"Maybe it's all the running I do? That and I'm not packing down bags of cookies when I go out. Don't need the cramps."

"What? Well damn, I wish I could get those kinds of results. Why don't you come get me anymore? I'd run with you!" Miri complained, feeling only the slightest bit guilty about the rapidly disappearing  cookies in her lap.

"I tried, but all you ever wanna do is eat and sleep, so I stopped. You were the one who wanted to get active in the first place, and then you backed out, just like you said you wouldn't. So I just let you sleep and kept going." Megan said in her trademark deadpan tone.

Tawny grinned and said tauntingly, "Lies, Mir. She won't let you go because she hates us now that she's all skinny."

"You guys just don't wanna go when I ask. Move over." Megan countered as she seated herself between the two, her plump figure filling the space between them and completely covering the couch.

"We're gonna need a bigger couch at the rate you two are growing." She remarked, feeling her squishy hips mashed against the two larger girl's thighs and belly folds.

"Well, if you didn't hate us fatties, then we could follow your lead and be a skinny like you." Tawny chimed in again with an open, mocking smile.

"If we all go though, you might have to slow down to let us keep up. I'm not used to running anymore." Miri suggested, shoving more food into her mouth as she spoke, not even bothering to look away from the tv.

Megan looked skeptical.
"Since when have either of you EVER exercised? And yeah, you guys are gonna need to work up to it yourselves if you wanna go with me. I love you, but you are in TERRIBLE shape and I can't be stopping my pace every fifteen feet because you got winded. It hurts my performance and slows my progress."

Tawny looked over at her with slight annoyance.

"Oh, well please forgive my intrusion. And progress? What are you hoping to achieve? You're already the thinnest person around."

"Yeah, but I'm still fat. It's not hard to be thinnest in a town where no one weighs less than 250 pounds." Megan grumbled, squeezing her thighs with her hands.

"I'm not 250 pounds yet. Last I checked, I was only like 225." Miri offered.

Megan looked over Miri's body with the same scrutinizing eyes that Miri had seen on her mom before.

"ONLY 225. See how that's still pretty huge? And no offense, but you look a lot bigger than that. When did you last weigh yourself?"

Miri thought.
"Uhhh....Geez. Like before my mom came over?"

"See? It's been a little while. You look like you've put on more weight." Megan said.

Miri stood up and looked down at her body after she’d noticed that the sides of her wide double belly were starting to pour onto the chubby girl next to her. Placing her hands on her hips, she huffed at her own size and tucked her belly back onto her pants.


"I am so sorry, was I squishing you?" She asked politely, making sure to move over to give her friend more room as she sat back down.

"A little bit," said Megan, annoyed but trying not to be.

"Fine, chill out. If it's bugging you so much, me and Miri will start running tomorrow. Then your scrawny ass will have room to sit and we can all get along again."

Sighing, Megan replied with a hint of guilt, " I would like that. Thank you."



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