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Despite her excitement, or perhaps even because of it, Maya couldn’t stop her hands and feet from shaking. Her thighs were clammy and no matter what she tried, the nerdy girl couldn’t warm her fingers enough to stop them from stinging with the cold. Step by step she made her way down the dark, blasted corridor with only her phone’s built in flashlight to illuminate the way. It seemed to her that she was glancing down to check the battery level on her screen every few seconds just to make sure it wasn’t draining abnormally quickly like in a horror movie or something, but it wasn’t. It was a small comfort but it didn’t do much to ease her anxiety.

Last time, she and Makoto had come together by chance. Or at least, what they told themselves was chance. Maya knew full well that whatever had occurred wasn’t a mysterious calling or misfortunate coincidence. It was the result of their deliberate snooping into a place they knew full well they shouldn’t have been in. Like last time, she had entered the building and found a guide waiting for her at the reception counter. Unlike last time however, the woman guiding her wasn’t a perky blonde but a dark skinned dream in shadowy makeup. She too was a massively busty bimbo and just as beautiful, but had a deeper and more sensual voice.


“Maya Katz. Right on time.” She said warmly with only a small amount of ominous foreboding lingering in her tone. “You are to report to Figure Appreciation 102 in room 079.”

Maya didn’t bother asking her anything or even speaking. She was morbidly curious to know why this or the last woman was there. She wondered who they were or used to be, if anyone at all. Maya was curious about the building and the classes and the EVERYTHING about this place, but despite her enthusiasm it was all she could do to timidly nod and walk stiff and shaking down the bleak, dark corridor with almost painful goosebumps covering her arms and legs while her heart threatened to burst out of her chest with how hard it was beating.

Before long, she stood in front of the door, quaking in her cute black boots as it seemed to loom and tower over her. She reached up almost against her own will, grabbing the handle to stave off the intensifying feeling of being watched and almost recoiled at how cold it was to touch. But as the feeling of something terrible approaching grew stronger, Maya’s instincts took hold of her and she flung the door open and ducked inside before pulling it closed behind her.

Like before, Maya turned around to find herself in a grimy classroom with black walls and a dusty floor. Unlike the previous night however, this particular room was lacking a video projector or screen and was much, much darker. The feeling of being chased was gone, so that was good, but Maya had no idea what she was supposed to be doing there or even whether or not she would even make it out again Panic began to set in.


Why had she come back? It was a miracle that she and Makoto got home the first time. And what if she didn’t return again? Would her friend try to chase her down and end up meeting the same fate? Self doubt and fear swirled around in her head. She’d danced dreamily through her school day, apparently celebrating her excitement for……Maya couldn’t remember what exactly. Something scary, but enjoyable. Something dangerous, but life changing. The trembling girl strained to remember what it was that had drawn her back to what could have very easily been her tomb. Just when her fear had grounded her enough to shake off the warm, blissful fog she’d been obliviously wandering through all day, she became aware that there was someone else in the room.

Maya froze in place as her eyes locked on to the shape of a girl seated in the back of the class. She couldn’t tell if the dark haired silhouette of a girl had been there the whole time or if she had just appeared out of nowhere but it didn’t really matter at that point. Maya’s breaths were coming out loud and shaky, steam flowing from her every exhale and making it virtually impossible to hide. So instead she stared. She watched and stared as the girl sat, motionless. Silent.

The seconds crawled by like years with Maya only realizing how little time she had spent, frozen where she stood just watching the phantom in the back of the room by trying to mentally count how many times she’d seen her breath in front of her. Suddenly, the figure turned and rose, the legs of her chair making a horrible and dull dragging sound as she did. Maya scanned her brain for responses as the thin girl moved closer to her at a simple walking pace, her head tucked in that Samara-esque way that horror movies used to obscure female faces. For a moment she imagined simply running up and decking the creepy girl, but immediately felt that she would regret that far more than just trying to speak. Not that she could get herself to speak.

Before Maya could get a word out the other girl stood face to face with her.

“…..Why did you come back here?” The girl asked accusingly. “You knew it wasn’t safe for you. For Makoto. So why?”

Maya’s mouth hung open as she gazed into the girl’s dark eyes. Her chest tightened and she realized she’d forgotten to breathe, only to also forget that she hadn’t exhaled her last breath either, causing her to nearly choke on the frigid air before she remembered how her lungs worked.

“….You look just like me.” She gasped, but succinctly.

The girl who stood before her was indeed a dead ringer for Maya herself, albeit without glasses. She wore dark lipstick and a lacy choker over a gentle, flowing camisole that defied the freezing room temperature. Every inch of her that wasn’t bare and icy pale flesh was draped in black fabric and her eyes were as cold as the light of a dying star.


“Was it because you were curious to see if ghosts are real?” The girl questioned, taking a step forward and causing Maya to mirror the action in reverse. “Was it because you wanted to know if there was an afterlife? If Rabbi Goldberg was just talking out of his ass about Shamayim and Sheol?”

The girl continued to advance as Maya continued to backpedal, hitting her tailbone painfully against the chalk tray on the bottom of the chalkboard.

“Or was it because you knew you were boring?” She asked, scowling coldly. “Was it because you knew there was nothing interesting about you and that this was the closest thing you would ever get to being special?”

Maya couldn’t answer. She couldn’t speak or cry or do anything other than desperately try to climb further up the chalkboard backwards in a vain attempt to get any amount of distance farther away from her evil twin.

The fake Maya stepped back and stared for a moment.

“If you want to be special, the answer is right through that door.”  She said.

With a solemn, almost mournful deliberance the girl turned and walked to the classroom door and passed right through it like a ghost from a movie would.

Maya once again felt the adrenaline begin to recede after some time watching the door and scanning the rest of the room for any other terrors waiting to jump out or lecture her. But none came. Instead she stood in place long enough to feel the cold begin to set in again, feeling her fingers and toes burning from the icy air. The placid, freezing room reminded Maya of when she and Makoto were stuck outside with the choice of either freezing or going inside. It almost made her smile for a moment before she realized that staying put would probably turn the classroom into an icy tomb she wouldn’t be able to escape from before it was too late. Instead of freezing to death she mustered her courage and moved to the door, pressing her body against it as she weakly turned the knob and fell out of it when it opened.

What awaited her had taken Maya by surprise. Instead of a grim, dark corridor full of broken glass and battered walls there was a bright hall made with muted carpet and white brick. Life began to return to the frozen girl’s body as she reveled in the sudden rush of warmth ambiently radiating from some unknown source. There was a general clamor of female voices coming from the nearby doorways that intrigued Maya nearly as much they scared her. She sat motionless for a while on the floor of the hall, cautiously basking in the heat with her head on a swivel for fear that someone or something would pop out and find her.

A good part of her simply wanted to stay where she was forever. Maybe to hide in a box or a locker or something as this particular hallway did seem to be a brighter if not slightly monochromatic version of the old school building. The idea left her as quickly as it came having only taken two seconds for Maya to imagine being found or locked in her hiding place or trapped there after the lights went out again. She knew there was only one way to move on, and that was to go where she was being led.

Her heeled boots clicked noisily down the hall until she came upon an open door with a brass placard on the side that read “Room 078”.

“…This is the place…” She sighed, then walked through the doorway.

Instantly, the voices stopped and the room fell silent as an entire classroom full of young women in provocative gothic style clothing turned to look at her.


Scowls and cold expressions were seen on nearly every face Maya made contact with, but the moment she looked at one girl clearly, the faces of the others seemed to blur and distort, moving in a scintillated haze. Each girl, she noticed, was also blessed with some of the largest, perkiest, plumpest breasts she had ever seen on any real woman. They were magnificent and natural looking, put on clear display by each black, cleavage-baring outfit worn by the girls sitting at the desks. Unsure of what to do, Maya simply stood in the doorway and gawked.

“Miss Katz. Please take a seat so we can continue please.” Said a stern, dulcet voice from the front of the room.

Standing in front of a the chalk board was a stunning looking Asian woman in a corset and stockings. She too had incredibly milky and soft looking skin and a sort of gothic dominatrix motif, complete with a ribbon and collar around her neck. The woman seemed to be preoccupied by something on her desk and Maya used the time to slip into a random chair instead of staring wide-eyed at the obscene amount of wobbling titflesh that threatened to flow over the cups of her corset.


The surreality of the situation was not lost on Maya. Being the nerdy new girl rushing to take her seat on the first day of school in a class she absolutely did not belong in was hardly the way she imagined the night going, especially after the previously terrifying ordeal and the blistering cold of the blighted classroom. She had always chastised the idiotic characters in movies who wound up in situations like these for just going along with whatever narrative was playing out before them. She’d brag to her parents and siblings that she’d “just punch them” or “just leave”, yet here she was with her opportunity to prove herself right and all she was doing was trying to follow the spooky ghost teacher’s orders. Granted, Maya thought, she did come by choice. She just couldn’t remember entirely why, and every time she almost pushed through the veil, something happened that distracted her from it again.

Nervously, Maya sat down at a table with an open chair. There were two other dark haired girls in black clothes and black makeup with black painted nails and black, judging eyes and phenomenally big boobs. She had become aware that every student in the class was staring at her, but for whatever reason, she didn’t feel like she was in any physical danger at all. She merely felt…insecure.


“Alright ladies.” The teacher began. “Let us continue from where we left off. Miss Katz, can you tell me what is your most valuable feature?”

The woman gazed at her with a sort of authoritative fierceness that was absent of any emotion. She looked like she cared only for whatever business was at hand and nothing else. As all eyes fell back on her, Maya could almost hear the necks craning in her direction. She had no idea what the answer was supposed to be, but with the pressure mounting, she felt compelled to answer in the smartest way she could think to.

“My most valuable feature is….my soul?” She guessed, trying to play off of the spectral nature of the place only to have the entire class save for the teacher erupt in laughter. The instructor simply glared at her for a short period of time before cracking a black rod against the chalk board loudly, instantly silencing the class.

“Miss Ramos. What is your most valuable feature?” The teacher demanded, still looking at Maya without blinking.

The girl sitting in front of Maya turned and replied “My most valuable feature is my tits, ma’am.”

“Very good.” The teacher nodded. “Miss Turner. What is your most important feature?”

“My big, fat boobies, ma’am.” Another girl replied sweetly.

“Correct. And Miss Prescott? What about you?” The teacher asked, now pacing in front of the board, her eyes still locked on Maya like she was a tiger stalking prey.

“My titties, ma’am.” Said a posh looking goth brunette.

“Precisely.” The Asian woman declared. “Miss Sterling, could you tell me who the least valuable girl in this room is?”

With a smirk, a catty blonde glanced at Maya before replying, “That would be Miss Katz, ma’am.”

The teacher nodded. “Correct. Miss Wainright, why?”

“Because she has no tits, ma’am. Her boobs are too small.” Said a black haired girl in the back.

Maya shrunk down in her seat, mortified. She did her best to wrap her arms around her chest and hide her body but knew that she still stood out like a sore thumb.

“Ladies. Help Miss Katz with her wardrobe.” The teacher commanded, and Maya’s eyes went wide.


Within seconds, every girl in the class had descended upon her, grabbing an arm or a leg and pinning her down while the others ripped her shirt open from the center. She could feel sharp black nails scratching at her as they tore into the fabric of her top before literally tearing it open, exposing her diminutive chest to the whole room. Maya lay pinned to the desk, struggling weakly against the force of almost ten other girls, still tired from the cold and fearful encounter in the previous room.

The sound of clicks and clacks from the chalk board caused her to look up desperately to see what was happening. The teacher had written several statements on the board, and with another crack of her rod against it, the girls lifted Maya up into an upright position and held her head in place.

“Ladies. Repeat after me and know these words to be true in your heart, soul, and mind.” The teacher said, her direct gaze making Maya feel feverish and slightly dizzy.

“I am a pair of tits.” She said succinctly.

“I am a pair of tits.” The girls all stated in unison save for Maya.

There was a feeling welling up in Maya’s throat that she choked down, forcing herself to struggle against her captors instead. Her focus however was broken by another loud *CRACK* from the rod against the board.

“Miss Katz. Repeat after me: I am a pair of tits.”

Maya squirmed and fought, grunting and growling in frustration.


“I am a pair of tits.”

This time the class joined in repetition.

“I am a pair of tits.”

Soft, delicate hands reached down and massaged Maya’s bare breasts, teasing her nipples until they were raised and stiff. She could feel the arousal growing within her, but knew that something about it felt wrong. It was forced and coerced, and she did everything she could not to feel it.


“I am a pair of tits.” The teacher said.

“I am a pair of tits.” The class responded. Several of the girls had now stripped their own tops and were now teasing and fondling their own massive udders with delighted, mischievous looks on their faces.

Maya too almost choked up the words this time, feeling her strength fading both mentally and physically. It was already hard enough to try to regain control of her arms and legs and now she had to resist the temptation to just give in and let herself be objectified. She didn’t know why the sentence kept trying to bubble up in her throat, but it did. It would have been easier to just let it happen, she thought. In fact the longer the torture and stimulation continued, the more she wondered why she was fighting in the first place. Some part of her knew that something like this could happen, because something like this had *already* happened.

She remembered snippets of the previous night. The video and the images of hot guys. Something about feeling hot and filled with lust. Just like she was now.

Her body burned with arousal and seeing the other girls joyously kneading their teats and hearing their coos of pleasure and delight only made her wonder more. Why was she fighting? Principal? Was it really so important to not do as she was told when that was literally all she wanted to do? Maya wanted to feel good. To be accepted and adored. She wanted to be looked at when she walked around. She wanted to be more than the cute Asian girl’s Jewish friend. She wanted to be sexualized and desired. To be fucked and fought over by hot guys with big dicks and lots of money. To have huge creamy tits that no man could resist trying to suck on and play with.


“Miss Katz.” The teacher glared, snapping Maya almost completely out of her own head.

“Repeat after me: I am a pair of tits.”

Maya’s head wobbled and drooped, no longer even being held by the other girls who were by now all either groping her or themselves.

“…I…Am…A pair…” She said, stopping as the arousal continued to heat her body to an overwhelming temperature. She knew it was over, but she would never be able to forgive herself if she didn’t even stop to try to fight it.

“I am a pair of tits.” She droned.

“ Very good.” The teacher said, sending a rush of validation straight to the skinny girl’s brain.

“Ladies. Repeat after me: I am my boobs.”

“I am my boobs.” The girls followed in unison with Maya now adding her voice to theirs, feeling the words become more true as she said them.

“I exist to pleasure men.” The teacher said.

“I exist to pleasure men.” The girls droned. Maya too, felt this was correct. Or at very least, it was what she wanted to be true.

“Without big tits, I am nothing.” Said the teacher.

“Without big tits, I am nothing.” The girls said. This time, Maya felt the ache of embarrassment. Her tits were too small for her to matter. She was nothing and she knew it.”

“I need bigger tits.” The teacher declared, her own breasts sloshing with the motion of her own pacing.

“I need bigger tits.” Maya said, losing her voice in the agreeing crowd.

“My boobs can never be big enough.” The teacher said, now moving towards Maya and lowering the cups her corset and allowing her own monstrous mammaries flop free. Maya’s mouth began to water as she stared at the porcelain pale woman’s puffy, perfect, pink nipples.

“My boobs can never be big enough.” Maya whispered, her voice completely drowned out by the others.

“Very good Miss Katz.” Said the teacher softly as she pressed Maya’s head to her gigantic, quivering breast. “Now drink.”

Without even a thought, Maya dizzily lunged for the nipple in front of her, sucking furiously on it and melting in delight as she felt her mouth fill with sweet, warm liquid that she eagerly gulped down. It was a sensation that she had never imagined, and every mouthful seemed to fill her with more and more heat. Sweating, she pawed and kneaded at the teacher’s breast, sucking down more and more milk as her mind grew fuzzy.

Maya felt her consciousness fade as the teacher’s soft hands stroked her hair and lulled her into a dreamy state, and finally a full slumber.



Maya rolled over in bed and checked her phone, groggily reaching for her glasses to see who was calling her so early.

“Hello?” Oh hey. Oh? I thought you said you weren’t gonna go last night.”

Maya grinned slightly. Makoto had shown up to the school last night as well. She sounded worried, but Maya couldn’t help but be excited by the news that she’d gone despite saying she wouldn’t.

“Hm? Oh no. I uhh…I stayed home. I figured since you weren’t going there was no point. Oh, the cops? No, I didn’t call the cops…” She lied. Partly at least. It was true that Maya hadn’t called the cops but she absolutely went to the school without Makoto, and just like last time woke up feeling like a whole new woman.

“Oh, yeah. I can TOTALLY meet you. Be there in like an hour? Cool. Love ya babe.” She said excitedly. Perhaps too excitedly, she thought. Maya had never called Makoto babe nor did she say “love ya” to anyone, but chalked it up to whatever her experience the night before had done to her.

Maya spent the next half an hour getting dressed and ready to meet Makoto at a coffee shop, delighting in her safe return and exciting night, even as the memories grew harder and harder to recall. She knew that she felt different for having gone and was incredibly eager to see how her friend had fared after a second round in the haunted school.

Once she had arrived, Maya sent Makoto a text asking for her order and got in line. The Asian girl walked into the store just in time for her friend to bobble up to her jovially with both drinks in either hand.

“Haaaayyyy!!!” Maya cheered.

“Hi! Uhh…You…You seem different.” Makoto said, cautiously looking her friend up and down.

Maya only smiled wider.


“What ever do you mean?”



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