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With trembling hands, Makoto did her very best to steel her resolve as she walked down the street from the bus stop on the way to the old Bright U campus. She’d promised Maya that she’d be meet her with such confidence but now that she was actually on her way to do the thing, she was beginning to regret her impulsiveness. The sun was already nearly set and the light was beginning to fade as night fell upon her skinny frame, the air still, but the wind nowhere to be found. 

As her sneakers clicked quietly on the ground with every dainty footfall, Makoto’s mind began to reel with concerns. What if Maya didn’t show and she was stuck waiting for a bus in the dark by herself? What if some man happened by and assaulted her? 

She grew wary of the eerie loudness of her shoes as the old school buildings came into view. 

What if there was a security guard there? What if they were caught and arrested? What if they were charged with trespassing or breaking and entering and she was kicked out of school or her financial aid was revoked and she had to pay everything she already spent back? The possibilities were becoming more frightening the longer she considered them.
….What if the rumors were-


The buzzing of her phone had nearly caused the poor girl to jump out of her skin.

-You almost here? 

Makoto hurried texted back.

[Yeah, I see the gate. Where are you at?]

-I’m on the left side of the building.
-Hurry up, this place is creepy

The second part annoyed Makoto a little bit. It had been Maya’s idea to come here in the first place and now she was creeped out? 

“Serves her right.” She mumbled, pulling her cardigan closed and steeling her resolve against the chilly night.

It wasn’t long before she found Maya pacing back and forth on the grass next to a wrought-iron fence, her face illuminated by the light of her phone. 

“Hey.” Makoto called out quietly, almost whispering.

“Hey.” Maya responded, her grin spread mischievously wide. “You all set? I found a way over the fence. There’s a couple bars missing right here that we could squeeze through and take a look around!” 

Maya hadn’t even bothered to be quiet. The normally low-energy girl was beaming with manic delight at the notion of sneaking in for a ghost hunt. Makoto looked over and saw that there were indeed two slots cut out of the wall, making a hole that either girl could easily slip through once they hopped up onto the brick portion of the wall.

“Yeah…I’m ready…Just-“ She began.

“Just what?” Maya asked, interrupting her as she began climbing.

Makoto groaned slightly. “Should we be doing this? What if we get caught?” 

“We won’t get caught.” Maya said, sliding through the bars before a shaking suddenly. 

“Whooo….brr. Woah. Makoto, you gotta come check this out.”

With an uncertain stamp of her feet, Makoto forced herself up onto the bricks and slid through the hole in the fence, an intense shiver running through her whole body as she crossed the threshold.

“Oh woah.” She said, amazed at the chilling sensation.

“Right?! This is amazing!” Maya said, and began strutting quickly across the grass and into the dark.

Makoto chased after her, unwilling to be left behind even against her better judgement telling her to run back to the gate and slip back out the way she came. The only reason she hadn’t by then was because she refused to let Maya run off by herself and have something terrible happen to her best friend on her watch.

…..But nothing happened. The two girls traversed the campus grounds for well over an hour, with Maya eagerly peering into blackened windows with her phone light illuminating broken down halls and abandoned offices. Makoto raised a digital camera now and then to document their trip, but in reality she was more erring on the safe side, hoping that if any strange thing happened, the camera would some sort of Fatal Frame style protection. But by the end of an hour and twenty minutes the two girls had found nothing more electrifying than the dark, spooky atmosphere of the campus itself.

“Alright…” Maya said. “Scooby Doo adventure pretty much complete. I think I’m done.”
Makoto was glad to hear it, though admittedly she too did have a begrudging interest in the endeavor, even as scared as she’d been the whole time. If anything, it was Maya’s eagerness and bravery that had allowed her to go on such a daring excursion.

“Yeah. Let’s head back.” She said, only a little disappointed that they hadn’t found anything more exciting.

They chatted casually the whole way back to the break in the fence, with even Makoto giving up her low tone of voice in favor of a more conversational one. She had been in the middle of recounting her perception of a particularly spooky area that they’d happened to pass through when her words trailed off and her blood ran cold.

“Hey.” Makoto said, grabbing her friend’s arm. “Why that here?” 

Maya was silent for a moment.

“No…This….should…be where we came in….” The brunette said, her voice now a low, trembling whisper.

Before them stood a two-story schoolhouse with white arches and even a clock tower in the center. It was towering and imposing, ominous against the starry, glittering sky. But the fact that it was there wasn’t as upsetting as another detail that either one of them had yet to acknowledge.

“….The lights are on.” Makoto whispered.


There were several seconds of silence before both girls turned and ran as fast as they could in the other direction. No words were exchanged, no plan was made. They ran until their legs burned and lungs ached, stopping only when Maya’s asthma left her sputtering into a thick wheeze. She’d taken a much needed puff from her inhaler and looked up to find Makoto nearly in tears, staring at the very same schoolhouse they’d just run from. Maya turned around and looked back, still able to see the lit building in the distance, but finding the exact same one undeniably close when she swiveled her head back around.

“…..We’re trapped.” Makoto said. “It’s not going to let us go.”

Shaking, Maya took several slow breaths as she gathered herself.

“Let’s just….go somewhere else.” She said, uncertain of her own plan.

“We’ll just run into it again. Everywhere we go will lead to this building..” The Asian girl stated hopelessly.

Unwilling to give up, Maya searched her vocabulary for a clever way to circumvent the problem at hand. 

“Well…No one said we have to go in. We can just….wait for the sun to come up.”

“Wait where? For how long?” Makoto challenged. “What if someone or some THING comes out to get us? What if we sit here all night and the sun doesn’t come up? What if we get hungry or thirsty? What if we have to use the bathroom? What then?
…..No. I don’t think we’ll be able to just wait it out. I think we have to go in.”

The decision to go in wasn’t made when Makoto had decreed it. In fact, it had taken the girls another hour to work up the courage to even approach the orange light of the door and step onto the patio. It wasn’t hunger or thirst that had prompted them to make their choice, but the unnatural cold of the night that left their breaths steaming against the dark. It was getting colder. Too cold to stay where they were. 

They had to go in.

Makoto grabbed the suspiciously warm door handle and pulled the latch down with her thumb. She pulled the door open and a rush of rejuvenating heat rushed out, enticing both girls to enter. 

“…..What? Seriously?” Maya asked upon entering, surprised and somewhat stunned at what she saw.

The room was indeed dark and sinister, with black walls lit by candles. There was dusty old furniture and even an eerie grandfather clock that ticked and tocked back and forth in an unsettling manner, no doubt to eventually chime with loud and unsettling BONG sounds that would instill dread in anyone trying to hide. But instead of a scary staircase or some ghastly animal head staring down at them, there was a simple, dusty reception desk with a stunningly beautiful woman sitting behind it.
The two young women approached the desk and the woman looked up. She was blonde and dressed in a daringly revealing witch costume that showed off her obscenely fat breasts. She looked up and smiled, a sort of ditzy elegance on her darkly made up face.
“Ah. I see you’ve finally decided to come in.” The witch said, picking up a candle and moving out from behind the counter.


“Come along girls. You don’t want to be late to your classes.” She said.

Maya and Makoto looked at each other briefly, but prodded themselves to follow obediently once they saw that the light of the candle was vanishing as the curvaceous witch had begun walking down a hall to their right. They followed quickly, neither daring to speak a word as their hearts nearly pounded out of their chests at the unfathomable circumstances they found themselves in.
The woman stopped at the end of the hall where two closed doors stood with gold placards bolted onto placards marking one with the name “Maya Katz” and the one across from it “Makoto Suzuki.”

“Go on in, girls.” The witch said without a trace of emotion in her voice. Only the soft, gentle, perfect smile of a beautiful woman remained.
Both girls stared in horror as both of their doors opened and an overpowering compulsion bid them both enter. Maya was the better of the two at resisting, but before she realized she was doing it, her legs were carrying her into the room. As she stepped inside the dark, empty classroom, she heard a door slam behind her. As she turned to look, she saw that Makoto had gone inside her room and the door was shut only a second before her own door slammed closed. Maya scrambled towards the door, pulling on the lever with all her might only to be completely unable to get it to budge.

Terrified, Maya turned around and surveyed the area. She was in a classroom with several rows of desks lined up in front of a large projector screen. There was indeed a projector in the back of the room that seemed to be calling to the young woman, filling her mind with compulsion to turn it on. She crept over quietly, still afraid that something was going to jump out at her or that her soul would be sucked away into the walls, but no such thing happened. She clicked the projector on and watched as the screen at the end of the room lit up.


Maya stared at the screen as images of dark bedrooms flashed before her eyes. One after another, images of empty beds in the dark of night flicked across the white canvas. Her legs grew weak and she took a seat in one of the chairs at the rear desk in the back of the classroom, straining her eyes to see what it was she was really looking at.

The screen showed another bed, remaining on the grainy image for a while before blipping, and suddenly there was a young, buff guy sitting on the bed, bare naked and stroking a thick, rigid cock. Initially she tried to look away, but the moment she did, the lights went completely out, leaving her alone in complete darkness without even the light of the projector to keep her company. She tried for a little while to keep the status quo as it was, either pulling out her phone to text Makoto only to find that it wouldn’t turn on, or simply sitting with her eyes squeezed shut as the warm room began to grow colder.

Caving, Maya opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the screen. Instantly, the projector turned back on and continued with new footage of an equally attractive male eagerly stroking his dick. This time however, the footage was accompanied by the sounds of slopping and slurping from all directions. The sound burrowed into Maya’s mind, drowning out any thoughts as she watched the screen begin to blip again. More men appeared on the screen, eagerly masturbating by themselves to near orgasm before the screen blipped away. Each time it grew closer and closer to the men’s dicks until all that filled the screen was engorged penises and the hands that pumped away at them. Suddenly, the hands vanished and the screen stabilized on just one.

The slurping sounds had stopped and the cock on the screen sat rigid, but untouched. Maya stared at it with morbid fascination. She’d received dick pics from men before, but she ways always immediately repulsed. Now however she found herself unable to tear her eyes away from it. Cock filled her vision and she began seeing it whenever she blinked.

Cock, cock, cock…
Warm, hard, cock...

She closed her eyes, expecting the lights to turn out and the image to vanish, but the moment her eyelids shut, the image of dick filled her mind.

Cock, cock, cock….
Fat cock
Long cock
The word played over and over in her mind, moaned in her own voice.

Cock….C O C K.

She felt herself mouthing the word to herself and as she did, the sounds of slurping slowly returned. 

Cock. It made her feel giddy to say. 

Cock. The sounds of wet mouths moving with her own.

COCK. Everything she could think or see or hear became centered around penises.

She felt her head grow heavy and she rested it on the desk, unable to open her eyes or remove the intoxicating, disturbing images from her mind. Then, she simply stopped noticing it. Then it was just…gone.

Makoto stepped into her room with severe trepidation. It too was a classroom with black walls, lit only by cheap, buzzing fluorescent lighting that reminded her of her own normal college classrooms. She lifted her camera carefully and began snapping pictures of whatever looked interesting. The blackboard. The desks. Everything was to be documented and checked on. Several times, the Asian girl turned on the flash and immediately looked at the image to see if anything spooky or spectral had appeared that wasn’t normally visible. There was nothing in the images but the classroom itself.


Turning around, Makoto spied a paper and pencil that hadn’t been there when she had walked by the first time. Shaking with fear, she approached the desk and looked down at the paper to read what was written on it. It was little more than a worksheet written like the tests she took in high school with several underlined areas to write in answers. Above the questions were instructions to complete the page before an hour had passed, and no sooner had Makoto read the words, the familiar ticking of the grandfather clock filled the room. She looked up and felt her hear leap in her chest as she set her eyes upon the very clock, now positioned at the front of the classroom, imposingly threatening to chime after an hour had passed. Unwilling to find out what would happen if she failed to complete the task, Makoto hurriedly sat down and picked up the pencil.

The first question was easy.
•May name is __________
-Duh, Makoto Suzuki.
•I am _________ years old
-20. No problem.

All in all, Makoto was relieved to see that for the most part, the worksheet was a simple personal questionnaire.
•I love to _________

Makoto stared at what she had written and blinked twice before erasing it. She tried again.
•I love to __________
-Have my pussy filled

Makoto blinked again, this time with her eyes widened in shock. She’d definitely meant to write that she loved to read, but what came out was a pornographic blurb for the second time in a row. As upset as she was, the young woman’s eyes cast down to the next question.
•There is nothing more important to me than __________

“What?! No!” Makoto cried out in embarrassed nervousness. She was going to put down “my best friend”, but instead, she pointedly watched her hand move on it’s own, spelling out “sex.”

•My best feature is my ____________

She didn’t even get a chance to try and erase her answer before her eyes were drinking in the next question like it was water in the desert.


“That doesn’t even make sense! I don’t have any! I’m a fucking A cup!” Makoto yelled.

•A person who inspires me is ____________ because they ____________ 

The poor girl didn’t even have time to think of her own answer before her hand started moving of it’s own volition.
-Leah Luscious
-Are hot and famous

There was a nugget of truth to that one. She would never admit it, but her mom had gotten her into The Luscious Life after months of binging it. Makoto hated the show at first, but would end up watching with her mom just to kill time. Before she knew it, she had a favorite sister and wanted to know every dramatic detail. 

….But she didn’t idolize any of them. She wasn’t *inspired* by them.

• Something I’ve always wanted to try is ____________

• If I could have anything right now, I would want ___________
-Fatter titties and a dick in me

•My friends would describe me as ____________
-A whore

The answers were coming faster now as Makoto reached the bottom of the page. She had completely given up fighting and was now watching as a passenger in her own body as her hand spewed out filthy answers.

•My favorite food is ____________
-Lemon cake

At the very bottom of the page there was a longer stretch of wording with a significantly larger space to write over several lines.

•Pretend that you are five years in the future. White a short essay introducing yourself to a bunch of people you don’t know. Make sure to say what year it is and highlight how different or the same you imagine you would be.

-My name is Mako Suzuki and the year is 2028. I am a rich model and love shooting sexy videos for my paysites and social media. When I was younger I was a total nerd but then I got breast and butt implants and it changed my life. I am hot and popular and I am completely obsessed with sex. There is nothing I love more than orgasms and I could never say no to a hot guy if he wanted to fuck me. I am a toy for men to have sex with. I am a slut. I am a whore. I am dumb. I am an airhead. I am a nympho. I am a sex addict. I am a cock addict. I am-


The clock struck 1, rattling Makoto out of her trance and launching her back into control of her own body. She jumped up in a cold sweat, horrified at all things that she’d seen. 

Breathing heavily, Makoto got put of bed and moved to turn on the light in the bathroom. After washing her face and calming down, Makoto looked at herself in the mirror, almost worried that she was going to see a ghost or something standing behind her. Thanking her lucky stars, the skinny woman laid back in bed after pulling out a tiny pink vibrator from the nightstand to soothe her aching pussy.



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