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“Pruitt, can I see you in my office please?” Principal Tesuda called out into the reception area. 

A passing by teacher rolled her eyes in disgust as she walked out of the office carrying a stack of papers, well aware of the rumors going around about the new school counselor. It was obvious really. The girl was barely out of high school herself but strutted around the office like she owned the place. In a sense, she wasn’t wrong either. She had the boss as tightly wrapped around her finger as he had her lips tightly wrapped around his cock, and that came with numerous benefits.

(Mmm….time for a snack)

Pruitt began licking her lips in preparation for her daily desk shift. She knew most of the staff was aware of what was going on but without adequate proof, no one could make a claim strong enough to get her or Mr. Tesuda fired for it. Even better for her was the fact that Jake wasn’t the only person on the staff she’d been playing with. The principal was fun, but Pruitt was mainly just using him as a means to keep her employment while she had her fun with the younger, more attractive teachers while getting ogled endlessly by the very students she was supposed to be counseling.

Even then, Pruitt had a voice in her head, guiding her every move. 

(He looks cute. Let's tease him a little) 

Daniel Ross was a junior with a stutter and a good amount of anxiety stopping him from making meaningful connections among his peers. Pruitt found this adorable and took it upon herself to unbutton several buttons on her shirt, feeling her generous cleavage surging into the new space. The poor boy spent the entire hour staring into the valley of her tits with an obvious tent in his pants.

On a separate occasion, Ethan Harrow had been sent to Pruitt’s office after a fight on school grounds had him in danger of being kicked off the baseball team.

(Well we can’t have that) the voice said, mirroring Pruitt’s own thoughts.

“But we can’t just let him go without any counseling…” She thought, holding a secret conversation in her mind that the senior jock was completely unaware of. 

It turned out that Ethan had a lot more on his plate than just a scuffle on the field. Issues with his father left him angry and volatile while a recent breakup with Stacey Hartman had him more than a little heartbroken. Luckily, Pruitt’s expert counsel led him to find both validation for his aggressive actions and an outlet fir his excess youthful energy. The counselor informed him that he was CORRWCT for standing his ground and using his position as a sports star to his advantage and that Stacey would be forever jealous should he find a hot new piece of ass.

(After all…)

“…They’re all just as good for what *you* need them for.”

Ethan took the advice to heart and was very soon bragging to Pruitt about how he’d convinced Morgan Greene to suck him off under the bleachers at homecoming. 

“Mmm….good boy….” She cooed quietly as he slid in and out of her tight pussy, enjoying the warmth of his fit, muscular body against her. Needless to say, Ethan didn’t have to worry about any more behavioral issues so long as he was in counseling.

(Ooh, she’s fucking hot. Give her a little nudge and Callie might have some competition for school slut)

Marissa Tygerson was an adorable, baby faced redhead who had been brought in after she was found with a diary detailing some dark, self-deprecating thoughts. For the first few sessions, the strawberry blonde listened intently to the younger girl’s problems, paying calm, gentle, accepting attention to her stories of abuse from her family and now ex boyfriend. But as the days went on, Pruitt began expertly integrating talk of crushes and gossip into their sessions until it was just as much about fashion tips and the importance of being attractive as it was coping with feelings of inadequacy.


While the two didn’t become physically involved like with Ethan, Pruitt greatly enjoyed watching Marissa’s confidence soar and necklines plunge as a result of her counseling. The two would gush about boys excitedly as the teen was convinced more and more that it was okay to want to be loved. To want attention. To want to be pretty. To want to be desired, touched, and fucked. 

(Yesss bitch. Turn this brat into a sexy little whorebag)

There was never any resistance anymore for wither of them. Pruitt followed the voice in her head without question, delighting in the life it guided her to just as Marissa did and believed everything Pruitt told her. Her skirts grew shorter and she displayed her perky teen tits proudly. It wasn’t long before the two young women were trading sex stories with each other like best friends instead of student and counselor.

With any luck, Pruitt thought, the entire school would be a den of slutty bimbo brats and hot young studs looking to get laid. The very idea was enough to get her wet, and between fucking the older men to keep her bills paid and job secure, having all the hot, horny boys to play with, and a generous supply of impressionable girls to tart up and condition, Pruitt was finding her new life absolutely ideal. Sometimes, in the very darkest corners of her mind, she could hear a tiny, distant voice screaming

(Stop! This isn’t right! This isn’t me!) 

She could see a fat, dorky woman in cutesy, outdated dresses that looked like they belonged in an Oregon Trail museum screaming hopelessly in the dark. She knew who it was and what that person meant. But Pruitt, the NEW Pruitt. The superior, happier, sexier Pruitt, knew that that life was long over. No more doting on a nerdy kid and running from bullies. Her new daughter was hot and fun and more of a sister to her than a dependent. Her life was exciting and sexy and filled with wicked pleasures she enjoyed daily.
She liked who she had become.
And she was never going back.


Callie held her new phone up to the mirror and posed as seductively as she could. She had put on an outfit specifically designed to show off her body on instagram without technically breaking the rules. She was too young to legally make an OnlyFans or sell sexual content online, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t build up a fanbase everywhere else before announcing the big release on her 18th birthday.

(I don’t even need to fucking graduate at this point) She thought, feeling her signature nipples stiffening as she snapped picture after dick-hardening picture.

Unlike her mom, who she had absolutely begun referring to as her sister for the sake of simplicity, Callie’s inner thoughts and the haunting voice that used to plague her had completely melded together. She was for a while aware that the change was happening, and even when it had completely taken hold she wondered when exactly it occurred. Sometimes she tries to pinpoint the exact moment the voices became one. 

Was it when she lost control and greedily slurped down Sean’s dad’s cum in his living room after trying to sneak over? Could it have been when she decided to give up her virginity by cheating on her boyfriend for Jamal on the basketball team in the boy’s locker room after school? Or was it when she had completely given up on the notion of chastity and began sliding onto the dick of every man she happened to be turned on by that day? She snapped more pictures, building up a collection that she would spend the next hour or so sifting through and deciding which to post.


The answer of when or why had stopped mattering months ago. She knew she had a reputation as the easiest lay in school, but the more she looked around the more she noticed skirts getting shorter and outfits sluttier. Troubled girls who got sent to the counselor could usually be found moaning in the bathroom or taking it in the ass in the drama club dressing rooms only a month or so later. Teen pregnancy had skyrocketed in recent months, but no one seemed to do anything about or even care all that much. Fitness and fashion were musts in the emerging culture, and even the teachers were slowly shifting towards more provocative outfits and attitudes. Sometimes there were whispers in hallways about students talking to themselves when no one was looking, followed by a gradual slide into perversion and an obsession with fitness and beauty.

Callie knew she was the school slut, but the title was becoming less derogatory by the day. She was the skinniest, bustiest brat on campus and she always got what she wanted. That was what she cared about. THAT was what really mattered.

“Come on, babe let’s fucking do this!” Pruitt called out to her daughter. 

Calliope had spend hours getting ready for their newest photoshoot and it was eating up more daylight than Pruitt had expected. She wondered when her little girl had become such a spoiled primadonna but still smiled. Callie was almost all grown up and coming into her own. Even if that meant she was a total slut who was only a month away from a career in sex work, she couldn’t help but be proud of her. Pruitt herself was more simple: She just threw on a cute top and a flannel and she was ready to go. Then again, she reasoned that she wasn’t the one becoming a model so Callie had more of a reason to make sure everything was perfect.


They had decided to go with a more wholesome kind of shoot this time, as Pruitt had been feeling a little nostalgic for her old home. Granted her new one was better in virtually every way, she still had a little bit of country in her and a desire to see her baby girl just be pretty in a field of flowers. She remembered doing this sort of thing long ago. Back when she was fat and dumpy and Calliope was just a little girl in a pretty dress running through the fields by their little house on a very literal prairie. Callie sauntered out in her sexy tight jeans with her low cut top billowing with cleavage and began to pose. The camera clicked over and over in Pruitt’s hand and she felt a surge of warm memories flooding back to her and bringing a happy smile to her face. 

There were no voices there in that moment. No cruel statements or temptatious instructions on what she should do. Only a mother and daughter having fun. 

Pruitt felt young and beautiful, and in that moment could see the very same in her precious, sweet, beloved baby girl.

“Hey, Little?” She called out, breaking the slutty teen from her working reverie.

Callie looked at her with an expression that bordered on confusion.

“Just wanted to say I love you, babe.” Pruitt yelled sweetly up the hill.

Calliope smiled.
“Awww, I love you too my mommy. You’re the best!”

Pruitt smiled at the stunning, luminous girl before her and snapped a picture.

She was a radiant girl with a beautiful smile, long, slender legs.....and big, fat tits with hard, pudgy nipples.


Pruitt’s breath caught in her chest as she bit her lip and raised her camera again, flustered despite her original intentions.

(You know….She’d look better without that shirt on…)

Pruitt paused for a moment and let her heart pound for a moment before making her decision.

“Alright bitch, lose the top. Show mommy those titties.” She called out lustfully.

Callie grinned after a display of genuine, pleased surprise. She bit her lip mischievously and pulled her tanktop over her head, allowing her heavy boobs bounce onto her bare chest.




Hot. Fantastic conclusion, amazing renders... you knocked this whole story out of the park Vox. Loved it!