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“Mama ah don’t give a fuck what he wanna do no mo’ but why I gotta be here when he bring some bitch round mah house?” Diamonique whined.
After Owen had dumped her and moved on, Monique had attempted to rebrand herself and get fit. It wasn’t necessarily to get him back so much as it was to just make him jealous but regardless of the intent, it had failed catastrophically. Instead of losing weight, Monique simply found an abundance of men with a hard on for fat girls with fatter asses and decided to rebrand herself as body positive despite her constant complaints about her weight and insistence that she would be getting skinny once whatever new fad diet she was cheating on that week kicked in.


Lovelie doted on her daily, appeasing her whenever she complained about being too fat or wanting to get up and do more. Instead of helping her new adopted daughter take control of her new life, Mama Lovelie kept her stuffed and complacent. Before long Monique was too fat to do much on her own and too lazy and weak willed to stand up for herself or refuse another delicious meal she knew would only sink her further into the couch. She was pampered and catered to and whenever she felt down about her weight or her new lot on life, Lovelie was there with a pep talk about how beautiful an natural she looked, often citing old world standards in which a plump wife was seen as desirable and wealthy.
The placation worked well enough, but she still decided to rebrand herself as something more extravagant in order to keep up with Lovelie’s biological daughters.

Since Owen’s departure from the relationship, Keisha had been discovered by a talent scout at a local music event and offered a modeling contract. That contract soon turned into a movie deal after she’d hit it off with Leah Luscious from a reality show about rich girls partying and flaunting their overly curvaceous plastic bodies. With Keisha’s already naturally massive bust and extravagant beauty, she was a shoo in for the red carpet after taking the role of Melodia on the new Fast and Furious movie: Save the Last Fast.


Before long, news about Keisha’s light-skinned and nearly as curvy sister Naomi spread to the Hollywood scene after only a few brief outings in the public eye. While Keisha was known for her natural beauty and acting talent, Naomi had become a well known influencer and eventual music star. The teen had signed with Tower Records only months after submitting her first tape audition, though it was a well known fact that she had a leg up on the competition already. Her first album Better, Brighter, Lighter was an instant hit amongst teen demographics having gone platinum in October after being released in May of that same year.


Lovelie had encouraged Monique to rebrand herself, supporting her new body-positive imagery and affirmation of her new identity. Monique changed her name to “Diamonique,” thinking it was a clever and posh augmentation to her name. Keisha and Naomi both told her that it sounded ratchet as hell and not to do it, but in her spite and envy of the two of them, that only made her want to do it more.

She’d grown to resent her more successful “sisters” as they vastly outgrew her in wealth, status, and virtually every regard aside from physical size. There was a nagging, but increasingly distant voice in her head that told her that all of their success came from her in some way. Diamonique knew that she used to be skinny. She knew that once upon a time, SHE was the busty hot girl with the blonde hair and big titties, but for some reason that wad all drowned out by a web of static in her mind. It buzzed and scrambled whenever she tried to remember what life was like before Owen had left, whispering to her that her blonde hair was just a cheap weave from years ago and that she’d always been a little fat in the hips and chest. Thinking too much about her past only upset her, and so she resolved to take Mama Lovelie's advice and forget about it. It worked too. The more Diamonique let herself forget, the more comfortable she felt in her own skin, and the nagging feeling that she was meant to be something else faded away entirely.

She remembered stress eating for months after months after the breakup, causing her weight to skyrocket despite already being 300+ pounds. Owen had fucked her senseless one night before laying the news on her that he was going to be seeing someone else and that that was their last hurrah. A part of her knew it was coming. As much as Owen loved big girls, he preferred a skinny white one any day. The news wasn’t so much a shock as it was a loss of comfort and identity. Without her man, Monique didn’t know who she was.

It was Mama Lovelie who had saved her from her misery, she rationalized. It was Mama who helped her find herself and supported her new name. It was Mama who kept her fed and clothed, even as she grew bigger and bigger with the months that followed. Diamonique had let herself go, but did so knowing that she was chasing an impossible standard. She was never going to be a skinny white girl, living in the big city with a fancy job and men falling all over her. She was the fat, adopted addition to Mama’s family. As her thighs swole to massive proportions and her weight climbed well into the 500 pound range, she felt more at home than she ever did. Even as her looks went down the drain, her facial features buried beneath mountains of fat while her legs and pussy grew hairy and chafed, she felt beautiful and desired. Her unruly hair had been cut short and replaced with a long, braided weave that had the front dyed a hot pink. She claimed that the men loved it, and judging by the number of tattooed men she had knocking on the door from one dating app or another, it was hard to dispute.


The only issue she faced now was that of continuing to live in her ex’s mother’s house while he brought his new girlfriend over.

The two of them had walked in and said hi to Mama Lovelie before attempting to speak to the massive, sloppy blob of a woman taking up all of two cushions on the couch.

“You must be Monique. I’m Rachel.” The girl said, sitting down on the couch and extending a pale, white hand towards her black counterpart.

“It’s DIA-Monique. Cuz I’m precious like uh diamond. An I ain’t needa know what skinny white bitch Owen bringin ova cuz he ain’t gon’ be wit’chu long fo he make you fat an leave you fo anotha bitch. S’wut he didda mah gurl Jewleigh and dat’s wut he didda me too so you just go to yo lil rest-au-rant an eatcho food so I cou’ git back ta mah show.” Diamonique huffed with a pursed-lipped, lateral wag of her head.

“Oh. Uhm..” Rachel began, but was quickly comforted by Owen.

“Aight Diamonique.” Owen said suavely. “Why don’t you waddle your bitchy ass I to the back and watch your shows on the tv I bought you and leave my baby girl alone.”

Diamonique looked over at the skinny redhead with a mix of sadness and disdain. She really was beautiful. Rachel had long, sunny red hair and a pale face sprinkled with an adorable smattering of freckles. But that was going to fade soon enough, she thought.

The ultra fat pig of a woman heaved herself sideways, rocking back and forth over the edge of the couch before shakily getting to her feet and waddling heavily down the hall.

“She seems….nice.” Rachel said awkwardly, trying to break the awkward tension.

“Oh you don’t pay her no mind, baby. She’s just gotta warm up to you is all.” Lovelie said. “Rachel, would you mind stepping onto the balcony with me while Owen helps her into bed?”

Mama Lovelie stepped out onto the luxurious balcony of her surprisingly large and beautiful home. She lit several candles despite it being the middle of the afternoon and set them down, claiming that they were both scented and homemade. The woman, Rachel realized, was impossibly young and absolutely stunning. She was aware that Keisha AND Naomi Cole were her biological daughters, and it showed in the African-styled woman’s slim, busty figure. There was an otherworldly quality to her, Rachel thought. It was alluring, intriguing, and absolutely terrifying.

“Now Rachel. I’m so happy to finally meet the love of my baby boy’s life. Can I get you something to eat?”



Joanne Feaster

Congradulations. I both want to date Diamonique...and BECOME Diamonique. Such a soft, bouncy quandary...


Loved this story so much, appreciate the potential of a sequel with Rachel too. Monica's life didn't turn out too bad, she get's pampered by Lovelie and looks like her love life is good without Owen, not a bad trade for all the boons that Lovelie and her family got.