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The smooth sound of the mini elliptical gliding back and forth filled the air of what was once the living room. In an odd twist of dynamic, the supposed family room had been converted into a home gym after several generous “donations” from the high school faculty and in turn, ended up being the center of more family time because of it. Callie and Pruitt would find each other there on a daily basis and spend their time gossiping about the school or guys while working legs or toning their waists.

(Fat belongs on your ass, not on your abs)

(Thinner is better. For everything else, there’s surgery)

(Fit, fun, fuckable)

Toxic fitness mantras were constantly being whispered into their minds as the omnipresent voices coached them through every step of their day.
For Callie, it was like a sort of tough love coupled with enablement of her increasingly selfish attitude. Having no money of her own and no driver’s license, she instead began to rely on others to give her what she wanted. Pruitt on the other hand no longer felt the need to engage with the voice in her head as often as she used to. The disembodied input became less of a harasser over time and more like a symbiotic add-on to her own thoughts.

Both girls knew that the other was being changed and sculpted by their respective voices, but neither cared to talk about it. Only the two of them seemed to be aware of the drastically increasing alterations being made to them and the mother and daughter willingly, naturally began to behave more like sisters. Every day they would wake up and work out in the living room together, and every day they would drive down to the high school where Callie would flirt her way through class and Pruitt would lazily play on her phone while waiting for students to come to her with their problems.

“Damn bitch, you’re getting thick!” Callie said, slapping Pruitt’s plump ass she walked to the kitchen for a post-workout recovery drink with equal parts protein and vitamin-filled “super greens.”

(You need to work on that shit. You’re thinner but she’s got more to work with than you)

Pruitt cried out sensually, buzzing with pleasure at being called thick and the greatly enjoying the sexual stimulation of having her ass smacked.

“OOOH! Oh my god, stop that, you fucking whore! People are gonna think you’re a lesbian.” 

(Her tits are huge. We’re gonna need surgery if we wanna keep up with that without getting fatter)

Callie laughed, then turned to scowl sensually at her mom. “Who says I’m not?” She jeered through narrowed eyes. “ Maybe I like tits just as much as you do, considering how often you stare at mine.”

(She’d totally suck on them if you weren’t related) The voice said cattily, causing Callie to grin and roll her eyes.

“I’m making a smoothie. You want one?” She asked.
Pruitt stepped off the elliptical and wiped the sweat from her brow. 

“Yeah, but make it a small one. I need to start cutting calories.

(Yeah she does)

Callie grinned as she pulled out the small cup and began spooning extra protein into it just to make it harder for her mom-turned-roommate to lose weight.
“Welp, you’re gonna have to work for it, bitch “ She teased. “Fat belongs on your ass, not on your abs, so get running before you grow that potbelly back.” 

The thought of ever being over 150 again was a miserable prospect that Pruitt desperately wanted to avoid. She no longer needed a voice in her head to tell her the obvious: Fat was disgusting and obese people were wrong just for existing. She needed to redouble her efforts to stay hot.

(Time to start saving up for a boob job…)

“Hey, I’m taking the car today.” Callie said after they’d finished their respective regimens. She didn’t have a driver’s license but that hadn’t stopped her from taking Pruitt’s car on multiple occasions. At one point she’d even gotten pulled over, but in a moment of delirious weakness, she pulled down her top just in time for her tits to swell large enough to impress the cop into letting her off with a warning.

“Where you going?” Pruitt asked. It was less an attempt to stop her and more a way of gauging how long she was going to be out of the house.

“Sean’s place.” The blonde replied casually, hoping to get away before her mom could tell her no. She didn’t make it, but she was pleasantly surprised at the reaction.

“Ooh, you gonna let him finally get it this time? You’re not still a virgin are you?” Pruitt called out lazily without even looking up from her nail polish as she applied another coat.

(She’s totally gonna fuck him)

The words echoed in her head, the tone becoming more and more difficult to distinguish from her own voice. She knew she shouldn’t have been feeling as turned on by the mental image of a dumb football jock railing her daughter under the bleachers or in his bedroom while his parents were gone, but that didn’t stop her mind from playing the scene out like a movie in her head. Her entire body began to resonate with a low, buzzing euphoria as she dropped her resistance and imagined Callie bouncing up and down on some teenage meathead’s rock hard cock. Luckily Callie was already out of the room when it had happened or she might have heard Pruitt’s soft, sexy purr of satisfaction.

“Later.” Callie called from the doorway.

“LOVE YOU BABY” Pruitt called out teasingly, exaggerating for humorous effect. 

“Oh my god, you’re so dumb! BYE Pruitt. Try not to get yourself pregnant while I’m gone. And make sure to kick him out by 6.” Callie replied, rolling her eyes dramatically as she took the keys off the rack.

Pruitt had no idea that her daughter knew she was inviting men over whenever she left the house, but now that she did she took the lack of confrontation as a sign that she either approved or at least didn’t care. She sighed for a moment, wondering if she really should be doing all this with Callie still in high school, especially since she just started working there herself.

(Hurry up, bitch. I’m horny)

The thought made her groan slightly. She really WAS horny and as much as allowing herself to revel in it kept her on edge, she knew that she wasn’t going to feel satisfied until she actually got some dick in her. She pulled out her phone and began texting Jake Tesuda.

-heyy you should come over like right now. I’m feeling lonely and could really use some company <3
Only 20 minutes later was her boss being pulled from the front door of the house to the twenty something year old’s bedroom where she eagerly plopped herself on the bed and looked up at him with a horny, vapid grin.


(Fuck him raw)

Mr. Tesuda slipped off his clothes bit by bit, still shocked that such a fireball of a younger woman would be pulling him away from his wife for something like this, but there she was, looking primed and ready to go.

(Let him fuck you raw, bitch. I wanna feel him cum) The voice said, blending into her own ravenous thoughts.

She knew the dangers involved, but in her sex-addled mania, she didn’t really care. She knew what she wanted and she knew she was going to get it whenever she wanted it. This man, married or not, was completely wrapped around her finger. Maybe after this, she figured, she would get him to buy her a new tv for her room.

(Do it, do it, do it)

“Oh Jake?” Pruitt said as she watched her boss reach into his pants for his wallet. 

“You can forget the condom this time.”

As Callie pulled onto Sean’s street, she nearly hit a cat trying to park. She was getting better, but still parked a little too far away from the curb. It really didn’t matter to her so long as she was far enough down the street from the house that no one would get suspicious. 


(You should let him fuck you this time) Her own bitchy voice dribbled, echoing sensually into her ear with the voice of a spoiled teen.

“No. We’re not really there yet and I want him to actually like me for me. Otherwise I’m just the new Jennifer and that’s not who I wanna be.”

(You’re so much better than Jennifer though. She’s got nothing on you anymore)

“Yeah, well I wanna keep it that way.” Callie grumbled, trying to keep quiet just in case. It had been a constant fear that one day someone would hear her talking to herself and think she was crazy.

(Well if you wanna keep him you’re gonna have to put out eventually. You know you want it. Just let it happen)

Callie felt her nipples harden in spite of herself. She wanted to wait until they softened again but couldn’t risk being seen on the porch, so she hurried up and rang the doorbell. 

The door opened, but instead of a fit football jock, there was a muscular blonde man who looked to be in his early 40s as opposed to his mid-teens.


“Uh. Uhm. Hi.” She said dryly, now trying to play off her obvious surprise.

“Ummm…Hello. Can I help you?” The man said, his eyes instantly shooting down to the busty blonde’s stone solid nipples and deep cleavage. 

Callie had come dressed to impress and it seemed to be working, just not on the person she was hoping to see. Sean hadn’t returned her texts all day so she figured that he was probably just getting ready or had his phone on silent. Saturday was the day that his parents went out for their country club thing and he was left alone, so when she saw that there wasn’t a car in the driveway that no one was home.

“You looking for Sean?” The man asked in a cocky tone that belied both amusement and a good amount of judgement at seeing a horny teenage bombshell jittering on his doorstep.

(Oh shit, he’s hot) 

It was true. She’d almost thought it herself after looking him up and down. The man was clearly Sean’s dad, and looked very similar in a lot of ways. But while Sean was both smaller and more bluntly energetic, this man was calmer and more composed. He looked confident. And it WAS sexy.

(This is better)

“Uhm. Yeah. I’m Calliope.” She said.

(Smooth) The voice teased, judging her for using her real name right away.

“I’m Sean’s friend. From school.” She stammered.

The man leaned into the doorframe, a huge, amused grin on his face.

“So you’re Sean’s girlfriend. I thought he was with Jennifer?” He said.

(Fuck her)

It was true. Callie had taken some smug pleasure in trying to move in on Jennifer Munley’s new boyfriend. She’d thought he was hot before but the knowledge that her rival was dating him made it all the better when she could pull his attention away on weekends.

“You know, Jennifer? The girl that Sean and his mom are out with right now?” The man said, laying the embarrassment on thick. She was sure she was supposed to feel deflated, but in reality it was just turning her on more.

“Oh. So um. Yeah, I was just supposed to come by an like, pick up some books is all. He said I could come over today and do that.” She lied, looking for a way out.

“Oh, which books?” Sean’s dad asked helpfully.
Callie gulped dryly. Her throat was stiff and her heart was racing, but she was soaking through her panties at an alarming rate.

“Careful. Make sure to pick one from a class he’s actually taking or I might think you just came here to hook up with my son while you thought his mom and I were gone.” The man said.

(I was) said the voice in a way that made Callie feel suddenly shocked out of her own head.

“…..Oh. Well. That was easy. So…What uhh….What should I be doing with that information?” Said the middle aged man, suddenly looking surprised himself.

Callie’s eyes shot open. “What?! No. Wait. But that wasn’t. Oh my god. Did I-“

“You sure did. Said the quiet part out loud, huh? Tell you what. Why don’t you come in for a bit and we’ll figure out how we’re gonna handle this.”

Sean’s dad guided Callie into the house and sat her down by a window.

“What’s your parents’ phone number?” He asked kindly. “I’m gonna have to give them a call and let them know you’re here.”

Callie tried to remain as stone faced as she could, rocking back and forth as her uncontrollable horniness had her flustered beyond reason. She worried that if she said anything at all it would come out as a sexual statement.


“Hello? Calliope? The number.” He said.

(I’m horny. I want go fuck. I need a dick) the voice pounded inside her head.

Callie could hear herself whimpering through her closed eyes, imagining vivid fantasies involving crawling on her knees across the floor and breathily pawing at the man’s pants. She could see herself nuzzling his crotch against his protestations as he grew hard in spite of himself.

(So horny….Sooooo hoooorny….) 

She could almost smell him through her fantasy, opening up his jeans and breathing in the scent of his stiff cock.

(More….) The voice coaxed.
(Almost there….)

It was the realization that pulled her out of the dream and back into the real world. She could feel the carpet beneath her knees and the tiredness of her breath as her consciousness returned to her. Her eyes opened completely and she became fully aware of herself just in time to see and feel the man’s dick spring fully out of his shorts and into her hand. She wanted to run. To scream that she didn’t know what was happening and that she wasn’t in control. But she didn’t. Instead, she felt her mouth fill with saliva and mind with hunger as she felt her boobs grow heavier in her sports bra.

(It’s so big…) They said.
“It’s so big…” They said.




Absolutely fantastic chapter - wow. Loving their progression, and that Callie render is especially hot. Great stuff Vox!


wow things are heating up, wonder if Mom and daughter might be competing for or sharing the same boys in the future.