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*Chelsea Richter, age 21

“Alright! I’m headed out! Be a good girl for grandma!”

For the first time in my life, I feel like I finally have everything figured out. My decision to move out with Phoenix was stupid and immature, and so was trying to throw myself into college so early after getting out of high school. Now I am just sort of taking the time to learn and enjoy my life as it is. Sure, Phoenix was a major manchild of a rich boy prick, but I got my daughter out of that deal and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. I feel….humbled in a way. A good way.
My mom and I are getting along better than ever before, and I feel like we’re really able to bond over our shared experience as mothers. Instead of nagging at each other and having problem after problem, she and I have been communicating when we have an issue, which leads to this like….mutual understanding of each other’s feelings where we both feel heard and like we’re on the same page.

When I need help with Tori, she is more than happy to take the burden off of me for a bit and that’s allowed me to reclaim the pieces of myself that I’ve lost to my shitty ex. I am still looking for the right person, but now I’m kinda more discerning about who I keep. I’m able to date here and there now that my schedule is all freed up, making it easier to really spend time with the guys I meet and see if they are husband/father material. Honestly I thought it would be a lot harder to find a man who was willing to date a single mom, but it really hasn’t been an issue. Most of the guys I bring home are more than happy to meet my daughter for a little bit while my mom and Greg are polite and cool about it. There was one time where one of my dates was super loud and they asked him to go, which I understand completely. It turns out he wasn’t right for me and I’m super glad I was able to see it before it became a problem.

It's funny. You don’t realize the things you have until they’re gone. I’ve been reconnecting with my friends from high school too instead of just finding men to fill the void of interpersonal connections. My girl Tabitha took me to go see a concert for the first time in years and it was absolutely the best thing ever. She’s put on some serious weight since graduating but given that I’m still recovering from pregnancy so I can’t really talk. Even so, the crowds I think are getting more body positive because those guys were ALL OVER us. I even got a few numbers to add to my dating pool. 


The show was so fun, and I got to dress the way I wanted and act the way I wanted and really just be MYSELF for the first time in a long time. I missed me. I never want to lose me again.

*Olivia Richter, age 36

“Yes Chelsea, I’ll watch the baby. Again.”

My daughter is going through a bit of a hoe phase. Or has been for a while, I’m really not sure. She’s constantly going out with her friends instead of watching her baby, pawning her off on me and Greg every opportunity she gets. I do love my granddaughter though, so it’s not THAT big a deal, but I am only giving Chelsea the leeway for a limited time before I drop the hammer on her. This was Greg’s idea mostly. He convinced me that if I came down hard on her so soon after a breakup and right when she had a baby, then turned 21 all around the same time….she just wasn’t going to do anything smart in response. Instead, he told me to give her some time to settle into a comfortable situation that she wouldn’t want to lose and over time start gradually holding her more accountable for her actions while keeping her safe.

But dear fucking god she’s driving me insane, the cocky bitch. Chelsea’s always had an attitude, but lately she’s been floating around on this entitled guru cloud or cognitive dissonance that completely blinds her to what people actually think of her. She legitimately has no idea that we're not all as glowingly proud of everything she does as she is. As mentioned, she is constantly gone leaving me to raise her kid for her. She brings home a different guy every week or so, and even shows the baby off to them like she’s some kind of trophy before she takes them to her bedroom for what is usually some VERY loud sex. It turns out my daughter is a bit of a screamer. I’m also a screamer, but holy shit I’m not THAT bad (Probably, I hope).

The worst part really isn’t that it’s happening, but rather the way she walks around acting like a spoiled princess brat, patting herself on the back all the time for being a jobless single mother who parties all the time instead of going to school. At first I thought she was looking for a sugar daddy before I saw the kinds of scrawny, peach-fuzzed emo dudes she brings into my house. The rest of the time when she IS home, she does watch the baby, but most of it is sitting around on her phone, stuffing her face with Lindor bonbon things while Victoria sits mesmerized by Minnie Mouse and the Aquanauts. She used to gripe about her weight for a while, but now that she’s plopped out a kid, she insists that it’s excess pregnancy weight despite the fact that she’s gained another 30 pounds since the baby was born.
Regardless, she is my daughter and a good part of how she turned out is probably my fault. As such, it’s all I can do to be a good role model and ease her into adulthood safely as per Greg’s suggestion. 


Even more exciting is….a secret from Chelsea still. Greg took me out to a fancy dinner the other night and asked me to marry him. I’m over the moon about it but still don’t know how to tell my daughter, especially since she’s so busy sucking her own metaphorical dick that she hasn’t noticed her mom’s brand new ring yet. I’m so excited to go shopping for dresses and finally get my happy dream wedding  even if I’m older than I wanted to be when it happened. 36 isn’t bad at all and I still feel young, but it’s not like….24. Then again, at that age I would have been stupid to get married with no money and a little girl of my own. Plus, I was like twice the size I am now. 



It’s hard to be mad at my daughter for being more like me at that age than I’d wanted, but I’m not sure I have the right to be mad at anyone other than myself. Oh well. For now I’ll just let everyone relax and we’ll all enjoy ourselves while we can.




Interesting. The story always keeps me guessing about what the end game is. Great chapter

Voxpopularian (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 23:18:51 Thank you so much! This is a fun one for me because it's easy to write and I adore the characters. There will be plenty more development, and the endgame is already in the works. Granted there were votes to keep this one more wholesome than say...Bright School, that doesn't mean things won't get sexy here and there >:3
2023-06-07 17:24:20 Thank you so much! This is a fun one for me because it's easy to write and I adore the characters. There will be plenty more development, and the endgame is already in the works. Granted there were votes to keep this one more wholesome than say...Bright School, that doesn't mean things won't get sexy here and there >:3

Thank you so much! This is a fun one for me because it's easy to write and I adore the characters. There will be plenty more development, and the endgame is already in the works. Granted there were votes to keep this one more wholesome than say...Bright School, that doesn't mean things won't get sexy here and there >:3