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Monica’s dating adventures had been tumultuous at best. She’d decided to take a hiatus from school and allow herself to live her life while she was still young enough to enjoy it, but the parties and nights of drinking with the girls from work weren’t really satisfying her the way that she’d hoped. While it was fun to go out to the bar and flirt with a few guys who were admittedly very cute, it rapidly devolved into agonizing hangovers and regretful one night stands that left her feeling more like a used up ragdoll than a fun young woman.

Internet dating had it’s moments too, for as long as it lasted. Monica had been hesitant to try it from the beginning, as putting her face and personal information online was a vulnerable idea but in the end her new work “friends” pushed her to try it out. Being a thin, busty blonde, it was a matter of mere minutes before she’d started getting messages. At first, it had been flattering. Men from all over the world rushed to tell her how beautiful and sexy she was, and Monica was happy to soak up the praise. But after a few weeks, the constant one-line responses and pushes for sexting grew stale. Sorting through twenty to sometimes as many as forty messages a day only to find that most of them just say “hey” or go on repeating it until they got fed up with her not answering and called her an ugly bitch. The remaining few would talk and sound legitimately charming for a week or two until she asked to meet up. Some ended up being way older or fatter than they were in their pictures, while others were different people entirely. Some would put off meeting for as long as possible until there was an awkward confession of being married with kids, and others would just ghost her entirely.

Defeated and exhausted, Monica resigned herself to putting her nose back to the grindstone, but again couldn’t find the motivation to go back to that life without having something to work for. On one dismal night, while scrolling through her messages one last time on the way to delete her dating profile, the gloomy blonde found a message from a man named Owen. He was eloquent and he’d opened by addressing statements she’d made in her bio, which lead her to believe that at very least, if he wanted a quick hookup was going about it the right way. His own profile was very complete. He was a strong, professional looking man with smooth, dark ebony skin and powerful muscles that seemed to stand out in every one of his many pictures. Dating a black guy was a first for her, but she couldn’t deny that there was something slightly naughty about the idea given how she was raised in a rich white area. She asked for multiple catfish checks, and after a long and involved video call, Monica couldn’t help but feel as if she had finally found someone she really liked.


She’d met up with Owen on multiple occasions after the initial call and talk period and she found herself dressing up for their dates more and more despite telling herself not to get attached. It started small. A little foundation here, some lipstick there, and eventually she found the buttons on her business casual after-work date clothes being lowered more and more, and eventually turning into little black dresses that showed off her generous assets. Owen for his part was a nigh perfect gentleman. He always paid for the meal and focused mainly on Monica’s face when speaking to her, but not so much that she didn’t catch him slyly sneaking an appreciative glance at her deep, full cleavage when he thought she wasn’t looking. He never pressed for sex, nor did he make any unwanted advances, but at the same time, he never made any wanted ones either.


This went on for months, with the two of them becoming an official couple, laughing and playing and enjoying each other’s company more and more often. They slept over at each other’s houses and watched movies or had talks well into the night. While the spiritual, emotional, and mental connection was overwhelmingly positive, a lovestruck and achingly horny Monica was becoming ravenous for her new boyfriend’s dick in ways she never thought herself capable of. She still kept it to herself, fearing that she would ruin the relationship if she pressed before he was ready, but would still bang her head against the wall every time she failed to get him to fuck her blonde brains out.

It was on the night of their 3 month marker that she’d had enough. Owen had taken her to a fancy restaurant downtown and she’d dolled herself up to the nines in a voraciously sexy dress that she thought would make him make a move for sure. He’d eyed her all night, and Monica was almost embarrassed by how much of a horny teenager she was acting like, but the thought only made her more excited. This was what she wanted: love, happiness, and to feel young and excited.

They sat at his dinner table at the end of their date and she watches her man adoringly as he looked to struggle with how he wanted to word something important. At long last, he spoke.

“Hey. So…there’s something I want to ask of you, but I’m not sure how, so I haven’t yet.” Owen said, scratching his head shyly.

“Uh-huhhhhhh.” Was all Monica said excitedly, her eyes glistening in anticipation.

“Well, we’ve been together for a few months now….and…well…. I wanted to know if we could…Or rather if I could…” He stammered, beating around the bush as his horny girlfriend bounced her high-heeled foot to shaken breaths.

“Yes?” She asked impatiently, her smile growing wider.

“Well, I’d… Like to take you to meet my family. Well, my mom specifically, but my sisters too.” He said at last.

Monica stared at him for a moment and her eyes growing wide and slightly agitated before she calmed down.

“Yes.” She said, breathing out slowly and closing her eyes to control and compose herself. “But I will need you to do something for me first.”

“Anything.” Said Owen with a gentle, devoted smile.

Monica’s breaths became furious and feral as she grabbed the cups of her dress and furiously pulled them down, causing her massive, perky jugs to bounce out and over her hands.


“Woah.” Owen said, his own eyes gone wide this time.

“Fuck. Me. Do it now.” She growled crazily, unable to contain her arousal.

“Yes Ma’am.” Her lover said, stunned.

She jumped up from her chair and sexually mauled him as he easily hauled her up into his arms mid-kiss and  carried her off to the bedroom.



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