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*Chelsea Richter, age 20

“You can’t be fucking serious.”

Phoenix is leaving me. Apparently, he wasn’t planning on being a dad at 20 years old, so he has decided that he will be moving on with his life now that I am pregnant. I’ve done everything I can to talk to him about it, but he claims that by not knowing for so long that I wasn’t just gaining weight and was actually carrying a child, I was somehow lying to him and “tricking him into parenthood.” 

After everything my parents did for us. Our house, our cars….they were even going to pay for our wedding when it was time. I am devastated and I don’t know what I’m going to do. I am already 7 months along and now I don’t know what I am going to do. Phoenix threw such a fit when he found out, but he had no problem fucking me raw for several months, insisting that it would be fine if we just did it after my period. Even then he didn’t always stick to that schedule. I just feel incredibly stupid for letting it happen, and for what? I was horny?

In just a few months I went from being the girl who had it made to everything my mother warned me not to become. Everything that made her struggle when I was little. I don’t get to be the happy bride to be or the focused career woman anymore. Despite doing everything I could to make a better life for myself, I STILL somehow turned into a fat, single mom. I don’t know how my job will be affected, but I certainly don’t have the money to stay afloat without help, and I just can’t sit here by myself crying all of the time and eating myself into oblivion. 

My mom still doesn’t even know. Phoenix insisted we keep it a secret first “as a surprise,” and then later on order to “not make any big proclamations before we decide what to do.” What he really meant was that he wanted me to get an abortion, and continually tried to convince me to go to a clinic to get it done. It was only after he tried to schedule me an appointment himself that he was told by the nurse lady that I was way, WAY too far along to even be considered for something like that, and that was the last straw for him.

Regardless, I am going to ask my mom if I can move back in with her. I have decided to keep the baby, no matter what happens to me. That’s how my mom did it when my dad ran out, and that’s what I’m going to do now. And I’m gonna be a mom WITHOUT forgetting who I am.

….Even though I feel like a complete fucking idiot.

*Olivia Richter, age 35

“Yes Chelsea, of COURSE you can come back.”

My daughter is a complete fucking idiot.
Not only did she get herself knocked up on accident even KNOWING that birth control is readily available in like a billion forms, she didn’t even bother to tell me because her now-ex just…told her not to. I am angry and disappointed, but that’s still my baby and I’m going to take care of her. What really amazes me isn’t the fact that it happened, but that she was so oblivious to it for so long. Chelsea says she’s 7 months now, but she and Phoenix only moved in together 3 and a half months ago, which means she was already pregnant long before she left. I guess she wasn’t just getting fat after all.

I myself have been seeing great results with my fitness. I’ve been running every day and find that I just don’t crave food as much as I used to. There are days where I’ll only want a single meal and still feel satisfied the whole time. I never realized how much I missed my fitness until I didn’t have it anymore, but now that it’s back, I feel like I never lost it in the first place. I feel so young.

Chelsea’s gotten so big now too. Granted, she’s pregnant, but that still counts. When she was in high school she would call me fat all the time and point out every time I’d gained weight just to be nasty, so now that I’m thinner than her I may just be petty enough to enjoy some schadenfreude at her expense. Plus, if I know my own daughter, she’ll be too busy with the baby and pampering herself to really exercise much. Even before she got pregnant she was snacking all the time and was slacking off her workouts. More often than not, I’d be the only one going, so I canceled her gym membership without telling her. She found out and did get mad, but I pointed out to her that that was two full months after I’d cancelled and she hadn’t even noticed until then so must not have been using it much.
I’m excited to see the look on her face though. Especially since in two more months, I’m going to be even thinner, and she’s going to be waddling around the house while scarfing down carrot cake doused in chipotle sauce.
…….Which I thought was thee fucking TITS when I was pregnant with her. 

So ha-ha fatty. Who needs to lose weight now?
Also you’re my baby and I love you and welcome home.



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