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Hey everyone! Sorry for the slowdown on output, but I've had some lifey stuff slow me down. I plan on having more up tonight.

Yes Chelsea is usually pretty short and easy, but Bright School takes more time to write out, so forgive the slower installments.

"Ratchet" Will be up next, but I am ALWAYS rendering and thinking up new tf stories, so if you EVER have any ideas, tell me and I may just whip something up or keep the idea on the cue.

Finally, I want to know what everyone is interested in. If you see what you like, hit it! If you have other suggestions, say so in the comments or send me a dm!


Rev. Hale

Too many good options! Picked ones that fall into my "top 20 kinks" otherwise it would just be "all the above"


Nerd TF could be fun, rarely see it in stories and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone really use it in the format that you usually use