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“Yeah, you like that, bitch?” The man asked, grinning as he woke up to yet another otherworldy amazing blowjob, his balls still aching from the number of times he’d already cum throughout the night.
“Mmmmm….Mmmphhmmmmmfffshlorp…slurp..” Suki responded, eagerly deepthroating the frat boy’s large dick, relishing the feeling of it sliding down her tongue and filling her esophagus. She happily sucked and slurped away, knowing full well that he was going to explode again soon. If anything, what amazed her most was just how much semen Bright Boys produced in such a short time. Still, nothing made the busty blonde happier than the feeling of a hot cock releasing torrents of jizz into her overexaggerated body. 

As she happily, effortlessly bobbed her head up and down his shaft, she felt him swell and tense in her mouth. Her heart fluttered in anticipation and only a second later she could feel cum gushing from the thick penis into her mouth where she greedily guzzled it down, moaning erotically as she did. Satisfied, she simply plopped onto her back and began writhing happily in a drunken, sleepy daze. She could feel her partner moving to get out of bed, but Suki wasn’t even paying attention to anything but the afterglow of oral sex and a lingering arousal that kept her body tingling as she slowly fell asleep while slowly massaging her clit to the sounds of Millie moaning like a porn star in the next room over and the slapping of fat tits onto her puffy waist.

Sunlight filtered in to the luxurious bedroom and Suki began to stir with the smell of bacon in the other room. She had no idea how long she’d been asleep nor did she especially care. She’d already gotten what she wanted earlier, and now she only cared for some real food. She crawled onto her hands and knees, and upon seeing herself in the mirror looking freshly face fucked but still pretty and pristine, jumped to photograph the event.


Stepping out into the living area, she saw Millie bustling around the kitchen in her underwear with a pair of headphones on as she cooked up a huge pile of bacon and eggs. Suki wandered over and grabbed a plate, taking several of both items and lazily plopping her wide, surgically perfected ass onto the couch and began eating, taking several selfies throughout the process. Before long, Millie plopped down to join her, then got back up to get a fork, then sat back down……Then got up again to get the glass of milk she’d poured from the kitchen, then back down again.
“Whatcha doin today? “ Millie said, her eyes glued to the tv and completely enraptured by an almost pornographic Love Island makeout scene.
“Henh?” Suki responded, not fully paying attention either as she eyed Curtis’ bulge getting bigger in his trunks and feeling a wave of hunger pass through her again.

“Well you already missed midterms right, like it’s basically pointless to go to class anyways.”
Suki shrugged. She knew she was going to fail her classes at this point, but no one seemed to be concerned. Her teachers, her classmates, and even Armande didn’t even bat an eye at her decreasing attendance. If anything, they seemed to encourage it and would give her suggestions on what social events were coming up soon.

“Ya, I no think I wan’ go to crass. If I wan’ fun time I just go to find a party, you know? We onry fuck in crass anyway with toys. I rike real cock better so…I don’ go.”

“You’re gonna get pregnant and they’ll kick you out finally.” Millie responded teasingly.

“Ah noo. If I pregnet then maybe they kick you out first. You rook rike fat mom. They tell you go work on farm rike good cow.” Suki said, rolling her eyes. Millie just laughed.

“I mean, sounds good to me! I could get used to being paid to get my tits sucked all day.”

“You arready do. Fat srut.” Suki teased.”

“Oh yeah, that’s pretty much true. You rite.” Millie giggled, taking another bite and happily losing herself in the tv again.

“Hurry up, bitch or we’re gonna leave you!!” Millie yelled, hours after the show had ended.
Suki could hear her friend calling from the other room, but continued her impromptu photo shoot. She knew she looked amazing and was gathering some great material for onlyfans. Besides, she knew damn well that Millie was nowhere near ready herself. A couple of the Macro girls had stopped by to pick them up and were still giggling and playing in the other room to the tune of various bubblegum pop songs that Suki couldn’t help but bounce and dance to as she sat in her posh studio bedroom and took picture after picture of her plastic bimbo body.

(3 and 4)

Once she had fully dressed, she wandered out to find that she was in fact correct. Several ultra busty women were moving around her dorm with Millie still playing with her boobs in front of the camera.
Suki knew the event was being attended by most of her class year and that most of the friends she made from BAB or through Millie would be there, but still had no idea what was actually going on other than a usual drink-and-fuck party. Even so, there was nothing wrong with that and she was more than excited to go once all the fat-chested idiots in her home actually put their clothes on.


A short while later, the girls arrived at the Bright University VIP center and Suki was surprised to be greeted by Bonnie the receptionist in her bikini.
“Haaaaay girlll!” Bonnie gushed vapidly through newly puffed up lips.

“Welcome! Welcome oh my god!” She said, tiptoeing over from the pool daintily with not even the slightest bit of movement from her oversized implants.

“Bonnie? Hayyy! I did’n know you were going be here! You no have work today?” Suki asked, her nasally Asian accent flooding her valley girl bimbo voice.


“Well yeah, duh.” Bonnie shrugged as if it were obvious. “It’s the Dropout Party. We’re basically like…graduating just be being here.”

The words hit Sachiko like a stack of bricks. She’d never dropped out of anything. She certainly didn’t plan on leaving the school after only a semester and a half after all the work she’d put in to get there. Her breaths became shallow and quick. Panting nervously, she pressed her hand to her chest expecting to feel her heart racing, but instead she felt the unfamiliar resistance of massive, unnatural breasts that clung to her ribcage. 

“Uhh, you alright? Need some water, babe?” The silicone-filled woman asked politely, but Sachiko was too shocked to even respond.

“I need to go.” She said abruptly. 

She turned around and saw several women staring at her. Some she recognized, others she barely knew at all. Among them was a woman that she knew was her roommate, but not the one she remembered. The Millie she had first met was a shy, nerdy girl with a small frame and few curves to speak of. THIS Millie was a gorgeously thick bombshell with possibly the largest breasts Sachiko had ever seen.

“Millie?!” She yelped. The girl turned and looked at her with large, beautiful, and very vacant doe-eyes.
“Hm? ‘Sup, babe? You feeling alright?” She chirped, seemingly unable to look as concerned as she sounded.

“I feel…I don’t know. I think I’m going crazy.” 

Millie grinned for a moment. “Well HELL YEAH! Get it gurrl! Let’s go fucking CRAZY tonight! Okay so like we should hit the bar first and then do some dancing or whatever, then we can go and like find a date cuz uhm…I dunno about you but I’m fuckin horny as HELL and not gonna lie, I have been eyeballing some guys here that I am thinking have some fucking GORGEOUS cock hidden away in those shorts so like…yeah! Let’s fuckin get it! Whoo!” She cheered, jumping up and down as the rest of her lemming entourage joined her.

“What the fuck is happening…?” Sachiko asked, shaking her head. She turned and ran inside.

Inside the main building was far worse. Everywhere she looked, Sachiko saw men and women languishing in a pornographic buzz. The air reeked of sex and alcohol and every single person she laid eyes on was a walking wet dream. She walked by a woman getting her picture taken by several men as she wobbled her obscenely large ass in front of their cameras.


“Sucky!!” She called out and Sachiko felt her stomach coil into ropes of nausea as she remembered Tara from the first day of school and then subsequent party scenes, always showing off her massive butt to anyone willing to look at it.

“Wanna get in on this, babe! Bring that cake over here!” 

Sachiko didn’t know what to do. She didn’t FEEL like she was the same. She didn’t feel like she even belonged in the room with girls like this. Instead of even responding, she put her head down and kept moving, hoping to find a back door and feeling another pang of nausea at the unintentional pun. Even as she moved however, she saw the cameras flashing behind her as she moved and suddenly she felt more aware of herself. She felt the air on her legs and the thong bikini wedging itself up her ass crack and how her butt wobbled and bounced uncontrollably up and down with every cheek-jiggling footfall. She’d gotten so caught up in the way her thighs and butt felt in the open air with everyone watching that she’d absentmindedly walked right into another person. The girl was incredibly short, but had breasts so large that she could see them from the back. Sachiko gasped as she turned around and smiled.

“Ahh! Ohayo-gozaimas, Sucky-kooooo!! You rook so guud! How mai outfit? You rikey?” Hanako asked, hefting her ultra massive breasts with her hands. Sachiko felt her nipples harden painfully, aware not only of her body’s immediately sexual response to the sight, but now stingingly aware of how dry and chapped her own breasts were from what she hazily remembered being weeks of having men and women sucking on them with few breaks in between sessions.

“I uhh…I don’t know…I…me feer…so….I no kn- I don’t know! I don’t know what’s going on. I need to find…her..her. ha-..Herrup! HELP. “ She struggled, tripping over her slurring words as a thick, familiar, sticky heat began to seep back into her body. 

The unreasonably large breasted girl just laughed, causing her heavy, hanging udders to sway from one side of her slim body to the other.


“You so stupid, Sucky-ko. No wondah you drop out with me. We grow up rike stupid srutoh. We need find ahh… sum cock to sharru, okay? I feer so hornee. Rike you AHA!” She bobbled gleefully, tweaking her pudgy nipples and nearly fingering herself through her shorts.

“Hanako?” She said, fighting the warm fog that was rolling over her mind. 

“Why are we here? Everyone’s dropping out? What’s…WHY???” Sachiko asked incredulously, her hips wanting to rock to the beat of the sexed up bass blaring through the speakers.

“Huunh? You stirru need ah…kurassu? I don’ now…I think I jus..ah, need ah good man to be hasubando? I don’ need kurassu to show me how to be gud waifu. I arru-edy have ah..big boobies, you know. I jus need BIIIG, fat oppai to be rich waifu okay? You too Sucky-ko! You so sexy many man want you, okay? You wait, I find sum gais we do ah…parrutee with okay? Good men to make good waifu.”

Kiko was stunned again. Hanako was never the brightest crayon in the box, she’d thought, but she was never this ditzy or slutty. However, even as logic and reason tried to break through the fog of the Asian girl’s mind, she couldn’t help but linger on other thoughts that cluttered the path her brain was trying to take. She couldn’t help but feel that Hanako was right, and that it wouldn’t take much effort to get one of these rich Bright Boy studs to wife her up and make her a rich housewife for life. She lingered on the size of Hanako’s boobs. And Millie’s. And her own for that matter. And looming over it all was the desperate aching for something that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She walked hurriedly away, hoping to get some fresh air and remember what it was she needed that was still lingering on the very tip of her tongue. 

At the very end of the building, she saw the exit sign, and with it a rush of hope that cleared her addled mind like the beacon from a lighthouse illuminating her way through the fog.

“Ahh, Miss Hasegawa. How good to see you here.” Came a man’s voice just before she put her manicured hand on the door lever.

“What’s the matter? Not feeling well?” He said, smiling politely as she turned to face him with a heart-pounding terror causing adrenaline to scream through her veins. She felt with every fiber of her being that she needed to run. To ignore him and leave as quickly as possible while she still could. But she just….didn’t.
“Armande…What’s going on? Why are you here?” She asked, almost begging for an answer that made sense.
“Oh me? I’m just enjoying the party. Every year we have female students like you who realize that you don’t need a degree to truly graduate from Bright U. It’s like I always say: Brains are for boys. Tits are for girls. And yours are telling me that you’ve really come a long way. I am very proud of you and the progress you’ve made  You’ve really found yourself here.” Armande said, taking Kiko’s hand and effortlessly leading her back to a couch where he sat down with her and moved her hand to where his hard dick was straining against his slacks.
“What..Wait..I can’t. Why is this happening? I need to go…Something’s wrong..” She said. She had wanted to try to leave, but again, she found herself distracted the very instant she tried to get up. Instead, she felt her gaze moving down towards the counselor’s thick bulge as she unconsciously, lovingly fondled and caressed it.
“Oh, it’s no problem. I would normally advise against this sort of thing in a professional sense, but since you’ve decided to drop out it’s completely fine for us to enjoy activities between consenting adults. Besides, you look like you’re getting hungry.” He said, his charming voice lulling her farther and farther away from her earlier thoughts as the beacon of light in her mind grew dimmer and dimmer., clouding her way once more.
She stared at his crotch, eyeing the zipper as her mouth began to water. Before she had even realized what she was doing, she had undone his pants and was holding is steely hard cock in her hand and choking back saliva to prevent from drooling.
“No…” She panted. Something’s not right. You’re doing something to me.
“Oh? I’m not doing anything to you. This is just who you are. You’re a sucky fucky Asian bimbo from Bright University. It’s only natural for you to love my dick like you do. Or do you still think you’re some titless nerd with nothing going for her but a Crunchy roll subscription and some overly liberal and therefor inherently wrong ideas about how women should conduct themselves? That’s all in the past. You’re a Bright Girl now. And you love cock and sex and great big boobies like all your friends. Now look at what you’re doing and tell me I’m wrong.” He said eloquently and without a trace of malice or even even enthusiasm. He only sounded caring and intelligent, like he always did.
“No…” Kiko panted, her eyes wide and mouth pantomiming it’s desire, reaching against her own volition for the tip of her school counselor’s penis.
“That’s not me…I’m a good girl..”
“Exactly. You ARE a good girl. You’re MY good girl. Take a look around. What about that man over there? What do you think of him? In the corner with the dreadlocks. Would you sleep with him?”
Kiko looked at the dark skinned man and felt a sense of revulsion that she never would have had before coming to this place. All her life she had been friends with many people of many ethnicities with crushes on several black or hispanic guys in high school, but now all she could think of was how little she wanted to do with him.
“Well…no. But…I mean…” She stuttered.
“Why not?” Armande questioned knowingly.
“I dunno. He’s just..I mean, certain features are like not my thing.”
“Like which ones?” He persisted.
“I….I don’t…I don’t know..” She whimpered, still panting and stroking the man’s dick and feeling increasingly miserable that she wasn’t using any lube to do it.
“Okay then. Look at your friends. Take Hanako for instance. Does she look like the kind of girl who is going to work in Government or Law?”
Kiko nearly snorted as she laughed nervously.
“Maybe she’d work under a desk.” Kiko said, surprising herself with the fact that she’d said it, how funny she thought it was, and how nasally her voice had been when she said it.
“Because she looks like a slut, right? Big tits and no brains. Just like you. And speaking of Tits For Brains…Look at your friend Millie by the pool. What do you think of her, hm? Do you approve of her ‘body-positive image’ or ‘liberated female figure’?”
Kiko groaned. Her pussy was throbbing and lava hot from the humiliation of being made to voice her knowingly shallow criticisms aloud.
“She’s….pretty. It’s fine..” She said through her teeth.
“Look again and tell me what you see. Describe her.” Armande pressed.
Kiko looked at her roommate and felt a mix of emotions. Tenderness and affection. Jealousy and insecurity. Horniness and spite.
“Ughhh….She…She fat girl. Big tits…but eat too much. She rike cow.” She said, looking up with only her eyes as her mouth hovered greedily over Armande’s cock so low she could feel it flexing toward her with every hot breath that touched it.
“Good girl.” Armande said, petting her blonde hair with his hand. “Oh look. We have an audience now. What do you say, Sucky-ko? Want to demonstrate the quality that made you Bright?”
Suki felt deliriously hot. The mental processes that were previously telling her to run for her life now begging her to just lower her lips a little more and drink the sexy white man’s dick until he came inside. People had begun chanting for the couple, waiting for the blowjob queen of Bright University to publicly suck off the school counselor.
“Sucky-ko! Sucky-ko!” They cheered.
She felt compelled, but still lingered in place as one final surge if resistance pushed to the front of her mind.
“I’m…I…I just…No….This isn’t…”
“I.. Me…AHHH….”
Suki was drooling onto his cock now, stroking enthusiastically with the new wetness on her hands.
“Good girl.” Armande said, once again petting the Asian bimbo’s blonde hair.

Suki woke up hours later in a random bed, unsure of where she was or where her man had gone. She felt the afterglow of a massive set of orgasms and clothed herself to the feeling of sore thighs. Blacking out wasn't unusual for this kind of party, she figured, but this was the Dropout Party. Her graduation would only be a success if she found a man to keep her for good. She dressed herself as cute and sexy as she could muster, then returned to the party to prowl.



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