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The sounds of slurping and popping filled the room as the first group of the prestigious overachievers in Fellatio 120 finished their pop quiz. Each was to sit at the front of the class and orally service one of several dildos set to ejaculate after a certain stimulation threshold and been reached. A gag from Bonnie had the instructor marking notes on her score card while Delilah was moving far too lazily to ever get her test cock to cum in her mouth. All in all, they did well, even if Delilah never got hers to finish and Ashley ended up too surprised when the synthetic semen began shooting into her mouth. The poor girl had begun to choke and spit the white fluid unsexily onto the floor, dropping her from an A to a low C.

“Alright, group 2. Get up there.” Professor Algren called out to the class.
Sachiko and the rest of her group stripped off their tops with only the barest hints of shyness and moved to the front where new silicone dicks replaced the old ones.

“Alright girls, sit pretty and smile.”
Every woman looked up at the rest of the class with the happiest, most enthusiastic smile they could muster. Sachiko was excited to be there, waiting to show off how far she’d come in the last 5 months of schooling. She stared at the gorgeous dildo in front of her and felt herself salivate.
“Aaaaannnnd begin.” The professor called and each girl opened their mouths. Some were gentle and beauty conscious, moving their luscious hair to the side as they lowered their mouths to the dildos in front of them while others moved hungrily towards them. Sachiko herself dove greedily onto hers and bobbed her head vigorously up and down on the shaft. She’d felt insecure up until that point. She didn’t feel as sexy or as well endowed as the other girls and frankly, as much as she enjoyed oral practice she just could not go very deep without gagging. Even so, the moment she saw the dildo in front of her, Sachiko’s body took over. She licked, sucked, and adored the dildo with everything she had before she knew it, her mouth was overflowing with warm liquid that dripped out of her puffy lips and onto the dildo bar. It was points off for sure, she realized, and lifted her head in dismay.
“Wait, what?! NO!” She called out, looking legitimately distressed.
“Is there a problem, Sachiko?” The professor questioned.
She looked around the room and was surprised at what she saw. Instead of 30 women glowering or snickering at her, they all looked impressed and excited. Sachiko turned her head, wiping away the edible, synthetic semen from her still dripping lips and found that despite her shortcomings, every other girl at the bar still had their mouths firmly wrapped around the substitute dicks in front of them.
She put her head down and waited, almost jealous that they got to continue. When the girls had all finished, a round of applause was given, but Sachiko couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
“Something wrong? What’s the problem, Sachiko?” Professor Algren asked, stroking his scruffy beard.
“I just…don’t feel like I really got to do much?” Sachiko admitted. “Was mine like premature or something, like I just don’t get it.”
The professor laughed.
“No, you just have a vacuum for a mouth.” He explained, making the girls giggle and Sachiko blush a fiery red. “You made that guy cum in under 20 seconds which is great, but I admit that there is both room for improvement and not a lot to go on. However, if you ask me nicely, I could give you a chance to try again.”

Sachiko knew what he wanted, but was still embarrassed to give it to him in front of an entire group of people. Still, she wanted to do well in the class, and she certainly wanted to enjoy more of the sensations oral practice gave her.
“Please Professor….” She said innocently, her eyes big and pouty. “Could I try again? I’d love a chance to show you what I can do..”
She was trying to be sexy, and while it was having an effect, the instructor seemed to not care.
“Oh come on. You can’t think of a better way to turn a guy on? What do they even teach in Asian Studies anyways? How to pour tea? You’re Asian. Show me how a horny Asian girl gets attention.”
Again, Sachiko’s face burned red, but only before dropping into a half-lidded, dim-witted expression. Her mouth hung open and she began to squeeze and paw at her plump, natural chest.
“Oooh….Big white man rike Asia girl?” She teased, provoking excited, amorous gasps from the other women. She shoved her DD cups upward, giggling as she bounced them for the teacher. “You wan I show you brojob? Sachiko show you good sucky sucky Mista Joe?”
Professor Algren smiled. “Now THAT sounds more like a hot Asian. You wanna show me sucky sucky, Sachiko? We have more dildos primed if you wanna try again. Tell me, what is your student mantra by the way?”
Sachiko’s heart was pounding. It was too late into her act to stop, and she was rapidly moving further and further out of her comfort zone. Still, she couldn’t just not answer.
“Mmmm….” She stalled, feeling terrified but still excited and needy. She was scared to say something so embarrassing in front of the class, but something in her wanted everyone to know how she felr.
“Me….” She said, gasping at how intense the feeling was that she got as she simply began to speak. Her hips began rocking back and forth against her will.
“Mmmmm…Me So Horny Mista Joe….”
There was a moment of heat in her stomach and she could feel her pussy moisten at the situation. She really was incredibly horny.
“Mmph! Prease Joe! Ret me give sucky sucky! Me so good Asia girl! Me SOOOOOO Hoooohny!”

The girls cheered and giggled, and Professor Algren produced a new toy for her to plunge deep into her throat over and over. Once again, her ministrations had the overwhelmed sensors spurting into her mouth after only a few seconds, but this time she greedily swallowed every drop, then washed off her saliva by pressing the dildo between her firm Asian jugs.
By the end, all of the girls cheered and chanted “Sucky-ko! Sucky-ko!”

Millie and Sucky Sachiko had gone to a fancy restaurant near campus to celebrate the two women acing each of their respective tests, but in reality, it was just as much that staying inside was boring and each of them had been stir crazy for the last week after staying home to study. Not that they really did anything other than watch reality dating shows set on horny influencer island, but it was nice to get out.
Millie, for her part had spent the better part of the night taking pictures for instagram and Onlyfans instead of genuinely listening to what Sachiko was saying, but still responded with intermittent “Ooh, damn”s or “Fuck, that’s hot” statements.
“By the way like not gonna lie you look really hot right now?” Millie said, snapping several pictures of her friend before going back to her food and phone. “Sorry, I have a guy trying to text me right now but like he’s really only trying to tell me about like himself? Like I wanna show off how I look or like talk about what I’m doing in class but it’s all like every time I say something he just says it back like I told him that I’m a GG now right? And so what does he do? He tells me that like he’s a sub and he like gets off on getting really fat and stuff which is like fine or whatever but I said I wasn’t interested in that? But like I was like oh yeah, I’m actually trying to lose a little weight and like no shit two seconds later he’s all ‘Oh well I guess I could eat all your food for you lol’. It’s like I know what he wants? But I am SO not here to write his porn for him.”

Millie’s rant was vapid and annoying to some extent, but at the same time, Sachiko couldn’t deny that the drama was remarkably interesting and she wanted to know more.
“Okay but so if he just pissing you off then why you keep talking to him, you know? Just you could block his dumb ass” She asked.

“BECAUSE baaaabe. Even stupid customers and fetish freaks can pay for subscriptions so it’s actually like WAAAY worth it in the long run to just let him think I like him and get him to pony up, you know? Anyways…..I am going to a party tonight in like….30 minutes so I gotta run out on you but like it’s just cuz it’s a Macro party otherwise I’d invite you. But like if you like…I dunno…have your surgeon guy bring you up a few more sizes you might get in, okay? But for real I HAVE to go, but don’t be sad, okay babe? You have a date too. If you want one that is.”
Sachiko felt a little d and only slightly ditched, but something in her brain understood. She’d always had small boobs, and even with her implants she was nowhere near anyone in the Macro courses.
“No worries baby girl!  But uhh….What you mean I have a date?” She asked.
Millie stopped typing and looked up from her phone long enough to point out a group of men across the way.
“Oh, that guy in the blue polo’s been basically eye fucking you since we got here. You should go talk to him but like if you take him home just like make sure you clean up because nobody wants to come home to bleached couch cushions and cum splatter….maybe some people do but like…not me.” She said, examining her nails

The two girls kissed each other on the cheeks and went their separate ways: Millie to her party, and Sachiko to her unsuspecting date. She introduced herself rather casually and was almost immediately welcomed by the guys. While they talked business, fitness, and video games, Sachiko was oblivious to what they were gushing about for most of it. She was able to pick up on plenty of anime references and impressed them with her knowledge, even as they bought her drink after drink…after drink…after drink.

It wasn’t long before Sachiko’s obnoxious, squawking laughter had melted into a buzzy purr and her new date picked up on it. She grabbed the collar of his polo and pulled his ear towards her mouth, even as the other men looked on, amused.
“Mmm…We should head to my place soon…Me So Horny baby…” She drunkenly growled into his ear, feeling her entire body flush with excitement as she did.
“Well gents…” The muscular man in the polo shirt said to his friends.
“I do believe that is my cue to head out. Our surprise guest is drunk and needs an escort back to her place.”
Another man, tall and dark in comparison to his blonde friend spoke up generously. “I could give her a ride if need be. I was just about to head out anyways.”
“HEEEEEHHHNNN??!?!?” Sachiko exclaimed. “Why you think I want ride you, huhh? No no, I need nice white man tonight. You have fun boyyyyss.” She slurred, hanging all over her new date.

“Sorry Kurt, the lady has spoken.”


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