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Two months seemed like an eternity when Sachiko had first moved in with Millie in their shared dorm room on campus. The class schedules they had received were undoubtedly abnormal, but try as she might, Sachiko couldn’t get herself to completely count them out in her mind as wrong. She knew that something was wrong and being in class mortified her, but for some reason she was simply not as alarmed as she felt she should be. Even with classes like Fellatio 101, Sachiko dutifully did what she could to pick up what was being put down. She did learn a surprising number of things during Remedial Cosmetics , but found herself bored with relearning how to work scrunchies and curling irons in her Grooming course.
Even as classes continued to ramp up in difficulty however, Sachiko felt that she and Millie were spending far too much time slacking off  to really be considered diligent students. Millie had completely begun disregarding any homework that was assigned to her in favor on going on dates with increasingly muscular bodies while Sachiko herself couldn’t bring herself to care about even her easiest coursework. She’d often find herself online browsing Etsy stores and watching gaming streams on youtube instead of studying. Not that it mattered really. It seemed that no matter how little attention Sachiko paid in class, she was still acing every test and quiz that came her way.
Millie had already gone off to her follow up morning appointment with Armande, leaving Sachiko alone in the house and bored out of her mind. With her usual app games boring her out of her skull, she opted to remove herself from the couch and get something done, but had no idea what. Sachiko knew she had a fantastic body, but was still embarrassed and slightly nervous about her upcoming meeting with her counselor and in realizing this, her thoughts drifted around her like water in a pool. She floated for a while, staring at the ceiling, unable to hold a single idea down. When she wanted to think of home, she only remembered watching her mom put on makeup as a little girl and the times she would get into trouble for breaking into expensive palettes and smearing them all over her face. When she tried to remember her high school friends, the only memories that would come to her mind consisted of the bitchy cheerleaders who used to bully her for having no tits and hanging with the nerds while they were off with the boys under the bleachers.
She sat up, thinking about the time she went looking for a Magic card she’d dropped under the bleachers only to end up running into Stacey Coleman giving Aaron Gil a blowjob. She saw Sachiko there and her eyes went wide, but to her surprise, Stacey never even tried to leave or hide or anything. She just kept sucking and sucking…and sucking…and sucking…and sucking…

Sachiko tried to make herself get up and do something, but didn’t. She was never one for willpower and she knew it. So she sat on the couch and daydreamed, languid and lazy as she’d ever been. Her thoughts drifted to her new life at school. Asian Studies was definitely a whitewashed version of Asian culture for sure and that annoyed her, but not enough to complain. The rest was all about beauty and looking good. Hours a day spent stippling and wiping and primping ad preening and sucking. How ironic she thought, that she would be learning in college what that slut Stacey had mastered in high school. She imagined the girls at the community pool (sucking) as they splashed and played, (sucking) teasing (and sucking) the guys that walked by in bids for attention (and sucking). She thought of (sucking and sucking) her future career goals, unable to really pick one she actually wanted.
Restless, she threw her clothes and a decently cute makeup look she’d saved in her tutorial playlist and walked down to the campus coffee shop, eager for (sucking.. and sucking..) something sweet to drink before her big performance review. She’d been working (and sucking and sucking..) especially hard to get out of remedial Cosmetics and Grooming for the last two months and was eager to prove that she was ready for (sucking) classes that challenged her.
She walked in and ordered a large caramel machiatto from an overly plastic but undeniably cute blondie and waited, mentally preparing for all the (sucking…and sucking…and sucking….) explaining she was going to have to do to prove that she really did belong in the regular courses. When her drink finally did arrive, she felt her self salivating ferociously. “Damn, whatever’s going on with me today I definitely needed this.” She thought aloud and wrapped her lips around the straw, blissfully sucking (and sucking and sucking and sucking) the sweet, creamy liquid into her mouth. She could feel eyes on her as she moaned over how delicious it was, thoroughly enjoying every second of (sucking and sucking and sucking) sucking and slurping down her sugary treat. She cooed into her straw as her brain went cold and warm at the same time, leaving her delirious with pleasure up until the cream stopped flowing and she opened her sleepy eyes to the grinning barista.

“Damn girl, you looked like you enjoyed that.” She said happily.
Sachiko felt dazed, mumbling a soft “mmmmhhhmmmmmm” as she began to lick the straw, bobbing her head up and down on it like she’d been taught in class.
The blue eyed girl giggled. “Daaamn. Someone’s a little horny today.”
Sachiko nodded dreamily, enjoying the feeling of the straw on her tongue.
“Mmmhmmmm….Me Sooo Hooornyyy….” She purred.

There was a flutter in her stomach that made her pull away from the straw, her heart pounding with excitement. When she looked around, the entire café had begun applauding and cheering for the sexy little show she’d just given them. Sachiko blushed furiously, but felt unashamed and happy as she tossed her empty cup in the trash.
With a slight flourish, she turned around and gave a small “Ta-daa!” 


“Damn, Tits, that was fucking hawt. Here’s a coupon for next time on me.” The barista bubbled giddily. Sachiko took the coupon and shyly bobbled out of the door to her meeting, enjoying the hefty bounce of her heavy boobs as she did.
She’d never been especially well-endowed growing up, so being referred to as “Tits” from a busty girl was surprisingly complimentary.

Sachiko bounced her way over to the counseling office, almost skipping with excitement as she went. Unlike her previous visits, her confidence was soaring. Even the secretary looked up from her typing and complimented her on her outfit, saying that she looked really cute before looking back down at the keyboard to resume clicking away one clawed finger at a time.
Before long, the door buzzed and Millie’s monster jugs entered the room followed by a chubby nerd with cute glasses and puffy pink lips. Millie bounded over and gave Sachiko a massive hug, smooshing the smaller girl into a pillowy, boob squishing embrace.

“I GOT IN!!! I’M MOVING INTO MACRO 101!!!” She squealed delightedly.


Sachiko was delighted. She knew that Millie had been down in the dumps for not having the transfer grades to get into the Macromastia courses from the beginning, but hearing that she’d managed to convince Armande to move her up in such a short period of time gave her hope for her own course corrections.

From his office, Armande motioned for Sachiko to enter.
“Oh my god, I hope you like kick SERIOUS ass in there babe! I won’t keep you! Good luck!” Millie gushed before nearly shoving her friend into the office and closing the door.

“Sachiko. Welcome back.” Armande stated succinctly, a warm smile on his face. “I see that you have been taking your coursework seriously already. Have a seat.”
Sachiko sat down and propped herself upright in her chair, making sure to check her appearance discreetly using her phone as a mirror.
“So….Tell me how you have been enjoying your time here at BU. Still feeling out of place?” He asked.
“Well yeah, I am feeling better….but how did you know I wasn’t feeling like I fit in or whatever?” Sachiko asked back, sure that she had never opened up to him about that.
“It was obvious. Shy Asian nerd wandering in with no concept of beauty, no ass, no tits. It’s no wonder you had to take remedial courses to catch up. At least you’re finally beginning to look like you fit in soon.” He said bluntly, never losing his professional tone.

Saschiko felt odd. She felt like she was being belittled, but couldn’t understand quite what was wrong. She knew Armande was right, that something had been wrong with her when she first moved onto campus, but she couldn’t escape the feeling that she should feel offended by what he said. She began feeling her boobs, kneading them at the thought of how plump they’d become, but still feeling insecure about her size compared to someone like Millie. She wiggled in her seat, feeling her fattened ass squish beneath her and imagined what it must look like when she walked….and then remembered that she had nothing on a Big Butt Slut like Tara. She shrunk down in her seat slightly.
“Oh don’t worry little one.” The handsome man said, warmly as usual. “You’ll find where you belong. I find that success is more about attitude than genetic god-gifts. So. Tell me how school is going.”

The curvy Asian was all too happy to do so, surprised at her own willingness to open up about such risqué classes. She babbled about how much she enjoyed doing her hair and makeup, even pulling out her phone to skip through several youtube makeup tutorials with him. Armande for his part seemed interested and invested the entire time. She giddily giggled through her experiences in Home Ec and spoke at length about the meals that she and Millie would make dor each other, but attempted to recant the moment she saw her counselor grin and quick an eyebrow.
“I mean I’m not like overeating all the time or whatever!” She defended. “We’re even like…taking a break from trying so much because we’re trying to watch our figures or whatever you know?”
“Hm.” Armande shrugged. “I don’t see the problem either way. This is college. You’re supposed to have fun and enjoy. Besides, plenty of men love a woman with a little meat on her bones. I know I certainly don’t mind a supple figure.”
Sachiko blushed. “Even so….I don’t wanna end up fat and stuff.”
“Excellent. I’m glad that you are finding it in yourself to be more assertive about what YOU want and not what others tell you. It would kinda suck (suck) if you wasted your youth and beauty trying to please people at your own expense.
Sachiko’s mind began to wobble in her seat. She rocked back and forth at the hips as she sat. She had set eyes on a smooth, metal weight standing up on the man’s desk. Something in her brain could not let go of how absolutely phallic it looked. She was offended. But not too offended. She wanted to (suck…suck…suck…) ask him about it, but instead rambled about how little she actually knew about Asian culture until she had taken the class. She delighted at how many cute Asian girls were there and how often they teased each other during class roleplay assignments and history lessons on  beauty standards for Asian women in the past, present, and possible future. Her eyes glanced back over to the magnetized pendulum-dildo looking object on Armande’s desk. She wondered what it would feel like to (suck…suck…suck…) hold it in her (mouth and suck on it) hands. Like a sort of fidget tool to ease her (horny…) restlessness.
“Oh? You see something you like Sachiko?” The man asked, noticing the young woman staring wide eyed at the silver rod. She snapped awake, swalling theb saliva she’d built up without realizing it. She was almost drooling by that point and was happy for the interruption. To her great terror, Armande pulled the object off it’s magnetic stand and handed it to her.
“Be my guest.” He said. “Anyways, it sounds like you’re doing fantastic in your classes and your grades are reflecting that as well. I’m going to clear you for the standard Grooming and Cosmetics courses and allow you the course credits for each. That being said, I have also been made aware that you seem bored during your Fellatio class despite your…persistently high marks and I was wondering how you were enjoying it.”
Sachiko’s hand ran all over the smooth dildo. That’s what it was, she reasoned. That’s what it had to be. She had to (suck…suck…suck…) focus on the questions asked to avoid playing with it too much. After two months in a class geared towards stuffing things just like this in her mouth for a grade, she had to admit it had become a bit of a compulsion to do exactly that now that she had a similar object in her hands.
“Sachiko?” Armande prompted, waking her from yet another heart-pounding stupor.
“Huh?” She said, eyes shooting back open from the half-lidded stare she was unaware she was giving.
“How are you enjoying your Intro to Fellatio?” The man pressed.
Sachiko’s face and stomach and thighs burned. “Uhhm…I..Love it..” She said, transfixed and now rubbing the smooth length along her cheeks, nuzzling the cool metal adoringly.

“Excellent. Well then, as a sort of advancement test, I was wondering if you could demonstrate some of what you’ve learned in class on that instrument you’re holding.” He said, pulling out a notepad.
The dazed woman’s eyes glazed over in fear and arousal (horny).
“Huh?!” She gasped.
“I just need you to suck (suck…suck…suck…suck…) on that for me and demonstrate your technique.”

Sachiko didn’t even answer. She dove onto the metal rod with her mouth, happily sucking and slurping on it as if it were the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted. It pressed deeper and deeper into her throat as she bobbed her head over it, moaning and cooing into  it joyously.
“Not a single gag, so that’s good….Excellent initiative and enthusiasm. Good girl. Now Sachiko, might I ask…..how do you feel right now?”
Sachiko’s face remained low as she worked the metal in and out of her mouth, but her eyes grew doey and wide. She stared at him innocently as she slathered her tongue all over it expertly before her eyes went dull again, affected on some cripplingly primal level at being called a ‘good girl.’
“Mmmmmmmmmph……Mmmmmmmeeee Shohhhhh Hoawwwwneeee” She gurgled before forcing herself to remove the toy from her mouth, it’s length dripping with moisture.
“Me So Horny……” She moaned at him.
“Well that settles it then. Sachiko, I am moving you up to Fellatio 120. That will be the Advanced Cock Sucking course in the Vox building.”

Sachiko was stunned. Her stomach was fluttering wildly and her pussy was warm and tingling. It was all she could do to open and close her thighs back and forth, smooshing their plump softness against her vagina to stimulate it gently enough to keep thinking.
“Wait, Really!?!?!” She gasped, brushing her long, styled hair out of her face, careful not to dribble onto her cute outfit as she did.
“Yes, really.” Armande smiled. “But just know that this is going to be an advanced course on top of two other elevated placements. I am going to need you to fully apply yourself if you want to pass all of your classes and still have time to find who you want to be here at Bright University. Do you think you can handle this big of an academic challenge this early in your enrollment?”

Sachiko clapped and bounced giddily in her chair. “Yes! Yes yes yes sir!” She squealed, absolutely delighted.
“Alright then…Just don’t make me regret this. I don’t want to have you back in my office in two months time because you couldn’t keep up with the material…” Armande warned over his glasses.
“Oh no, you don’t have ANYTHING to worry about. I will show you. Asian girls VERY smart.” Sachiko beamed.



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