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Sachiko lingered around the dorm room for about an hour before deciding to move towards the counselor’s office in an attempt to give Millie her chance to speak out about the atrocious prank schedules they’d been given. However, the closer she got to her decided time of departure, the more nervous she became. Phone solitaire had taken up a good portion of her time while she had been trying to ease her nerves about moving in initially, but now it was dull and played out, causing the anxious young woman to pace the length of her not too tiny dormitory. She opened and closed the app several times, alternating between rounds of Solitaire, Crashing Clans, and Yugimans several times before the cold, queasy pit in her stomach demanded she do something to soothe her anxiety about the upcoming meeting with Armande. Sachiko had never been especially confrontational to begin with, and the idea of angrily storming into her brand new counselor’s office to complain about her Ivy League school’s curriculum didn’t sit well with her, even if it WAS just some dumb prank.
Once the anxiety of lazing on the couch became too much, she checked her appearance in the mirror, disregarding makeup, but making sure to brush her hair so that she wasn’t an absolute mess when she went outside.
The walk across campus wasn’t especially bad, despite it’s length. Sachiko still began to feel something strange as she walked, noting several busty women with almost plastic looking features or obscenely natural endowments. The men too were fit and muscular, with only a few scrawny looking boys wandering around with confused looks on their faces. It was only when she’d seen a particularly sparkly brunette catcalling several men to join her in the on campus pool, situated weirdly close to the public walkways that she’d realized what she felt: inadequacy. Every one of these women seemed impossibly attractive and well beyond what she considered to be her own level of beauty. She sighed and walked into the main office.


As she passed the ditzy looking receptionist, she saw that Armande’s door was still closed and looked back to see if the pink-taloned bimbo would offer any information, or even greet the person who just walked through the doors but…nothing.
Before Sachiko could become offended however, the buzzer on the counselor door sounded and a red light on the door panel switched to green. When the door opened, Millie walked out happily with a half-sized sheet of paper in her hand, her large natural boobs bouncing jovially as she shook the slip at Sachiko.
“You did it? Everything good?” Sachiko asked, still concerned about her friend and the state of their affairs.
“Yeppers! I am A-Ok now. You ready to go in? You look kinda scared.” Millie said, laughing at her roommate’s obvious fear from behind her own nerdy glasses.
“There’s nothing to worry about. Just go on in and Armande will take care of everything and make sure you’re where you’re supposed to be!”

Sachiko never really got a chance to answer before Millie bobbled out of the room, calling out “Byyyeeee” to both Sachiko and the receptionist.


Armande appeared in the doorway and called the nervous Sachiko in.

“So, Miss Hasegawa. What can I do for you today? Your friend Millie there just told me you two had been having some scheduling issues?” Armande asked, his distinguished features boring into Sachiko’s soul.
“Uhm..Yeah. So uhh…I just got my class schedule and I think it’s some kind of prank? But Millie got one two and I was hoping that I could get this all sorted out so I know where I actually need to go?”

Armande smiled.
“Ahh, you’re worried you’re not in the right classes. Well Miss Hasegawa, I assure you that our placement system is quite accurate, but we try to work with our students as best as we can to make sure that you are comfortable and able to work at your own pace.”
Sachiko handed him her schedule.
“Actually, this is what I am here to fix. Look at the classes I am being put in.”
Armande looked over the schedule, appearing to give it far more thought than the young student thought necessary.

“Mm. Okay. I see. We have Asian studies here, but I am afraid that we can’t really change that since it’s an intro course, but if you want we can bump you down in grooming and cosmetics to a remedial level to get you up to speed, and then if you do well, we can bump you back up to 101 I  each before the second semester begins.”

Sachiko’s stomach sank into her knees. She was outraged  but so flustered and stunned at how blatantly sexist and stupid the response was that she simply stared at him, dumbfounded.
“Are you fucking kidding?! So what, I am going to be in REMEDIAL cosmetics while I take INTRO TO BLOWJOBS?!”

Armande folded his hands in front of him.
“Look, Sachiko. I realize that as an Asian girl you have been somewhat of an overachiever your whole life, but I assure  you that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I only suggested the beautification courses be lowered because YOU felt that they were too advanced for you.”
Sachiko stood up, her smooth, tan skin now flaming red with anger.
Once again, the man behind the desk did not respond to her obvious fury. He instead pulled out a folder and began looking through it.
“I am not sure what you want me to do, Sachiko. You came here dressed in sweatpants and flipflops with no makeup. I am glad you at least made an effort on your hair, but even that tells me that you only did the bare minimum. What am I supposed to think? There’s no styling, no color…it’s all basic black and stick straight. Sure, that’s a look, but only if you mean it. Didn’t you notice all the pretty girls on your way up here? That’s because they have the confidence to put in the extra effort”
Sachiko shook where she stood, almost in tears from her incredible anger.

“Tell you what: There is a changing room right through this door behind me. I want you to go inside and make yourself look as cute as possible, them check yourself in the mirror. When you’re ready, just show me what you come up with and we will see about where you fit in what classes, okay?” Armande said. “The passcode is your student mantra.”

Sachiko could barely control herself. She got up, but not to go to the door, but to punch this man in the face. To claw his eyes out. The moment she stood near enough the door to press the button, she froze, unable to do anything more than turn towards him.
“Come on, sweetheart. We don’t have all day.”
She pressed the button, unable to convince herself not to.

Bzzzt- Passcode Required.

“Your student mantra, Sachiko.” Armande pressed, sounding more stern than before.
Sachiko sighed, shaking from anger and anxiety, egged on by a gnawing, relentless compulsion. She gritted her teeth and mumbled into the door, venom and fear dripping from her lips.
“Me. So. Horny.”

Bzzzzzt- Error. Incorrect passcode.

She looked at the well dressed man with sudden nervousness. “I don’t get it. I said the thing, but it didn’t open.” She said, almost crying.

“Ahh yes. I’m afraid you have to do better than that. Say it properly and you can enter.” Armande said, his dark eyes burrowing into hers.
A tear dripped down her cheek as she looked towards the small red light and pressed the button again, drawing on all her composure to sound as sexualized as she could, adding her fake Asian accent just for good measure. “Oohh, Me So Hooornyyy.” She cooed into the microphone.

Bzzzt- Welcome Sachiko Hasegawa
The light turned green, and the door opened.
Stepping inside, Sachiko felt an almost exhilarating rush of nervous energy that twisted her stomach into knots before she felt a fluttery sensation once it subsided. She looked around the room.
“This isn’t so bad.” She thought, now embarrassed for having been so nervous in the first place. There were several racks of clothes and a full length mirror propped up against the wall. She thought about taking a look at herself in the mirror before she got dressed, but felt too ashamed of coming in such a frumpy outfit and decided to rectify the issue before taking in her dolled up visage.
After looking through the outfits available, she pulled out a cute pair of jean shorts and a Bright U Sports crop top and threw them on, making sure not to ruffle her sexily teased hair when she did. Gazing into the mirror, she was proud of what she put together, even if all she had was some light eyeliner to complete the look. It was simple, but sexy, and showed off her hips and generous natural chest. It was nowhere near Millie’s size, but she had rarely seen another woman with boobs like her roomie.


Stepping out, Armande was already clapping at what he saw.
“See? Isn’t that much better?” He asked, his charming face all smiles.
Sachiko blushed and hid her face, still shy about being looked at and complimented in such a flirty outfit, but still making sure to give the man a little twirl to show off her handiwork.
“Alright, Sachiko. I have looked I to your request and set up a trial period for some remedial courses in Grooming and Cosmetics. However, because you have shown me what you can do with a short amount of time and the proper wardrobe, I am going to allow you to challenge out of the class in about a month’s time. If you pass, you will not only move up to the courses listed on your old schedule, but we will even award you the course credits toward your degree for the completion of the remedials. If you don’t pass, we’ll simply have you keep learning from there until you’re ready to move on.” He said.

Sachiko was overjoyed. Light filled her eyes and she bounced over eagerly and threw her arms around her counselor in a big, squishy, boob-smooshing hug. She’d wondered if he felt them, but pushed the thought from her mind as she released him.
“Thank you SO FUCKING MUCH oh my god.” She gushed.
“Of course, Sachiko. We at Bright U work on what is called a Threshold System, meaning that even though our student’s classes are chosen via algorithm for their designated degrees, we will NEVER give you more than you can handle. Now. Run your cute little butt back home like a good girl and remind little Miss Tits For Brains that her follow up meeting is in one month as well.

With her new schedule in hand, Sachiko giddily skipped back home, enjoying the stares that her new, school appropriate attire was garnering her


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