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Several weeks went by with Brian and Lauren spending more time at the library than they had ever done previously. Brian had never been a very booky person per say, but had enjoyed a good novel on occasion
.mostly in high school, but in his mind it still counted. Lauren had always liked reading, but would end up blazing through whatever 500 page story she picked up at Barnes and Noble in two days, leaving her with nothing to read and a sense of loss when her good book was over. Now with his wife working at the library, she began bringing them home with her. Sometimes she would pick out things that she thought he would like and bring them back home with her from work.

Reading had become a new pastime that the two of them shared every few nights. Brian never minded reading, but up until books were being thrust into his face with comical eagerness, he never had too much of a reason to bother doing it on his own. Now he was halfway through a particularly interesting Sci-fi novel about video game characters set in a futuristic society whose in-game technology has advanced far enough via the game’s own ai that tit allows them to enter the real world
with all their in-game abilities. Brian had been enjoying it and even got to talking about it with Lauren, surprised at how interested she seemed.

“God, could you imagine having like a max level Dwarf Lord character just pop out of your screen and think you’re an enemy? They’d get shot by the cops and not even feel it. They’d lose like
11 hit points. Out of like
.8000. That’d be REALLY bad.” Lauren pondered out loud.

Brian looked over, masking his suspicion. Curiously, he opted to test whether or not she knew she’d had experience with the game.

“Oh? Have you ever played Dwarf Lord?” He asked cautiously.

Lauren rolled her eyes. “Oh god, yes. But I had to stop. I was like
lost to it for months. You wouldn’t believe how addicting that game is.”

Brian chuckled. “Yeah. Tell me about it.” He said knowingly.


Lauren’s temper was still a thing and she would quickly go from pleasant to angry and loud when something irritated her, but at least she was no longer going out of her way to find people to be mad at. Now it was more about the librarian who worked the shift before hers or how snot-nosed brats kept handling the books improperly. She could be heard growling and grunting when she had to walk back around the front counter to reorganize the shelves after people carelessly moved them around, often times within an hour  of her fixing them.

Brian walked in as he did twice a week to bring Lauren lunch after Lauren’s first month of work to find that he had apparently missed the supernatural festivities while she was away. The most obvious change was Lauren’s weight. She had slimmed down considerably in almost every area except her hips, leaving her with a disproportionately mammoth butt and a comparatively thin waist. Her boobs had shrunk to a more manageable size, but even so, they remained fairly large. Brian almost laughed as he realized how spoiled he had been by massive tits in recent months. The other big change was Lauren’s hair. It had been darkening slowly for the last few weeks, but now it was a vivid but dirty blonde that tinted entirely brown at the bottom.


” Lauren said, quietly, but with a flirtatious undertone to her increasingly British-sounding voice. “I’ve been thinking
What would you say if I were to
.start getting a bit more fit?”

Brian’s eyes widened, traces of alarm showing on his face.

Did you have in mind
?” He asked, memories of his hulking monster of a beefcake for a wife resurfacing.

Lauren twirled her hair cutely.

“I was thinking perhaps I could see you in the back room a moment?”

The request didn’t so much surprise Brian as it did confuse him. His initial instinct was to be worried like he had done something wrong and needed to be spoken to out of public eye, but as a grown man he wasn’t subject to punishment by a librarian, let alone his wife. For a moment he suspected that she might have wanted to have sex in the office, but didn’t know if that was hopeful optimism or just him trying to convince himself he was getting laid as opposed to receiving bad news.

”  Brian said cautiously, turning his head and following Lauren into the back.

Lauren closed and locked the door, then immediately bruised her mouth against Brian’s and shoving her tongue into his mouth, moaning passionately as she did. Now surprised, Brian was able to return her attention for only a short period of time before she slid erotically down and unbuttoned his pants. Lauren pulled out her husband’s dick and hungrily stuffed it into her mouth, slurping noisily between happy groans. After a few minutes of intense sucking, Brian felt his cock tense and fill Lauren’s eager mouth with cum. After drinking it down as if it were nectar, Lauren buttoned up his pants again, wiped her mouth, and said “That will be all, sir.”


After Brian left the office and went back home, Lauren didn’t speak of the incident, instead flouncing daintily around the house with a sort of elegant aloofness that made her look almost superior look on her face. She remained like that for about two days before things seemed normal again. Even so, she wouldn’t talk about what happened. After going to bed one night, Brian woke up to notice that his wife wasn’t in bed with him. He squinted at his phone and saw that it was six in the morning and growing brighter out, which would have made sense that Lauren could be up already, but not why.

Brian looked over on the night stand and noticed something strange: Lauren’s books were different. Instead of fantasy novels or true crime thrillers, Brian found a pile of black-bound books. On the cover of the book at the top was a woman wrapped in the arms of a shift less man with a halo and devil horns.

Brian blinked and stared at it for moment.

“This is smut.” He said blankly.

He looked at the alarm and found it to be blinking the numbers 2:46, meaning that the power must have gone out briefly during the night. It took the sleep-addled Brian a moment to realize what that had probably meant before his heart skipped a beat and he knew to check on his wife.

When he walked out into the living room, he found an almost familiar sight. Lauren had just unrolled an exercise mat onto the floor and an exercise video was paused on the tv. Lauren turned around just and saw Brian just as she was pulling her hair into a ponytail, revealing her younger looking.

“Can I help you?’ She asked in a posh accent.

Lauren had lost more weight, Brian noticed. Her hips remained wide and her stomach was a little pudgy, but all of her was smaller and more fit-looking. Her hair had darkened again and she seemed devoid of her previous and ever-present anger at the world. She looked happier than she did before the library, Brian was certain of that.

“Nope. I just came to make sure you were alright.” He said, smiling.

“Well, all’s peachy here so if you don’t mind, I’m about to do my new morning exercises.” The chipper, British-sounding Lauren said. “So off you go! See you later, then!”


This Lauren was intriguing, he thought as he climbed back into bed. She was showing signs of things she used to do during past transformations, but only a little bit of each. She was exercising, but was also a little nerdy. She was posh and fancy looking, but also had a sort of edge to her that he couldn’t quite place. But this one had something different about into. Something all it’s own.

Brian wasn’t quite sure how he wanted to describe it, but he was sure that that was the part he wanted to see grow.





Phenomenal, not to mention intriguing!