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“Lauren. You’re not dressed for the club.” Brian said, surprised that his wife was still lounging around the house in her usual attire.

Clad in a pearl necklace that she wore nearly everywhere over a white tshirt that her mammoth breasts had long since outgrown, Lauren looked at him like he was an idiot. This had become somewhat common in recent weeks as this particular transformation had begun doing more to her than stuffing her into size 3XL yoga pants. As time went on she was acting more Karen than Lauren, constantly complaining about service or minor imperfections in quality anywhere they went. He’d found himself taking the back seat on many of the household decisions as her insistence on having her way had led to several blowups already. She’d become the very image of entitled bitchiness even as she stared at him, her perfectly white teeth jutting out cutely beneath her top lip as she stared at him with an annoyed look on her face.


“Briaannn..” She half whined through her annoyance. “You know I can’t stand that place. I was thinking we could find somewhere….I don’t know…..RESPECTABLE to go tonight?”

Brian was taken slightly aback.

“Respectable? I thought you loved the country club? And what’s not respectable about Pearl Pines?” He asked.

Lauren rolled her eyes and stood up, slapping her impressively puffy thighs and causing them to ripple even under her tight jeans from the impact.

“Are you serious? They dress their girls up like floozies and walk them around with cocktails and wine like getting people drunk at 17 is meant to be classy. Those girls should be in college right now, not strutting around for men twice their age hoping one of them offers to be their sugar daddy. No, I’m done with them, thank you very much.” Lauren replied with a judgmental sneer. “Besides, when we get there, I have a surprise for you.”

Brian merely shrugged. He generally tried not to dwell too hard on the negative aspects of Lauren’s transformations too much and had come to expect surprises. He knew that even though the core of her personality was always still intact, the outer levels of personality were going to vary wildly for better or worse so it was better to just enjoy the ride while he still had the chance. Besides, he was guiltily enjoying seeing his normally sweet, adorable, and amicable wife swell fat in the butt and boobs as she ballooned into a massively entitled bitch to everyone around her. She was even bitchy towards him, Brian realized, but between the knowledge that she was probably on the verge of another transformation cycle and the fact that backing down and letting her do whatever she wanted would appease her allowed him a sense of smug control. Like he knew something no one else did.

And he did.


Another perk of letting this new bitchified mom form take over his wife’s personality was the fact that complaining, pouting, yelling, and getting her way invariably made Lauren frisky and needy for validation. It wasn’t uncommon for her to climb on top of her smaller husband and ride him with her big, saggy tits drooping down to his mouth where wide, large areolas with pudgy pink nipples waited to be sucked. As mean and bossy as she was, Lauren always turned docile as a kitten when Brian was pounding her from behind. He adored watching her bloated, dimpled, and very pale cheeks wobbled and undulated from the slamming of his hips against them. She loved it and melted like butter just so long as Brian agreed with her fairly frequent rampages.


“Alright then.. Did you have anywhere else you felt like going then?” The doting husband asked gingerly.

“The library.” Lauren huffed haughtily.

“…The library…?” Brian repeated.

“Yes. We’re going to walk down to the library, get our PROPER exercise, and we’re going to spend a WHOLESOME night educating ourselves instead of loafing around, sucking down garbage food, and staring into the idiot box for hours at a time. We’re going soon, so get ready to go.”


Brian smirked and shrugged as he got up. Perhaps today was the day Lauren’s bitchification began to veer in a different direction….Or it was just getting worse. He couldn’t tell. Even so, seeing her fat, grumpy ass waddling up the street with her butt cheeks sloshing back and forth against each other for the first time since she was a 600 pound dork was a titillating idea.

The couple made it approximately a third of the way to their destination before Lauren started griping about the heat, the state of the neighborhood, the types of dogs a woman was walking, and even the speed at which they were moving.

“That’s right, bitch. Keep complaining..” Brian mumbled to himself, visibly smiling at just how awful is fat assed cow of a wife was acting about a trip that she herself demanded they go on.

A few minutes later, Lauren squealed and rushed off towards a dowdy looking woman walking up the street, her sandals clicking and clacking noisily as she did.

“ALLIE GIIRRRRRRLLL!!!!!” She yelled.

“LAURIE, HAY!!!!” The other woman replied.

Allison, or rather a haughty, white, mom-bodded caricature of the woman she once was sauntered up to Lauren. Soon both women were gushing false pleasantries that might have been genuine when they were a hispanic twenty year old talking to a curvy Indian girl, but now read as fake and contrived. It did Brian’s heart good to see the both of them so fully enjoying their denial together.

“Oh my goodness, Allie. You. Look. Amaaaazing, girl! What’s your secret?! Your skin looks so clear and youthful!” Lauren beamed.

It was bullshit of course, though Brian was genuinely unsure of whether or not she was actually trying to mean it. Allison had never looked older or fatter. Her thin, pointy chin remained, but her cheeks now plumped up into rosy apples when she smiled. The rest of her had thickened as well into a podgy, pale mockery of her fit, youthful curves with her sagging and comparatively small breasts framing her new pear shape nicely.


“Oh my GAWD, Laurie have you lost WEIGHT??? You’re looking more fit in the arms and legs lately, plus that ass is looking fuckin HOT!” Allie babbled equally vapidly.

He wondered as the two women clucked on and on, humble bragging about their lives, husbands, plans to get fit and lose weight, and all manner of other out of touch housewife nonsense if to them this was all real. It WAS real, of course, but the idea struck him that as reality changed around them  they might actually have differing memories than he did with each transformative iteration. They had to, he thought. How else would they mentally justify being so different so rapidly so often without having the prerequisite memories of compatible experiences? Lauren was now a butterball blonde with an overly accentuated hourglass figure while Allie had become a flabby soccer mom in just a couple of months without ever thinking even once about it. Indeed, they looked like two washed up has-been sports stars turned soccer moms.

It had taken a good twenty minutes for Allie to get a call from her husband saying she had to go, but Lauren’s mood seemed to have brightened having gotten to gossip with her bestie for a while. Or rather, this iteration’s bestie. She was rapidly running through friends lately it seemed. Eventually they reached the library and Lauren stood proudly with one hand gesturing to the building.

“Ta-daaa!” She said enthusiastically.

Brian stared at the regular, boring looking town library, completely unsure of what it was he was supposed to be seeing.

“Ta-daaaa….? Lauren, what am I looking at?” He asked, genuinely confused.

Just as she went to speak, an electric chill filled the air before peaking with a sharp, energetic spike that made Brian feel exceedingly uncomfortable of only a fraction of a second before disappearing completely as if it’d never even been there to begin with.

“You are looking not only at today’s date activity, but at the future location oooooooooooof…….MY NEW JOB!!” Lauren beamed, her chubby face looking especially adorable with a smile on it.

Brian couldn’t help but smile too.

“Ahh. Here we go.” He said.

Lauren glanced away before returning her slightly irritated gaze back to him.

“Wait, what do you mean, here we go?” She asked, her enthusiasm faltering.

“Nothing, babe. I’m proud of you.” Brian said.

He’d enjoyed his time having a bitchy, manager eating mom-bitch for a wife while it lasted, but he couldn’t say he wasn’t excited to move on to something else. And a library….

A library, he thought, could be ANYTHING.




Proper Company into Squeaky Wheel has been one of your best arc pairings Vox, well done on every front. You know I'm a sucker for these mysterious endings, so while I have absolutely loved the journey the past 2 arcs I cannot wait to see what shenanigans the library holds!