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In recent weeks, Brian had become accustomed to standing in lines at shopping centers. Be they jewelry stores, outlet stores, perfume shops, clothing stores, or just grocery supercenters, it seemed that Lauren was constantly looking for an excuse to spend money on something. Granted, the constant financial boon in the form of a $10,000 check from the Luscious family kept then well above water, Lauren herself had no idea that such money was coming in. In her mind, Brian was her husband, which entitled her to whatever money he had. That being the case, she had taken to treating herself to just about whatever she wanted whether it be a full, 3 course lunch with Allison, a Macy’s shopping spree, or a simple trip to Starbucks for some coffee.

It turned out that even that “simple” coffee run was anything but, as one particular trip nearly blew Brian’s mind. Lauren had waited patiently in line for several minutes without complaint, but the moment she approached the counter she instantly assailed the braided barista with an interrogation as to why she had to wait so long and how she didn’t have to ho to work or have somewhere important to be, but if she DID, then she would now be running late because of the incompetence of the workers there. The 20-something looking girl fumbled through several attempts to apologize that ended in a manager walking out from the back and comping the entire order just to get her out of the building. Lauren, thoroughly pleased with this outcome then proceeded to order a grande caramel machiato in a venti cup with 1/3 whole milk, 1/3 almond milk, 1/3 soy milk, double the usual amount of vanilla syrup, caramel along the walls of the cup but no caramel drizzle on top, upside down with whipped cream, a rounded lid, a shot of extra espresso, a cinnamon sprinkle over the top, and a tall glass of crushed ice on the side. The poor girl simply stood there aghast and spellbound by the obscenely complicated order before Lauren casually shoved a piece of paper with her order already pre-written down and numbered amongst a list of other equally complicated coffee formulas and said “It’s number 4 on the list.”

 In a fairly short time, Lauren had transformed from sweet, if not spoiled, tennis playing debutante to bitchy, demanding HOA president. Even now, Brian could hear her fussing over how the 15-item only self-checkout wasn’t accepting all her coupons for the entire cartful of food she was scanning.

“Can you fucking believe this?” She griped to her husband. “They lay off all those people to put these stupid machines in, but the damn robots won’t take my coupons. What are they HERE for? This would have been easier if we went through a regular checkout.”

Even despite her new persona as a stuck up Karen, Brian couldn’t help but ogle her wide hips and heavy breasts, both straining her outfits to nearly bursting while she leaned on the nearby counter, waiting for yet another manager to come over to help her. Lauren’s sex drive had definitely not left her in recent days, and in the rare few times that he had attempted to be similarly assertive with service workers or club staff, she’d nearly jumped on him to climb onto his dick. It was definitely not his cup of tea to just mistreat or berate cashiers or put other people down, but when he even came close it set her loins on fire.


After having a cashier pulled from his register to validate every single one of Lauren’s coupons, the pair returned home where Brian unloaded all the groceries. Home life, unlike any time they were out, was a very affectionate affair. Every night Lauren would cook her husband a meal from scratch before snuggling up to him on the couch to rent a movie or jump on another episode of whatever show they happened to be watching at the time. It seemed that for all her nastiness towards people outside the house, once she was back inside she was domestic and docile as a kitten.

As Brian sat in wait for Lauren to return from the kitchen, he could hear the sizzling of ground beef and smell the scent buttery potatoes and garlic filling the air. Shepherd’s pie, most likely, he thought as he drank in the warm air. Brian leaned back on the couch and sighed. Sometimes it was the easiest thing in the world being married to a woman who was constantly changing into a different version of herself, but other times it was downright exhausting. The embarrassment of watching his wife barking at innocent workers was a lot to have to deal with, but then when he came home she turned into little Susie Homemaker and pampered him half to death. It was hard to know what to think about it.

Before long, Lauren emerged from the kitchen with an entire shepherd’s pie and a generous portion of candied yams. With a kiss and a cute nuzzle of the nose, she plopped down on the couch and practically clung to him until they went to bed.


Brian woke up feeling like he’d slept later than he wanted to, and confirmed his theory when he rolled over to check his phone and found it to be almost noon. Normally, Lauren had a plug-in alarm clock that woke her up in the morning, but that hadn’t gone off, leaving Brian to snooze the whole morning away. Lumbering out of bed and exiting the almost too-hot bedroom, he called out to Lauren to see if she was still inside.

“Lauren?” He called out drowsily. “You here?”

“Yeah, I’m in the kitchen. I have to reset all the clocks after the power went out last night.” She called back.

“There.” Brian heard her say just before a curvy blonde bombshell rounded the corner and sending Brian’s heart racing.

The woman who rounded the corner was even more plump than Lauren had been before, with wider hips and racier taste in outfits. Her boobs threatened to snap the top half of her royal blue top as she wandered past the tv and into the bedroom. Brian practically jumped up to follow her and when he did, he found her leaning seductively on the dresser, waiting for him.

“Why hello there. You sure jumped up fast. Looking for something?” She asked, smiling mischievously with her hand on her hip.


She was all too tantalizing. From the look in her eyes to the size of her boobs to the swell of her hips, all of it was far beyond Brian’s power to say no to.

“You. Bed. Pants. Off.” She commanded sensually with the a clever grin on her face.

Just as the dutiful husband turned towards the bed, he saw the flashing of the still-wrong alarm clock completely stop and go black. There was a sudden, palpable change in the air and just as Brian’s vestibular functions kicked back on and his focus on the world around him returned, he saw the clock resume it’s flashing.

Only it was flashing “12:00” again.

“No fucking way.” Brian said, startled. He’d been nearby when a change happened, but very rarely had he actually been in the room for it. Lauren was usually just out of sight, preventing him from ever watching the effect on her in real time.

“Oh I assure you, it’s all real, babe.” Lauren said with a smack of her wide, thick, rippling ass.

Brian’s eyes nearly popped out of his head as he realized that she was indeed different again. Lauren looked slightly older, but remained youthful in her face while her hair rose into an even tighter bob. The most immediate was the immense fatness of her round, motherly rump and the way they muffined out sensually over a pair of royal blue stockings. The room too had warped slightly. There was a tv on the dresser where there wasn’t before and a cute wooden hutch sat in the corner of the room, but both were almost completely blocked by Lauren’s big butt and fantasy-sized thigh haunches.


Now I hope you’re ready, cuz mommy’s big butt needs some attention.

Her husband didn’t say a word. She merely snickered and bit her lip as she turned to saunter towards him after he stupidly nodded his head up and down in response.



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