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Maya sauntered around the college ballroom area on the prowl for a hot guy to schmooze into taking her to bed. She walked with a small bounce in her step brought on by the electronic darkwave being blasted over the speakers as a heavyset man in glasses bobbed to the rhythm behind a soundboard. The lights in the room were dimmed and the walls were crudely adorned with childish Halloween decorations despite it not actually being Halloween. There was a punch bar and an allotment of snacks set out on trays, but by the time Maya’d arrived, nearly everything but a few oatmeal raisin cookies and a bunch of cupcakes had been devoured by the guests. She wandered over and popped one in her mouth, her stomach greedily growling at just the sight of food as everyone else around her danced.

From the bar, she could tell that most of the students were already high or drunk having snuck bottles of fireball in or pregamed some weed before showing up. She bounced to the beat, reveling in the feeling of her heavy chest rippling up and down as she did. Cookie after cookie was devoured one after another with Maya never attempting to leave the table. Something about her didn’t want to have to go out and find a man to entice. She wanted to be NOTICED.

Maya’s head swam with memories of students craning their necks at Mako as she walked by or tactfully moving past her field of vision before turning to gawk at her. Maya stuffed a cupcake into her mouth as her resentment grew, becoming more and more aware of how much attention her “friend” had been receiving despite her virulent insistence that the school lessons were bad for them. Another cupcake vanished into her face as the porky goth’s face grew red with irritation at the thought of the guys she would see staring at Mako when they walked around the school together….Or rather at this point when Maya saw her walking around. Several times she would find some creep pretending to be on his phone as he followed behind her, lifting the camera towards her wide, swaying ass cheeks only to lower it again when she stopped or turned, expertly continuing forward as if he was never even aware she was there.

That was the attention she wanted. She didn’t care if it was creepy or invasive. She wanted the catcalls and the whistles and leering stares. Maya popped another cupcake in her mouth, closing her eyes and feeling the vibrations of the music carry her into a daydream about having hot frat guys and jocks ogling her as she passed by. She wanted teachers staring down her shirt in class. She wanted the attention, the sex, all of it.

The music changed pace as Maya reached for another cupcake only to feel her black-painted nails clack unpleasantly against the cold aluminum tray. Maya looked down, astonished to see that she’d been so caught up fantasizing about being admired that she didn’t even notice that she’d not only eaten everything on the table, she’d spent over an hour and a half doing absolutely nothing but sulking when she was supposed to be partying and getting laid.

“I’m not a nerd anymore…” She told herself out loud. “I’m not a wallflower. I’m a Big, Busty Bitch and I’m going to take what I want!”

The impact of her own words hit her harder than expected. For a moment, Maya could feel a burning in her chest and belly as she began moving away from the table, her vision returning to its former bleary state before refocusing itself on the party in front of her.


With renewed vigor, Maya stormed out onto the dance floor, shaking her tits and rubbing up against a number of men. The first couple of men looked at her strangely while the ones that came after either humored her aggressive display for a minute or simply walked her away with grimaces on their faces at having a fat goth chick try to force herself onto them. Time and time again Maya felt her anger heat to a boil as man after man rejected her with various levels of awkwardness. It was only when she looked across the room that she saw Mako surrounded by suitors, laughing and turning and dancing as each of them vied for her attention. No amount of shaking her giant natural breasts could compete with Mako’s magically unnatural tits. No corset was ever going to fool the partygoers that she had a tight, flat belly like the Asian goth bimbo.

Her face burned red with anger. She very nearly stomped her fat ass over to slap the popular girl but stopped herself due to the feeling of tears welling up in her eyes. A hot, painful lump formed in her throat that was hard to swallow past causing Maya to completely halt her assault. She knew full well that if she ran up and hit Mako that she would only succeed in getting the men to turn on her and in their inebriated state, possibly even attack. And even if they didn’t, she’d just be the jealous fat girl making an ass of herself in front of everyone. With burning embarrassment, Maya looked back at her old friend effortlessly having her way with several boys competing for her affection before turning back around with a neon afterimage still burning in her mind.

It had been a sleepy morning after Mako had kicked Todd and Jared out of her room. The three of them had been up all night with Mako pleasantly surprised at how willing the guys were to double team her in bed, at least until they sobered up a bit. By then they had each fallen asleep on either side of her, leaving the sexed up goth girl warm and blissed out for the what was left of the morning. It had only been two hours since they had stopped their marathon sexcapade and collapsed onto the bed before Jared’s phone alarm went off, telling him to get ready for class. Todd had tried to make a play for a more affectionate, private snuggle session, but Mako had no interest in acquiring a steady boyfriend just yet and told him to leave. His pleading persistence was only met with a scornful whipping from her riding crop, repeatedly thwacking him across the arms, back, and eventually face until he ran off and allowed her to flop back into bed for the majority of the day after she’d laid down a couple towels onto the bed.

Mako’s weekend flew by in a flash of socializing with people she’d never believed she’d get to speak to, misadventures to clubs and bedrooms, and a creeping worry about her upcoming “Finals.” Even worse, Maya had completely stopped responding to any of her messages and calls, leading her to worry that something had happened to her friend. At first, she’d just assumed that Maya was having just as wild and crazy a time as she was, but as time wore on, the fear that the haunted school had something to do with her mysterious disappearance became harder and harder to explain away.

Mako watched the sun go down on Monday night with a sense of miserable apprehension. She knew full well by now that the old Bright campus wasn’t going to let her get through the night without taking her final exams, and something told her that after she arrived she would find out what had happened to Maya. Across billions of miles, Mako stared at the vanishing of the sun below the horizon, dreading the submersion of each precious centimeter of daylight. Finally, when the sun had completely sunk behind the hills to the west, Mako stood up, dusted off her sexy black dress, and began clopping down the street in her tall, chunky goth stompy boots and made her way down the street towards the haunted school.

It wasn’t hard to get through the gate this time nor did she need to climb through the gap in the bars. As Mako approached, the wrought-iron doors to the school threw themselves open with a loud and hideous creak as she approached. She knew she should have been more afraid, she thought, but the welfare of her friend was far too important to her and she’d been through this far too many times to hold back now. As the main building came into sight her pace picked up from an angry stride to a desperate run towards the light of the doorstep. Eager to get out of the cold and dark, but even more hell-bent on finding her best friend, Mako stepped inside and closed the door.

As usual, she followed a tattered carpet through the burned up entryway and into a reception area where a smug-looking woman in a pointed witch hat and a revealing top.

“Miss Suzuki. You’re early.” The woman said, grinning in the candlelight as her hot pink hair fell over her shoulders, framing her generous chest.


Mako was having none of it.

“Yeah, I’m over your bullshit. Just tell me where to go.” She snapped, barely even looking at the woman as she stormed past.

“You are to report to room 7.” The pink haired witch said succinctly.

Mako stopped in her tracks, turning her head back to face the woman directly.

“Real quick, since it’s been bothering me for a while. Are you even all different people, or are you just the same entity greeting me in a different body every time for shits and giggles?”

The woman’s grin grew wider and more amused. Appreciative even.

“Good luck on your final exam Miss Suzuki.” She repeated with a smug, almost condescending tone.

Mako rolled her eyes and returned to powerwalking down the hall, her arm and middle finger raised high upon her exit. “Yeah that’s what I figured you’d fuckin’ say.”

Door after numbered door stood poorly illuminated in the dark hall save for room 7, ominously lit by a dim yellow lamp. Standing before it, Mako felt her righteous fury begin to wane. The fury which had carried her all the way to that point was rapidly draining away as she stared at the number on the door. A sort of cold, animalistic fear settled in her stomach as she began to remember the previous “lessons” she’d received during visits prior and the effects they’d had on her and her friend. Then she scoffed.

“Pfft. So what? I have a fucking fever dream and then I get hotter. Scaaaaryyyyy.” Mako said.

Doing so had mustered up enough false courage to get her to put her hand on the doorknob and twist it, but even she knew that she was only gearing herself up for an ordeal. With a huff, she pressed into the door and rushed through it.

The door to room 7 creaked closed as Mako wandered cautiously into a colorless courtyard. Her hands and legs, pale as they were, were still visibly colored but the surrounding buildings with their marble columns were completely devoid of anything resembling the natural world. She wandered down the stone walkway, cautiously taking in the gunmetal gray leaves and pale, ashen grass. The world held a surreal, phantasmal quality, even moreso than before. This was unlike the classrooms or clothing store. Those felt like mazes or traps. Like a linear Nintendo 64 map that only held things that served a purpose for the narrative.

This place felt different. This place felt like it actually existed at one point.


“Yeah…” Mako said as she walked up to a grayscale version of the very school building that had started all of the trouble in the first place. “That’s what I thought.”

Mako stopped for a moment, took a breath, and then walked in for the second time, now certain that this was where she was supposed to be heading.

She stepped inside and immediately took note of the regal, almost Victorian décor. Standing behind the usual reception desk wasn’t a ditzy or sarcastic looking bimbo but an elegant, noblewoman in a black dress. Unlike the rest of the surrounding environment, this woman too stood glowing in pale color against the grays and blacks of the room, her blonde hair pulled into a beautiful braided bun.


“Good evening Miss Suzuki. If you would please step into the testing room we may begin your final exam.” The woman said, holding a lantern up to the door and gesturing towards a door to her right.

Mako walked past, staring the grinning woman in the eye the entire time as she did. It wasn’t that she believed that the woman would deviate from whatever “learning program” had been put in place for her, but Mako still insisted on playing it safe just in case she tried some Silent Hill shit and turned into a monster or something. The last thing she wanted was to be chased by something again like the time she met her doppelgangers.

Beyond the door was an open room with an elaborate magic sigil drawn onto the ground and glowing a pale gold. As Mako stepped inside, the door slammed shut and locked audibly behind her.

“Miss Suzuki. Please remove any restrictive clothing and step into the circle.” Came the woman’s voice from all around her.

There was no sound really. The voice came as if Mako herself were thinking it in the blonde’s voice. It was an uncomfortable feeling that she tried to shake off even as she obeyed the command, her body reacting amorously to even just the removal of her clothes. She could feel her nipples stiffen and a sexy shiver run down her spine against her will as she removed her collar and let her dress fall to the floor, leaving only her silk-sleeved bra and lacey, curve-hugging panties. As she stepped towards the circle, she couldn’t help but feel the corners of her lips twist upward into a slight grin despite her desire to stay angry and determined.


The circle beneath her feet began to shift and turn, glowing brighter as her mind filled with thoughts, images, and questions.

“Who are you?” The woman’s voice asked, the inaudible volume in her mind almost too much to bear.

An image of a pretty porcelain doll sitting on a shelf filled her mind. Another flashed before her eyes. Dolls. Sexy, gothed up Barbies and Bratz dolls made in her image. Blowup dolls made to look like her with red lips gaping open to form a perfect “O” as frat boys pass her around at a party. It felt natural to see herself that way. A lifesized mannequin complete with lubricated holes made for fucking. A sexy, Spooky Doll.

The words bounced around her head, slamming against her skull, reverberating through the very bones of her existence. They wanted her to say them. To identify with them. To BE them.

Makoto strained, unable to push the thoughts from her mind. If the thoughts wouldn’t leave, she thought, her anger once again bubbling to the surface. If she couldn’t force the words to go away, she thought, she would crush them where they were.

“My name.” She said defiantly, “Is Makoto Suzuki.”

In an instant, the pressure in her skull vanished. The tenseness of the room eased. And the voice returned.

“Very well. And Miss Suzuki, what are you?” The woman’s voice rang in her mind like a silver bell.

Again the images surged to life. An overfilled fucktoy for men to use and play with. She felt like her old self for a moment as visions of the scrawny, shy nerd she used to be began to twist and writhe in pleasure that she too felt. Her thoughts and the visions merged into one as she felt her boobs swell all over again, sloshing and heavy and glowing with erotic sensitivity. She could feel her nipples harden and lips plump as her hips and ass billowed with cushy, fuckable fat.

(Doll, Doll, Doll. I’m a Spooky Doll. I’m a sexy Spooky Doll and I wanna FUCK)

Again, Makoto could feel herself wanting it. It would be so fun, feel so good, and give her so much joy to just let it happen and do what her mind wanted her to do. Even so, there was something about it that kept her lucid throughout the experience. She saw the images as an observer, repelling any attempt her consciousness made to merge with the pornographic image of her dollified self. She couldn’t tell of it was a buried sense of disgust at what she saw, a desire to retain her identity, or the fact that she knew she was being tested, but regardless of the reason, she refused to break.

“I’m a regular college student.” She said, gritting through the weight of her mind.

She had originally wanted to give a more in depth answer and talk about what she was studying and where she came from, but apparently any answer was satisfactory. Again, the mental weight was lifted and she felt as if it’d never been there to begin with. But before she could fully pull herself back out of her own thoughts, new visions started appearing.

Her and Maya meeting on the swings in elementary school. The two of them playing at the park during the junior high field trip. Long summers spent trading Pokemon and watching anime in each other’s messy rooms. Sitting together on the grass at college and reading together between classes.

“You know this girl. Maya Katz.” The woman’s voice said. “Your friend and companion.”

That much was true, Makoto knew. But as soon as she thought the words, the visions intensified. She saw the two of them sneaking into the abandoned school with Maya ignoring her many warnings not to do so. The arguments they’d had about returning and the flaunting of her new, sexed up figure and dark aesthetic. The unnoticed glares she’d received when she came to school looking nice herself.

“She only cared for you so long as you did not threaten her. She resents you for your beauty. She is jealous of you. She wants to be who your beauty has allowed you to be.”

No, Makoto thought. She and Maya may have gotten into a couple disagreements or even argued from time to time, but that was normal. Healthy even. Maya wasn’t jealous of her.

The visions deepened further. She watched from afar as Maya talked herself up in the mirror, sighing and rolling her eyes when she saw the texts Makoto had sent. A vision of herself with Jared and Todd at the Fall Social played in front of her. She watched herself laughing and teasing the boys as Maya stood watching in the background, a rude looking fat girl brimming with drama glaring with teary eyes and gritted teeth as her sexier friend received the love and attention SHE had come for. Finally, the sight of her friend growing fatter and more buxom, her chins doubling as she settled into her new bitchy, obese, obnoxious identity.

“She means to attack you. She is jealous.

Jealous of your body, Jealous of your mind.

But you can take all that she has left. Make her beauty your own. You have the chance to take everything from her. Ruin her. Punish her for her unfaithfulness. She does not deserve you.”

Makoto’s head swam. The shock of seeing her closest friend staring at her with such malice made her sick to her stomach. The sound of her snarling, sharp-toned voice calling her names and cursing her from the shadows played one after another in her mind. Maya didn’t want to be friends, Makoto thought, anger seeping into her increasingly tired mind. She wanted to BE her. It was one thing to be losers together, but when she was pretty and eager to be loved for more than being a comfort item to a lonely girl, her so-called “friend” despised her for it. She saw her fat tits wobbling back and forth as she waddled clumsily into the school at sundown, rage burning in her eyes. She saw a woman, no longer Maya the sweet nerd but Maya the Big, Busty Bitch in the same room, clothed in a black latex corset and matching goth makeup.


The visions grew more intense than ever. Years of hidden resentment playing in front of her eyes, many of them long before either of them had ever set foot in the haunted school campus. Makoto tried to muster the anger to fight back. To strike first and beat Maya at her own game….But she couldn’t.

“Your answer, Miss Suzuki.” A melodic, icy soft voice said.

The test.

That was it, she realized. This was all a test. With all the wild torrents of emotion and maddening pressure caused by the visions, she’d forgotten that this was all just to see what she would do.

She didn’t want to hurt her friend. Nor did she believe that the images of cruelty and malice playing behind her eyes were real. Maya wouldn’t want to hurt her either. The two of them were best friends, no matter what happened.

“No.” Makoto whispered. “I won’t do it. I won’t let you do it. I won’t say what you want. I won’t BE what you want.”

She stood tall, her vision beginning to clear and her mind slowly refocusing as the visions slowed, but did not yet stop.

“I am Makoto Suzuki. And Maya Katz is my best friend. THAT is my answer.”

The harsh light pouring out of the circle began to dim the moment Mako noticed it. Her breaths grew shallow and trembling as the intensity that filled the room drained away, leaving her tired and shaky.

“Very well.” The voice said. “That concludes your final exam. Please exit the test area and return to the outside.”

Mako nodded slowly, drowsily moving towards the door, pleased with her fortitude and loyalty. She walked out into the reception area once more where she expected to see the approving or perhaps even glowering face of the blonde woman there, but to her slight surprise, it was cold and empty.

As she walked towards the door, sleepy visions of Maya staring into the mirror played lazily in the background, popping pimples and sighing at unwanted freckles. She could feel the scratching of her fingernails against her teeth and the feeling of disgust Maya experienced when she noticed the buildup of gunk under her fingernails. She could see, even taste meal after massive meal that Maya had indulged in during her transformation, half-aware of what it felt like to walk around as she did. Heavy footfalls and the sensation of wobbling thighs filled her mind as she walked across the bleak, colorless campus.

In truth, her victory over the visions left her feeling closer to her friend than ever, leaving her with a greater understanding of what it was like being her friend for all the years leading up to that moment. She felt what it was like to have her vision turn to bleary slush when her glasses were taken off her face and the shame of seeing her diminutive breasts and knowing that even among the dorks, she was the frumpy, flat chested one. She felt the insecurity of having big, bushy eyebrows against Makoto’s soft, smooth features and gentle smile.

Empathy and love for her friend soared as Mako moved thickly towards the exit, finally reaching the door to room 7. As she wandered down the burned, empty hall of the now ghostless building, she saw the pale blue light of the early morning trickle in from the filthy windows as she felt what it was like to feel so inferior to her best friend. She knew what it was like to want to be like her. To feel like SHE was the desirable one instead of the ugly fat friend. Just once in her life, SHE wanted to be the beautiful one.

Mako walked outside and felt her oversensitive nipples harden painfully against the cold. There was an urge to plunge her fingers deep into her thick, hairy pussy and finger herself to an orgasm right there, but she was stopped by the sight of a woman approaching from the shadows.

“Hey, Mako-chan.” Said the girl in a melodic, beautiful voice.

The girl was fairly tall and towered over Mako-chan intimidatingly, her luscious brown hair falling flawlessly over her massive, natural looking bimbo tits. Her perfectly cherubic, cutely appled cheeks rose with her gorgeous red-lipped smile. She was familiar. Too familiar in fact, but something about her was wrong.

Something about her wasn’t right and Mako-chan knew it, but the more she tried to put her finger on what it was, the more she seemed to forget.

“….Maya?” She asked, slowly, dizzily remembering her gothic supermodel friend.

“Yep. That’s right.” She said, giving Mako-chan a twirl and showing off all 360 degrees of her slim, curvy, flawless body.


“….What….Happened..?” Mako-chan asked dizzily as her world began to spin.

“What happened…” Maya said, grinning her beast, hot, evil girl grin “Is that you failed. I, on the other hand, did not.”

Mako-chan felt her legs give out just as her world went black.

Mako-chan sat on the grass in her usual spot outside of the library, picking at grass or reading the latest edition of fairy smut she’d purchased online with the money she told her parents she needed for school. In reality, the sloppy dork had flunked out of her classes long ago and only still went to the campus to catch a glimpse of the object of her affection: Maya Katz.

To Mako-chan, Maya was living perfection and the most beautiful person to ever exist. She spent her every day slobbering over the popular model’s cam shows and goth-themed videos, oftentimes on campus while she waited every day for the dark, edgy beauty to saunter by, shaking her hips with every shimmering step. It wasn’t uncommon for the gross, sweaty blob of a girl to tweak her nipples as she watched the perfect beauty on her phone screen reveal herself over and over, replaying each leaked spankbang video over and over and taking notes of every tiny change in Maya’s aesthetic.

In her opinion, Maya was everything that an ugly dork like Mako-chan wasn’t. Where Maya’s teeth were shining white and perfectly straight, Mako-chan’s were crooked and yellowed from lack of cleaning. Where Maya had a tight, curvaceous figure with massive boobs and a heart shaped ass, Mako-chan was a walking sack of double chinned cellulite in a black dress that was too small for her piggish greaseball belly and far too loose for her comparatively tiny mushpuff breasts. Still, Mako-chan’s hypersexuality coupled with her obsession with the popular model kept her vigorously horny, oftentimes bringing a blanket to school as a cover for her still-noisy vibrator while she smoked on the lawn in her crusted over panties time and time again while waiting for Maya to walk out of class.


Finally, the door to the biology room opened and Mako-chan shot straight up where she sat, eager to get an eyeful of the most beautiful creature on the planet. As she waved vigorously, calling out over and over again for Maya to notice her, the dark-haired bimbo once again passed by with no more than a lazy glance, a catlike smile, and the tiniest wave of her fingers.

Even that was enough to send Mako-chan into a frenzy, panting heavily as she ran to the bathroom and pulled out her phone where the latest Maya Moonlight video had been queued up and set to full screen. Maya’s gorgeous chest and plump lips filled the screen as Mako-chan hit play, feeling her chin bury itself in the flabby jowls that encapsulated her neck.

“Hello my lovelies….It’s Maya Moonlight here with an extra special show for my MOST devoted fans…” Maya said.


“Oh my god oh my god oh my god.” Mako-chan wheezed, her heart working so hard that it actually inhibited her ability to feel the full strength of her own arousal.

Mako-chan lifted her skirt and leaned against the painfully hard toilet lever as she buried her fingers in her flabby, hairy snatch.

“This is gonna be AMAZING!”




The twist ending was subtle, but one I planned from the start 😈. Makoto's fatal flaw wasn't that she was mean or cruel or wanting attention, it was that she was too blindly trusting of someone who was only ever comfortable as long as she was getting her way. Even in the beginning, most of what Maya does is in direct opposition to what Makoto thinks is a good idea. The school was, in many ways, showing that to her. In the end, all that mattered was that a new bimbo was made, but while nice, considerate Mako was gifted with a slim, sexy body, she was still completely oblivious to both the fact that her best friend would sell her out in a heartbeat if it meant she could be more than she was, as well as the numerous warnings she was given during her lessons. Maya on the other hand became fatter amd more sexually aggressive as her inner nastiness and jealousy was amplified by her new confidence. Had Makoto paid attention in class, she might have learned to seize opportunity and see through people who don't really love her for her. Having failed that, Maya got her way like she always did. Fortune favors the bold, and just because you're nice doesn't mean you're correct. Furthermore, it's a cautionary tale that asks the hard questions: Are your friends really your friends? Or are they merely holding you back for their convenience and comfort? And if given the opportunity, would those friends sacrifice you if it meant they would benefit from it? In the end, they both got what they fought for: Maya got to be pretty, popular, and adventurous, while Maya got to be comfy and loyal.


Very well done!


I'm late to the party, but this was an epic conclusion. Having read this comment, I completely see what you mean... the clues were there all along. I know you mentioned how challenging this story was, but your hard work paid off in spades! Fantastic tale from start to finish.