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“And tilt your chin up please?” The photographer asked, already exhausted after only 3 hours of Arabella Ashford’s attitude and treatment of him.

Arabella languished sensually on the bed, slinking about like a lazy cat as the camera flashed over and over again for the 10th time that hour. The woman was infamously difficult to work with and known for long, arduous photoshoots, but that came at the promise of ridiculous amounts of money. An Ashford photoshoot or party was easily worth fifteen times any photographer or dj’s monthly average, and as such, such a gig was the holy grail of freelance work. Almost any performer, cameraman, photographer, musician, or even fire spinner who completed an Ashford job ended up decked out with a ton of brand new gear to vastly increase the production quality of their particular act. From there, they could charge more to perform for more wealthy clients with their increased fame. Those lucky few ended up traveling the world on tour with more than an entire year’s worth of funds to see it through, all the while gaining even more money from the tour itself.

Needless to say, Doug was more than patient with Arabella’s constant rifling through his camera and demanding on-the-spot edits. Still, he worked for his pay.

“Again please.” Arabella would call out, snapping her fingers with her hand held high in the air to call attention to herself, fully expecting the world to stop for her.

Then, fully immersed in her own vanity, the rich, stunning bimbo would return to her poses. Making love to the camera and then fixating on her own image for hours before making them public had become a very common occurrence for Arabella since her daughter had moved away, but no one really seemed to mind all that much. Her husband was intensely attracted to the woman she’d become and frankly, slutting it up for social media and modeling contracts was the closest thing to work Mrs. Ashford had ever done.


News of Lucy’s departure had originally put Carlos Lozaro in a depressive state for several weeks. It was no secret that the butler to the Ashford family was a notorious sleaze and had an appetite for women far out of his league, but that didn’t stop him from eventually having his way with virtually every woman he’d decided he wanted. Carlos had either groomed, manipulated, or seduced every one of the girls on the house staff and several of the guests that had come to the manor for a gala, party, social, or whatever event the Ashfords were having rich people over for that week. Rumor had it that the 350 pound pig of a man had on several occasions got to fuck Arabella herself when she decided to go slumming.

 Only Lucy had evaded and laughed off his multiple attempts to woo her, and because of it, Carlos had been practically obsessed with her. Over and over he would try to impress her with some charisma-infused display of strength or a practiced bumbling sweetheart act involving flowers or acts of service, but never once did she take the bait. He had a habit of slandering the men she brought over as well, over how they supposedly treated her when everyone knew that he only hated them for having the one thing he couldn’t. Eventually she left the house to move in with her new husband; some muscular stud of an older man who was to be the next dean of the school group the Ashfords had partnered with. Later on the news broke that Lucy had gotten married, and then was confirmed to be pregnant. Carlos shut himself in his room for two weeks before returning to work even hornier and more voracious than ever before.

His first request to Gideon was an approved change of appearance standards for the female workers. Women older than 30 were removed from employment under the guise of at-will employment while the uniforms were made smaller, skimpier, and more revealing. Each girl on the staff was to live in the staff quarters with Carlos as the undisputed patriarch of the house while the male gardeners would simply drive to and from the property if they didn’t have a trailer situated outside the main house. The girls were each encouraged to get plastic surgery at the expense of the Ashfords, claiming it to be a work expense as well as an incentive for employment. Before long, Carlos had become the lone, fat, predatory weasel in a henhouse full of nubile young bimbos all vying for his attention and the privileges that his blatant favoritism earned them.


Most days, Carlos could be found in the living room talking about day and night, smoking a cigar while one of his rapidly bimbofying servant acolytes sucked him off under the table or tried to pull his attention by jiggling their tits in his face. He sat around like a mob boss, corrupt and spoiled and buried up to his fat neck in sex and the money to keep his appetites fed for a long time. The only vestiges of what could have once been purity showed themselves in his spirited bouts of nostalgia for the since-gone daughter of the Ashford family and the tales he would tell about small interactions with her. Each girl knew on some level that they would never come close to meaning as much to him as Lucy did, but given the perks that came with it, there was never a reason not to try.


“Alrighty then! The place looks absolutely MARVELOUS and I am so so, SO excited for the first year to begin.” Lucy Ashford gushed in a posh, bubbly tone.

As the leading representative of Bright University’s Law School: Ashford Academy, it was Lucy’s job to make sure everything was up to standard before either she or her father Gideon could put their names on the project and greenlight the opening. Originally she hadn’t believed herself capable of running the establishment, especially in her condition, but upon meeting another female representative from further South, she was inspired to change her tone. Emily Knight-Dell was in Lucy’s mind, the perfect specimen of a woman. She was stunningly beautiful with generous plastic enhancements, but still sharp as a razor when it came to problem solving and eloquent debate tactics. A mother of two without even the slightest hint of it showing on her body and remarkably intelligent, Emily became in a day what no woman had ever been during Lucy’s entire lifetime: A role model.


“Excellent, babes.” Mrs. Knight said, grinning over a clipboard and pen. “So before we sign off on everything and make it official, have you and your hubs managed to sort out the land dispute with the locals?”

Lucy pressed her hand to her back and stretched, her round pregnant belly rising slightly as she did. Pregnancy had put some weight on the glamorous trophy wife for sure and she felt it in her back and chest, but Lucy embraced her figure with grace and dignity. She may have become heavier, but her beauty hadn’t diminished at all.


“Actually…We have not.” She said, twisting her lips sideways. “We’ve tried offers, buyouts, and payoffs, but they still insist on staying. That being said, we still have several lawyers working on litigation strategies for the acquisition.” Lucy reported in a dignified tone.

In truth, the only thing that had her worried was the local land dispute with the Mojave Native Americans. Effectively, they still owned all of the land that the school had been built on and were now suing over the construction happening without their approval. Even so, the Ashfords and the rest of Bright had lots of money to throw at the project and that was enough to at least stop the locals from removing the university or it’s accoutrements from the land. It was everything that Gideon and Lucy could do to stave off the attorneys until the project could move far enough ahead to make it more difficult to undo.

“Ooh. I see. Don’t wait for the iron to get hot to strike, make it hot by striking. Gotcha.

Tell you what, babes. You just keep on going and I’ll sign off on it. I learned a long time ago that if you want something done, you have to just do it, permission or not. You’re doing great. And besiiiiiiides…” Emily said, signing her name over and over on several pages.

“In my experience, these things tend to work themselves out naturally over time anyways. I’m also the head of Diversity and Inclusion at Bright so I may have someone to bridge the gap between us and the locals. Other than that, you’re all set.”

Lucy looked over the contract, beaming with joy. She’d done it. She’d finally gotten her partners secured and her life’s work off the ground with as little concession as possible. The only thing left was to wait for Emily to work her connections and pacify the locals.

“Next stop: The Grand Opening.” Emily said, her perfect, white teeth gleaming in the sun.




Great ending! Love the tie in with Bright School.


I liked the characters you helped create so much that they have become part of the Voxverse lol x3