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“You ready?” Brian asked, smiling brightly at his sexy Indian wife as she excitedly puttered around the airport terminal, practically vibrating with energy.

“Oh my god, yes! I’ve wanted to see America my whole life! I just have to make sure not to get fat when I get there!” Lauren joked, running her hands over her sleek, smooth curves, oblivious to her husband’s widening grin.

He didn’t know by what circumstances they were now married. No new memories came to him when the transformations hit. Instead, Brian just learned to go with the flow when it came to these things and allow Lauren to have her excitement and fun without bogging her down with questions about how they met and got married with each iteration. It was fun for him too to see her so into whatever it was that version of her was doing at whatever junction they happened to be at. She was always different, but she was always recognizably Lauren, and that was enough.

Still, a young Indian woman moving to America for the first time without gaining weight even in absence of magical transformations was a hard sell, especially considering she’d been pretty massive in the past already. Brian shrugged knowingly, fully expecting her to look completely different by winter anyways. He made sure to get a good eyeful of his dark haired beauty while she was still dark haired. Soon their flight was called and the eager couple stepped out into the boarding area.


With the pace of the last few transformations, Brian had fully expected to see a drastic change in appearance as fall rolled around. This time however, Lauren simply stayed the way she was for the most part. In her new Indian persona, she had an intense curiosity and fondness for all of the new sights and sounds of her new home country, completely ignorant of the fact that she’d actually lived there her whole life. For months everything went on as if everything was normal and while Brian fid begin to worry that the original Lauren was never coming back, he didn’t really hate her change in ethnicity either. She liked the same things and watched similar shows, but was more excited to try new things and to get out of the house, insisting they go out to nightclubs and concerts more often. She ate and partied more than she did in India according to her, but all things said and done, she was having the time of her life.

After a good long while without power outages or creepy commercials talking to them, Brian found Lauren typing away on the computer early one morning instead of going through her usual yoga routine.

“What are you doing?” He asked, slipping into the room quietly.

Lauren sighed.

“I’m looking for a job.” She replied.

Brian’s eyes glanced around the room quizzically. “…Why? I make enough money for both of us. You don’t really have to work if you don’t want to.”

“Yes but that’s exactly the problem. I want to. I need something to get me out of the house and active. I’m getting fat just sitting around all the time. That and I wouldn’t mind some extra money to spoil myself with. I hate having to ask you for cash whenever I want something.” Lauren responded, standing up and running her hands down her waist creating a thick wave of pudge that roiled down her waist before dissipating at her considerably thick hips.

The effects of her new American lifestyle were pretty obvious. Lauren had put on a very noticeable amount of weight even despite her love of dancing and daily yoga. Conveniently, almost none of said weight went to her face or even anywhere but her legs. Her waist had widened a bit to accommodate them, but for the most part Lauren’s time on an American diet did very little except give her very wide hips and an especially fat ass that Brian was not especially displeased by.


Still, if she wanted to get out and be more active while bringing in some money while she did, he wasn’t going to complain.

It was only a few weeks before she’d received an email from Pearl Pines Country Club about an interview for a position tending the local golf course, and another two weeks later came the call saying she was hired. Lauren was over the moon at the message, giddily dancing around her husband like a little kid.

The pair of them had gone down to take a tour of the grounds, as employees did receive a basic level membership to the club and use of it’s facilities if they so decided to reserve a day for a party or some sort of event. Both of them were astonished at how beautiful the golf course itself was, especially with the red and orange autumn leaves over the bright green grass of the well-tended lawn.


They spent little time in the main club building itself considering that the scope of Lauren’s duties were going to have her outside most of the time, instead going straight to the office to finalize the paperwork. The money itself wasn’t spectacular, but it was certainly a better gig than washing dishes or cleaning gutters , and it did get Lauren out of the house.

It was only as they were leaving that Brian noticed a yearly event calendar with several dates circled and crossed out in red marker. At first he thought nothing of it, but then a second glance he noticed that one of the dates marked off on the calendar was the local Dwarf Lord convention. His eyes darted over to a later date that read “KL Bodybuilding Competition” and then another that said “Indian Culture Festival.” As a sinking feeling lurched in his stomach, Brian felt his eyes travel up the laminated page to the first month listed.

October. The first month on the calendar was October of the previous year with tiny red and black stars drawn onto the 13th slot. October 13th, he remembered, was the very first day that he and Lauren had gone to the mall to pick out some new bras, only to have the power go out and the mess of transformations begin. On top of that, it would only be another month before the anniversary of that day.

“Brian!” Lauren called from the door. “You coming?”

Brian took a deep breath and walked towards the door.

“Yep. Let’s…get out of here.” He said.




Phenomenal chapter! Pudgy Indian Lauren is (was?) cute, I love the newlywed twist as a plausible reason to return to America. And the golf course?! I am excited to see what this golf course transformation has in store! Thanks for keeping that on the table :) Finally... that calendar!! What does it mean? How is it related?! The mystery! The Intrigue! I love how you work these plot developments into the transformation-based narrative. Stupendous as always Vox.