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Marriage Blues

The filming of Nina and others' video finishes, and it's Okaa-san and Stellaria's turn.

"Everybody, I'll bring Okaa-sama over, so give me a minute"


"Okaa-sama. How goes the preparation?"

"Eeh, I just got done"

I ended up slightly freezing against my better judgement when I saw the Okaa-san who came out from the walk-in closet.

"Ara, what is the matter?"

"Ah! Okaa-sama is too beautiful......it ended up surprising me"

"My! Tsukuyomi. Fufuu"

"Then, Okaa-sama, shall we go"

I hovered in the sky and embraced Okaa-sama. Or rather, I ended up hugging her tightly.

And then, I ended up being unable to move for a bit. I wonder what's this feeling?

"Tsukuyomi? What's the matter?"

"Ah. Sorry. I will be teleporting now"


"My! Armeria-sama. You are incredibly beautiful"

"Lia, thank you"

"Then, I will go and fetch Stellaria"


I arrived in front of Stellaria's room in the dormitory. I knock on the door.

"Stellaria. How's the preparation?"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Go ahead"

I open the door and go inside. She was wearing the blue dress I gifted her at the beginning and letting her hair down when I did.

"Aah. Stellaria......you are really pretty"

"My! Tsukuyomi-sama......that is"

"Then, shall we go?"


I hovered in the sky and embraced Stellaria......no, I hugged tightly again.


As I thought, I couldn't move for a bit.

This feeling......it is the same as the time with Okaa-san.

"Tsukuyomi-sama? What is the matter?"

"Ah! I-, it's, nothing. I'll be teleporting now"


"My! Stellaria-sama! How magnificent!"


"You are magnificent......"

"Now then, let's film it starting with Okaa-sama. Can I have you stand over there and give a greeting towards the camera? While looking at this round glass over there, please. Stellaria will do the same as well next"

"Got it"

"Go ahead!"

"I am the daughter of the Nemophila Kingdom's Second Queen, Wisteria Liatris Nemophila, and  Tsukuyomi's mother; my name is Armeria Nemophila"

It was a graceful and beautiful greeting when she gave her greetings.

"I am the Nemophila Kingdom Royal Chivalric Order's Sword Saint, and, I am Marquis Frank Neumann's Second Daughter, the chamberlain who will serve Tsukuyomi-sama for my lifetime; my name is Stellaria Neumann"

"It's somewhat, rigid huh. Well, whatever. Then, I guess I shall do a self-introduction as well"

I hovered and stopped between Okaa-san and Stellaria.

"I am, Amaterasu Gento and Armeria's son. Aoi Masamichi in my previous life, I am Tsukuyomi"

"I reincarnated into the clan of Gods called the Amaterasu Clan, for 6 years. I am capable of Levitation like this and Teleportation"


I use Teleportation to about 50 meters behind that spot and return right away.


"This is Teleportation. The power that I am always using to exchange items with Earth is Telekinesis like this"

When I say that, I take Stellaria's hand and hold her up about a meter on that spot.

"And, yeah. I am capable of something like this as well"

After putting Stellaria down, I stepped to the back again and produced flames from my right hand, gradually made it bigger, and at the very end, I made it into a flamethrower state for them to see, and I came back again.

"Additionally, I am capable of healing fractures and inflammation and stopping bleeding with my Healing ability, and I am also capable of See-Through Vision. I am capable of seeing a woman's oviduct and verifying their ovulation, and seeing a pregnant woman's foetus more clearly than an ultrasound with See-Through Vision. I am also capable of treating the inflammation for pneumonia as well while looking at the alveoli's inflammation. It is convenient, right?"

"But, you know. It seems the one capable of that, is only me even in this entire world. It seems supernatural powers like these are only passed down to a handful even in the Amaterasu Clan. I intend to investigate this area further from here on out"

"It seems that Earth's Japan and this world, are a country and a world created by, the same, Amaterasu Omikami. That is why the language is the same. But why, Japan-ish culture only remains in the Amaterasu Clan, is something I still do not know. I would like to investigate this from here on out as well. I will notify you if I find out something again"

"Also, I think it will be difficult, but there are no menstrual products over here, and we are currently wrapping the inside of a dried aloe vera-like cactus with gauze and using it"

"That is something I came up with and created as a last resort because we cannot create surfactant. I suppose it is not impossible to purchase menstrual products from that side as always, but it is not realistic if we consider the amount used by the world"

"Is there some way to make surfactant without chemicals, or a machine that can create surfactant with electricity? Please enlighten me if there is any other good way"

"Then, I will be counting on you when there is something I want again"

The filming is done with this. I send them back to the room with Teleportation one by one.

"Let's return starting with Okaa-sama then"


I came back right away and took Stellaria.

"Stellaria, we're off"



When I returned to where Nina and the others were, the always docile Mira was glancing over at me fidgetily.

"Mira. What's the matter?"

"Er-, err, I-, I want to try Teleportation as well. Is what I was thinking......"

"Aah, sure. I'll have to hug Mira though; is that okay?"

"Ye-, yes. It is alright"

Hovering in the sky, I match Mira's height and hug her. Perhaps she's scared, she hugs me back a little strongly.

"You don't have to be nervous. We're off"

"Yes. Please do"


"Ah! It really did not feel of anything!"

"Right? You can let go then"

Mira has a red face and shows no sign of letting me go.

"Mira? What's the matter?"

When I peek into Mira's face,

"Ah! Sorry"

I finally managed to get her to let go. And then, I return to where Nina and the others are.


"Then, does Lia and Nina want to teleport as well?"

"Eh? Can I also?"

"Of course. I'll be hugging you though; is that okay?"

"Yes. I do not mind"

"Lia. You don't really have to close your eyes, you know"

"Ah! Sor-, sorry"

"You're turning bright red; how adorable"

I teleported right away after hugging her.


"Ah! Did we already arrive!"

"It is Teleportation after all"


"Now then, Nina, shall we go as well"


I realised that I was hugging Nina for the first time in a long while. And also that Nina's breasts have gotten bigger.

"Nina, your breasts got bigger huh"

"I, already came of age after all......"

When Nina said with a bright red face, she put strength into her arms that embraced me.

"Is that so, Nina. The last time I used Teleportation with Nina was when we came, and it has been a year huh"

"Yes. That is correct"

"The Moon Palace or here, which is more fun?"

"I like it better here"

"I see. I'm glad to hear that. We're off then"


I replayed the video I filmed, cut the NG scenes, and completed the video file on the computer. I informed them that I would write a letter once a month from here on out even if there's nothing. If Yamamoto gets married or something and ends up moving, they will end up being unable to contact me from that side after all.

I then sealed the SD card in the envelope and sent it to Yamamoto.

When spring visited Nemophila Kingdom, Mira and Lia got engaged. It seems they're getting married in autumn.

It's Nina's rest day today. I was talking to the two of them with Okaa-san.

"Mira, Lia. Congratulations on your engagement. We have to have some kind of celebration. Is there anything you want?"

"No way, a celebration......I cannot have that"

"I cannot have a celebration either"

"Okaa-sama. Is that how it is in this world?"

"Yeah. You cannot give a celebration to servants"

"Is that so......how boring. Then, I will give you a hand when you want to conceive a boy if you two wish"

"Eh! Really?"

"Of course. Both of you are worrying about having to give birth to a successor from here on out, no?"

"Yes. I am worried since I have been told repeatedly by my Okaa-sama"

"In that case, I'll teach you so that you'll definitely conceive one, so don't worry"

"Really! Thank you!"

"I'll talk about it in detail when your marriages are around the corner"

"Yes! Thank you"

Both Lia and Mira are extremely good girls, so it's a bit of a pity that we'll be separating.

It came the season when flowers blossom on Nemophila Hill this year as well. As per my suggestion, it was decided that we'll not only have tea but eat lunch as well today.

In the small-scale ship, Veronica and Stellaria, Okaa-san and Tsukikage-nee-sama, Arnica, Romy, and Forlan, along with the three maids and Kohaku, had gotten on board.

I used Teleportation all the way to Nemophila Hill as soon as everybody got on board the small-scale ship.

Since I did it without saying anything, everybody was surprised because they didn't know what had happened.

"Now then, everybody. We arrived!"

"My! Tsukuyomi used Teleportation huh"

"It is great that we arrived quickly, right?"

I lowered them to the ground two at a time, and at the very end, I lowered Kohaku to the ground. As usual, he's running around to his heart's content

Nina and the others are laying the carpet and preparing lunch for us.

We decided that Nina and the others will also sit together and eat the same thing since this isn't the castle. There's probably no Royal Family or nobles who do something like this in this world.

All of us had our sandwich lunch, drank tea, and relaxed while appreciating the beautiful Nemophila flowers.

"Veronica. How did it go with the individual you encountered at the dance party?"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. I am actually still at a loss"

"'At a loss', you mean whether to get married or not?"


"May I ask why?"

"Yes. Both the other party and I are of a Viscount family, but I have been told by the other party's parents that they cannot imagine that someone like a knight can give birth to a successor. Philip-sama has told me, 'it's fine, so don't worry about it', but if that is how it is before getting married, just thinking what would happen if I could not conceive......"

"I get it! The other party may be a kind individual, but the parents are different after all"

Uーn. I wonder if Mira is also in the same circumstances. This is what they call 'marriage blues' huh.

"Then, Veronica does not have any dissatisfaction with the other party personally, right?"

"That is a given. I......uh......"

"'Love him'!"

"Wah! I-, I suppose that would be the case......"

How adorable. Turning bright red!

"Well then, how about we do this? Mira and Lia are also anxious about giving birth to a successor. Once your marriages are around the corner, let's have Mira, Lia, and Veronica's partner and their parents all come to the castle's reception room. I will give the instructions on conceiving a successor over there"

"Okaa-sama, it is alright for me to use the castle's reception room, right?"

"Eeh, it is fine"

"Eeh! Tsukuyomi-sama will instruct not just us but even our partner's parents?"

"If I go from what I just heard, if I had to say, I would say that that is more important. Listen up. No matter how much you girls and your partners love each other, and then even if you are to receive guidance from me, if you don't have your partner's parents' understanding and you get pressured with, 'are you not pregnant yet?', 'can you give birth to a boy?', whenever you meet, you will end up being unable to conceive even if you can, you know"

"Is that so!"

"Yes. That is how it is. It would be sad if you cannot conceive a child because of your partner's parents even though you finally got the chance to encounter someone nice and get married"

"To have Tsukuyomi-sama worry that much for us......"

"Veronica. You must not misunderstand. I think your partner's parents did not say that out of hatred for Veronica. I think they end up wanting to say it because they are worried for their son's future"

"Yes. I think that is only natural"

"But, you will definitely conceive a boy since I will be instructing you"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you!"

"It is for the adorable Veronica's sake after all. It is no big deal. Ah! Will Veronica retire from being a knight at the same time as you get married?"

"Yes. That is the plan"

"Then, please reduce the amount of training from about 2 months before you get married. You cannot conceive a child if your menstruation does not properly come every month after all. Stellaria, will you keep an eye out on her for me as well?"

"Yes. Understood. Thank you for all you are doing for Veronica's sake"

"It is nothing. I love Veronica after all"


"Tsukuyomi-sama. Too much teasing is......"

"Ah! Again!"


For me, Mira, Lia, and Veronica are especially adorable.

I want the three of them to overcome their marriage blues and be in bliss.


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