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Setting Off To Nemophila Kingdom

August comes, and the 5 Okaa-samas' childbirths are here at last.

There wasn't any problem during the pre-natal checkup. And then, Mari-kaa-sama was the first to give birth safe and sound, and a week after that, Silvia-kaa-sama and Julia-kaa-sama's labour pains ended up starting in the morning of the same day.

But we'd already experienced 3 childbirths since entering this year after all, and the Onee-samas also employed their experience from observing and were a big help as assistants. And then both of them gave birth safe and sound. 2 days after that, Charlotte-kaa-sama gave birth, and 3 more days after that, Olivia-kaa-sama gave birth.

Gyougetsu-ojii-san went to meet all the children right after they were born and named them.

Mari-kaa-sama's child was named Shuukou, Silvia-kaa-sama's child was named Keishuu, Julia-kaa-sama's child was named Ryousetsu, Charlotte-kaa-sama's child was named Ranshuu, and Olivia-kaa-sama's child was named Joufuu.

Every one of the 7 newly born boys, didn't have 「Moon」 in their name. In other words, it means their powers aren't that strong. I wonder why it is so even though 7 whole boys have been born. I wonder what's different.

A certain day 3 months before going to Nemophila Kingdom, I visited Ojii-san's mansion with Okaa-sama.

"Ojii-sama, good morning!"

"Gyougetsu-sama, good morning"

"Ooh, Tsukuyomi. Armeria. Morning. What's the matter today?"

"Eeh, I have a little something, that I want to ask"

"Umu. Got it. Let's get some tea ready right away"

"Now then, what do you want to ask?"

"Yes. It is about the Okaa-samas' children. 7 of them were born, but how were their powers?"

"Un. You have probably heard their names, so I think you already know, but they only possess the ability of Healing, the same as Gento"

"In that case, what will happen when they come of age?"

"Yeah. We've never had a child after a boy is born so far after all. There isn't a precedence. That's why they'll probably either be the adopted son-in-law of a country or noble somewhere, or they'll become a shrine's chief priest. Well, there's no set rule"

"Then, it is also possible for the people themselves to decide huh"


"Understood. And I asked a bit about the pillars previously, but you do not know anything about them, right?"

"The pillars huh. I don't know anything in-depth. I've heard that they were already there when this world was created. But I don't know who actually made it. 'Earth', was it. Do they not have them in the world Tsukuyomi was?"

"Yes. There are not. But it seems plans to make them from here on out had started"

"Then, Tsukuyomi knows what they are, right?"

"Yes. I think it is an orbital ring and space elevator"

"How, do you make them?"

"I do not know if it is correct since this is a smattering I heard from my friend, but you first hover a man-made satellite, in other words, a star made by humans, in space above the equator of this planet, and from there, you make a huge ring structure and make it spin at the same speed as this planet's rotation"

"After that ring is done, you lower a structure that looks like a pillar and is empty on the inside to the ground hanging"

"What do you use that for?"

"First, the inside of the pillar will be an elevator. It is the same as the ship's ascension-descension device. You can go all the way to space from the ground with that. Since you can go all the way to space easily, it becomes easier to go to other planets from there. You also generate electricity with the orbital ring and provide electricity to the ground through the pillar. It appears to be called 「Light」  in this world though"

"You can go to other planets?"

"Eeh, if you have a space-use ship, that is. But a space elevator being completed means there is definitely, a space-use ship. In order words, there should also be a spaceship. There might be a ship there if we try going up the top of the pillar"

"Did humans go to other planets on Earth?"

"They had gone to the moon. It seemed they are also making plans to go to other planets as well"

"You can go all the way to that moon huh"

"Eeh, if you have a spaceship. But I still do not know whether we can go since this planet's moon is a twin moon"

"Is it difficult if it is a twin moon?"

"This is my conjecture, but since those moons are revolving around each other at quite a high speed from what I see, I think the gravity is also quite strong. I believe it might be difficult to land there"

"It is quite fast? It comes off like it is moving slowly though"

"No, it just comes off as such because you are looking at it from afar, and it is actually horribly fast"

"You know even something like that huh. Shall we try going next time then"

"Eh? To the moon?"

"No no. To the pillar"

"Aah, yeah. We usually only go down to the ground with the elevator even when we arrive at the pillar with the Moon Palace's ship after all. But that elevator seemed to only be able to go back and forth between the ground and the ship dock though"

"There may be a different elevator or whatnot that can go all the way to space then?"

"Eeh, there should be. But even if there is that elevator, it is dangerous to suddenly get on it and go all the way to space"

"Why is that so?"

"There is no oxygen in space. Furthermore, radiation and ultraviolet rays and such are all harmful to the human body. If we go to space in this get-up, we will end up dying in seconds"

"Then, we can't go huh"

"No, we will be alright if we create a facility or rather a room where we can live under the same conditions as the humans on the ground in the sky. In the case that we do not have that, an outfit that is equipped with a device that enables us to breathe in space called a spacesuit is necessary"

"The 'space', sure is scary huh"

"Eeh, so, are there no records regarding those things anywhere? By any chance, there might be a book with such information written?"

"If you are talking about books and old documents, they are being stored in the palace's basement. I suppose if it is Tsukuyomi, it would be alright to show it to you. However, these are also the records of House Amaterasu. By right, only the person who became the current head of the family is allowed entry. Does Tsukuyomi have that resolve?"

"The successor huh. That......"


Okaa-san is making a worried-looking face.

"Well, you can think about it slowly. I shall specially allow Tsukuyomi's entry to the basement"

"Thank you"

"Then, shall we go right away"

"Yes. Thank you"

I returned to the palace with Ojii-san and Okaa-san. I headed to the basement with just Ojii-san alone.

I didn't know there was a basement in this palace. Well, it's a given since there are more rooms that I don't know about than ones I do though.

That basement has a door at the dead end further past the dining hall, and when you open the door, there's a stairway that continues underground. The stairway towards the basement was made entirely of stone for both the wall and the ceiling, and the lighting was dim.

"The basement is locked even if you go down these stairs, and because only the current head of the family holds the key, other people can't enter"

"Huh? Ojii-sama. We did not go and borrow the key from Otou-sama, did we?"

"Aah, if you go in here and register to the room, it'll open just by touching your hand on this entrance's gemstone. Now then, it's here. I'm going to open it then"

Ojii-sama touches his right hand on the large blue gemstone embedded in the pillar beside the door. The blue gemstone shined when he did, and the handle-less door slid open to the left while making heavy rumbling sounds that went, 「goh goh gooh」.

When we enter the room, it's neither bright nor dark, it's constructed with ordinary walls and not stone walls, and there's a large table right in front when you look from the entrance's door. There are beautiful accessories on the edge of the table, and its overall vibe is sublime.

The lamp on top of the table is a design that matches a flower's corolla and is beautiful as well. And then there is a chair that looks like it feels comfortable to sit on. It looks like it's still too big for me though.

There's a bookshelf by the right wall, and it's packed tightly with books with antique-feeling and luxurious covers. An art piece is hung on the left wall. I wonder where the scenery of that is from. That room had the atmosphere of a 'head of the household's study'.

"Tsukuyomi, if you touch your hand on this gemstone, it'll shine and you'll be registered as a user of this room"

A blue gemstone had been embedded in the top right corner of the table. I touched my right hand on that gemstone. The gemstone shined once when I did and faded.

"Tsukuyomi is registered with this, so you're able to enter at any time. Then, I'll be going back. You can take your time to read any book you like"

"Ojii-sama. Thank you"

I go, 'don't mind if I do', hover in mid-air, take the book at the top right corner of the bookshelf in my hand, return to the table, and open the book. The very first book I took in my hand, appears to be the manual on House Amaterasu's naming.

It writes that, in the case where the child that is born is a boy, you'll first identify whether or not he's capable of Telepathy. If he's capable of Telepathy, you give him a name with 「Moon」; otherwise, you are to choose a name without 「Moon」 from the options.

Since a girl is to become the chief priest, you are to choose a name with 「Moon」 from the options. Ojii-san followed this book and gave the names huh.

I tried reading several books other than that today, but they're all common stories such as the tales and founding of the respective countries and the encyclopedia of plants and whatnot.

For the 3-month period until I turned 5 years old, I read books every day. Sometimes while being surrounded by animals in the garden. Sometimes as I'm staring at the moon up at the mountain top, and at times, confining myself in the basement for the entire day. I then finished reading all the books that were in the basement.

But, there were no stories related to the pillars, the ships, or the Light, how this planet or this world came about, or books related to medicine or science. In other words, I couldn't obtain anything I really wanted to know.

During this 3 month-period, I didn't just read books. Julia-kaa-sama's daughter, Hazuki-nee-sama, became a 15-year-old adult, and her deployment to Edelweiss Kingdom Capital's shrine was decided. As always, I used Teleportation on the ship with Otou-san, Julia-kaa-sama, Hazuki-nee-sama, and me, the four of us, and sent them there.

In the Edelweiss Kingdom's shrine, the 1 rest day a week had already been implemented, and the bidet and public toilet had also been installed. Since it's also the manufacturing country of menstrual products, it has spread across the citizens widely.

Because the reports of pregnancy have also increased, and in town, the number of pregnant women has visibly increased, I was thanked an awfully much by Edelweiss Kingdom's senior chief priest, Yotsuki-oba-san.

Like this, my 5-year-old birthday is here, and I will come to move and stay at the Nemophila Kingdom with Okaa-san.

Exactly as the respective countries were notified by Otou-san, I'll not be heading to any country, so the fact that I live in Nemophila Kingdom is also, as far as it goes, a secret.

It's just that, if I had to say whether I'll really not go to other countries, it'd be a lie. In the event that the Onee-samas reach adulthood and are deployed to the respective country's shrine, I'll go and send them over. 

Essentially, no matter which country it is, the inside of the shrine is outside the respective country's jurisdiction. In my opinion, the shrine is classed as something like a villa where our family members are, so it's not overseas. Besides, I'll go directly in and out of the shrine on the ship or by Teleportation, so I won't ever be seen by ordinary people.

But, that's also something ostensible. I'm sure I'll come to go outside if some kind of business comes up. I'll just make sure that I don't act too conspicuously.

I enjoyed a lively dinner the night before the departure. And then, after dinner, all the Okaa-samas and Onee-samas hugged me tightly in turn, and I got melancholic at our temporary farewell.

"Tsukuyomi. I'll be counting Armeria on you in Nemophila"

"Yes. Otou-sama. Thank you for everything until now"

"Tsukuyomi-sama, please do not just leave for good; do come back and show your face from time to time"

"Yes. Olivia-kaa-sama"

"Onii-sama, please come and play, alright!"

"Eeh, Yuzuki-nee-sama, I can come with Teleportation at any time after all"

The next morning, after I teleported the luggage over first with Telekinesis, I first hugged Okaa-san tightly and teleported. I return right away, and finally, I'll send Okaa-san's personal maid, Nina, with Teleportation.

Since Nina is completely used to Okaa-sama and me, we decided to bring her over as is.

"Nina, if I remember correctly, I ever hugged you tightly when we teleported to the shrine previously, so it's fine, right?"

"Ye-, yes, I am sure it is fine"

"Well then, I'm gonna be hugging you, alright"

I hovered in the air, matched my altitude to Nina's height, and hugged Nina tightly.

"Hyaa! A-, aah......"

"Wha- , what's wrong? Are you alright?"

I was surprised by Nina's voice, and I placed my hands on her shoulders and backed off slightly.

"U-, uh......Tsukuyomi-sama has gotten bigger than before......so when I get hugged tightly......"

"Eh? Nina. Are you conscious of me as a man?"

"Tha-, that is......uh......ah! Yo-, your face......is......close"

Nina is blushing beet red and also breathing heavily. Is it that embarassing?

"Nina, are you still not used to my face? Even though you see me every day......"

"Bu-, but when it is so close......"

"I cannot teleport if I don't hug you tightly, so please bear with it for a bit, alright"

"Ye-, yes"

I hugged Nina tightly again.


"He-, hey! Don't let out weird voices by my ear"

"So-, sorry!"

"Well then, we're teleporting!"


The two of us move apart quickly when we arrive at Nemophila Royal Castle, and we consciously make sure to not look at each other's faces.

Like this, my life in the Nemophila Kingdom started.


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