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Emergency Call

Winter visited the Moon Capital floating high up in the sky and has low atmospheric temperature to begin with, and I turned 4 years old.

Immediately after that, Silvia-kaa-sama's daughter, Mizuki-nee-sama, became a 15-year-old adult, and it was decided that she would be dispatched to Gladiolus Kingdom as the chief priest.

Mizuki-nee-sama will enter the shrine beside the royal castle and receive training from the senior chief priest, Gengetsu-oba-san. It seems she will go on to become that shrine's chief priest when her training is finished, and Gengetsu-oba-san will move to the shrine in the second city of Gladiolus.

It seems there's one shrine at the very least in each country, but it seems there are presently not enough chief priests, and not every shrine is stationed with a chief priest. Partially also because of that, Otou-sama married many wives and birthed daughters who would become chief priests.

I guess it paid off; since there are a whole 14 Onee-samas, it seems it's possible to dispatch chief priests to every shrine if all of them become chief priests.

Mizuki-nee-sama will head all the way to Gladiolus on the ship alongside Otou-san and Silvia-kaa-sama. I'll ride along as well on the outbound and transport the entire ship with Teleportation. I'll then return with Teleportation, and after 4 days, I'll teleport to Gladiolus again by myself and use Teleportation on the ship with Otou-san and others on board and return to the Moon Palace; that's the plan.

Otou-san, Silvia-kaa-sama, Mizuki-nee-sama, Gengetsu-oba-sama, and I talked in the shrine's reception room with the five of us.

"Gengetsu-nee-sama. How was this shrine after that?"

"Gento-sama. I think knowledge of the female reproductive organ has been improving, and the perceptions have also been changing thanks to Tsukuyomi-sama's book and conference"

"It seems that topic is already going around town non-stop; there are also women who come here to ask about it, and even when I bring it up with the patients, all of them, hear me out honestly. I think the number of patients visiting for consultation because of menstruation is also gradually reducing"

"That's good to hear. It looks like Mizuki won't have to have a hard time right from the start then"

"Yes. Thank you"

"Gengetsu-oba-sama. If the number of consultations daily is visibly reducing, I think it will also be a good idea to close the shrine and rest once a week"

"In that situation, what do we do about the patients whom we are having stay over in the shrine"

"Yes. In that situation, you will deal with the patients who do not need daily consultation and treatment the day before and after the break, and for the patients who require daily treatment no matter what, you will give them treatment altogether in the morning of the rest day. If you do that, you will be able to rest in the time after that"

"Yeah. I think it is doable if that is the case. We will do that from next week onwards"

"Mizuki. Isn't that great"

"Yes. Otou-sama. It is all thanks to Onii-sama. Thank you"

"No, it is nothing. There is one more thing I want to ask; roughly how many cases are there where a problem occurs during the pregnant woman's delivery and it results in a stillborn or both mother and child dying?"

"Yeah. It does not happen every month. I think about 3 to 4 times a year"

"Are there many cases where both the mother and child die amongst those 4 times?"

"Yes. Neither can be saved in that situation. At times like these, what is happening to the pregnant woman's body?"

"Yeah. The first reason they cannot come out is probably a breech baby. They come out head first when they are born, right? A foetus moves around inside the belly, and there are cases where they end up in a state where they grow big with their legs facing the exit and cannot move. You call this a breech baby, and the baby will get caught at its arms and shoulders and can no longer come out with this"

"Aside from that, there are also instances called 'placenta previa' where the base of the baby's umbilical cord ends up forming at the foetus' exit, and the exit ends up becoming blocked. And I believe there may also be many of these: instances where the womb's placenta ends up peeling off before they are ready for delivery, and they end up bleeding profusely. This is incredibly dangerous"

"I see. How scary. But we cannot treat that for them, right?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, I believe it is difficult"

"Is that so. It is something difficult huh"

"Things like these may also increase since the number of pregnant women will increase from here on out. I think this is something we have to work on hereafter"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. The selling of menstrual products has started in Gladiolus. Since we are also selling them in this shrine, a large amount has arrived. Please bring a few boxes to the palace"

"Thank you"

The menstrual products were packed in paper bags every 30 pieces and packed in big boxes. One by one, I sent the boxes to my room at the palace with Telekinesis.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Everybody was looking dumbfoundedly at the boxes that disappeared one after another.

"It will be easy to go back if it's like this huh"

"Eeh, I will go back first then. I will come back to fetch you again in 4 days. Mizuki-nee-sama, take care; I will come again"

"Onii-sama. Thank you. I will be waiting for you 4 days later"

"Okay, see you"


The time Merina-kaa-sama's baby's gender is identifiable came as we were doing this and that.

"Merina-kaa-sama, since it is about time we might be able to tell the baby's gender, shall we have a look"

"That time is finally here huh. I am scared"

"It is not like anything will end up happening if it is not a boy. Even if it is a girl this time around, you just have to make one again, so please relax, alright"

"Yes. You are right huh"

"Well then, I will be having a look"

I look at the foetus closely as usual. When I did, it was facing its back over here, and I couldn't see its genital. Uーn. I wonder if it'll face over here.

It started slowly turning over here after I thought of that. Huh? Is this turning because of my power?

Hmm. Which means. If it turns into a breech baby, it's possible to fix its posture with Telekinesis. This sure is a discovery huh.

I see; in that case, even for 'placenta previa', when it comes time for childbirth, it might work out somehow if I just peel it off with my power. For placental abruption, I can just pull the baby from this side. The bleeding-stopping and infection prevention afterwards is something even the chief priests can do after all.

"Uh......Tsukuyomi-sama. What is the matter?"

"Ah! Sorry. I kind of ended up thinking about something. Please give me a minute"

Aah, no good, no good. I have to examine her properly! So, how is it......I wonder. Oh! It has it, doesn't it! Yay!

"Merina-kaa-sama. Congratulations! It is a boy"

"Is that for real!"

I was hugged tightly by Merina-kaa-sama with all her strength. My face is buried in her breasts, and it's painful. But I guess it's fine to stay like this.

We announced it during dinner that night, and everybody was incredibly delighted. I was worried about what to do if Merina-kaa-sama's child was the only one that's a girl. I'm really glad.

I, took on the requests from countries that applied for the instruction and flew around the various lands around the world for several months after that as well. I visited most of the countries and conducted the instruction.

I continued investigating the number of death cases of pregnant women from the chief priests in the shrines. As I thought, it was about the same number of cases for every country. Furthermore, I found out that there are quite a number of incidents that I imagine are threatened preterm labour.

It's just that, if it's not at the early stage, many cases are treated if they make them stay over and rest peacefully in the shrine, and since the chief priests are capable of things on the level of suppressing inflammation, it seems many are saved.

But for the early stage's threatened preterm labour, there are many problems like with the foetus itself and chromosome abnormality and whatnot, so there are those that can't be saved.

First, since I wanted to grasp the actual circumstances, I asked the chief priests beforehand to call me right away when a pregnant woman comes.

And then, one day as Lucia-kaa-sama's due date was approaching, I decided to perform a gender identification for the 5 Okaa-samas' babies.

I said 'let's have a physical examination' when we finished dinner and were having tea. I had the Okaa-samas sit on five chairs loosely lined up in a circle.

I stood in front of them and went on to examine their foetuses, looking down at the pregnant women's bellies from slightly above.

I'm staring quietly, occasionally extending my hand and twisting my fingertips, making the gesture of spinning the foetus.

"Yes. I got it. It is amazing huh. All 5 of them are boys. Congratulations!"


Cheers erupt from the Onee-samas, and they are all busy running and jumping around, hugging their own Okaa-san. The Okaa-samas, they were all crying with a smile.

Otou-san sunk deep into his chair in a dazed state by himself. And then when he slowly stands up.

"Everybody, congratulations. And then, thanks. Everybody conceived a boy with this. Really, thank you. Tsukuyomi as well, well done. Thanks!"

"I am really glad. But this is not just my strength. It is proof that Otou-sama loved and cherished the Okaa-samas"

I am relieved knowing that the 7 Okaa-samas' children are all boys. All that's left, is to hope that all 7 of them are born without any problem.

And then right when the Nee-samas' elation calmed down and they were chatting harmoniously, the ship's captain, Camilla, came running into the dining hall.

"Pardon me for barging in in the middle of your meal! Tsukuyomi-sama. There is an emergency message from His Majesty of Nemophila Kingdom"

"What is the matter?"

"A report came in from Tsukikage-sama saying that, in the Royal Capital shrine, a pregnant woman's baby is not coming out during childbirth, and both the mother and child are in a dangerous state!"

"I got it. I will go right away"


I made my decision in an instant, teleported to Tsukikage-nee-sama's bedroom, and ran towards the consultation room right away.


"Onii-sama! Over here!"

I ran to the room with Nee-sama's voice. In that room, there was a pregnant woman in agony on top of a bed, and other than that, there were also 3 shrine maiden-appearance women surrounding the pregnant woman.

"How long has it been since the labour pain came?"

I peek in while asking, and a infant's head is peeking out. I immediately use see-through vision and try looking at the foetus, and the umbilical cord is wrapped around its neck.

"It has already been, 8 hours"

"The umbilical cord is wrapped around the foetus' neck. It can't come out at this rate. I'm gonna push it back inside once, turn the foetus, and fix the wrapping"

I put in strength while saying mutteringly. I wonder if it's doable? No, I have no choice but to do it.

I hold onto the foetus, enveloping it with my hands, and slightly push it back inside as is. I carry on to turn the child in the opposite direction of the umbilical cord's wrapping. I stick my two hands towards her belly and turn my hands bit by bit, thinking that it might make it easier for my image to convey.

The foetus started turning when I did. The wrapped umbilical cord gradually comes undone. When I confirmed that it was completely removed.

"Alright, the umbilical cord is removed! I'll pull it out, so open your legs! The shrine maidens will hold onto her legs from both flanks!"

"Ye-, yes!"

I shouted my orders loudly. We don't have leeway in time. The foetus' face is turning purple. I slowly increase my strength bit by bit and pull it out with Telekinesis.

The pregnant woman screams because of the splitting pain. We ought to perform an episiotomy originally, but from what I can see, it looks like the perineum is already stretched plenty.

Let's pull it out in one go with Telekinesis. In the next instant, the foetus slipped right out.

"Alright, it's born! It's a boy. Well done!"

"Nee-sama, carry the child up and lightly tap its back!"


Pan Pan!

The baby suddenly turned bright red on its face and cried out because of that shock.

"Ogyaa! Ogyaa!"

I dealt with the umbilical cord and spoke to the mother. Looking at my accustomed hand movements, both Tsukikage-nee-sama and the shrine maidens were opening their eyes widely in astonishment.

"Madam. You really did your best! It's a handsome boy. It's a good thing he was born safely"

"God-sama. Thank you, for saving us!"

Sweat soaked the mother's forehead, and she was making a smile somehow with a completely exhausted look.

"It is nothing"

I invited Tsukikage-nee-sama, whose complexion turned pale, out to the corridor and spoke to her.

"Nee-sama. We made it in time because you contacted me right away. Thank you. Both the mother and child would have died if it went as it was"

"My apologies; it is all because I am powerless"

"It is not Onee-sama's fault. Up until now, they, unfortunately, lose their lives in a situation like that. Besides, I said it, didn't I. That I'll teleport over right away if you called me"

"Yes! Thank you!"

Onee-sama is hugging me and crying. Her complexion isn't good either. It's only natural. She's a young girl who only just turned 16 years old. She's at an age where she won't come face to face with childbirth if she's on Earth. She ended up seeing a person's death flashing before her eyes for the first time, and it was probably a shock. I hugged Nee-sama tightly as well.

"Now then, Onee-sama. There is the after-care of the mother's body after the delivery. You have to return"

"Yes. You are right. Is Onii-sama going back already?"

"Eeh, I ended up rushing over in the very middle of talking with the family. Everybody, is probably worried"

"Yeah. Thank you very much for today"

"Eeh, please call me again at any time. Aah, also, both Mari-kaa-sama and the other 6 Okaa-samas have all conceived boys, you know!"

"Is that true! I got my first younger brother huh!"

"No, I am actually your first younger brother though......"

"Ah! That's right huh. But I am happy. That is also thanks to Onii-sama huh. Thank you!"

"Not at all. Well then, I will come again, alright!"



It looks like I somehow managed to save both the mother and child's lives this time around. I'm really glad.


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