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A Gift From Earth

It has been a week since I sent the bag to my friend on Earth, Yamamoto.

"Alright, I'm gonna pull it over at the same time as when I sent it over a week ago"

I visualise the image of Yamamoto's room when I sent it and strongly picture the bag on top of the same table vanishing and appearing here.


The bag appeared before my eyes. Furthermore, it's somewhat bulging.

"Yay! It's a successー!"

I ended up reflexively, raising my voice loudly.

Okaa-san apparently happened to pass by the vicinity, and she opened the door and popped her head in.

"What is the matter?"

"Ah. Okaa-sama, I succeeded!"

"What did you succeed in doing?"

"The baggage from my friend on Earth arrived!"

"From Earth? Baggage? Did you request for something?"

"Eeh, it is something like a medicine so that you will be blessed with a boy"

"My! Is there something like that! Onee-samas will be able to be blessed with boys then huh!"

"No, it is not absolute. It is something that merely raises the chances by a little"

That being said, the truth is that although the chances of being blessed with a boy go up slightly, the chances of getting pregnant itself end up going down for various reasons though.

I excitedly opened the bag. The inside was jammed-packed with the green jelly when I did. They number at 50 boxes when I count them. There are 10 tubes per box, so I got my hands on a whole 500 tubes.

Huh? This jelly. It should be quite expensive though; isn't this a lot? If I remember correctly, I thought 1 box cost about 15 thousand yen? That will make it 750 thousand yen. Even if it's a large gold coin, I don't think it's worth that much though......

"Ah! It is not just the green jelly. There's something inside. Uwah! It's a potato stew pack!"

"Is this food?"

"That is right. It was my favourite food on Earth"

"Your friend gave it to you huh"

"Eeh, so it seems......"

"There is a letter inside as well"


Aoi Masamichi-sama

Aoi. It has been a long time. I was really surprised.

That day, when I was watching a movie in the room in the evening on my day off, this bag suddenly appeared on the table in front of my eyes. If I had not witnessed this fact with my own eyes, I might've not believed what was written in this letter.

But it looks like it is true. I am surprised. Nevertheless, it sure sounds like you. You already started the work of a doctor at 4 years old huh. In any case, I am relieved that you seem to be doing well. What is the planet of that world or whatnot called?

The gold coin you sent me weighs a whole 60 grams, and after having it appraised at a jewellery store, the price of just the gold itself seemingly comes up to about 400 thousand yen. But it is a gold coin they have never seen before, and there is the aesthetic value as well, so I was told to sell it to them at 800 thousand yen.

Hearing that, I ended up feeling that it was a waste to sell something so rare and decided to keep it. I purchased 50 boxes of green jelly so as to match its value.

I actually thought of putting Japanese alcohol or something in as well, but you said you are 4 years old, so I made it potato stew and not alcohol.

About there being no medical equipment over there. Are you able to heal illnesses and injuries with supernatural powers as well? It is a surprise that such a world exists.

But, would you be alright if you end up in a situation where you have to perform a caesarean section? If necessary, I will send surgical instruments over as well, so please send the bag over again. A bigger bag at that time, alright.

By the way, I wonder if Mai-san reincarnated over there as well. I am sure she did.

Please live happily in the world over there.

If there is anything you need, please send the bag over at any time.

P.S. It was 10th of September 2006 at 5 p.m. over here when the bag arrived.

Yours Sincerely,

Yamamoto Takuya

My tears fell reading the letter. Yeah. It's only natural for anybody to think that.

That Mai also reincarnated in this world together. It'd be great if that's the case......

I see; as I thought, it seems I reincarnated into this world the moment I died. The dates are connected. Because Mai and I died on Earth's 12th of December 2002.

And then I turn 4 years old next month. For some reason, the date of Earth and here is the same. Furthermore, the time seems to be the same as well. He wrote the date and time the bag arrived in the letter for me. I sent it around 5 p.m. on the 10th of September over on the world on this side as well. And then it's 5 p.m. on the 17th currently.

With this, it became easy to acquire Earth's items. Regarding the caesarean section Yamamoto wrote in the letter, I didn't think that far because I didn't encounter anybody who was in that situation.

It's true that there are placental abruptions and foetuses being unable to come out because the umbilical cords are wrapping around their necks during delivery. I can't imagine I can heal with Healing when such circumstances occur.

Just my family alone, 7 children are going to be born consecutively from here on out. I probably have to consider such risks as well beforehand.

I wonder how they dealt with it thus far? If every one of such cases ends up becoming stillborn, then the caesarean section will be an effective method. Next time, I shall ask Oborotsuki-oba-san.

"Okaa-sama. What would the name of this star be?"

"The name of this star? I have never heard of it before. I only know the names of the countries"

"Oh. Is that so huh"

I wrote a thank you letter to Yamamoto. About how I don't know the name of this star nor whether Mai reincarnated; about how the calendar and date and time might be the same as Earth; about how there are 2 moons; about the population and number of countries, the male and female ratio, and the supernatural powers and Healing; about how the language is also the same; and about how it seems to be related to Japan's Amaterasu Oomikami, along with how there's an orbital ring, space elevators, and unique vehicles.

I wrote the letter while organising the things I currently know. I then wrote about how I would send a bag and gold coin over if I ever had something I wanted again alongside my gratitude and sent it over. The same as the time with the bag. I visualise the letter's envelope appearing on the table that's in Yamamoto's house's living room.


The envelope disappeared. Alright, it probably arrived. Although I can send it over like this from this side, Yamamoto can't contact me as long as I don't pull it over with the bag huh.

That day, after dinner, I announced this matter to everybody.

"Everybody. It is going to end up surprising you again......"

"Again huh! We will not be surprised no matter what we hear, so speak without any worry"

"Otou-sama, thank you"

"Actually, previously, I managed to pull over an undergarment from my previous life's world, I will be calling it Earth from here on out, I managed to pull over an undergarment from Earth, so I considered that maybe it is also possible to send things over from this side if that is possible, and I placed a gold coin and a letter in a bag and sent it to my friend"

"I wrote down what I wanted on the letter and asked him to put the things in the bag within 7 days since I would pull it back then. And then, just now, when I pulled the bag over, I succeeded in pulling over the bag with the items I wanted inside"

"So the investment you were discussing with me previously, was referring to this matter. And then you succeeded huh!"

"Yes. I became capable of acquiring it through my friend if there was anything on Earth that I wanted from here on out"

"So Onii-sama. What did you have them sent this time?"

"Yes. To put it simply, it is a medicine that makes it easier for boys to be conceived"

"Eh! A medicine to conceive boys! Is there something like that!"

"Then, we will be able to be blessed with boys huh!"

"Ah. Please wait a minute. It is not 'guaranteed to'. It is a medicine that raises the chance of conceiving a boy just slightly. I am saying that if you use this top of doing the things that I instructed, like the time with Lucia-kaa-sama and Merina-kaa-sama, it will be even easier to conceive a boy"

"But, the fact that the likelihood will go up is a joy"

"Eeh, so you will use this when you execute the plan hereafter"

"Thank you!"

"I am looking forward to it!"

And then Mari-kaa-sama's ovulation day came.

From this time onwards, I'll make it an all-or-nothing gamble that aims for a boy with more certainty. It's also in part in order to save on the green jelly. Because if they have sexual intercourse continuously for 3 nights, they'll come to use 3 whole tubes of green jelly.

First, I'll estimate the ovulation day from the basal body temperature chart's record. I have Otou-san abstain 2 days before the predicted ovulation day. 1 day before the expected ovulation, I see through into her oviduct and check if she ovulated every 2 hours from the morning. I'll then have them insert the jelly and have sexual intercourse after I confirm that the egg is inside her oviduct.

"Mari-kaa-sama, I will have you have sexual intercourse with Otou-sama from now on since I confirmed that you have ovulated in the oviduct. Please inject this jelly into your genitalia before that"

The green jelly's syringe is made in a round and clean shape and doesn't look like a syringe. You insert the barrel part into the female genitalia, press the pump all the way down, and inject the jelly.

"Eh? Where do I stick that into?"

"Yes, you hold it here like this, insert it into your genitalia all the way here, and press this part all the way down"

"N-, no way! It is scary. Can I have Tsukuyomi-sama do it?"

"Eh? Me? I can, but......are you not against having your lower body seen by me?"

"I mean, Tsukuyomi-sama is a doctor, right?"

"Ah! Yo-, you are right. Understood. Well then, since I will have Otou-sama prepare as well, I will go and speak to him. Mari-kaa-sama, please bathe and wait on the bed"

"What do I do with my clothes?"

"Aah, please remove just the bottom"

"Ye-, yes. Understood"

I go to Otou-san's room and explain.

"Otou-sama, I will have you have sexual intercourse from now on since I managed to confirm Mari-kaa-sama's ovulation. Please bathe and get ready so that you can come to Mari-kaa-sama's room at any time. It has been a bit since the time with Merina-kaa-sama; do you remember the procedure?"

"U-, umu. I'll first lead Mari to a climax, and afterwards, I'll ejaculate somewhere deep. Without taking it out right away, I'll wait until I'm flaccid. Mari will then rest without moving. Was it?"

"Yes, perfect. Otou-sama. I will come and call you after Mari-kaa-sama's preparation is done"

"Umu. I'm counting on you"

I brought the green jelly and visited Mari-kaa-sama's room after taking into consideration the bathing time.

"Mari-kaa-sama, are you ready?"

"Yes. Go ahead......"

Mari-kaa-sama was covering herself with the sheets and lying face-up when I came all the way beside the bed.

I carried a cushion and went up to the bed.

"Mari-kaa-sama. I am going to stick the jelly in from now on, alright. I will be going between your legs. I will first put this cushion underneath your hips and raise your hips. This is to make it so that the injected jelly does not spill out right away. Well then, please raise your knees and open your legs slightly like this"

"Would this be alright"

"Yes. Well then, please relax. It is going to feel a bit cold"

I gently inserted the jelly's container. I confirmed that it went deep enough, pressed the plunger, and injected the jelly. Mari-kaa-sama let out her voice, going, 'uu!', but it was over right away.

"Okay. It is over. I will go and call Otou-sama, so please stay in that position as is. Please remove the cushion after Otou-sama is here. And do you remember what to do after he ejaculated?"

"Yes. I will close my legs and rest for several hours"

"Yes. That is correct. Please calm down and make sure not to think too much from here on out, alright"

"Eeh, understood. Thank you"

"No problem. Well then, I will go and call Otou-sama"

"Yes. Please do"

After that, I left the matters after calling Otou-san in their hands.

It's Silvia-kaa-sama's turn next, and the flow of things is the same, but I inform Otou-san of just one thing to take note of.

"Otou-sama, I heard from the questioning beforehand, but it seems Silvia-kaa-sama and Julia-kaa-sama, do not know of the feeling of climax through sexual intercourse. That is why it will have the opposite effect if you try too hard to lead them to a climax, so it is alright to keep it moderate when it comes to that. It is fine if you just love them as you usually do"

"Umu. Got it. It's somewhat like I'm being lectured by a veteran in life if I just hear you speak"

"This is medical knowledge, you know"

"Un. I get it. Thanks"

Like that, the five Okaa-samas' family planning was conducted without any problems within a month.

At last, the day of gathering the important people from the countries around the world is near.

For the books, all 3700 copies made it in time. For the underwear, when it comes to the royalties-and-nobles-use, I had them prepare enough pieces and sizes so that the individuals I had come could purchase them on the very day. Of course, the samples of the knight-use and commoner-use as well.

For the menstrual products as well, I prepared a good number of samples so I could have the countries other than the manufacturing countries bring them back.

Since the bidet finished being installed in every toilet of the palace and the public toilet is also completed, I'll have them actually use and test it out.

The participants on the very day will be all of my family members. It seems Ojii-san's wives will all be present as well. Merina-kaa-sama and Lucia-kaa-sama's bellies had gotten slightly noticeable. It's no problem even if I have them participate since they've entered the stable period.

I have all the employees of Gloriosa Boutique who are capable of handling sales come and handle the sales exhibition.

I decided that I'll have them bring back the document with the blueprint and the materials' details for the bidet.

The preparations are all done. All that's left is to wait for the very day to come.


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