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Success Of The Happy Family Planning

Having decided to return from Glorioasa Boutique, I went up to the second floor's entryway from the first floor's atelier.

The ship I rode over just now was no longer there, and I stood at the empty platform. A mesmerising scenery came into my eyes over there. It looks like this workshop is built on an elevated ground that overlooks the sea, and there's a stretch of sea-view scenery with nothing obstructing my eyes.

This elevated ground goes down towards the sea on a slope. It looks like it's covered with a green carpet with short trees and flowers growing abundantly over there.

In front of that, there is a stretch of ocean with stores and houses lining up along the shrine. The Moon Capital floated in the sky above, water flowed down like a waterfall from the river of that huge land, the water droplets dispersed into the air on the way down, and it created a rainbow.

"It is a beautiful scenery huh......everybody is always looking at such a beautiful scenery huh"

"Eeh, it is a really beautiful scenery"

Immediately after, there was a voice I heard for the first time from behind.

"Did Tsukuyomi-sama, come from that beautiful Heaven?"

"Hey, Lana. Do not speak to Tsukuyomi-sama as you like"

"Ariana. It's alright. I will be coming here frequently from here on out after all. It's fine for anyone to speak to me casually"

I suppose Lana probably just came of age; she's a lovely girl with a tinge of childishness still.

"Lana, were you calling that Moon Capital 'Heaven'?"

"Yes. I was taught that it is the Heaven where Gods reside"

"I see huh. It seems, because we possess just a bit of a different power from everybody, we are called Gods huh. But before Gods, we are also humans, you know"

"Are you the same as us?"

"Eeh, that is right. We may be called Gods, but we are humans. That's why we marry human women and have children like everybody"

"Eh! Will Tsukuyomi-sama also marry a human then?"

"Yeah. It will eventually come to that if there is somebody suitable huh......"

"Well then, I will take my leave here for today. Since I will come again, I will be counting on you at that time"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you for today"

"Well then, see you"


"Uwaaー! Tsukuyomi-sama, he disappeared!"

"Eeh, he instantly teleported to that Moon Capital, you know"

"Ariana-sama. Gods really do exist huh!"

"God-sama says he will raise our wages!"

"God-sama says he will marry a human girl!"

"I, am going buy an undergarment and a dress with my next wage!"

"Eh? Lana wants to marry Tsukuyomi-sama?"

" I might be able to capture his heart if I dress up beautifully, right?"

"It's not like your wage is going up that much, right!"

"Well, it is not a bad thing to have a dream"

"Nevertheless, did you see Tsukuyomi-sama's face?"

"Eeh, his beautiful silver hair that extended all the way to his shoulders, sparkling blue eyes, long eyelashes, translucent white skin. What a beautiful individual he is!"

"But, it seems he's still 3 years old, you know"

"Eeーーーh! He is 3 years old?"

"Eh? After all, he is that small, you know. I mean, he's going to be 3 years old"

"He's 3 years old? I'm starting to see that he's about the same as my 5-year-old younger brother!"

"I am 15 years old!"

"Yeah. Lana is 15 years old, and Tsukuyomi-sama is 3 years old huh"

"Will I not be 27 years old if I waited until Tsukuyomi-sama to come of age at 15 years old then!"

"Yeah. You'll have to wait quite a long time huh"

"No way~"

Lana drooped her shoulders.

I came back to the Moon Capital's palace.

"Okaa-sama. I have returned"

"Tsukuyomi! Welcome back"

"Is everybody, already wearing the new undergarment?"

"Eeh, everybody is delighted. Of course, me too. Thanks, Tsukuyomi!"

Okaa-san said that and hugged me tightly. Aah, when I'm hugged tightly, it's not the sensation of breasts but the undergarment. This is the one thing where the former is better......too bad.

"I am glad to hear that. Next will be the menstrual products huh"

"Tsukuyomi is, going to make new things one after another like that huh"

"Eeh, actually, I came up with something new to make again just now"

"Is there, still something!"

"Eeh, this is something I want as well. But I think it will be something that's tremendously helpful for women"

I came up with that thing they had on Earth when I looked at the Moon Capital from Gloriosa Boutique.

"What are you making?"

"A bidet"

"Bidet? is it? What kind of an item would that be?"

"Well then, let's gather up the family and explain"

Okaa-san hears about the bidet and is befuddled. Well, there's no way she'd understand.

I told Nina and had her gather everybody in the dining hall.

"Everybody. Thank you, for gathering again. I am considering making something new again, so I am thinking of talking about it beforehand"

"Tsukuyomi. Something new again, you say? It sure is amazing how you can come up with things one after another like that"

"Otou-sama, it is because they are things that were in my previous life's world. Well then, everybody, we will be moving to the toilet"

Everybody follows me in a group.

"In the washroom in this world, there is a toilet bowl like this, and after you are done with your business, you are able to drain it with water by flushing, right"

"Eeh, that is correct"

"I will place another toilet bowl next to this toilet bowl"

"Another, is it? What would be the reason for that?"

"The other one is for rinsing the butt and genitalia, and the blood and vaginal discharge during menstruation"

"It is only for washing, right?"

"Yes. After finishing your business with the current toilet bowl, you sit and wash with the bidet next to it. Also, women replace their menstrual products in the washroom during menstruation, right? Whenever you do, it is important to rinse it clean with warm water"

"Furthermore, when you are doing your business in the washroom, both the big and small are released near the genitalia with the structure of the female body. There actually exists quite a bit of something called 'bacteria' that is the source of diseases in them, you know. When you wipe haphazardly with paper after you finish your business, you are spreading that bacteria"

"That's why, ideally, after you finish your business in the washroom, be it big or small, and of course, during menstruation as well, I would like you to wash with that bidet. Since you become clean after rinsing, you do not have to wipe it with paper, but you just have to pat it dry with paper. It may be a 'mucous membrane', but your precious place will no longer get chafed and painful. What do you think?"

"I think it is great"

"Do I no longer have to bathe in that case?"

"Suigetsu-nee-sama. Do you hate baths? You have to bathe even if you use a bidet!"

"I thought so......"

Having an adorable face and hating baths, what a troubling girl she is......Onii-san, is worried about your future, you know.

"That sounds clean huh. I think it is very good"

"Me too"

"I approve!"

"Well then, we shall think about it in the direction of creating it. Otou-sama, what is the occupation of the individual who created this toilet?"

"That is the carpenter's job. Got it. Let's call them to the shrine in the near future"

"Yes. I am counting on you. Otou-sama. Let's first implement a bidet here and the shrine. We will then release it to the commoners as well and have them use it. If they can clean easily by themselves, the chief priest's job will also become easier"

"Umu, you're right. Could you proceed with that then"

"Yes. Thank you"

Actually, regarding Lucia-kaa-sama and Merina-kaa-sama's happy family planning, after I had both of them have sexual intercourse with Otou-san according to my instructions, Lucia-kaa-sama and Merina-kaa-sama haven't had their periods for six and four weeks.

In other words, there is a high possibility that they are pregnant. I'm having them continue recording in the base temperature chart, but both their temperatures remain high.

I'm thinking of performing a medical examination today.

"Lucia-kaa-sama, Merina-kaa-sama. Can I have you come to my room?"

"Yes. What would be the matter?"

"I would like to try performing a medical examination today, on both of you"

"What do we have to do?"

"The two of you do not have to do anything. Because I will look inside your belly with the see-through vision"

"Ye-, yes. Got it. We are counting on you"

First, it's Lucia-kaa-sama. I stare fixedly at her lower abdomen, go across her clothes, her skin, her muscles, subsequently reaching her womb, and look inside. When I did, it was still small, but I could see a 'child' or rather, an embryo. As is expected from the calculation of 6 weeks of pregnancy, the heart is already moving.

Th-, this! It is more clearly visible than an ultrasound device, isn't it! Un, it's doing fine.

Merina-kaa-sama is next. I inspect her the same way. Since she's about 10 days later than Lucia-kaa-sama, it should be a little over 4 weeks. As I thought, the embryo had been formed. Since the gestational sac has also taken shape, if I look at it in 2 more weeks, I can probably see the heart moving. Un. It's doing fine on this side as well.

"Lucia-kaa-sama, Merina-kaa-sama. Congratulations! Both of you are pregnant"

"Are you serious!"

Both of them raised their voices and were about to stand up at the same time. I panickedly used Telekinesis and pressed down on them so that they couldn't stand up.

"Both of you, calm down!"

"Ye-, yes"

"Even though I said pregnant, the child is still tiny. For Lucia-kaa-sama's child, the heart just formed and started beating. The heart isn't even formed for Merina-kaa-sama's child, you know"

"And then, standing up suddenly like now, jumping about, carrying heavy things up at one go, or running; the child will easily end up dying just by doing such things, and you will have what we call a 'miscarriage'"

"I-, is that so!"

"Yes. It is because, at this stage, there are normally many people who do not realise they are pregnant. And then, there are also cases where they end up having a miscarriage before they knew it"

"Lucia-kaa-sama and Merina-kaa-sama, please spend your time resting for another 6 weeks and another 8 weeks. Please make sure to not do things like jumping, carrying heavy things up in one go, and running, which I said just now. You cannot drink alcohol. Aah, please refrain from sexual intercourse with Otou-sama as well, alright"

I exaggerated a bit, but I think it's better to avoid even the slightest risk just in case in this world with little knowledge.

"Yes. Tsukuyomi-sama, thank you"

"Thanks to Tsukuyomi-sama, we managed to be blessed with a child so quickly. Thank you"

"Well then, let's go and report to Otou-sama, shall we"


We visited Otou-san's room.

"Otou-sama, may I?"

"Tsukuyomi huh, what's the matter? Oh, Merina and Lucia as well"

"Otou-sama. Congratulations. Both of them, got pregnant as planned"

"What! Are you serious! Merina. Lucia. Congrats. You did it!"

"Gento-sama, thank you"

"Gento-sama, thank you. This is also thanks to Tsukuyomi-sama"

"Un. That's right. Tsukuyomi. Thanks"

"Otou-sama, the children both of them conceived are still tiny and far from stable. Hence, please see to it so that they can spend their time resting, since they require delicate care. Also, whether the child conceived is a boy or a girl, it still cannot be judged for another 5 months. For now, please wait for a bit"

"Umu. Got it. Well then, let's announce it to everybody during today's dinner"

Before dinner, I secretly told just Okaa-san beforehand.

"Okaa-sama. Otou-sama plans to personally announce it during today's dinner, but I will inform Okaa-sama beforehand, alright. Lucia-kaa-sama and Merina-kaa-sama, both of them got pregnant according to plan"

"My! Are you serious! How delightful. Tsukuyomi really is amazing huh!"

"I said it, right. That, 'I am a doctor'"

"That's right huh!"

Okaa-san said with a smile.

And then dinner came. Otou-sama sternly speaks to everybody when the meal begins.

"Everybody, listen. Merina and Lucia got pregnant"

"Are you serious!"

"The two of them together, is it!"

"It went according to Tsukuyomi-sama's plan huh!"

"Umu. We just followed Tsukuyomi's instructions. It was that difficult, to be blessed with a child, but we ended up being blessed with them all so easily this time around. It was all exactly as Tsukuyomi said"

"Yeah. I think the humans in my previous life world and the humans of this world are the same, so much so that it's frightening. I imagine that if that is the case, pregnancy is possible with my knowledge"

"How marvellous. This world will also change with this huh"

"Yeah. Because a saviour called 'Tsukuyomi-sama' appeared"

"By the way, I have informed Merina-kaa-sama and Lucia-kaa-sama, but the baby in their belly is still very small. They are still far from stable. Since Lucia-kaa-sama and Merina-kaa-sama need to rest for the next 6 weeks and 8 weeks, please help them out and support them with everybody around"


"For the two of you, I will examine you every 2 weeks and take a look at the baby's growth"

"Tsukuyomi. I'm counting on you"

"Tsukuyomi-sama, I am counting on you"

"I am counting on you"


Alright! I suppose I can say that the happy family planning is a success. It's a wrap for now.


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