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Commissions To The Boutique

I started writing the book's manuscript. It's a book that consolidated the knowledge of a woman's body that I taught my family.

I said I'm making a book, but if I end up making it an overly imposing book, it'll probably end up being unable to be accepted by the masses. In the first place, it's not something I'm having them buy and read either.

I'm thinking that I want to make it into something like what you call a pamphlet or guidebook in modern Japan. I want to distribute them for free. I finished up the manuscript in my free time.

"Tsukuyomi. It seems Olivia-nee-sama called the tailors to the shrine three days later"

"Is that so. I will go and have a discussion with them then"

"Are you going by yourself?"

"Yes. Since I can go with Teleportation"

"But, I think it is better for Olivia-nee-sama to tag along as well, you know. If a 3-year-old child, suddenly comes out saying he wants to have a discussion, I imagine that the other party is going to be surprised"

"Aah! That is true huh. I forgot that I am small again. But I wonder how I should bring Olivia-kaa-sama along"

"We managed to float in the sky by just holding hands previously, right? Is that not possible with Teleportation?"

"Yeah. Let's give it a try, shall we"

It's true now that she mentions it. Ojii-san always carried Obaa-san and me and teleported, so I assumed it was impossible unless I did that. I just have to test it out.

"Well then, Okaa-sama. Let's try holding hands and teleporting all the way to the garden"


I grab Okaa-sama's hand and picture the usual garden.



I ended up teleporting to the garden by myself. Nope, looks like it's impossible with this. 


"Ah, Tsukuyomi. You ended up teleporting by yourself huh"

"Eeh, it failed"

"Is that so, we cannot teleport by just holding hands huh"

"Uーn. It is, as expected, still impossible for me to carry Okaa-sama"

"What if it is a state where I carry Tsukuyomi?"

"Aah, I see. It might be possible if we increase the surface area our bodies touch huh"

"Well then, let's carry you. Tsukuyomi has gotten big as well huh. Here we go!"

"Okaa-sama. Are you alright?"

"Eeh, I will be alright if it is not for a long time"

"Well then, we are off!"

I imagine the front of the garden's flower bed. In that instant, we moved. It succeeded this time around.


"Okaa-sama. We managed to do it huh!"

"Eeh, amazing. It is my first time teleporting with Teleportation. It does not feel of anything in particular huh!"

"Okaa-sama. It seems that, with my powers, I can even teleport to Nemofira Kingdom with Teleportation"

"My! Really?"

"Eeh, if I go to Nemofira Kingdom once and remember the location, I will be able to return here while being carried by Okaa-sama"

"Then, we will not have to make a long trip on a boat anymore huh. I am so happy!"

"Is it alright, to experiment a little more?"

"Eeh, go ahead"

"Well then, Okaa-sama, please remain standing this time around. I will try if I can teleport in a state where I cling to Okaa-sama"

After placing my face around Okaa-san's belly and wrapping my arms around her butt, I pictured Ojii-san's mansion.


We instantly teleported in front of Ojii-san's mansion. It's a success as well this time around.

"Okaa-sama, it succeeded huh"

"It works even if I don't carry you up huh"

Ojii-san stuck his face out from the mansion immediately after.

"Ooh, Tsukuyomi. What's the matter?"

"Ojii-sama. I was testing various things, seeing if it was possible to use Teleportation together without carrying Okaa-sama"

"Looks like you managed to do it huh"

"Yes. Even if I do not carry her, it looks like it will work if I just stick about half of my body on her"

"I suppose Tsukuyomi would be able to do it with just that much"

"Ojii-sama. We are able to carry up the things before our eyes and teleport them far away, right. Would it be possible to pull things that are far away over here then?"

"Aah, you are able to if you do the exact opposite. But the premise is that that thing you want to pull over from that distant location is there"

"Then, if I just think, 'I want to pull the vase in my room over there', I will be able to do it, right?"

"Umu. Give it a try"

"Yes. Well then"

It's the vase on top of the vase stand in my room. I know its location, its colour, and its shape. I strongly willed for that vase to appear in my hands.



Unable to withstand the vase's size and weight, the vase slipped from my hands.


Ojii-san saw that, supported it with his Telekinesis, and gently lowered it to the ground.


Aah, I forgot that my body is small again.

"Ojii-sama, sorry. I forgot that my body is small"

"I thought something like that would happen. Be careful from here on out, alright"


"But, I succeeded huh. If I am able to do this, I can teleport without carrying luggage when going out on a distant trip and pull it over afterwards"

"Yeah. This will be convenient. Try returning this vase to where it was then"

Contrary to just now, I touch this vase and will it to move to the top of the vase stand in my room.


"It disappeared huh. I will go to the room for a bit and see if it succeeded"


"My! Tsukuyomi disappeared!"


"Uwah! You gave me a shock. You are back already huh!"

"Yes. I succeeded"

"You mastered, another thing huh"

"Ojii-sama, thank you. Okaa-sama, let us return then"

"Well then, Gyogetsu-sama, excuse us"



"My! We are back in our room huh"

"I managed to get some good training in today"

"Tsukuyomi really is talented huh!"

3 days after that. It was decided that I would go to the shrine with Olivia-kaa-sama. Because she is meeting the people of her homeland, Olivia-kaa-sama has changed into a Princess-ish attire.

I wondered how I could convey it better and tried making an amateur-reeking paper-cutout-template-like thing of the brassiere, so I'm bringing that and a drawing of the brassiere's design. And this book's manuscript as well. I had them placed in a bag alongside writing tools. 

When I thought, 'now then, it's time to depart', and looked at Olivia-kaa-sama, I ended up coming to a standstill. 

"Olivia-kaa-sama. I cannot hug you with your dress' wide skirt"

"Ara, you are right. Will it be okay if I carry Tsukuyomi-sama then?"

"I think we can teleport if it is with that, but I am already quite heavy, you know? I wonder if you will be alright"

"My! I will be alright. Now then!"

I hovered in mid-air, got close to Olivia-kaa-sama, and got carried. 

"I will be clinging to you though; is it alright?"

"Fufu, I am so happy!"

Olivia-kaa-sama is a Latin-type beauty with defined facial features. Furthermore, she's even prettier since she's dressed as a Princess today. It sure is kinda embarrassing because it's the first time I'm looking at her face so closely huh. 

"W-, we will be off then"

"Yes. Go ahead"


We instantly teleported to the shrine. 

"My! We already arrived huh. Even though I wanted to hug you a bit more......"

What an embarrassing thing she's saying......

The shrine maiden noticed us and approached.

"Tsukuyomi-sama, Olivia-sama. I have been waiting for you. The guests have arrived as well. It is the room over here. This way please"

We walked down the long corridor and were brought to the reception room. That room had bright and showy decorations here and there like a reception room would. A senior woman and two women dressed as professionals were standing in front of a large sofa, and two maids and two women dressed as what appeared to be knights were standing behind them. 

All of them bowed deeply when we entered the room. 

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Nice to meet you. I am Campaneura Kingdom's Second Queen, the mother of Olivia over there, Helena Digitalis Campaneura. I am incredibly honoured to be able to meet you. And then the ones over here are the tailors of the Gloriosa Boutique that is frequent by the Campaneura Royal Family, Jemma and Sandra"

"I am Tsukuyomi. I am grateful that somebody from the Royal Family took the time out of their busy schedule to come"

"Hahaue, although Tsukuyomi-sama, is still 3 years old, he is an individual who will be the next head of the Amaterasu Household. His abilities, knowledge, and intellect have already far surpassed an adult. I earnestly ask for you, to refrain from behaving in a disrespectful manner"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. I have heard from Olivia beforehand through a letter. You will be making a new women's undergarment huh. And that there is also a conversation related to the time of the month, menstruation? was it"

"First, so that I am not misunderstood by everybody, let us talk about my true identity, shall we"

 "Tsukuyomi-sama's true identity? is it"

"Yes. May I call you Helena-sama?"

"O-, of course"

"The knights and maids over there. What are your names?"

"Yes. I am Paladin Natalia of the Royal Palace Chivalric Order"

"I am Paladin Ariam of the same"

"I am Maid Bera under Her Majesty Second Queen"

"I am Maid Mia of the same"

"Jemma, Sandra, Natalia, Ariam, Bera, and Mia huh. What I am about to talk about from here on out, is something extremely unbelievable when you hear it at first. But it is all true. First, could I have you genuinely hear me out without any suspicions?"

"Yes. We are all ears"

Everybody said the same.

"Thank you"

"I, have still only been born in this world for 3 years. However, before I was born in this world, I had lived in a different world. In that world, there were so many people, so many that you could not imagine, living their lives"

"Neither kings nor nobles exist in that world, and everybody has the same status. There are about the same number of men and women as well. I was a 'doctor' in that world, and my job was to treat the illnesses of people"

"Furthermore, regarding that doctor's job, it was called 'gynaecology', and it specialised in treating women-exclusive illnesses. Every day, I examined dozens of women and treated their illnesses"

"And then what you call 'God's ability' did not exist in that world. There may be shrines, but you cannot get your illnesses treated there. The place you treat illnesses is somewhere called a 'hospital'. Doctors treat illnesses with the knowledge of medical science over there"

"What do you think? It is something unbelievable even up until this point, right?"

"No. There is no way we can not believe it when Tsukuyomi-sama is able to speak that much at that age"

"Helena-sama. Thank you. I will continue then. As for the 'knowledge of medical science', we will take the time of the month as an example. It has been passed down in this world that, every month, women will catch a disease called the 'time of the month', but that is incorrect"

"The 'time of the month' is not an illness, but the preparation in order to have a baby. It is a noble mechanism inside the body that only women have. Children being hard to come by, boys not being born and whatnot are incorrect knowledge. I am thinking about making a book in order to propagate the correct knowledge"

"Is that, true!"

"Yes. I have brought the manuscript over here. If there is time afterwards, I will talk about it in detail"

"Please most certainly do"

"Well then, the introduction ended up dragging, but let us talk about the undergarment. It is a woman's undergarment used as a matter of course in my previous world. It would probably be easier to understand if I have you look at the drawing"

I explain while having them look at the brassiere's design drawing and the pseudo-paper-cutout-template.

"This is an undergarment that supports women's breasts, and it is called a 'brassiere'. If all of you could try holding up your breasts from below with your hands, you will probably notice that they have quite a bit of weight. Because there is this much weight, the skin and muscles are being pulled, and it is placing a burden on the shoulders. The shoulders will come to hurt because of that. This undergarment reduces the burden on the shoulders by catching and supporting that weight"

"Also, since the breasts will no longer show through the clothes when you wear thin summer clothes and whatnot thanks to this underwear, you will not have to wear thick clothes. Furthermore, the breasts bounce and get in the way when women like the knights make vigorous movements, do they not. Depending on the person, I guess there may also be those who wrap them with a cloth. You are able to reduce how much they get in the way by supporting it with this brassiere in such situations as well. What do you think?"

"Tsukuyomi-sama, I think this undergarment is marvellous. So what kind of fabric would be suitable for this undergarment?"

"Yes. When it comes to the part that makes direct contact with the breasts, I recommend the same material as the undergarment worn on the hips, something with a good texture. And then, for this part, since the string-shaped part from the shoulders until the breasts must not stretch, a firm material would be good"

"What would this paper that you have prepared be?"

"This is something called a 'paper-cutout-template'. You make paper that is the shape of the individually disassembled breast area fabric, back fabric, and sleeve fabric, cut the fabric according to that shape when making the apparel, and when you sew them together, it will become a single piece of apparel"

"Aah, I see. To think that there was such a method! That is the knowledge of the Otherworld huh"

"Eeh, that is right. And for those with a lot of vigorous movements like the knights, make the fabric of this part wide. If it is string-shaped here, the breasts' position will end up misaligning because of the vigorous movements, and the point of supporting them will end up being lost after all"

"Please finish up the product after making a few samples and having the knights test it out around these parts. Also, for those that are aimed at the nobles and those who have leeway with money, I think they can receive good reception if you decorate the brassieres and the hips undergarments with the same embroidery and laces and match the colour for the top and bottom"

"My, how marvellous!"

"Also, this is something unnecessary to say, but please shape the brassiere's breast's shape to be as round and beautiful as possible. The looks over the clothes will not be beautiful otherwise"

"My! You have even thought about such things huh"

"Aah! Well, I have seen tons"

"Y-, you have seen huh! Women's breasts, is it?"

"Eeh, I am a doctor after all. There are also many instances where I have them get naked and look at their body"

"I-, I see huh. Which is why you are so detailed huh"

"There is one last important thing; I think even for everybody here, the sizes of your breasts are different. If this undergarment does not match the individual's breast size and chest measurements, it will have an opposite effect on alleviating stiff shoulders. Hence, you have to prepare many types of sizes"

"Understood. By changing the type according to the amount of work and movement of the people who use it, by changing the accessories, from commoners to nobles, a wide range of people can use them huh. And what is important is to get together an abundant of sizes huh"

"Jemma. Exactly so. Well then, can I first have you make a sample? Would it take form in about 2 months?"

"Yes. I think it will be fine"

"Please do not push yourself, alright. It is fine even if it does not make it 2 months later"


As expected, like what they say, 'leave it to the pros'. 


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