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Holy Sword Strengthening Measures

We ride on the carriage and hurriedly return to the Royal Capital in order to participate in the fighting tournament.

In the carriage is me, the Chivalric Order Captain, and the driver, the three men.

And then Princess Alicia, Yuri, and Mayria, the three evil women.


And then Lucy-chan is on top of my shoulder.

I managed to bring Mayria along, and the skill's release made progress as well.

The acquisition of magic wasn't in the shape I thought, but I probably managed to power up quite a bit.

【Mirror Magic】, as of now, can only use 『Mirror Shield』, which possesses a reflecting attribute, but the things I can do increased nonetheless.

The shield I hold in my hand.

The shield I can manifest and fix in opposition in the sky around me.

The mirror wall shield I can erect like a wall from the ground nearby.

Since defence+counter is my basic fighting strategy, I'm genuinely thankful that my defensive measures increased.

Inside the carriage, Yuri sat beside me, and the Chivalric Order Captain and Mayria sat beside the Princess.

I wonder if it's classified by royalty・noble and commoners? Hence, Lucy-chan is also on this side.

After that, on the way, I talked about the newly unlocked 【Holy Sword Of Rebellion】.

I was uncertain about whether or not to conceal the details, but I talked about it without hiding anything since it felt like this Holy Sword will directly influence the Demon Lord Subjugation.

I also made it as 'misdeeds being displayed in 【Character Introduction】, came after this Holy Sword got unlocked'.

The Holy Sword's strengthening, is a necessity when it comes to the Demon Lord Subjugation.

In that case, I have to either get the Princess to also cooperate, or get her permission to act.



"Eeh. By the way, the Chivalric Order Captain has no misdeeds"

"What about me?"

"Alicia-sama......uh. 'Abducted me to another world'"


"However, Princess-sama has no misdeeds aside from that though"

"......I've got no misdeeds, and Princess-sama has an abduction misdeed? I ain't really get it"

are the Chivalric Order Captain's words.

What, do you have memories of any other misdeeds?

"I looked at the town's people and whatnot, but it looks like it is quite influenced by my personal perception"

"......are you saying that the benchmark is ambiguous?"

"Yes. At the very least, I think it is not a misdeed benchmark the tens of thousands of people in this world or this country recognise"

The benchmark is either whether or not it's something that pisses off me, or there's no benchmark itself.

A reflection of me half-assedly going along with what the masses recognise as evil?

If SNS is prominent in this world, it feels like I'll get swept along by other people's opinions, and my stance on misdeeds will keep changing.

"By the way, I would like to ask, what does 『strengthening the weapon』 feel like?"

I'd understand if it's really a game.

Because values such as 'Attack Power' and such exist.

However, when it comes to a world grounded in reality, a weapon is a weapon, right.

......I wonder if the hardness or the sharpness goes up?

"Shinta-san. Is that not something you will not know unless you try strengthening the Holy Sword?"

"......that is, well, true enough"

I can do nothing but nod at Mayria's criticism.

It's iffy whether the benchmark of other humans of this Otherworld, even applies to me after all.

"Hero-sama, what is the Demon Lord's gene?"

"I believe Mayria is detailed on that"


"Yes. It is basically a gene that monsters carry a lot of. It had been the subject of my research. It appears that the bigger of a quantity they possess, the bigger of a threat they become, Alicia-sama"


, Lucy-chan clenches her right fist and thrusts it out.

I guess you just started on the path to be the strongest?

"I implanted a lot of Demon Lord's gene in that Lucy through my research. It seems fellow powerful individuals that possess a lot of Demon Lord's gene, carry the attribute of targeting each other....... If we place Lucy by Shinta-san's side, monsters will probably approach all by themselves at an efficient rate for the strengthening"

"My! As expected of Mayria-sama. To think that your research has advanced that far!"

Hmm. As expected, of Mayria-sensei. As-ex-May¹.

"......doesn't that mean it's always gonna be dangerous?"

"......well, that is how it would be"

"Kyuu kyuー!"

Lucy-chan is taking a fight pose like she's saying 『I'll take them down!』. She's clenching her small fists and jabbing them alternatingly.

Right here, we have a belligerent young girl・ferret.

In the case where we're attacked by powerful monsters, I'll be the one who has to take them down, so I'd genuinely like you to stop.

"Regarding that, please have a look at this map"

"......this is?"

"It is a magic map that I prepared using Shinta-san's skill. The locations of monsters that carry a lot of Demon Lord's gene are recorded on this"

"Well, aren't you well prepared"

, the Chivalric Order Captain says jokingly, but he looks at that map incredibly seriously.

Princess Alicia is also serious.

It's a map with the habitats of the monsters that are threats recorded after all.

It's probably eye-catching information for someone on the monarchy side.

"......well then, having the Hero-sama, go and defeat the powerful monsters that are seemingly at these spots will......"

"Probably tie into an effective strengthening of 『Immortal Killer』. Those will probably be things necessary for the Demon Lord's subjugation"

"......it doesn't look like continuing to train in the royal castle is gonna cut it huh, Princess-sama"


Looks like I might be able to avoid being bottled up in the royal castle?

Honestly, the royal castle, it isn't comfortable because there are many irritating people around.

How do I put it, my thinking will skew towards negativity if I'm in that environment.

"Anyhow, now that the Hero's summoning is revealed, there is no way I can stay put in the royal castle after the tournament is over, no? Based on this world's Hero's reputation, it feels like they will think 『quickly go and defeat the damn Demon Lord』 though......"

"......no, if we label it as a 'training period'......"

"I do indeed think that it is something that is actually necessary for me. But now that I know that my skills work as such, I believe going around various places, defeating monsters......and, well, eradicating misdeed-holders are also necessary"

It's the, 'oh Hero, go out on a journey, raise your level, and become stronger!'.

"Karmic Payback......? feels like something I somewhat understand, but I also somewhat do not understand"


I also have an 'I somewhat understand, but I also somewhat don't understand' image for that.

"......I believe he possibly just has to correctly use 【Summoner's Blessing】 and whatnot, and give appropriate payback to those who committed misdeeds. ......Shinta-san, there are some kind of changes to your skills besides the Holy Sword and 【Character Introduction】, no?"


"Eeh. ......Shinta-san's skills, should be skills reflective of the various elements arranged on the kingdom's side, and your own determination. In which case, it should not be that you just have to infinitely give punishment to bad people. There is some kind of restriction, *demerit*, no?"

"Aah, that is......"

Which means she's telling me to reveal it here beforehand huh.

The demerits of 【Karmic Curse】.

Indeed, if I don't tell her the truth now that it's come to this, we might have conflicts because of 『what the Princess thinks I should do』 and 『what I can't do』. If I try to squeeze a large amount of Holy Sword's strengthening value from 1 person through excessive retribution, I myself might end up getting cursed right back.

"......there indeed is. I guess a new entry has been added to 【Karmic Curse】"

Hence, I'll reveal this beforehand at this timing as well.

Let's reveal Effect 3 of 【Karmic Curse】 beforehand as well.

......while I'm at it.

"Skill No. 2's Counter as well, it looks like its title changed into something called 【Absolute Counter】. My apologies. There are a lot of various changes and additional entries; I cannot fully grasp them in one go. The effect itself, looks like it has not changed much though......"

I took back the lie that I'd bizarrely spewed.

Don't lie if you don't want unnecessary loopholes after all.

In order to organise the things grasped by Princess Alicia and Chivalric Order Captain, I report the skills in detail, for the moment.

With this, what the Princess' side doesn't know is 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】's title and its actual effect.

Hiding the fact that, Transporation→Return, is possible,

『A skill that, through Mayria's cooperation, can produce equipment and items with any settings・【Summoner's Blessing】』

......I'll have them recognise it as such. If I can use it with the Princess' authorisation, the things I can do are gonna increase exponentially.

"Hmmm....... Which means he's smoothly becoming stronger huh, the Hero-san"

"Yeah. It's just that, amendments to the schedule hereafter are necessary because of the accumulative-type skills"

"【Mirror Magic】 as well, it looks like it will get strengthened by receiving a 【Hero Acknowledgement Ceremony】 from the Holy Maiden-sama. In which case, I think I ought to head to the Holy Kingdom or whatever you call it as well"

"......is that so"

The Princess' thinking is that she doesn't want to just hand the Hero to the Holy Maiden.

However, now that we have revealed the Hero, I think the interaction with the Holy Kingdom is unavoidable.

......I guess there won't be a problem if the 『Princess』 completely cajoles 『me』 and win me over before we go all the way to the Holy Kingdom?

In which case, I guess it's better if I at least propose beforehand, with an 'I love the Princess so so muchー!' attitude.

However, that will go too according to the Princess' wish, so I guess I can't?

It's better if she ends up opening up her heart to me against her will.......

No, seeing that my evaluation started from the negative to begin with, I guess it's preferable for it to benefit the Princess.

"Regarding the monsters' subjugations, assuming we can just rely on Mayria-sama's map and head to subjugate them......it will be a question of what to do about the appropriate retribution on the people who are 'misdeed-holders', huh"

That'd be the one. It's not like 'misdeed-holders', are gonna be right around the corner so easily.

"......can't we just make Hero-san, handle the punishment of the bunch that have been captured in the prison?"

Oh? 'I see', I thought at the Chivalric Order Captain's opinion.

'If I appropriately punish the bad people who have already been captured, my Holy Sword will get strengthened'.

It's a hunting ground in a sense huh, that. ......it's just that, if it turns into something like that.

"'The Hero, furthermore, Princess Alicia's lover's job is something like an 『executioner』', will it be accepted by the people in this world? In my world, it is not really a good-impression job though"

"......I guess it does not have a good impression"

Ah, as I thought?

I think it's a good idea though. An executioner.

Another problem would be.......

"And in terms of the Royal Family and the Hero's reputation issue, frankly, I have a feeling that '『Karmic Payback』' isn't all dashing. ......the targets are just the evildoers, but it is doing exactly what the evildoers did when you actually get to work. ......it turning into that shape, feels like it's the result of giving Karmic Payback. Showing that to people out in the open is......"

From the masses' perspective, it'll be the picture of 『a superhuman who should be invincible, taking distasteful revenge on the evildoers around the corner』, right? It's necessary for a dark story, but I have a feeling it's not quite the Hero image desired from me in this very Otherworld.

A bad public image will have an influence on my day-to-day life as well, so I want to avoid it if possible. 

Assuming the dashing acts of going around one-hitting and defeating evildoers as the Hero is the typical public image, what I need is 『Karmic Payback』, so......what I ought to do is, the type where I hide in the shadows, and give the evildoers a taste of their own medicine.

In this current situation where the Hero is shouldering the Royal Family's credibility as well, Princess Alicia, too, probably doesn't want to straight-out undermine the Hero's reputation.

"......we will have Hero-sama behave as a Hero that gives a good impression to the civilians on the surface, and simultaneously have him sentence? and whatnot the misdeed-holders behind the scenes"

That's how it would be huh.

"Does that mean doing executioner-like things as well behind the scenes"

"No....... If we do that, rumours will end up spreading from those who work in the prison. If possible, we do not want the civilians to know that Hero-sama is taking such actions"


......for example, if I take on the behind-the-scenes work here.

Then on the occasion of Princess Alicia's betrayal at the very end, I wonder if it'll also end up paving the road where she capsizes my reputation with something like 『he had been doing such bad things behind the Princess' back!』?

However, the current situation is, you know.

I want to do my own personal strengthening, and I also don't want to be taken aback by the people that I'm 'that kinda person'.

Regarding this point, the Princess and my objective are currently aligned.

Princess Alicia moves her eyes to Yuri over there.


"Let's have Yuri-san help out with Hero-sama's work. If she helps out with Hero-sama's work......yeah. In the future, the Royal Family will not pursue the crimes she had committed before"

Oh? Like a plea deal?


"Wanna talk?"


Yuri, whose mouth is stuffed, shakes her head. 'Go ahead and do whatever you like', kinda deal?

I suppose she doesn't have any right to refuse after all, and either way, I'll be bringing Yuri as well.

"Hmm. This, will it be a strengthening that will accumulate curse......miasma, Mayria"

"It probably will. I suppose it would be like, strengthening it as a magic tool? It looks like it is difficult for Magic Power and Aura to accumulate in Shinta-san's body for an extended period after all, and details-wise as well......the improvement through giving 『Karmic Payback』, gives birth to some kind of energy, and it is possible to accumulate that......might be how it is"

I see.

In any case, I think it's definitely, a no-good energy.

I'll do it since you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs though.

Behind the plan of working out a good public image of Hero by Idol・Mayria and Politician・Alicia, I'll search for evildoers with Bandit・Yuri, give them a taste of their own medicine, and (the Holy Sword will) become the strongest! huh.

......maybe I should make a disguise・mask equipment.

The objective is to strengthen, so there's no need to reveal my true identity either.

While I'm at it, I want to organise a Royal Family resistance for when I get treated like a Demon Lord by the treacherous Princess after the Demon Lord subjugation, or secure a refuge-in-the-Holy Kingdom route beforehand.

No, you should be working hard so that you can return to Japan before that, huh.


The carriage journey towards the Royal Capital; it takes 2 days even if we go back straight, and during that time, there were outdoor campings in between as well.

"If we make use of Shinta-san's skill, we will not be troubled over clothes・food huh"


"However, 'is it alright to continuously eat the meals produced with the skill?' is something I would like to verify"

That might be necessary.

"It won't be nourishing even if you eat it?"

"......if we make them meals that do not contain miasma, I believe they would just be mere meals. But, is it alright to constantly rely on it in the Demon Country? I cannot help having the apprehension of 'will it function forever'. ......there may not be an answer even if I verify it. It is a skill that we should rely on if we can, so......at the end of the day, I believe we will come to rely on it"


"Does the equipment produced by the skill will disappear over time?"

"If it does disappear, Yuri will be thrown outside naked one day huh"



Yuri, who nestles up my back, protests to me.

Lucy-chan also smacks her cheeks lightly on my shoulder.

"It'll probably be convenient if he can produce equipment infinitely, but......I sure don't wanna equip myself with equipment that who knows when it'll disappear"

"Yeah....... But, there is indeed the need to make full use of it"

I'm of the same opinion on that.

"If we can use it for meals and there is no harm to the health, the journey in the Demon Country will become easier"

"Eeh. I, too, can produce drinkable water, and also produce shaped rocks if I use magic. I believe verification, is necessary to a certain extent, but......honestly, I believe that there is also an aspect of overthinking it"

Now that she mentions it, the people in this world, they've also been producing water and whatnot from almost *nothing* huh. Rather than 'nothing', it's from Magic Power. Then, as long as we don't insert a vanishing setting or settings with weird effects, the meals produced will be no more than what they are huh.

"After that, Alicia-sama. I discussed it with Shinta-san; after wrapping up the verification of the skill comes the construction of a means of transport"

"A means of transport?"

"Eeh. I am looking at a carriage and an outdoor camping-use tent combination. I want to combine quality materials and a magic tool with effects through Shinta-san's skill and create a carriage that is able to provide an even better journey. ......I would like to have him design・construct a carriage with functionalities that take combat・lifestyle・safety into consideration from here on out"

Umu. A monster-repelling, living space guaranteed, and capable of attacking even from the carriage......kind of portable comfort tank would be nice.

Let's・Craft², I say.

"On the occasion that the carriage breaks during the journey, a carriage constructed of just items that can be produced by Shinta-san's skill will make repairing it easier. ......besides, it is even better if we have Shinta-san 【Level】 the manufacturing・repairing techniques of carriages"

What am I, a repair specialist?

Skill-wise, completely transforming into a handyman is inevitable though.

I think Mayria as a Magician, is also pretty much a handyman though.

If we're going for it, something like Mayria and others' Magic Power recovering when they spend time inside the carriage.

To finish things off, something like a carriage that flies in the sky.

It's delightful when you have level-ups for the means of transport in role-playing games.

I've never heard of Teleportation Magic or whatnot in this world, but I think it's not something completely impossible.

There's the concept and procedure for Transportation・Summoning after all.......

I wonder if there's some kind of problem for there to be no signs of people using it as of now.

Like on top of needing a high-grade Magician on the transporting side and the transported side, a single round of transportation has a massive cost.

......it seems the Hero Summoning wasn't free either after all.

"Is the Chivalric Order Captain......or rather, are Princess Alicia and the Chivalric Order Captain coming along on the journey towards the Demon Country?"

"I will, of course, tag along"

, the Princess answers immediately. Hmm.......

I have a feeling she can just be waiting in the castle since she's the Royal Family though.

Mayria's theory is that she was raised for the Summoning Ritual's construction, and to have a head-into-battle mentality huh.

......which means, Princess Alicia is a person who has resolved herself right from the start, huh.

"I......guess I'm gonna depend on the fighting tournament's result"

Oh, Chivalric Order Captain sure has an unexpected answer huh.

"Unexpected? You're thinking that I'd tag along"

"Eeh, well. I thought you would naturally follow Alicia-sama"

"Well, you've got a point....... But, if there's the Hero-sama who's competent enough to be able to defeat the Sword Saint......I won't have a turn, right?"


Is that how it is? No, but you have the job of killing me, right.

......is it alright for it to come after returning to the Royal Castle?

"Besides, at the very end, Hero-sama will head to defeat the Demon Lord alone. The point of me travelling along, is whether or not my battle power is necessary on the way there. But, now that an extremely skilful Magician-sama joined......well, it became unneeded as well, right?"

Meaning, he's relieved from his duties because Mayria joined the party?

Is that so? He's stronger than me after all, and it'll be more reliable in the battle aspect if he's around though.

......no, I guess it's talking about, 'if I'm to the extent where I can defeat the Sword Saint, then the Chivalric Order Captain will also no longer be needed'.

It'll come down to whether or not I can defeat him with a skills-leaning combat style, rather than with orthodox competency though.......

"I will go and defeat the Demon Lord alone?"

"Yeah. ......you didn't forget, did you? The Demon Lord uses 【Insta-kill Magic】. And then, for us, we don't have the power capable of going up against that. That's why the Hero is the only one who can stand in front of the Demon Lord in the end"


A means to go up against the Insta-kill Magic.

I thought maybe it'd be possible somehow with equipment, but if we go by Mayria's way of thinking, I have a feeling that the resource of the equipment I create will be insufficient.

For me, I end up thinking, 'it'll be an easy victory if I set an 『Insta-Kill Invalidation』!', but Mayria-wise, she has the thinking that 'it'll probably be overpowered by the Demon Lord's Insta-kill due to the resource difference'.

However, if we go by that thinking, it's kinda hard to think that I myself will be able to endure the Insta-kill though.......

"......Mayria. In this world, is there no magic that resurrects the deceased? Resurrection Magic"

"Resurrection Magic has been researched, but......there is also the risk that they might turn into 【Immortal Monstrosity】 after all....... I guess it is not that popular"

You telling me it's a popularity issue.

It's a world with Insta-kill Magic, so research it more seriously!

"It is something that makes use of the soul after death after all....... No, honestly, I think every single country has been trying to do the research itself, you know?"

"......in my world, I hear many stories about kings who learn of their impending death, seeking immortality so vehemently that it brings the country to ruins though......"

I look at Princess Alicia over there.

"I guess it is outside the expertise of the Royal Family. ......but, there are historical records of such research being done in the past"

Oh? There is huh.

As I thought, it's a world where magic exists and is tangible after all.

It feels like they're closer to the possibility than the science-leaning Earth.

"......and then it seems there were instances where the past Hero revived people through their skill"


I? no, the past Hero was a Resurrection Magician?

......indeed, there's no better 【Anti・Insta-kill Magic】 skill than this huh.

"However, it seems they had shouldered a heavy price"

"A heavy price?"

"............they saved people, in exchange for their own life. Legends of that sort had been left behind"


Speaking of which, my Skill No. 8 【Self-Curse・Self-Destruct】, is also a skill that trades my life.

The past Hero also, had a skill that trades their life huh.

Based on Mayria's theory, I guess it's an 'appropriate cost'.

"It is not a skill you can easily use just because you learned it huh......"


Princess-wise, does she want to make me use it after I learned it? Rather.

"Chivalric Order Captain, could it be that 『you'll pass on dying, so you won't tag along』?"

"......I ain't, living with as much resolve as Princess-sama. Of course, in fights with humans and monsters......if I die because of my capability, I mean, I guess it's inevitable. But, going in front of an opponent where I'll only die no matter what I do, no matter how hard I give my best, is just dying for nothing, right? On top of that, there ain't no point in me going either if Hero-sama's strong, you know? It's stupid to tag along, right"

............I can understand what he's saying, but what's up with making the Otherworlder me go to that death trap then. Well, I suppose it's under the presumption that if it's me, then I won't die.......

"If the Hero has to go to the final battle alone at the very end, isn't it fine even if the Princess doesn't come along......"

"That will not do. ......I have my position to consider as well. ......well, I can understand the rationale, but that, was not how I was brought up. I suppose I am also in a position where I cannot do that"


I moved my eyes to Mayria over there.

'For the sake of summoning the Hero', 'for the sake of bringing forth talents to head towards the Demon Lord subjugation', the summoner Princess would've been raised like that, kinda deal huh.

Hmm....... I wonder if the strong-willed person in Princess Alicia comes up at such places.

......I don't have any complaints if she would just give up on her dream though.

Even if the Chivalric Order Captain doesn't come.....for me, I'll just do the job I'm supposed to do.

"Alicia-sama. Can we talk alone in the carriage?"

I, decided to invite the Princess.


"Hero-sama, is there something you would like to talk about in particular?"

"Eeh, well"

A slightly, condescending gaze that goes, 'fufun'......is what it feels like; I wonder if it's my imagination.

"Before the fighting tournament, I would like to know if the Holy Sword is especially strong as a weapon, if I could do something about the Holy Sword's strengthening, and......I would like to *look* at the Sword Saint again"

"......whether the Sword Saint-sama has the *misdeeds* you were saying, right?"

"Eeh. It is a sensitive timing, so he might be strangely cautious. Seeing that there are probably ways if it is just looking, and we have grasped the tournament's schedule and whatnot......I would like to think about what I can do to aim for victory"


"......Alicia-sama. From what I hear from people's evaluation, it is difficult for me to win against the Sword Saint with my current capability. ......if I have enough time, I might overtake him with 【Leveling】, but......there is also already no time after all. It's just that"

"It's just that?"

"If I am able to catch the Sword Saint's attack, and remain standing without collapsing......I am able to do a counter that can deal damage to the Sword Saint. It makes use of the Sword Saint's very own attack power after all"

"......which means that even the current Hero, has a way to win huh"

"Yeah. Also"

I, pull Princess Alicia's hand, and make her sit beside me.

"......I want to discuss the matters that comes after winning against the Sword Saint as well"

"My, Hero-sama......"

If I win against the Sword Saint in the fighting tournament, I'll officially be Princess Alicia's fiancé.

If I'm her fiancé......of course, I'm going to have her let me do the things, so I have to prepare as well.

I'll steer it so that the Princess loses any ground to make any kind of excuses and properly establish a relationship with me.

◆【Otherworld Transportation Technique】


【Equipment Designation】Present Clothes

【Possession Designation】

◇Undergarment・clothes that suit Princess Alicia, that are not unnatural to wear in Japan

◇Possession Bag (A bag with food・drinks・essential clothing)

◇Wristwatch that accurately reflects Japan's time (Works without any issue even after returning to the Otherworld)

◇Map that depicts the Hero's house

【Location Designation】Location with no witnesses, Japan, the street the Hero lived in

【Language Designation】Japanese

【Objective Designation】

1. Walk the streets, look at the Hero's world, and find the Hero's house

2. The Princess will nearly experience events that she feels endangers her

3. Situation that causes horrible external injuries・Situation that causes the Princess to lose her life will befall

4. Spend 1 hour in Japan

【Prohibition Designation】Hurt the Hero's family members


『You have been transported to the world the Hero lived』

『Due to the overshooting of Summoner Alicia's sexual desires' seal, a disturbance to the Summoning Ritual has occurred 』

『Hero's Wish: The destination was set, influenced by the wish to return home』

『Condition To Return To The Otherworld: Expelling of sexual desires, or the discovery of the Hero's house』

......these settings, let's use them when Princess Alicia is *waking up* this time around.

From making her think that she can control her body's abnormality through the ring, to the discovery of a crucial defect.

All that's left is to cooperate with Mayria and steer her in the direction that I desire.

Just when it turned into a body that can't climax unless she's thinking of me, it went to 'holding it in too much is gonna be the root of an Otherworld Transportation'. 

In any case, I can give Karmic Payback to a misdeed-holder, and the Holy Sword is also able to strengthen after all.

......however, it's a warm-up run this time around.

It's fine even if she doesn't arrive at my house.

It's the flow where, after the Princess is self-aware of the abnormal circumstances, she'll ask Mayria and me about it, and we'll have a strategy meeting on what to do if it were to happen next time. Well, the cause for everything is me though.

I'll bide my time while talking about the fighting tournament and the matters hereafter with the Princess.

And then.

──Otherworld Transportation Technique, activate.


¹: ふむ。さすが、メイリア先生。さすメイ。 (Fumu. Sasuga, Meiria-sensei. SasuMei)
It's a Japanese thing where they shorten the phrases. 'Sasuga, Meiria-sensei' → 'SasuMei'

²: レッツ・クラフト (Rettsu・Kurafuto). I think it's a Japanese thing where it's Let's・Something. I think I've heard a similar usage somewhere before, but I'm not 100% sure.


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