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Hero Debut!

"──Oh Hellfire, Burn The Aforementioned To Ashes"

Amidst the Otherworld's people's attention, the Female Magician, Mayria=Youmisiria, casts her flame sorcery.

It's a hopeless sight where an intense fire flies towards me.

This is the end of the road for the three-timing man......in the end, it ends with me being burned to a crisp by a magic flame huh.


, Lucy-chan, who's riding on Yuri's shoulder and observing, made a worried?-sounding cry.

"──Mirror Shield"

I catch the flame with a shield I manifested in response to Lucy-chan's voice.

The flame, enveloped my vicinity.

It's so hot it's like my skin is burning. But, thanks to the equipment, there wasn't anything like me becoming unable to breathe or whatnot.

I count while being roasted by the fire. 1, 2, 3, 4......guuu, it doesn't make it any less hot! Thanks to having some resistance, I control the power of the skill that attempts to automatically recover from the core of my body. ......9, 10!


I, extinguish the enveloping flame with the Fire Smothering Mantle, and at the same time.......


I look up into the sky, and reflect all the flame damage I received thus far!

The Mirror Magic, reflected even Mayria's magic!

......with her holding back on me, that is, though.

"O-, ooh......!?"

"Receiving Mayria-sama's magic.....and being unwounded!?"


Reactions that feel like they're planted by the Princess and associates, erupt from the Youmisiria Territory's people.

A second coming of the strongest Hero was performed.

It's the performance plan of the local idol, Mayria.

I guess you could say the reaction was so-so. It looks like it didn't flop huh.

As I thought, the movie-like flashiness is huge.

......by the way, I'm standing there, making a nonchalant look as best I can, but it's straight-up hot.

It's a different story if I'm completely invincible, but I'm 'no more than invincible as a result', and we don't want them underestimating my Hero whose workings are as such. For me here, since I don't want to receive damage as far as possible, let's tell them beforehand that I definitely don't wanna go with this performance plan every time.

It feels like if I grumble, the sadistic Princess will egg me on instead though.



As I was basking in the yada-yada and attention of the people, pitter-patter, Lucy-chan ran over to me.


And then, she carries on to climb up my body.


I don't really get it, but......in any case, I carry Lucy-chan up.


The current me, is basking in the attention of the people who gathered in the open space from a slightly higher-up location.

Lucy-chan, who's carried by me, is also looking over at the people from that high view.

"Kyu kyuー!"

For some reason, Lucy-chan folds her arms, puffs out her chest, and leans backwards arrogantly.

She's giving out a cocky atmosphere. How adorable.


Lucy-chan waves her hand at the people, as though she's the one with all the attention. It was the Hero debut event, but it ended up becoming Lucy-chan debut event.

"Good girl, good girl"


Let's pat her since she's adorable.


Lucy-chan wags her tail happily.

I wonder if she likes being pat?

Today, it's the Hero's reveal, but there's no speech or whatnot in particular.

It's all left to Princess Alicia and Mayria.

......and, so.

As I, as the introduced Hero, am making a smile so that I come off feeling suave.

──【Key To The Princess’ Heart】 is temporarily unlocked.

──Skill No. 8 【Self-Curse・Self-Destruct】 unlocked.

......here it is! Through Mayria's negotiation, a new skill that's released by the Princess willingly!

For the Holy Sword's release, I'd kept quiet about it since the Princess wasn't self-aware, so I was hoping that maybe it'll get unlocked all the way to Skill No. 9 if I get lucky, but it seems it won't go that way.

Skill No. 8 【Self-Curse・Self-Destruct】

◇Effect 1 Self-Destruct

『Able to unleash a powerful area-of-effect attack in exchange for one's own life』

◇Effect 2 Self-Curse

『Able to curse oneself by converting the damage received by any target in the vicinity(multiple designations allowed) into agony and taking it on in the place of the target, and increase the potency of self-destruct』

Ain't that Ka○○○¹! Like hell I'm going to use it, a skill like self-destruct!

Furthermore, because it's matching this world or the workings of my skills, it comes with the bonus of increased potency when I curse myself by myself!

I don't need ittttt!!


Lucy-chan is tilting her head.



In any case, I'll pat Lucy-chan and calm down; here we go.

"──【Holy Sword of Rebellion】"



I, summoned the 【Holy Sword of Rebellion】 that was unlocked, just yesterday, which I hadn't talked to anybody about yet.

As for the Holy Sword of Rebellion's design......its characteristic is its *pure-white* colour.

The hilt and blade are also all white.

It's just that, a circular design is engraved on the 'quillon', or the 'guard' part, and over there is a design where a yin-yang's......black and white commas combined and formed a circle.

It's an entirely pure-white single-edged sword, with only its quillon part having the black colour of the yin-yang mark, kind of sword.

I think yin-yang is a Chinese-ish design more so than a Japanese design though.......

The weapon born through this skill, comes with such a mark because it's based on me?

Rather, if the Holy Sword is this design, what's hidden by Skill No. 7, is likely another sword. Won't it be a *Demon Sword* with a design where the black and white are inversed?

【Holy Sword of Rebellion】 is, a Holy Sword which, for the sake of defeating the Demon Lord, requires defeating monsters, and also eliminating evildoers, and it's a sword that's unable to hurt good people. You can say it's a sword that ends up enforcing Hero-ish actions.

A Demon Sword that's kinda an inverse of that.......

......sure isn't an item that seems that good huh.

Should I ignore the full unlock of Skill No. 7 just in case?


"Hero-sama, you managed to acquire a new power huh!"

"Yes, Alicia-sama"


Following the Hero's face reveal to the masses event, I was met by Princess Alicia with a smile.

......for the time being, it's probably better not to talk about the self-destruct skill.

We'll treat it as, what I just acquired is only the Holy Sword skill.

Rather, seeing that the No. 7 still hasn't been completely unlocked, this incomplete unlock is probably representative of the Princess' unwillingness......if, in the coming future, when the No. 7 Skill's redacted parts are unlocked, I shall proclaim that that's Skill No. 8.

Regarding the self-destruct, I guess I'll keep it from Mayria and Yuri, and Lucy-chan as well.

I probably won't use it, something like a self-destruct skill.

Like, 'why, do I have to die for the sake of this world'.

"......with this sword, I will definitely win the fighting tournament. For Princess Alicia's sake"


And then, in front of a public audience, I kissed Princess Alicia's cheek.

"Kyu, kyuー!"

Lucy-chan, she covers her face with both hands and takes an embarrassed pose. Cute.

"Ge-, geez, Hero-sama, doing it in front of people......"

"It is representative of my determination of, 'I am definitely going for the win'. ......everybody, I am going for the win in the fighting tournament! For no other than, the sake of acquiring Princes Alicia!"

"O-, oooh......!"

"They're in that kind of relationship huh......!"

"That's the wayー! Do your best!"

The Hero was introduced to the masses alongside the Princess and Mayria.

And then, the Hero was unwounded, despite catching a powerful magic.

He's in a romantic relationship with the Princess, and will do his best for the sake of marrying the Princess!

I suppose it's a cliché story. You've gotta bring some heat to the show after all!

"Hero-sama......I, am so happy!"

Well, Princess Alicia's true feelings, aside for now.

Now then. There are less than 6 days until the tournament.

The skills' release, has managed to reach 8.

......for now, I have to add the Princess and the Chivalric Order Captain, and discuss my personal strengthening and the countermeasure for the tournament from here on out.

As for the Holy Sword's strengthening, I wonder if it's connected to my strength in vs-people?

I don't quite get it.

In the case where the Holy Sword's strengthening is necessary, I have to find as many evildoers as possible......and give them karmic retribution or whatever it is.

Princess-wise, she probably very much wants to raise the Hero's evaluation as well, but the days are numbered.

In which case, do I bash those who do dirty work like the bandit group?

In the first place, 'karmic retribution' feels difficult......no, I suppose I just have to do things displayed in the misdeeds back to the person themselves.

I wonder if evildoers, will be lying around the corner so conveniently.

......no, even without looking, there are 3 people with misdeeds right within reach.

I wonder if the Holy Sword will become stronger if I do erotic human experiments on Mayria and modify her?

For Yuri, assuming I torment her with the skill's curse for the murders, she has lynching and torturing huh. I wonder if I just have to go a little bit harder on her?

......lastly, transporting Princess Alicia to Japan also counts as karmic retribution, is probably how it'll play out.


¹: Kamikazee, or Megante. Dragon Quest reference.


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