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"Looks like it went pretty well huh. Thanks, Beatrice. And well done rounding things up. Thanks, Mylene"

I thank the two of them who worked really hard in order to lure the Four Divine Angels this time around. Beatrice has an expression that goes 'of course', and Mylene smiles happily.

Although the Ursa Major Celestial Maidens and Relcend also did their best, I've got to praise these two first.

"Where are Bergius-sama and others?"

"I've made Bergius and others help out Liscia and others who are outside. That said, it'll end up over in an instant if Bergius joins in, so I've made him intimidate them only though"

Nevertheless, the war this time around is probably over. The Angel they depend on is here, and the other Angels probably can't stand toe to toe with Bergius after all.

"......are you the Sorcerer who declared war on Fistoria-sama?"

As I'm exchanging information with Mylene, a voice speaks to me from above. She had readied a bow the size of roughly an adult male and was glaring at us when I looked in the direction of the voice. She's the Four Divine Angels huh.

The one I met for the first time back then was the Absolute Sword, was it. I sure felt quite a bit of pressure even though he was possessing somebody else's body huhh. I feel a considerable amount of pressure from the Four Divine Angels before my eyes as well.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Hardt. Just as you said, the one who declared war on Fistoria is me"

"I thought so. Fistoria-sama had spoken of you as a Demon......indeed, that putrid corpse stench brimming from you. It is fitting to call you a Demon huh"

......haa, if it isn't an interesting way of putting things. The putrid corpse stench that brims from me huhh. Well, it's true that I went and killed thousands, so something might've gotten stuck onto me huh.

"Well, I may very well be a Demon from the eyes of you Angels. And then, you're going to become a Demon's companion as well from here on out"

As I say that, I unleash the Black God's power. I want to confirm how effective this power will be against the Four Divine Angels after all, and I'm still not that used to it, so I guess it'll serve as a practice on how to use it as well.

"......uu! What an ominous magic power!? Furthermore, that power is the same as Noel and others......!"

"I've absorbed a certain God's Fragment, you know. And I managed to power up. Furthermore"

I spread the darkness that pours out from my body in the entire space. And then the darkness extends to Mylene and company as well. They're surprised, but because they trust me, they aren't particularly panicking.

"......!! Hardt-sama, what is this brimming-with-power feeling!?"

"That is, the power of the God's Fragment I absorbed. I'm unable to power up myself, but for the people around me, it looks like I'm able to power up the number of people proportional to my magic power. My magic power increases just from killing, so this power is convenient"

My magic power increases the more I kill thanks to the magic tool Chrono made for me. The trade-off is a ton of screaming voices echoing by my ears though. It doesn't bother me now since I'm already used to it though.

"Well, you powered up, but just watch for now. Ah, Ursa Major Celestial Maidens, I'll leave the outside to you"


The Ursa Major Celestial Maidens responds and leaves the space when I give my orders. Elfion seems to be listening to the conversation inside this space as well, so we can easily enter and exit.

"Is it alright? Going out of the way to reduce the number of people. Is it not better to have more people?"

"Nn? Isn't something like that obvious. It's because I thought it's feasible with just me alone"

I direct and release spears created from darkness at the Angel while saying. Speaking of which, I didn't ask for her name. Well, whatever.

"Do not look down on me!"

The Angel readied her bow and shot her arrows at the spears I released while saying. Although they're arrows filled with quite a bit of magic power, they're meaningless before my spears.

The moment the arrows and spears clash, darkness brims from the spears and engulfs the arrows. And then, the spears flew towards the Angel without losing momentum.

"Kuh, same as the spheres from before huh! Thousand Arrows!"

The Angel released even more arrows than before at the respective spears while grimacing. 'I wonder why', I thought, but because hundreds of arrows clashed into a single spear, and an amount of magic power that exceeded the amount possible for the spear to absorb was poured in, the spear exploded.

I see. The majority of opponents would resort to dodging, but she dealt with it right away partially also because she'd learned about it beforehand. Mylene probably used it.

"My name is Divine Bow Atalanta!! I swear on Fistoria-sama's name, I will defeat you!!"

"My name is Hardt. I'll make you my subordinate for the sake of killing Fistoria"


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