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Early August. Amidst the broiling heat, I left the house by myself. The place I am headed to is Kinuta-san's shop.

"Good afternoonー"

"Welcome. Oh, Kazunari-kun. It has been a while huh"

"Ah, Shizue-san. It has been a while"

Inside the air-conditioned shop, the one waiting was a beauty dressed as a man, Kinuta Shizue-san. The sight of him wearing a suit even though it is a hot day is as suave as always.

"Thank you very much, for your advice in the ball sports tournament"

"No no, I did nothing of significance. You guys won with your strength"

Perhaps Shizue-san usually does other work, the last we met was before the ball sports tournament. As far as it goes, I had Kinuta-san convey my gratitude, but, as I thought, I ought to say it personally when I can.

"My wife is in the middle of working at the back, but I think she'll come in a bit more. Are you going to wait until then?"

"Yeah, I will wait for a bit"

"In that case, for the time being, have this. It was hot outside, right"

"Thank you"

Shizue-san says and hands me some cold barley tea. It may not have been particularly far from the house to here, but be that as it may, because I had been walking under the scorching sun, the cold tea was really delicious.

"Speaking of which, are Kazunari-kun and company returning to your parent's home?"

"Yes. I cannot meet my parent since she is overseas, but I intend to give my greetings to Yae's parents"

"I see, I see. You've got to cherish your family after all"

It is the same time as Obon¹, but Yae and I will visit Yae's parents' home. I want to visit my father's grave as well after all, and I suppose there is a need to show them the sight of Yae doing well. I am looking forward to it quite a bit personally after all.

"It would be great if you could meet your mother as well, but it seems tough"

"Yeah. As I thought, she appears to be busy with work"

She responded with complaints about her superior when I contacted her recently as well. At the same time, she also said she would come back if she is able to, but from the looks of it, it appears to be quite difficult. But just knowing that she is doing well is good enough.

"Work is finally done〜. Ara? Kazunari-kyun, welcom〜e"


"I shall return to the back then. Kazunari-kun, take your time"

Kinuta-san, who had finished working, came on in from the back as I was chatting with Shizue-san. An appearance that is extremely impactful as well today with a goth-lolita outfit. Furthermore, perhaps it is for summer use, the exposure has increased, and you can feel the splendid muscles unnecessarily so because they are visible.

"So〜? What do you need today〜?"

"We decided to have a hand-rolled sushi party with the four of us this time around. Hence, I would like to order seafood to use as the ingredient for that. My budget is about this much"

The four of us are, of course, me and Yae, and Renya alongside Nishikida-san. After the last group study, we decided to have dinner with everybody. Renya's wish was my home-cooked food, but something party-style like this is also nice occasionally.

"N〜o problem! Are fillets okay〜?"

"Yes, please. I will leave the variety in your hands"

"It's gonna be left in my ha〜nds. Also, do I deliver it all the way to your house on the very day〜?"

I wonder what I should go for. I could also collect it beforehand, but as I thought, fishes on the very day are the best. Besides, I am worried about transporting it all the way home from here in mid-summer.

"Please do. The time will be about 6 o'clock"

"Oka〜y! I'll deliver the good stuff〜!!"


¹: お盆(Obon): A festival to honour the deceased.


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