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Next Generation Demon Lord Lucy-chan


We found the rabbit Demihuman Layla-chan and fox Demihuman Tina-chan when we enter the village.


Lucy-chan raises her voice in my arms.


I stroke Lucy-chan to calm her down; there we go.

The projection of her original form, might come with a risk.

In other words 『the ephemeral projection of her original form might not be possible a second time』

Because the curse seems to be the cause. I suppose something like that is possible as well.

It's a Demon Lord-related curse which was stated to, at the very least, be a problem that won't be resolved with just the Hero's skill.

It'd be horrible if we used up her original form's recreation's number of times in the equipment test.

That's precisely why 【Lucy's Ribbon】's usage, will be at the main event off the cuff.

I'll have her perform it in front of both her parents and Layla・Tina-chan.

If we're going to use a one-time-only miracle, sweeping away the despair of both her parents and her friends is where it's at.

"Shino-san, welcome!"

Tina-chan and Layla-chan approach where I am.

By the way, I made Yuri wear handcuffs, stuffed her mouth, put on a robe, and stay behind.

Mayria is on standby beside her.

Because in front of these kids, Yuri is the villain.

The real villain is Mayria though.

"It's been a while. Have you been well, Tina-chan, Layla-chan"


Lucy-chan, too, while making a slightly about-to-cry face, raised her hand.

"Un, it's been a while! ......that child is?"



"......this child is, well, un"

I grabbed Lucy-chan's armpits with both hands and held her up, and stuck her out to Tina-chan and company.


"Can we touch her?"


Tina-chan receives her and brings her between the two of them.


"Cute huhー"


As expected, they don't notice huh.

For this world's Demihumans・Beastfolks, it seems Beastification isn't a common thing.


"Kyu kyu!"

Lucy-chan who's getting fluffed by her friends. 




Oh? Tina-chan and Layla-chan tilt their heads. 

"Something's wrong?"

"......erm. Somehow"


"......I have a feeling she smells the same as Lucy-chan"

Oh!? For real. 

Smell! There's that approach huh! 

The chances of being able to get them to believe me went up with this, you know!?

"Is that so. Actually, there's something I want to talk about that matter......the matter regarding Lucy-chan. If possible, I want both Lucy-chan's parents and the two of you to listen to what I have to say"

When I, informed them of that, Tina-chan and Layla-chan looked at each other's faces, and after looking at Lucy-chan again, they answered 『got it』 to me. 



"Oba-san¹, Oji-saーn²!"

"......aah, Tina-chan, Layla-chan. You're here today as well huh"

Lucy-chan's parents, welcome the two of them warmly. 

Perhaps he's currently in the middle of a break, the father has a look that comes off like he's back from farmwork. 

'Today as well', she says, don't tell me Tina-chan and Layla-chan, had they been cheering the parents up. 

In place of Lucy-chan, it's not though.

Their sadness might be being healed by the sight of her friends. 

......however, Mayria who kidnapped Lucy-chan, and Yuri who's part of the bunch who kidnapped Tina-chan・Layla-chan; I, sure have brought the two worst people huh.

"Those people are......?"

"Erm, the man is, Shino-san, who previously saved us......"

"Nice to meet you. Erm......I am Shino. Today, I came with something to talk about with the two of you"

"......a talk, is it?"

"Eeh. ......actually, ever since the recent matter with Tina-chan and company, I had been investigating Lucy-chan's whereabouts"


"May I, have you hear me out?"

"Ye-, yes"

Just when I had them convinced.


Lucy-chan, who was carried by Tina-chan, extended her hand out with an about-to-cry voice.



Oh? Lucy-chan's mother, showed some kind of reaction.

Ooh? I wonder if they can tell by the smell as expected?

Which means, we can get down to it real quick! I'm like an idiot for considering all kinds of things.

"That child......is?"

"......un. Uh, Shino-san brought her. ......but she somehow has the smell of Lucy-chan"



When Tina-chan naturally, stuck Lucy-chan out to her mother, Lucy-chan, she hopped and clung to her mother's breasts.


"Ahh......, eh......? But......"

It looks viable. With this person's reaction, I can get her to believe me.

"Can I have you hear me out, about that child? ......currently, what Tina-chan and Layla-chan, and then you are feeling......I think it is the truth"


"Ye-, yes....... Please let me hear......what is going on......"


I, managed to get them to invite me into Lucy-chan's house.


"Nice to meet you. I, am Youmisiria Territory's Feudal Lord's daughter, and my name is Mayria=Youmisiria"

"Erm, Feudal Lord-sama's daughter-san, is it......"


"......somehow, it feels like a name I have heard before"

Oh? Is Mayria known even in the Demihuman's village?

"I guess you might have heard rumours about me somewhere. But, about me......eeh. I think it is fine if you just know that I am a noble. More importantly, please let me talk about the family member of you people"

Making Mayria, their resented revenge target, take on the face of an ally......it is probably a terrifying sight huhh, this.

"Shinta-san......though he seems to have taken the name of Shino-san here. The result of doing an investigation on the trails of the aforementioned bandit group with him. ......we discovered that the Demihuman young girl called Lucy had been kidnapped"

And then the one who schemed the kidnappping, is this woman.


"The-, then, Lucy is?"

"......at the very least, she did not end up being killed by monsters. We know that she was alive.......and sold to some noble's house"



"Lucy-chan is alive as we thought!"


Un un. The report that she's alive......it looks like we managed to get them to accept it?

However, the problem starts here.

"And, Shinta-san and I, as a result of investing that noble......"

Mayria directs her gaze at Lucy-chan hintingly over there.



"What we found at the end of the course of events of, 'the Demihuman girl called Lucy was around', is that ferret. That ferret......she, had been imprisoned by the noble's house. The culprit, had actually already been privately dealt with....."

I am privately disciplining her into a sex slave.

"......what, is going on?"

"That ferret. ......do you not feel anything about her? Well, I guess it seems she has a smell"


Lucy-chan jumps hoppingly.



Lucy-chan rushes over on fours going, 'totototo', to Yuri who was on standby at the back over there.

Right after climbing up Yuri's body, she lifts up one of the apples she was carrying?


Shouldering the apple with her small body, Lucy-chan hops onto the ground. She carries on to carry it on top of her body with both hands and 'to-te to-te', she walks all the way to this side on her twos.......


She started eating crunchingly!

Eh? What's that reaction?


"Un! Lucy-chan-ish!"


She's Lucy-chan-ish when she's eating an apple!?

The things I was worried about, weren't they for nothing!?

"Wha-, what is it? What is going on!?"


This, it's the kinda deal where it looks like I can get them to believe me better if I just said it straight already, isn't it?

Mayria and I exchange gazes.

Even though I was worried about all kinds of things, planned, and even arranged a miraculous stage play.......


Raising her right hand up, holding the apple in her left hand.

The 【Lucy's Ribbon】 wrapped around Lucy-chan's neck started shining over there.


Oh? Yuri raises a somewhat painful-sounding voice over there.




Since it was an expected situation, Mayria and I decided to get close to Yuri's side and look after her.

"Miasma is pouring out huh"

"As expected, compensation occurs for the recreation of Lucy-chan's form kind of feeling?"

"Is it not? I do not know about curses that well myself either after all. But, it looks like there is no mistake that it is a *curse* of general consensus. The negative side sure is strong huh"


Yuri is looking like she's in pain, and somewhat angry.

Cold sweat, oily sweat? is also pouring out.

I wonder if it's the painful type?

But, if she cries out here, the touching scene that we went through the effort of getting will be wasted, so let's have her endure it.

Under my management, the circumstances of good people are prioritised, and villains are undermined.

That's the rule. The rule I just made up though.


"Aah, Lucy!"


"It's Lucy-chan!"

Like it's covering her ferret's form......while having a slight bit of *waver*, the figure of an endearing-type young girl with animal ears and a thin and long tail and wearing a one-piece dress surfaces.

Otou-san³, Okaa-san⁴! Layla-chan, Tina-chan! I'm home!』


Before I know it, like it did with Princess Alicia, her words are played with an echo.

【Lucy's Ribbon】, seems to be working properly.

The resource that's being used, or the compensation is currently, shouldered by Yuri.

"Aah, aah......, really? Is it real? I mean......!"


If I can get them to accept Lucy-chan's existence......it doesn't seem like a sad pass-each-other-by scenario will happen. Lucy-chan is alive! If Lucy-chan personally explains that for us......everything will have no problem!

『Tina-chan, Layla-chan! Okaa-san, Otou-san!』

"Kyu kyu kyuー!"

It's the touching reunion with Lucy-chan!

『ーーI, will become the Demon Lord!!』


Wha-, whatt......!?

"Lu-, Lucy?"

"Kyu kyu! 『I, acquired the qualifications to become the Demon Lord on this long journey!』"

"Lu-, Lucy-chan?"



"Kyuー! 『This Shino-san, is actually a Hero! The person who will defeat tons of monsters with me, and raise me into a Demon Lord!』"


"Kyuu! 『It seems that if I become the strongest Demon Lord, I can transform into this form freely as well!』"

"......Lu-, Lucy"

"It's Lucy-chan!"

"Un, it's Lucy-chan!"

"Aah, Lucy, it's really you huh......!"

Even the parents are convinced!! Are you seriously fine with that!

"Kyuukyuー! 『I, will become, the strongest Demon Lordー!』"

A suave pose where she raises her right hand up with an apple in the other hand.

......is it an imitation of the me who defeated the gargoyle?

Lucy-chan......actually has eighth-grader syndrome!


¹:おばさん(Oba-san): Auntie

²:おじさん(Oji-san): Uncle

³おとうさん(Otou-san): Father

⁴おかあさん(Okaa-san): Mother


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