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Boss Battle And Lucy Second Half


I receive the gargoyle's attack with my shield and hold my ground somehow.

It's because there's a time gap from the monster's discovery until the attack.

I'm holding the Mirror Shield in my left hand, the 【Monster Hunting Magic Sword】 in my right hand, and my stance is ready.



I release Counter's shockwave using the share of the attack I just now received.

I managed to give it somewhat of a knockback.

"──Mirror Wall!"

The Mirror Wall, is a way of using Mirror Magic by erecting a wall from the ground.

It may be called a 'wall', but it's a 『Mirror Shield』 at best, not a wall that's that thick.

It's something like a magic that sprouts a large-ish *shield*, from the ground.

The large shield, I might not be able to support it if I hold it with my hand, so it's something like sprouting a fixed-to-the-ground large shield and guarding. For the size, I can will and change it, to a certain extent.

......hence, instead of erecting the shield straight up from the ground, I used it by erecting it diagonally forward from the ground. In other words, I made the shield・wall into a blunt weapon and used it in a blunt attack!


'Dogo', the large mirror shield slammed into it violently, and the gargoyle's body got blown away slightly again.

Alright, I can use it for attacks as well if I can blow its body away even just a bit.

It's far from being an effective hit though.

The direction I sent its body flying, is a different direction from Mayria・Yuri and company, leaning just a little, to my left.

Hence, with the 【Hero's Boots】's explosiveness, I ran to Mayria's side, and I confronted it again in a form where I'm protecting her.

I have a bit of experience in fighting monsters, but I have no combat experience with these members.

It's impossible to have perfect coordination all of a sudden.

Hence, I'll thoroughly fulfil my role at the bare minimum.

Since it's the best for the me who has a self-recovery ability to go out to the front, I'll be the tank.

The one I ought to protect is Mayria.

If the Magician who can use Healing Magic gets taken out, there's no coming back from that.

In the worst-case scenario, it seems recovery is possible even if an arm gets cut off after all.


"Lucy-chan, hold onto me"


It's my speculation, but I believe the gargoyle has come aiming for Lucy-chan.

Rather than my intuition, it's my arbitrary assumption though, from the overly-cliché development.

Since I don't have an aggro-pulling skill, nor any equipment with such effects, I'll make use of Lucy-chan to pull the target.


"──【Karmic Curse】! Mirror Shield!"

Straight away, I use the Damage-Over-Time skill.

I fix the floating shields, directly opposite of me in my vicinity. While making sure they don't obstruct my sight, I increased the protection range.

The way I enter into combat, the way I use my skills around these parts, had been decided ahead of time.

I cover being decapitated from behind, thrust in the heart, and attacked from the flanks.

As long as my head and neck, and heart don't get taken out, for me, it's safe! ......presumably.




The companions show their respective reactions.

The most dishevelled one, is because it looks like I ate Mayria and Yuri's magic attack, and the front lines fell apart.

"Yuri! Prioritise protecting the Demihumans and yourself! Mayria, attack with magic!

"Got it!"

"Understood! ......oh flame, rage!"

For now, Mayria releases a simple Fire Offensive Magic!

I'd love it if she defeats it in one strike for me, but.......



As expected, one-hit-kill is impossible huh!

And then, Lucy-chan who repeatedly intimidates like she's responding to the gargoyle.

"──Mirror Wall!"


This time around, I create a wall between me and the gargoyle and block its vision.


I turn my body invisible with the effect of 【Invisible Robe】 the instant I block its vision.

I go around the wall from the direction that doesn't get onto Mayria's magic's trajectory.


The gargoyle brandishes its attacks with all its strength, towards the wall.

......is its intelligence not that high?

In any case, first, I'll attack its wings! I hold the Magic Sword aloft, and slash its right-side wing!


I managed to cut off one wing! Alright! The Magic Sword's specialised attack effect is, probably effective!

Something like being strong against a monster opponent; it's as though I'm a Hero! I'm a Hero though!

"Invisibility Dispel"


For now, the basics will be hit-and-run.

I don't have the capability to hit a combo.

Surprise attacks, sneak attacks are the general rules of combat. Fair and square? Fuck that.


For the Mirror Wall, since I can erase it if I will it, it turns into pieces and disappears.

In addition to the wall that blocks its vision disappearing, the enemy's aggro is being directed over here.

Alright, it'll probably be easy for Mayria to fire her magic with this position and attention.

"──Oh Earth Clump, Turn Into A Humanoid, And Strike The Enemy"

Oh? A golem here huh. That, I wonder if it's her forte magic or something, Mayria.

In any case, there are two vanguards with this.

Furthermore, the gargoyle lost one of its wings.

It's unexpectedly feasible?


The gargoyle heads over at me the same!

"Mirror Wall!"

I match its charge and once again erect diagonal shields simultaneously in front of me from the left and right direction!


By clamping the monster's body from left and right, I stopped its movements.

I catch and stop the attack of the gargoyle who stretches its arm over at me nevertheless.


It sure feels like its more powerful than just now!


From behind the gargoyle, Mayria's golem punches at it.

The golem should also have simple combat actions as a golem would.

Since it was an attack by a well-built golem from behind, its other wing got crushed. I'm thankful for that.

"HaaAA! 【Absolute Counter】!"

I change the power of the enemy's attack I received with the shield in my left hand into Aura, and chop off the gargoyle's extended right arm with the Magic Sword in my right hand!


Youu......! What an indescribable cry!

It's an unnerving voice, one I've never heard before outside of movies and games.


And then, regardless of my intention, the left and right Mirror Walls were pulverised by the gargoyle's physical strength.

The monster that got free ignored the golem behind and headed over at me the same.

The gargoyle holds its remaining left hand aloft and launches an attack at me.

I crouch down on that spot, and ready my shield in the way where I thoroughly catch and stop the attack from below!

It's because the attack power I can put into Counter increases if I fully receive the enemy's attack.

I'll make full use of the counter-specialised Hero's power!


I send the left-hand attack back to its left hand as it is.

Being able to attack even with a shield sure is an advantage huh, this skill.


Alright, I can probably do this. I, slashed the Magic Sword upwards from below.



Something like a clean follow-through, such technical things can come later.

It's a haphazard slash that leaves everything to the specialised attack's effect.

Perhaps it's the influence of 【Leveling】, I did a decent follow-through nevertheless, and I managed to slice off the gargoyle's left hand!

"Lucy-chan, jump to the back!!"


Though I don't know if she'll listen to my out-of-nowhere instruction......! Perhaps she sensed that she was in danger as an animal would, Lucy-chan jumped from my shoulder.

And then, as a gargoyle aiming over there, and furthermore, had lost both arms is going to attack me would......the gargoyle crunches on my left shoulder!

I don't have the techniques capable of skillfully dodging, in this much consecutive attacking and defending.

......that's why, I deliberately left my left shoulder to be bitten without dodging.


Ouch......! Because the pain tolerance levelling didn't make it in time at all, it's extremely painful......but, I have a feeling that I can endure it more or less! Although it may be my imagination, I can still gather my thoughts......! Ouch ouch ouch!!


The damage of being bitten, is right there. If there's damage, that's......my means to attack!


Adding the damage of being bitten, I thrust the Magic Sword in my right hand upwards from below, into the neck of the gargoyle that crunches my left shoulder.


The Magic Sword's attack which should only go as far as to stab it, blew the gargoyle's neck away......!

I, while bleeding from my left shoulder, stand in a posture where I thrust my right hand straight up.

And then, the gargoyle collapses before my eyes.

Last・Shooting¹! The battle is over! Owww.......



"Shinta-san, are you alright!?"

"I'm alright......"

The wound may heal, but be that as it may, the pain is, you know.......


'Totototo', Lucy-chan runs over to the collapsed gargoyle.

......seeing that I cut off both its arms and head from its torso, I'd like to think I managed to defeat it, but.......

"Mayria. How's the miasma from this gargoyle?"

"Miasma? ......quite a thick one is rising up"

"Does it mean it's alive?"

"Well......I wonder"

It's an Otherworld where even an 'Immortal Monstrosity' exists.

I should consider the risk that it has survived even with this, but.......


, Lucy-chan, jumps onto the gargoyle's body.......


......perhaps it's an imitation of my figure just now, she takes a pose where she raises her right hand up like she's declaring her victory for some reason. It feels as though she wants to say, 'I defeated it'.

No, I'm the one who defeated it, alright?


"......don't tell me, Mayria. Is Lucy-chan absorbing the gargoyle's miasma, something of that sort?"

"Ex-, exactly......"

"Are you serious"

As I thought, it's the cliché?


"Lucy-chan, any abnormality to your body?"


She's tilting her head though......there's either no immediate changes, or there's no influence.

"......Shinta-san, do you have some kind of a clue?"

"Won't Mayria have more of a clue than me? .......for me, rather than intuition. If I'm to put it in terms of my country, of Japan's knowledge......I believe the Demon Lord's gene or whatever that was implanted in Lucy-chan, has something to do with it......is how the story typically goes"

Though it's something without sufficient evidence for it to be applied to this country.

I was able to digest the situation of the 'Princess' Hero Summoning' right away, because I have the knowledge of such clichés after all, so I think it won't be that far off either for the deduction.

"The Demon Lord's gene is......, indeed, that miasma resembled the miasma that manifests from the gene gathered in Lucy. Lucy is, absorbing even more of that? I wonder why?"

"That's what I want to ask though?"

The surveillance・investigation・explanation regarding Lucy-chan's abnormal circumstances responsibilities are on Mayria, right.


Lucy-chan, runs over to my side, climbs up my body, and gets on my right shoulder.

"In the first place, 『Demon Lord's Gene』 is a word that came out from my skill. Seeing that although it's something that not even Mayria knows......it's purposefully being crowned with the Demon Lord's name; what you can infer from the situation is......"

"It is a situation where fellow monsters, are fighting over the Demon Lord's gene......? It might possibly be an act necessary in order to become the *next generation Demon Lord*....... The monster that piled up a ton of genes is the very one who becomes the next Demon Lord......?"

"I wonder if it's something of that type......? I have no idea though"

The Demon Lord's history is long. It walked this world, with at least a history where a mere 100 years is nothing.

*An ecology like that* is plenty possible.

Spending 100 years, gathering the necessary resources, assembling in the Demon Country, and becoming the new Demon Lord.

......however, what is Lucy-chan doing joining in that fight.


"......is this gargoyle, a unique monster?"

"I know of its species, but......I have never heard of it inhabiting a place like this, alone. Besides......it came off as a bit of a, violent, or should I say, a powerful anomaly"

"It's a subject body necessary for the research.....right?"


In any case, I guess I'll obtain the necessary answers with the Hero's skill.

The research and verification will come after handing the information to the Female Magician.

"As I thought, the fellow monsters are fighting over, the 『Demon Lord's gene』 implanted in Lucy-chan,  and......it seems they also attract each other"


Lucy-chan is, behaving herself on top of my lap.

"Although the gene is a gene for the sake of a mutation......as far as negative influence goes, we don't know how it'll worsen beyond the current stage"

"......a fight over the gene between fellow monsters, is it. It is shown as such with Shinta-san's......with the Hero's skill, so as I thought, this gene is something like a preparation-in-advance for the birth of the Demon Lord? Lucy is an existence who, on top of possessing the gene strongly from the beginning, had collected and piled up five people's share of the gene......so it means, she is in a way in a state where it is after she has already finished collecting a bit"


"In other words, it means it's easy for Lucy-chan to be attacked by Demon Lord-related monsters huh"


Lucy-chan gets surprised over there.

You're getting surprised now?

"Lucy-chan is a pseudo, next-generation Demon Lord candidate. It's just that, in my skill, it doesn't show the symptom for her body worsening further"


"The *Monster Repellent* created with my skill wasn't effective on the gargoyle. The Monster Repellent doesn't work, against Demon Lord's gene carriers. ......I thought of leaving Lucy-chan in the village, but this situation is......"

Too dangerous. At the very least, it's at a level where she constantly needs a bodyguard.


"At any rate, I will continue Lucy's research. If I am tagging along on Shinta-san's journey, there is no choice but to make Lucy tag along as well, is it not?"

All I can say is, 'Female Magician, like you're the one to say', though.......

"First, we have to devise a plan to have Lucy-chan's family accept the Lucy-chan of this form......"


If we get told by her parents 『Lucy-chan is dead already. We will forget that child already』 even when we bring her back......it's kinda, you know?

"It'd be great to have the other side, sense that this ferret is Lucy-chan, without saying anything definitive thoughh"

"......you are not going to tell them the truth?"

"I do think that I ought to say it, but......Mayria, is going to live carefreely after this as well, you know? Otherwise, you really can't save Lucy-chan. 'There's no choice but to entrust your daughter's fate to Mayria, the main culprit' is hardly convincing. Situation-wise, ability-wise, if we have no other choice......it's better to at least have them trust and leave Lucy-chan to us......"

Lucy-chan is already being chased around by a dangerous fate.

......however, for some reason, the person herself has no sense of grief.


Don't give me 'kyuu'.

Whatever it is, the journey continues. While taking into consideration the fact that gene-carrying monsters will attack us.


After that, we came all the way to the town closest to Lucy-chan's village, and we managed to return the Demihuman victim home. Subquest clear, I guess?


We'll stay the night, but I can no longer entrust Lucy-chan to the Demihumans.

Which means, there's no need, to purposefully take more than one room.

A room with two different beds. There are three people and one animal, right?

Welll, we'll probably sleep together.

But, if Lucy-chan is together with us, I guess the night will be put on hold.

"Yuri will sleep on the inside. I'll be in the middle, and Mayria will be at the front of the bed, alright"

We decide that the three of us will sleep on top of the bed that's placed by the wall in a '川' character.

It goes for Yuri as well, but Mayria also went along with that obediently.


"Lucy-chan......will be by the pillow, I guess. Do you want to sleep with a towel as your blanket?"


Let's bring a blanket for covering, from the neighbouring bed.

By the way, for the temperature, it's a climate that's not particularly hot or cold.

I wonder if it's autumn or spring in the current Kingdom? I don't know whether or not it's regional.

......it's a *star*, right? This Otherworld is also.

There's also the possibility that it might be a flat land, floating in the vast universe type of floating land-ish Otherworld though.

"Now then......『Crotch Tattoo』"


Mayria was surprised by what I did.

"U-, uh. Today, Lucy is......"

"Uh-huh. I won't do it today. But, I'm gonna have Mayria have a pent-up body and can't do anything about it"

"N-, no way......"

I, hug the Female Magician's body close to me firmly, and whisper by her ear.

"Everything of Mayria is mine. So go to sleep thinking about me even when you go to bed"

"Eh, eeh......?"

Let's give her the equipment that designates the dream's content like I once did to the Princess to her beforehand.

"For Yuri, I'll smack your butt, so stick your butt out"

"......what about my rights to resist?"

"You think you have them?"

"......I got it, you pervert"

Yuri makes sure to insult me.

Insulting me before having her butt smacked; is she doing it knowingly or not.

After I made Yuri stick her butt out, 'pan! pan!', I smacked it.

"Kuu, kuuuu......"

With this, the Female Bandit and Female Magician, had aphrodisiacs inserted into their butts.

They'll fall asleep in a state where they can't do anything about their aroused body.

"Kuu, doing something like this, even though you're not going to do it......"


As a man, even just making aroused women wait on me is satisfying.

Of course, I also want to, do more than this though.

I designate a sleeping effect and a dream content where, while having sex with me in their dream, they end up finding joy it from the bottom of their heart. Unlike Princess Alicia, it's unnecessary to hold back with these two.

It's highly safe when it comes to doing pranks as well misdeeds-wise after all.

Not just their bodies, they can melt from inside as well.

For Mayria, as a result of continuing it for about a week, she makes pleasureful voices and expressions when it comes time for the real deal, and now, she begs me for it while letting out sweet voices even when she has her butthole teased.

Well, it might be because she's masochist-ish right from the start though.

Because I made it so that she can't lie and I abused her even with words, there's no mistake that Mayria is a masochist who finds joy in being abused.

Princess Alicia, she's a suspected hidden masochist.

Yuri, she's a sadist, but I'm training her body into one that finds joy in being teased.

Mayria, since she's a masochist right from the start, I corner her with the fact that though she behaves intellectually in the afternoon, she becomes my lecherous pervert at night.

I'm having her tag along on the journey after all......so affixing an effect where she ends up dispersing her day-to-day stress and whatnot when she sees the dream, when we have sex might be a good idea as well. From here on out, I'll always sleep with women like this at night.

It's a good relationship kept up by sex.

Let's maintain my intended relationship with my skill.

Leaving how much of it is possible aside for now.

......even if the curse was to blow up, it just means I'll have to indulge in these two.

It's a conversation of 'might' and 'possible' though.

Well, it's fine if that's the case.

As expected, I have no intention of handing Yuri nor Mayria to other men now that we've come this far.

Hence, I'll make the Otherworld beauties serve me on both sides while making them go into heat, and go to sleep.



I wrapped my hands around the waists of the beauties on both sides and stroked the part where their skin is bare inside the blanket.


It seems it feels good when I stroke their skin directly because of the influence of【Leveling】.

Just stroking the skin of women feels good for me as well after all, so it sure benefits both of us huh.

Perhaps they can't win against their burning bodies' desires despite being drowsy because of the sleep-inducing effect, both Yuri and Mayria are sticking to me.

"Good night, Yuri, Mayria, Lucy-chan"


Lucy-chan who had already started falling asleep by the pillow raised her voice faintly.

A Demon Lord subjugation journey with these members, plus the Princess huh.

I wonder if the Chivalric Order Captain will come as well?

However, for there to be enemies that the Monster Repellent is ineffective against.......

While cooperating with Mayria, obtaining parts with the skill, and making use of magic lifeforms, I want to kinda......create a vehicle optimal for transport.

Like an Otherworld-style camping car or something.

At the very least, I want to arrange a comfortable vehicle where, during the journey, we either won't receive surprise attacks, or we can retaliate immediately.

It's probably feasible if I combine my skill and the magic lifeform's designation.

......the problem is, whether or not that draws an image befitting of the Hero's journey though.

Even if I give birth to the parts with Possession Designation, it'll probably take time and whatnot to assemble after all.

For the time being......it'll come after we have Lucy-chan's parents nicely accept Lucy's matter.

For Layla-chan and Tina-chan......it'll be about 2 weeks since we last met huh.

If I were to go further, quite some time had ended up going by since I came to the Otherworld.

I realise that even though I should have the means, I still haven't made contact with my family.

............could it be that, I'm afraid?

What am I afraid of......? The replacement theory previously?

Will explaining it through the mouth of another person, even though it's set in stone that I myself can't go back......be able to get my family to believe it. That I'm in the Otherworld.

......honestly, I can't imagine that they can accept it.

I guess I just have to have them believe with equipment that causes bizarre phenomena and by using magic.

If I do that, my family-wise, will they assume that the very person who appeared before their eyes is the one in cohorts with the kidnappers?

......going to the Demihuman village tomorrow, and seeing Lucy-chan's parents' reaction, also comes with a similar uneasiness.

In the end, Lucy-chan can't return to her original life right away either.

Let alone can't return, she ended up being made into a body that's targeted by monsters.

Something like 『until the Demon Lord is defeated, you can't return to your original life』, Lucy-chan and my position sure are similar huh.......

......well, leaving that aside for now. I suppose tomorrow comes first.

I, while stroking the skin of the women on both sides, decided to go to sleep for today.


¹: Gundam reference. Last Shooting/ Final Shot.


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