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Monster Hunting Magic Sword (Erotic)

"Kyu, kyuー!"


Mayria is, restricted in a state where her elbows and knees are bent, paw cushions are attached over there, and she's walking on all fours. Lucy-chan is riding on her back, having a ton of fun.

The Female Magician is, furthermore, wearing a ball-gag, wearing a collar....... In short, it's a pet play.

"You turned people into beasts after all, so this much is karma at its bare minimum. Ah, but it's still not enough though"

"Fuuー! Fuu......!!"

I show Mayria a Mayria-use *tail*. 'Where am I going to attach it?' You guessed it.


"I guess after inserting this into your butt, we can be done for the time being"


By the way, I switched Mayria's underwear to an underwear that's opened so that it's easy to insert from behind.

"Fuu! Fuuu......!"

"Mayria, you can't be resisting, you know. It doesn't hurt, right? Your butthole doesn't hurt, and I've made it so that it'll feel good"


Hmm. I wonder if a ball gag is no good. I can't tell what she's saying after all.

No, Lucy, in her current state, can't speak after all, so this also counts as retribution though.

Well, I guess I'll remove it.


The figure of an intelligent Female Magician who has the ball gag removed and drools.

"Shi-, Shinta-san......enough"

"Enough? Not just yet. Being quadruped, growing a tail, becoming unable to speak......I suppose then we'll be done for now"

"Lu-, Lucy has the tail right from the start......"


Lucy, who flutters her tail, tilts her head on the back of the all-fours Mayria.

"Well, you have a point. Does Mayria, hate having something inserted in the butt?"

"I-, I obviously hate it, right......?"

"But it feels good, right?"

"It-, it does not feel good or anything......"

Yup, I know it's a lie.

"Since morning, on top of having your entire body teased in various forms, an aphrodisiac should be being secreted from your butt. Besides, you promised to 'let's do it for a week', didn't you"

"Tha-, that is......"

The Crotch Tattoo turns pink, and I know she's in heat.

"Mayria's body, is already all mine. Though from here on out, I'll make you experience embarrassing things through various means, I won't let other men embrace you. I'll make you feel good when I embrace you. Just like yesterday"


Mayria's cheeks are flushing.

It's still a relationship where it wouldn't be strange even if she's waiting for a chance to fight back though.......

"Well, in any case......don't move"

"Ah, wai-, wait......!"


I stick the plug, into Mayria's butt for her.

"Fuuuu......!! Aah, aaah......"

"Kyu kyuー!"

Lucy-chan smacks Mayria lightly.

She be having a ton of fun.

"I'm starting to look forward to tonight, Mayria"


For the time being, I guess I'll have Lucy play with her.




I switch and tidy up Mayria's equipment so that the equipment names are also easy to understand.......

【Lie Exposing Necklace】

【Magic Restriction・Pleasure Conversion Handcuffs・Legcuffs】

【Pain Mitigation・Pleasure Conversion Ribbons】

【Lust Management Ring】

【*Bath-use Slime* Creation Ring】

【*Excrement Management・Crotch Tattoo-use・Parasitic Slime* Creation Ring】

furthermore, I equip risque top and bottom undergarments, and an anal plug with a tail on her.

After that, it's a collar and a leash.

I removed her other clothes.

I guess I can remove her handcuffs, legcuffs, and necklace afterwards.

For the ribbons' effect, I want to integrate it into her frequently worn equipment like Yuri.

It's because Yuri's 【Black Straitjacket】 has morphed into a chimera equipment.

It's also a good idea to consolidate them into a ring according to their uses for Mayria.

She's a Female Magician after all; I sure would like to make her hold a stave or something as well. A grimoire works too.

I wonder if the functions of the equipment and accessories, have anything to do with an individual's compatibility and whatnot?

If they're a bandit, bandit-ish equipment will become powerful or something.

Wearing equipment that matches the character accordingly sure is fun huh.

For Yuri, I'd want to like......make her hold a magic key that can transform to fit any lock or something.

Well, it'll end up becoming like, 'don't be making her go down the path of a bandit', though.

By the way, the Crotch Tattoo has dyed pink and surfaced on top of Mayria's belly, but the climax number remains 0.

It's nice that I can tell by her appearance that she's in a ripe-for-the-picking and wants-to-do-it state.

I make her wear just a robe on top of being in this state.

I'm gonna force a nymphomaniac style on her.

"Shi-, Shinta-san......"

"How does it feel to become like a pervert? I'm gonna be developing both Mayria's body and heart"


An embarrassed-looking, delighted-looking......and not all that dissatisfied expression.

I, too, am looking forward to the her on top of the bed.


"He-, Hero-sama......?"


When I go upstairs, the Demihumans flinch in fear of me.

Ohーohー......, it's the attitude towards a mafia boss.

"The five people's repatriation plan, has Mayria thought about it?"


The Female Magician has an unsightly figure underneath her robe.

Nevertheless, her intellect isn't impaired......maybe?

"There's nobody born in Lucy-chan's village huh. But there are those who had resided nearby. It's still bad for those who went missing for about 2 to 3 months......but what is going to happen to the one, who were separated from their original life for a whole one and a half year?"

"......what do you mean, 'what'?"

"There are probably instances where your family have given up on the missing you as 『dead』. ......when it comes to that point, I can't treat it as none of my business either. I'd very much like to face this problem seriously. If it turns into 『even if you come back after all this time』, it'll be painful for me as well"


Perhaps they imagined it, the Demihumans grimace.

"......you are probably scared, but whatever it is, you can't move forward if you don't go back to the place you were. ......luckily, the bandit group that is the culprit for the abductions has been dissolved. Those who were imprisoned for a long time......do you want to first send a letter to the place you originally were, and have them prepare mentally?"

If we were to imagine the worst, it'd be something like when you returned after being abducted and imprisoned for a long time, your original lover or whatnot had already moved on from the past, looked forward, and started dating a new person.

This kinda......despairing cliché development that you often see.

They'll probably come to hate the world.

In that situation, I guess the ones hated will be House Youmisiria, and the me who shields them.

"They did no wrong. ......in order to have them stay as victims and not become victimizers, they'll need hope for the future, right? Mayria. If they can't live their lives hereafter comfortably, it'll give birth to revengers, you know"

I wonder how we can solve the problem.

"......haa....... Are you......going to publicise, what I did......? Haa......"

"Whether or not you receive retribution, is a problem for later. Having this incident publicised is kinda, as much as I hate it, having House Youmisiria stay as nobles, makes it easier to assist them as well, right? Besides"

I looked face to face with the Demihumans over there.

"You probably have grievances as well towards this family, but there's a bit of a problem. You guys' lives will be in danger if you delve too far"


"Aah. Well, I wonder how it'll be. First thing first, what's the standing of Demihumans in the Kingdom? Are you being discriminated against? In the case where your standing in the Kingdom is weak, I'd very much like you to be discreet"

"Discrimination......does not happen openly, but......"

"It doesn't happen in the open, but?"

"I do not know how it is behind the scenes. It is to the extent that there are even those who are sold to noble houses as slaves after all......so please think of it as, 'they cannot hold their heads high'"

Hmm. As I thought, Demihumans can't hold their heads high in the Kingdom.

"There is a possibility that an order that undermines Demihumans' lives will be given if Mayria's research is discovered by the Kingdom, right?"

"......there probably is"

"No way......"

"Rather, if it gets exposed, there's the Kingdom as well, but there's also a possibility that the Beast Country will act as well. It'll quite literally be the trigger of a war. After all, she's doing to Demihumans,"


I place Lucy-chan on my hand.

"experiments that turn them into beasts like this. It's a different story if the individual can control it, but being changed like this by other people through an experiment is kinda"


"Around those parts, how will it be? Mayria"

"......Shinta-san's worries are founded"

"The-, then what are we supposed to do......!?"

"Luckily, nobody but Mayria, knows that we released you guys from the basement. ......it'll be a week later that the Feudal Lord and the maids come back to the mansion. We'll return you guys to your original villages during that time. And, if we tell them that Mayria disposed of you guys, the Feudal Lord will probably not chase after you in fear of his daughter's misdeeds getting discovered. ......it'll also partially depend on what kind of person the Feudal Lord is though; how is it? If you honestly say you returned the Demihumans to their villages, do you think the Feudal Lord will move to finish them off?"

"............he might. I mean,"

Mayria, looks at Yuri's face over there.

"He relied on bandits to crush rival merchants and whatnot, didn't he, your father. In that case, isn't it obvious that he'll set out to kill the likes of eyesore Demihumans? They're only left alive because they're being used in your experiments"

"Kyu, kyuー......"

Well, that's what I thought.

"......I will vouch to Otou-sama that I killed you people. Like Shinta-san said, we will aim to return within this one week......"

"They were imprisoned, right? How's the state of their health? Like muscle atrophy and whatnot"

"I had thoroughly, performed the maintenance of their health. There should not be anyone whose body is horribly weakened"

I see.

"Is there a carriage?"

"There is. Healthy horses as well......even if the mansion's people moved with the carriage, I believe they have still left one behind"

"Then, if we are to return the five of them from this territory......the route will roughly, go like this......maybe"


"Are Yuri and Mayria able to drive a carriage?"


"I am able to......haa......"

"Approximately, how long will it take to wrap things up?"

"We are probably able to go around the respective villages in about 5 days if we assume there is no problem along the way. If we go by this route......when we come back, I believe the period we were told by Alicia-sama will just right end"

I guess it's a plan that's right on the mark, or rather, cutting it close.

"In the Kingdom, there are three or even four Demihuman villages?"

"No, they are not villages with just Demihumans. If we are talking about a Demihuman-only village, I believe it is around these parts near the coast"


Lucy-chan's village huh. Hmm. I had thought that Demihumans are living amongst themselves, but I guess that's not the case either huh.

"Which means that not all Demihumans are slaves, right?"

"They are not"

"I see....... By the way, is it alright to take it that everybody will return to their original town?"

"A-, aah......"


"Then, tomorrow, we'll depart the mansion. Let's get the necessary preparations in order by then. ......Mayria will, do the things necessary for them to return. We shall, provide the support for that"

"......haa......under-, -stood......"

It's decided that the Female Magician, will get the preparations for the victims' return in order with a horny body.



I bring the Female Bandit and Female Magician into Mayria's room, and we sit on the edge of the bed.

I've got beauties on both sides. Lucy-chan has been left in a different room.

"Remove your robe and show me"

"Yu-, Yuri-san is around though......"

"Aah. It's because I intend to embrace both of you"

"...........i-, is that so"

Mayria removes the only robe that she's wearing.

The Crotch Tatto had surfaced in pink, indicating that her body is ripe for the picking.

The Female Magician who's feeling embarrassed because the fact that she's in heat is made clear by the Crotch Tattoo.

It's quite arousing.

"Shino, what's with that marking?"


"This is, a magic marking to make it easy to tell when Mayria is in heat, and the times she climaxed. ......now then, Mayria. How's your butt doing? Tell me honestly"

"The-, there is an out-of-place feeling the whole time......"

Out-of-place feeling huhh.

"Do you think you can come just from pulling out the thing inserted in your butt as it is?"

"Sto-, stop......"

I wonder what I should do. In the case where I want to do it with her butthole, it seems it'll be better to do it after I thoroughly develop it after all.

"She's having a tail worn on her? Hoo......"

"Let's wrap it up before Yuri says unnecessary things, shall we"

"......wrap what up?"

"It's the pattern where Yuri meets with the same ordeal after making fun of Mayria, you know?"

"............you intend to do the same thing to me as well?"

"Of course. I'll liberate Yuri from the excrement management"


Which, we'll put aside for now.

"Here, Mayria. Lie down on the bed. Or do you prefer to do it while kissing like yesterday night?"

"......ye-, yes......"

Are you telling me she prefers to do it while kissing.

Well, I have no choice but to acknowledge that her affection level is high for some reason.

......I just keep ending up thinking with Princess Alicia standard no matter what.

That, 'she's probably behaving like this through acting'

It's good to have that wariness, but at the same time, it's also a situation I should go dumb and have fun.

"Then, I'm going to bind you, alright, Mayria"


"It's a situation where I do whatever I like to you, in your own room, in your own bed. You feel excited, don't you? Mayria is a masochist after all"

"I-, I do not......!"

Yup, it's a lie.

"Hoo? You feel excited huh, you"

Yuri smiles. That's no good, that's no good; it's troubling for me if she awakens as a sadist, you know.

I've got to have the Female Bandit become a masochist as well.

"『Full Body Restraints』"


Yuri's clothes bind her tightly.

"I've got to have Yuri come to enjoy being bullied as well"

"You know youu......!"

While going, 'don't worry 'bout it, don't worry 'bout it', and pacifying her, I pushed Mayria onto the bed while kissing her.

"Nn, chuu......haa......"

Across her risque underwear.......I rubbed the crotch of Mayria who lay down on top of the bed.


In that instant, 'bikun!', Mayria twitched her body.


"Ooh....... Now, you just came huh, Mayria"


The letter inside the Crotch Tattoo's heart shape turned into 『1』.

Amazin'ー....... I really did it. Which means, a magic lifeform that recreates magic letters is possible.

It feels like I can use it in communications technologies. In this world, do such technologies fully exist?

......what am I looking, and thinking about such things, me.

"Whenever Mayria comes, this number on your belly increases. Mayria, for you to come just from being rubbed a tiny bit, it sure looks like you're quite ripe for the picking huh"


Ooh, it seems that having the fact that she came exposed, is rather embarrassing.

It's worth bullying her.

"You'll excrete aphrodisiac from the inside of your belly under my orders and go into heat. And then the fact that you've gone into heat is also clear as day through the colour of the Crotch Tattoo. Furthermore, the fact that you climaxed is also transparent. On top of that, I'll convert your butthole from an organ for defecation, into a hole used for sex that secretes even sexual fluid in order to take in a man. ......the magic tool that gives birth to this slime. How about I sell it under the name of the Female Magician Mayria as its inventor? The world's view will completely change, you know. To, 'that woman, she's an unimaginably perverted woman who likes it in her butthole' 

"Ple-, please stop......something like that is too embarrassing......!"

"Then, Mayria can't resist me tonight as well. Accept the fact that you'll be made to feel good and come by me over and over again, alright"

"......uu......ye-, yes......"

While reddening her cheeks, Mayria accepts it obediently.

"Then, I've got to renew the status of Yuri's equipment as well"

"......what do you intend to do"

"Nnー? Something similar. Mayria. Do you think that even Yuri, can construct a magic lifeform?"

"Haa....... Shinta-san's magic tool itself......carries the magic sequence, so as long as Yuri-san has the magic power appropriate for the system......"

A magic power appropriate for the system? Come to think of it, though Mayria has learned every element, she's like a rare existence huh. I wonder if there's also aptitude and whatnot when it comes to learning magic?

Even if you plainly increase your selections with this and that, there's the possibility that you simply can't use them when it comes down to it. You'll end up fretting when there are many things you can do, is something I understand painfully well after all.

In any case, I'll add it to Yuri as well. A slime cleared of the Crotch Tattoo-type functions.

It's a sexual development-use slime for Mayria, but let's have Yuri create one that prioritises practicality.

It's about time, I'd like to give it some nuance.

Seeing that I can't remove Yuri's restraints, a different problem will probably occur after all.

Additional settings to Yuri's 【Black Straitjacket】 it is.

【Additional Effect: Excrement Management・Beautification Slime】

1. Slime Creation Function. Creates a 『Beautification Slime』『Excrement Management Slime』 when the Hero designates it

2. The created slime cannot harm people and does not obstruct breathing either

3. It is unable to multiply

【Beautification Slime】

1. A slime that envelops the entire body

2. Eats Yuri's entire body's waste and filth, treats unnecessary hair, and digests them. However, 'unnecessary hair' is based on Yuri's perception

3. Washes Yuri's entire body, keeps her clean, and works to maintain her beauty based on Yuri's perception

4. After it finishes washing the body, it rubs a moderate amount of body oil, and disappears

【Excrement Management Slime】

11. A slime that burrows in from Yuri's anus, and parasitises inside her body

2. Burrows into the body naturally, making sure to not give pain and out-of-place feelings as much as possible.

3. The slime takes in stench・contaminated fluids・excrements and whatnot, completely digests them without letting them outside and converts everything into energy

5. Performs deodorisation, sexual fluids secretion, aphrodisiac secretion, and preservation of the slime’s body with the converted energy

4. Performs deodorisation and preservation of the slime’s body with the converted energy

5. Makes it so that the host 『can live their life without defecating』 『remain healthy』『not feel an out-of-place feeling』

6. In the case where it harms the host, it is quickly excreted and disappears

7. If there is the Hero's instruction, it will be beautifully excreted and disappear

......here we go!

"Yuri, do you want me to remove the piercing?"


"The piercing worn on your clitoris. Though we've been together for a while, you're not too pleased with that, right, Yuri"

"......this is, Shino's fail-safe, right?"

"Nope, it's my interest. To render Yuri safe, the straightjacket is enough"

"What's gotten into you?"

"It means I trust Yuri more or less. I won't remove those clothes just because of that though"

"Is that so?"

"I also intend to change the way we have fun. Yuri said it, right? 'Befitting of a bandit'. I was thinking that I'd like to let you have equipment and abilities that match your *character* in that manner and make you a fighting force. There's a rushed journey from tomorrow onwards as well after all"

Something like the seven bandit-use paraphernalia¹. I don't know what seven though.

"Fighting force? Does it mean you're gonna make me fight monsters? During that time, Shino will have fun with this fellow?"

"No. Unfortunately, with how my skill's property is, I don't want to avoid fighting. Especially ducking fights with small-fry monsters, it doesn't feel quite the way"

Honest hard work is exactly the key to 【Leveling】 after all.

Now that the fighting tournament is also approaching, I can't just be womanising either.

"As long as there's a wide scope of things I can do by cooperating with a Magician, I'll trust Yuri and Mayria, to a certain extent. I'll also add restraints and restrictions at the same time. ......because I don't want to display the full potential of the skill in front of the Princess openly. Even in front of the Princess, you two's cooperation is necessary for utilising my skill extensively. ......and, if I can use this skill proficiently, well, I can give you a good time as well"

"......it's that kind of trade? It's pretty much forced though"

"That's right, it's forced. Although I'll forcefully restrict and seek you two out as women, I'll prepare a bit of a reward as well. Seeing that you've done bad things, you two can think of it as you ran out of luck when you got caught by a man worse than you, and that it's karma or something"

For the time being, I'm gonna remove just the piercing.

By the way, 【Yuri's Book】 has been, placed inside Yuri's back.

......is there already no need for this as well?

I came up with an analysis of the 【Key To The Princess' Heart】 with Mayria's cooperation after all.

I know the rough direction, of what I should do to the Princess.

It's my motto to destroy the evidence before it gets found and something happens after all.


Yuri's equipment,

changed into something simple of just 【Black Straitjacket】and 【Glasses of Mimicry (Black Choker)】.

However, the straitjacket is stuffed with additional effects.

All that's left is to wear undergarments that change daily on her, and Transportation Technique we go.


"Wah, what is it, this!?"

"A beautification slime"

"Beautification!? Haa!?"

"And, excrement management slime"

"Wait! Wai-, stop it, Shino......!"

"Noーpe. Mayria, sorry to keep you waiting"


Seems she was looking at the slime that covers Yuri and let her guard down.


I hang over Mayria who stayed lying down, and then I kiss her.

I stick my tongue in as well without holding back.

"Nn, chuu......nn......ah!?"

I hold Mayria's waist up and open her legs.

I remove the underwear with the removes-when-you-undo-the-strings design and expose her soaked genital.

"I wonder how many times I can make Mayria come today"

"Ah, Shinta-sa-......"

Since the Crotch Tattoo's colour is saying that there's probably no need for caressing......I inserted it without holding back. All the way inside in one go.

"Ah......! aAAAh!!"

Instantly, 'bikun!', the Female Magician twitches her body.


"Mayria. Did you reach your limit from having the aphrodisiac in you for a long time? It looked like you just came, immediately when I stuck it in"


The Female Magician, directs her eyes at her own belly.

The number inscribed over there is a 2. She climaxed again.

Looks like this will be a fun night.

"Then, I'm going to move, alright, Mayria"

"Ah! Shinta-sa-......! Ah, ah, aan......!"

After making Mayria come a ton, I take on Yuri, who finished washing her body, as well.

......my night deed's stamina has somehow gone up?

Are you telling me that this is also Leveling's influence.

If it has an effect to this extent, then for the combat techniques, I guess I'll raise them even more seriously.


The next morning. It looks like the Demihumans rested in the arranged location obediently.

It's a sudden release, but they sure are adapting huh.

Unlike Tina-chan and company, they shouldn't have that much trust in me though; I wonder if the threats worked.

Yuri seems to have said something as well after all.

"Mayria. Have you prepared the excuse for them?"

"Err......yes. Well"

"I see"

If we're talking about intelligence, naturally, Mayria is above me after all, so I guess I shan't interfere here.

"Although we can go safely using the Monster Repellent"

"Monster Repellent, is it?"

"Aah. I can create something like that. ......it's just that, although it went well previously......Mayria. I want to count on you to review the settings section again"

"Err. The fundamentals are the same. If you arrange beforehand......a compensation for avoiding monsters, the effect will be more stable"

"In which case, it seems the bandit group were using some kind of magic tool that creates an area that ends up attracting monsters instead? though"

"They exist. But, the compensation in this case, I imagine would be heavy......"

If I'm not wrong, it was effective even when I didn't go that far last time.

"Do you think it'll be fine even if I just designate the effect of 『not letting monsters get close』 ?"

"If it is with Shinta-san's skill, I imagine the effect will manifest sufficiently. It's just that, if an instability were to arise in that situation, there is the possibility that it will be 『ineffective against powerful monsters』"


No, but I guess it's the cliché huh. Something like the Monster Repellent is for small-fry use.

"If there's an effect nevertheless, then I guess it's also good to make the Demihumans hold it just in case"

Now then. It's the aftercare for the Demihumans who suffered at the hands of Mayria, but the question is whether or not this will be enough.

I think a mafia boss style of, 'be grateful that you're being sent home.', will wrap things up with fewer problems. Being too sympathetic to the victims and going, 'do this, do that'......feels like it'll cost me my resource known as 'Mayria' after all.

That, might be the right thing this world-wise, but it's a bother for me.

However, when I look at the adult Demihumans who are so obedient......uーn.

"Heyy, you guys"

"Ye-, yes......!"

I call out to the Demihumans who enter the carriage obediently.

They're terrified as usual though......haven't Yuri somehow exaggerated about me?

It feels like they're being unnecessarily terrified of me, you know. Well, whatever.

"You probably have your own thinking, but at least,"


Pointing at the Lucy-chan who rides on my shoulder.

"I want you to not do things that will get in the way of Mayria's research until we return this Lucy-chan to how she originally was"


"Err, yes"

"Also, I think you'll know that I'm the Hero in time, but......don't go around saying things like, 'the Hero, he took you guy's side', either. You might attract all kinds of trouble. Once it reaches a certain extent, I can't fully look after you, nor guarantee your safety. Watch what you say for the sake of your future selves"



One way or another, they were dragged into crimes.

The long one, they had one-and-a-half years of their time unjustly stolen.

That's probably not something you can take back quickly.

But, I have pretty much......no reason to worry that much either.

After all, I'm an outsider, an Otherworlder. There are instances where kindness rots a person as well after all.

They may be victims of 'imprisonment', but you can also kinda say that they're those who ended up experiencing the state of being able to live without working.

If it turns into something like, they keep on holding onto a victim's mindset and manage to obtain provisions without working through restitution here......it feels like it'll give birth to conflict and whatnot with the people around. The kind where they'll gradually end up being thought as 『the hell is with that fellow?』.

'Letting the victims stay as victims', may very well be difficult.

If possible, I'd like them to stay serious and kind, and return to society in an environment where they're encouraged by the people around.

"I'll let all the Demihumans hold the Monster Repellent just in case. There shouldn't be any problem if we move together after that. ......Mayria, it's something we talked about previously, but"


"There was a time when I made a specialised weapon called 【Bandit-Killer Sword】, and I cleanly sliced off the arm of a bandit that I supposed had been protected with Aura. It's obviously a sword that can cut cleanly beyond my abilities. At that time, I affixed the effect of 'unable to hurt anybody aside from the bandit group' in it as well......"


"Is the idea that, in the case where I create a 'vs-monster-use weapon', it'll function effectively if I affixed the demerit of 'unable to hurt humans and objects', on the right track?"


Mayria places her finger on her lips and goes into thought.

"The idea is on the right track. The more you clarify 'where to divide the resources to?', the stronger it should become"

"However, isn't 『can't hurt people』, too, an effect with merit in a sense?"

"Indeed, that may be true huh. ......err. Because it expends resources before manifesting the effect, if Shinta-san uses it, it will be expending SP huh"

"......I shave off SP whenever I use it? I don't expend SP when I create it and that's all?"



"Please designate 『a sword incapable of causing injury to lifeforms』 when you create it. However, on the occasion that it is swung at monsters, it expends either the user's SP・MP・Aura, and becomes capable of dealing super effective damage"

"I see. But if I don't designate the resource, can't I soーmehow shirk it?"

"......in that situation, I think it will turn into a sword that you don't quite understand that functions though you don't quite understand it, you know? Will you not be uneasy when you use it?"

Muu. Mayria, she's the type who wants to do things properly around these parts huh.

It's a science-cy? Magician occupation after all.

Seeing that the effects were functioning properly even for the Bandit-Killer Sword, it's fine even if it's that huh.

All that's left to decide is, at what timing, and what to make the resource.

"Where did you stash that 'Bandit-Killer Sword'"

"I got rid of it. Because it's troublesome if I get questioned by the Princess after all, and I didn't plan to use it other than that time either. ......it's not really versatile either after all"


Yuri is keeping quiet about the story of the sword that killed her father.

......she had been embraced pleasurefully yesterday, but I wonder if she'll revolt if I delve into this too much?


, Yuri yawns.

Are you telling me that she's just sleepy! ......no, well, the me who didn't let her sleep is also kinda that though!

◇Monster Hunting Magic Sword

1. A sword with the length・weight・shape that is easy for the Hero to use.

2. Has the effect of 『Specialiased Attack』 that is able to easily penetrate Magic Resistance・Aura・Protective Gears・Fangs・Claws・Scales・Hair, only in the case where the opponent is a monster

3. Under normal circumstances, it is a sword that is powerless against any lifeforms, and is unable to inflict injury

4. Rank S

I equip the 【Monster Hunting Magic Sword】 and 【Invisible Robe】.

The vs-people equipment......I wonder what I should do. I'll end up wounding them unnecessarily so if I end up making it a specialised model after all. Equipment that kinda just, plainly strengthens me personally is preferable....... I guess I'll think about it, along the way.

Anyhow, it's a rushed road trip, to return the abducted Demihumans to their original lives. I want to wrap it up within the next 6 days. Since I didn't sever the Princess' surveillance this time around, I'm gonna be able to grasp the movements on the other side.

With them being 'abduction victims', for me, I also want to generously insure their lives hereafter, but, ......well, let's draw a line.

One, the main priority is 'Lucy-chan'.

This time around, it's a trip accompanied by two beauties I violated.

Isn't it a brighter and more fun quest content than previously?

Last time, it was a bandit group murder quest under the Princess' plans after all!


Now then, off to a new land we go!


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