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Female Magician's Shock Torture

"Is the progress of those in the basement well?"

"It is well. No problem has occurred as of yet. ......I had the intention of concluding that 'no problem will occur' as well"

"Is that so. How many people are in the basement?"

"Five people"

Five, huh. It's unexpectedly? few?

It's grave when I consider that she has messed up the lives of six whole people though.

"......from when have you imprisoned them? What's the longest?"

"The longest is a year and a half. Two people before Lucy. Three people came after"

"What's the catalyst? I'd think that there was a catalyst for you to notice the Demon Lord's gene"

"A year and a half ago, they were transported to my house. ......because there are those who, try to sell Demihumans and Beastfolks as slaves to nobles"

Human trafficking huhh.......

"Were there no intention to hire them normally"

"There are enough maids. They also suffered injuries. It was treatments initially, but......, how is the Demihumans' treatments different from humans? It started from such a perspective......"

"And reached the research. It was the slaves' treatment at first huh. They're healthy now?"

"Yes, that is correct"


"When Shinta-san, acquired the Hero's skills. You thought of trying to use the 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】 in particular, did you not? '『Try using it』 『Try doing it』'. 'Let's try experimenting on 『someone fine for me to use my powers on』 because they are powers that select a target'"

"......true enough"

"I also did the same thing as that, you know?"

"......I see"

There's a fail-safe in place through 【Karmic Curse】 in my case after all.

The targets were simply narrowed down, to comparatively bad people because of that......but we're essentially the same category huh.

"Did the victims suffer? Were they put through pain?"

"Pain? ......the things I did, I did for the sake of the experiments; my objective is not to torture. Thus I have not inflicted unnecessary pain on them. And because I want to examine them as samples, disease, injury, unnecessary hunger, and such are also hindering factors"

"You've just imprisoned them, and there's pretty much......no health-wise harm? Well, it seems you did experiments with uncertain results though"


In that sense, it feels like she's better than the Yuri who tried to make two young girls kill each other, which is why it's troubling though.

"What, Shino"

"『Arms, Restrain』"


I restrain both Yuri's free arms just in case.


"Well, I was thinking that I've got to make sure I don't forget you're a dangerous individual"



Lucy-chan is tilting her head. 'There, there', I stroke her.

"Nonetheless, you had commissioned the bandit group for the Demihuman abductions, right?"

"......eeh. Subjects to advance the research were needed"

Which means, her crime, stands. It feels like I won't get cursed even if I bully her.

"Does it look like there won't be any problem health-wise, even if you release those in the dungeon now?"

"......who knows? I think the person who has been around the longest is already alright, but as expected, there is a sample number issue after all"

"You don't know? When can you get the evidence capable of making a verdict?"

"There is no other way than to continue the experiment for a long time"

"Will they turn back to how they originally were if you re-implant the extracted gene?"

"......it is not a really good idea, and in the first place, they are currently how they are originally"

"What's the summary of Mayria's research currently? The situation of Lucy, as well as the five people in the dungeon. Give me your thoughts on the problems・solutions regarding returning them to a healthy state, to their original lives"

"............further research is required to return Lucy to her original form. Regarding the five in the dungeon, because there has not been any problem for an extended period, I would imagine that there is no impact just by extracting the gene from the Demihumans. ......to begin with, they are just people who ended up taking in a lot more genes than other Demihumans because of the fact that they reside near the Demon Country; they are not any special existence......is what I hypothesise. Since the samples of Demihumans who did not reside near the Demon Country are few, there is still the need for verification, but......I suppose there is likely no problem with those five"


"The height of the gene capacity Lucy herself has originally, and the amount of the extracted gene, are the only issues that came up in my research currently. But, the very Beastification experiment itself was a success. Lucy managed to complete the Ancestral Reversion beautifully. She Beastified, but I see no decline in her intelligence. She, has survived without damaging her memories・knowledge・intelligence when she's a Demihuman. Regarding her health condition, she is doing well even if you look at her as an animal. She shows no sign of being tormented by pain. ......which will mean Lucy is the first Demihuman who managed to Beastify without any particular burden"


The world's first Beastified Demihuman huhh. The person herself probably wants to say 'so what' though.

It does feel like they could transform on default though, the Demihumans and such.

In this world, are there no such things?

If it turns out that it's just that the Kingdom's people don't know about it, and when you go to the Beast Country, they go like 『Eh? We can do something like that normally though?』, Mayria-sensei will end up making a fool of herself.

......if this research of Mayria spreads, won't the influence of the Beast Country that can make full use of the Beastification strengthen, and it becomes a trigger for war or something?

"Won't it become a technique the Beast Country will die to have? Not just the Beastification, the Demihuman-fication of humans and whatnot, it feels like the scope of what you can do is vast"

"......that might happen huh. But, I think that is a whole different issue from the research"

"You're interested in the development of technique, but you don't care about wars and whatnot, kinda deal?"

"Well, yes"

......I suppose she's the problematic researcher you often see, Mayria.

I ended up succeeding in the research that advances military technology, kinda deal.

"Have you decided what you're going to do about them from here on out?"

"No. My plan was still to observe their progress. I did not have any particular plan after that"

"Was there the possibility of silencing them by killing them?"

"......I think there was. Especially Otou-sama, he is not a 'human supremacist' in particular, but he had probably done some brutal things"

"Mayria, do you think you are responsible for that?"

"I do think so. I believe it is, naturally, my responsibility as well"

There's, no reaction of a lie.

A resolved maniac huhh.......

"Will you cooperate with me in the release of the five people in the dungeon?"

"......if Shinta-san wishes"

"If I wish? ......does Mayria, really like me?"

"......yes. I like you"

Reaction of a lie......none. Her face is also turning red......are you serious.

"My skill displays the method to return Lucy-chan to how she originally was. It says there is no way but to take down the Demon Lord"


"......have you already known the answer?"

"Yeah, but I want to investigate whether there's any other method. Why is 『defeat the Demon Lord』 the condition? Can we not do something about it with my skill and Mayria's knowledge? I want to save her as quickly as possible"

"......the curse is the solidified energy of Beastification. There are a lot of unknown things surrounding curses......when it comes to dispelling them, it probably requires you to remove the cause. If the Hero's skill is showing that that is the take-down of the Demon Lord......"

"It means there's no other way?"

"I can't say anything about something I haven't tried researching. Mutating her into the form of a Demihuman using the same resource is my assignment from here on out after all"

What a dilemma. I have no choice but to let Mayria continue her research.

There's no immediate solution huh.


"It says the take-down of the Demon Lord, but the Demon Lord isn't singular, right? Which Demon Lord should I defeat? Why did it become like that? I cannot imagine there's a direct connection though"

"Erm. Since it is something conceptual when it comes to curses, it is a field I am not really good at, but......I think it is not the result of a logical theory. I am thinking that maybe it is not 『the Demon Lord directly placed the curse, so it became like that』, but my experiment result just ended up manifesting the result of the image that everybody carry"

"Kyu kyuー?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everything that happens near the Demon Country, that is detrimental to the humanity is all the Demon Lord's fault. Everybody carries such an image. Even things that probably have other causes if you investigate them clearly, have become the Demon Lord's fault. That image has probably had an impact on the curse. ......in this case, the being you need to defeat, is singular"

"It's singular?"

"Yes. Please think of the large amount of 【Demon Lord candidates】 【Psuedo-Demon Lords】 in the Demon Country as *mere monsters*. Those are the multiple Demon Lords that I talked about. However, the Demon Lord to take down for the sake of undoing the curse that occurred on Lucy is the 『Demon Lord of everybody's image』. ......across history, humanity tried many things. The seed with the mightiest power in this generation, first aims and takes root in the epicentre of the Demon Country, and it reigns that place. Calculating the timing of that, the Holy Maiden is born in the Holy Kingdom, and then receiving the notification of the Holy Maiden's birth, the Kingdom summons the Hero"

In other words, it means the Holy Maiden is born at the timing that the strongest singularity you could call the 【Demon Lord】 per-image is born, and receiving news of that, the preparation of Hero Summoning for the sake of the Demon Lord take-down is done.

"As per the principle of this world, humanity created a hole in the world. They focused all kinds of damage on the Demon Country, then tricked the powerful monstrosity to the epicentre of the Demon Country......and congregated them. The 'Demon Lord take-down through the Hero Summoning', is something like disposing of the trash scattered on the ground after gathering them in a dustpan"

"......then, although I heard all kinds of stories, in the end, the Demon Lord I'm to defeat as the Hero is singular?"

"That is correct. However, now that you understand the situation, I want to tell you that it is futile to aim for a complete resolution. Even if you eradicate the Demon Lord and the Demon Country, a different problem will surface in the world before long. That might be a problem even more reaching, more severe than the Demon Lord. ......it is this current shape here that is simple and easy to understand, and is the best, for this world"

"Pinning the causes of the problems that happen in the world, and even the reasons for disasters and diseases to the Demon Country, making all kinds of misfortune the Demon Lord's fault, then the summoned Hero takes that down, and the world goes on happily ever after huh. However, I can't completely defeat the Demon Lord. Albeit the fact that it will resurrect again......that situation is the best, is what you're saying"

"That is correct. You probably wish to resolve everything Hero's image-wise, but......there is an order that is being maintained, by Demon Country and Demon Lord taking up the detriments of the world after all. This is a necessary cycle"

"......is that so"

Honestly, it's none of my business if it becomes a problem of that scale.

Even if I were to wholly perform my duties as the Hero, what I consider is just the problem of people of this generation.

That's probably fine.

In the end, I'll march into the Demon Country, and take down the Demon Lord. Such cliché Hero's work is what's there for me to do.

I have no choice but to aim for the take-down of the Demon Lord, all while making Mayria continue Lucy-chan's research.


The people who were in the dungeon, really had the form of mere Demihumans.

They have......no particular misdeeds either.

Members that seem alright to release.

Which is precisely why the crime House Youmisiria committed is grave though.

"Hmーm....... I see"


I return to the dungeon, wearing the 【Invisible Robe】.

◇Invisible Robe

1. Magic Adaptive Camoflague. Invisibility effect that renders the existence within not visible to those around.

2. Has the effect of obstructing smell・presence

3. Uses either the SP・MP・AP of the existence inside for the resources.

4. Invisibility and invisibility cancellation can be done as the wearer likes

5. Able to also change the colour of the mantle as one likes when it is not invisible. The default colour is navy blue.

6. For the length and such, to a certain extent, it expands and contracts at will, matching the wearer's body.

7. It is possible to stretch it and cover multiple people as well.

8. For its basic setup, it's a shape・size easy for the Hero to wear, and it will not get in the way of weapon swinging

9. Rank S


The basic setup is only for one-person use, but since Lucy-chan's body is small, she's burrowing inside the robe. I confirmed that I'm invisible using Yuri and Mayria. ......being able to become invisible is a huge deal, you know?

If I say to the Princess 『I received it from Mayria』, I'll probably be able to boldly equip the items I'll be using from here on out.

The question is whether or not, I should keep quiet about the effect.

"They do indeed look like they didn't turn into deformed monsters"

"......I am glad it looks like I managed to get your understanding"

"Well, right from the start, my objective isn't to convict Mayria after all. But"


"......now that I know that you're a fellow who does such things, from here on out, I'll restrict Mayria's freedom even more, restrain you even more"


"That's right. To make sure that you go along with my objective, plus to make sure that you don't cause trouble for good people. And, to make sure that you don't reveal inconvenient things"

"In other words?"

"Well, it's that. I'll discipline Mayria from here on out, so that you become a woman who plays by my rules"

"Discipline......is it? But, I. In my own room, in my own bed, accepted Shinta-san over and over again though......"


Lucy-chan is becoming embarrassed, but I'm just gonna leave her be.

"I'll have you accept me even more than that. I guess more or less being completely dependent on me will be just right. In other words, I'll make both Mayria's body and heart completely mine, and restrain you even more"

"I-, is that so......"

Mayria blushes and casts her eyes downwards. Nn?

"......Mayria. By any chance. ......are you looking forward, to the discipline?"

"N-, no. It is not like I am looking forward to it"

, the lie-exposing gemstone finally shines over there.

Are you telling me she's looking forward to it! She's not a hidden, but a straight-up masochist?

"......I've made it so that I'll know when Mayria lies. Is that so, you're looking forward to it huh, the discipline from me"

"Tha-, that is......"

Mayria was blushing beet red and looking embarrassed.

Which means she likes such things huh.......

I guess I should say she's a totally, different type from the Princess and Yuri.......

In any case, leaving the Female Magician's fun discipline plan aside for now.

"Let's have a discussion about their release, shall we"


"Disappearing, producing a dungeon's key, mimicking a noble's face; I think Shino is cut out to be a bandit"

"The Hero's powers are powers for defeating the Demon Lord, you know. They're not powers for being a bandit"

"......even though you're using it to embrace women?"

"As of now, I've gotten consensus to have the relationship from everybody"

"What's with the logic? Are you saying it for real?"

I wonder what it is? At the very least, it's not something to say to Yuri.

"But really, I think Shino's skills are cut out for committing crimes"

"What a thing to say"

I've slightly thought that myself as well thoughh.

The offensive output is insufficient, but they're versatile and nearly omnipotent skills.

The things I do with them, as I thought, sure lean to the cunning side huh.

Furthermore, I can also play pranks without being noticed after all.

......this is, the form of a Hero?



I showed myself before the Demihumans in the dungeon and opened their prison's lock.


"I came to help"


"I'll let you out of this dungeon. I want to return you to your everyday lives, but......, I think there's a need for us to talk"


The inside of the dungeon......sure, doesn't really feel like a place where prisoners are locked up. It has the feeling of a hospital ward as well.

She seriously only has the experiment as her objective huh.

I think that being tortured and treated like trash is the cliché for these though.......

"Did you not need help? I mean, you can also see it as a circumstance where you can get fed without working. You don't want to go outside?"

"N-, no. We just don't know what's going on......"


Lucy-chan, dooks on my shoulder.

"Lucy-chan, somebody you know?"

"Kyu? Kyuー......"

I don't quite get her. What do I do.

If it's me, I should be able to prepare a method where we can understand each other even without being able to return Lucy-chan to her original form.

"Did you, have interactions with a small ferret Demihuman girl who was imprisoned here?"


"Yeah. A girl called Lucy"

"......I do know her"

"Is that so. That's, this child"


, Lucy-chan, raises her hand.


The man looks surprised. Hmm. As I thought, they're not familiar with Beastification?

They always have the image of being able to do it normally and go, 'it's the Demihumans and Beastfolks' trump card', but......it means, in this world, that's not the case.

I open the lock of the five-people dungeon. Luckily, they didn't go into a frenzy and attack me either.


"This child, is that girl......?"

"Kyu kyu!"

Lucy-chan is bringing something to the attention to imprisoned people by gesturing.

It seems they were fellow victims, and they had some interactions more or less.

I brought the five people from the dungeon and returned to the room where the Mayria I restricted on the chair was.


"......why, it is everybody. Good morning"

"This woman......!"

Hmm. It's troubling for me if they go berserk from anger and Mayria gets killed by them.

I, approached the restricted Mayria's side and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Let me introduce you. She's Mayria=Youmisiria, one of my lovers. If you give in to your anger and hit her as you please, I'll also have no choice but to protect her. ......I would like you to take note of that"


"Nonetheless, I also fully understand that you guys are the victim side. That's why I want to have a discussion about the matters hereafter with everybody"

"Huh......? Erm, who exactly are you?"

"Me? I'm......the Hero. Summoned by the Kingdom, this generation's Hero・Shinohara"


Everybody, has a question mark. Well, it's a given though.

"You're going, 'what the hell are you on about', right? Of course you would. That's why I shall show you the evidence"



When I, chant that......the outfit worn on Mayria reacts.


It's an effect of electric shock + flashy electrical discharge performance.

It's important for it to be easy to understand visually after all.

The resource of this electricity is magic power, right?

Which means if it's an equipment that carries more scientific principles, I can use it as well with batteries as raw materials.

"aAAH, aAAah, AAAAah, aAAAH!??"


"She's screaming, but I've fiddled with this woman's senses. She isn't feeling pain. This woman, she's my woman after all. I've made it so that it stimulates her sexual feelings in place of pain"

"Hu-, huh?"


"AaaAAAAH, AAH, Shinta-sa-......aAAAH, AAH!"

"『Stun-gun Halt』"

, the electric discharge performance ends.

"AAH, ah, ah, ah......"

Mayria goes limp. She doesn't feel pain, but I guess an electric shock is an electric shock. For the current Mayria, even that 『feels good』 though.

"There are still powers I can exert. 【Karmic Curse】──"

The target is Yuri. She's a murderer as well after all.

"Wai-......me, why!"

"『Escape, Prohibit』"

Through the 【Black Straitjacket】 Yuri wore, I prohibit her from running away.


Yuri killed, two people?

However, perhaps the grudge itself isn't just two-people-worth, a blackish curse assaults her.

"Wai-, Shino, this, it's the curse that killed Papa and others......!"

"That's right. It's *karma* even if you die like that, right, Yuri?"

"Sto-, stop it......help!!"

"Aah. Curse dispel"

Reacting to my will, the curse reduces.

It sure is scary how it's not like it dissipates right away.

"Kyuu, kyuー!!"

Lucy-chan......sure isn't frightened huh.

It's purely a 『woah!』 reaction.

She sure has guts huh, this child.

"Whether or not I'm the Hero will be announced in this town sometime soon, so it'll probably clear up there. Now, what I want you to understand is the fact that I possess the power to inflict pain on everybody here. The powers just now that I unleashed on these two......I can direct it to you people as well"

It's a lie though.


The victims, directed emotions of fear at me.

It's not a good method, but......it's probably not really a situation currently where I can give the victims utterly good treatment after all.

If I acknowledge excessive revenge as a result of getting too into bed with the victims by generously guaranteeing their future or whatnot, they'll be in danger in the future.

'You're a Hero, right, help us out more since you're a Hero', I can't reciprocate even if they ask too much of me.

If I allow their revenge here and it turns into a situation where they get evaluated in manners such as 『barbarians who plunder a noble's assets』 or 『scoundrels who assault the Feudal Lord's daughter』, and get ousted by the world, it'll be an overly excruciating life.

Hence, as a result of 『the evil was defeated by a greater evil』, they themselves managed to hang onto dear lives out of pity......it's probably the best to have them think that. 'I don't need money or whatnot if you will just save my life, just returning me home is fine!', to have them think that is better.

It's the mafia boss-style of providing them with the necessities like money and whatnot all the way until they return home, out of pity.

It's just that it feels like the Hero's evaluation will fall like crazy though.

......that's a part for me to do something about. It has nothing to do with them.

"I, wanted to do it with this here Mayria, and chased everybody of this house out. After pressing her, she says that she has apparently captured Demihumans underground. Over there, I finally noticed you guys' existence. ......my bad, but my objective is not purely to help you guys"

"N-, no......"

By the way, the five captured Demihuman victims are all adults.

Four men and one woman. It feels like it's easier for women to get abducted, but......if you go by the point of view of 'Demihumans who move alone', then men might be the ones with more abduction chances.

"So, you guys, were you tortured or something in this house?"

"N-, no.......we haven't been tortured. At least, not since coming to this house"

"Not since coming to this house, huh"

I glance at Yuri.

It begs the question, 'between the bandit group and House Youmisiria, whose crimes are graver?'.

With ruffians in the picture, it's meaningless no matter how much Mayria's house tries to maintain a bottom line.

No, it's that the moment they'd been imprisoning though.

"Is that so. If you haven't been tortured......then you don't have any complaints even if you can't torment this woman, right? It's fine if it's to the extent of giving her a slight bit of payback, but......my objective is, this woman after all. If you say you want to break this fellow, then I have no choice but to treat you people as enemies. You get me, right?"

The victims look at each other's faces.

"A-, aah......"

"Alright. Then, Yuri. Sort out these fellows' houses and information in the room above. I've readied the map and whatnot for that"

"......go-, got it, Shino......"

Yuri sure is exhausted because of the curse huh. Well, the amount of damage she receives through this curse is also her reaping what she sowed, so I probably don't have to hold back.

"Wha-, what for......?"


"Why do you want to know about our houses and such?"

"......about that. Honestly, I don't care about you guys....... That said, there are probably those who are at a loss even if they're told, 'I'll release you from this house right now. That's why, get out right away' after all. For a long period of time, you've been imprisoned in this house, and you have neither money nor equipment. You might not even know the way back. ......it's like telling you to die in the wild in that condition. In that case, it might be better to be captured in this house's basement, right?"


"I called myself the Hero, but it's not like I came here to do charity either. My objective is this woman after all. That said, it's not to the extent that I'll......abandon you guys either. Which means it'll depend on you guys' attitude for the most part. Now that you accurately grasped the circumstances, I'll give you guys a chance to choose the choice that's best for you guys"

"But, don't ask too much of me, alright? 『Let us take vengeance for being imprisoned』 『guarantee our safety all the way until we're home』 『compensate for the imprisonment period』......such things are none of my business. Nevertheless, I'll at least help out so that you guys can return to your original and safe lives. ......as a side gig, that is. Information is necessary for the sake of that. Even your release from imprisonment, might be me imposing my kindness, and sticking my nose where it doesn't belong for you guys after all. In that case, even just getting involved will be a waste of effort for me as well, right? Let's have a discussion for the sake of getting rid of such waste, shall we"

, I give them a glare here.

"Go-, got it......what do we have to do......?"

"Use the tools I readied in the room upstairs with Yuri over there, and consolidate the location of the homes you guys want to return to, your family member and such's information on the paper and map. Because if the home you're returning to is too far and there's the risk of monster attacks, then an appropriate plan will also be necessary. I'll lend my hand so that you guys' wishes are met at their bare minimum. ......while you're consolidating the information, I'll be playing with my *objective*"

, I placed my hand on Mayria's shoulder again.


I verbalise those words. Mayria's clothes then discharge electricity.


Mayria, having the look of being electrocuted, comes off like she's being tortured.

Well, it's actually torture though.

There's no pain over there; her entire body is being given pain-like pleasure.


Alright! They're frightened nicely!

"Don't get in my way, alright? I plan to help you guys, at its bare minimum after all. If you get in the way of my fun......to me, you guys are lives that don't matter. At that time......"

"Go-, got it! We got it! We won't get in the way! Just letting us out from that cage is enough!"


They came back with the exact lines I hoped for.

"aAAAH, ah, ah, AAAAAH......"

"Then, Yuri. Bring the five of them and Lucy-chan off"

"......got it"



"Lucy-chan is going too, you know?"

"Kyu kyu!"

Lucy-chan shakes her head on top of my shoulder.

"......you want to see, me bullying Mayria?"


The ferret nods her head energetically.

U-, uーn....... As one would expect, of Tina-chan's friend.......

"Then, let's bully Mayria together, shall we, Lucy-chan"


Lucy-chan who strikes a thumbs-up pose.

"aAAH, aAAAH......AAH, AAH, Shinta-san, stop itt......! This, my entire body is......! No, noooo......!!"

Mayria twitches her entire body by force.

Her face flushes red, and I can tell that it has become a nice sexual stimulation.

Noーw then. There's still more to come, you knowー, Female Magician.


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