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After Story. My Feelings

"......whether it's fine for you to be with Lei, huhh"


While eating the sandwich I received from the consultant, I talked about what I was fretting about. The consultant listened to my story until the very end without stopping halfway through. 

"I was made to train to kill people since I was a child, and I also accepted it without resisting. I have killed people numerous times since then. In the name of training, I killed plenty of comrades, children, and women......my hand has been stained with blood. These hands that killed plenty. Is it alright for such me to be by Onii's side?" 

When I conveyed to the consultant what I had been fretting the most with a serious look, the consultant held her belly and laughed. All I could do was open my mouth widely and watch that.

"Hahahahaa, hahaa, oops, sorry sorry. It's just too funny......uu!"

"......there shouldn't be anything to laugh about in what I just said. Why are you laughing?"

"ーーfuu. I'm sorry, Haku. I laughed a bit too much. It's only natural for Haku to get angry"

"Why did you laugh then? I had been fretting about this matter the whole time. I cannot forgive the consultant who laughs at that matter"

I look fixedly at the consultant. If, she was laughing for no significant reason, then I won't forgive her. But the consultant starts talking without even knowing such intentions of mine. 

"What, I just thought 'why are you fretting about something like that after all this time'"

"......what do you mean?"

"The fact that Haku killed plenty of people, is something we've known since we first encountered Haku. There's no way Lei will be bothered by something like that after all this time even so, right. 

I mean, it's a different story if you're killing people because you like it, but Haku is different. You understand your sin, you agonise, and you live facing forward nevertheless. There's no way Lei will hate such a Haku, right? Well, it's a different story if Haku insists you can't be together with Lei no matter what though"

The consultant said just that and ended up returning to her meal once again. It's true that even when I talked to Onii about my past, Onii called me family......I was extremely happy at that time. Him calling me family without even a moment of hesitation. 

"Now then, how about we head back soon. Haku probably wants to go back and talk about it as well after all"


The consultant and I returned all the way to the Royal Capital after that. The monsters that popped up along the way were mangled by the wind blades the consultant released without ever getting close. 

I handed over the commissioned tomalley at the Guild and ran straight for the Royal Palace. Because I wanted to meet Onii in any case now. The Royal Palace has been made so that I can go in without doing anything in particular. I'm acquainted with the soldiers as well.

As I was walking inside the Royal Palace, Priscilla-nee and Mari-nee walked over from the front. 

"Ara, Haku-chan. We're going to have snacks from here on out; how would you like to go together?"

Priscilla-nee invited me, but I shook my head. Because I'd normally join in, Priscilla-nee looks at my face and peers worryingly. 

"The Haku-chan who likes sweet things that much is not eating? Are you perhaps ill?'

......even Mari-nee got worried for me. It's true that I love sweet things, but now, more importantly

"Priscilla-nee, where's Onii?"

"Eh? If it's Lei, he was fighting the soldiers in the practice grounds just now though......don't tell me"

"I, will go and convey to Onii my feelings"

When I said that with a serious look, Mari-nee smiled awkwardly, going, 'as I thought huh', and Priscilla-nee hugged me tightly with a smile despite tearing up.


"Fufu, you're finally honest with your own feelings huh. Haku-chan, I was worried because you always distanced yourself from everybody ever since a long time ago. Even though nobody is bothered by Haku's past"

"Besides, Alexia-san and others were worried as well. Wondering when Haku-chan will convey her feelings to Lei. They were saying that if Haku didn't go for it even after the wedding ceremony is over, we'd all surround and question you"

......what's that, how scary. Being surrounded by Onees is too scary. Just thinking about it sends chills down my spine.

"Here, go on, Haku-chan. Lei-san will surely be happy as well if it's Haku-chan"


I nod strongly at the two of them and head to the practice grounds. While passing by soldiers and maids occasionally, I arrived at the practice grounds. Right in the middle of the practice grounds is Onii who's standing and shouldering a spear, and around him are heaps of soldiers who have collapsed.

With me as I am now, I think it's difficult to even make Onii go all out. That's how strong Onii is. When I enter the practice grounds, Onii notices me as well and smiles at me.

"Yo, Haku. It sure is rare for you to come to the practice grounds huh. What's the matter?"

Onii pats my head with a smile......it feels so good that it feels like I'm going to end up melting. I can hear the curses from the soldiers lying in the vicinity though.

"There's something I want to talk to Onii about"

"Something you want to talk to me about? Is it something that's fine even if it's here?"

"Nn, I'm just going to convey my feelings"

When I said that, Onii started looking around in a panic. However, since I wanted Onii to quickly hear my feelings, right there and then

"I, love Onii! I want to be together from here on out as well! I want you to include me with everybody as well!"

I conveyed my feelings in the loudest voice in my entire life. Although my throat got startled by my first-ever loud voice, and I coughed violently, I managed to convey my feelings.

The moment I was about to have Onii respond, magic was released, aiming at Onii. Onii brushed off the magic without any signs of panic in particular, but at the same time as that, magic went flying towards Onii one after another. When I look around

"......what Legend......what most powerful man......ain't he just a womaniser!"

"What is it! Is it his face!? His face is good, is it, damn it!"

"Filia-tan, Chrona-tan, Eclat-tan, Haku-tan, bloody stealing the angels one after another! You damn lolicon!"

"Bloody increasing his women one after another! I got ditched by my girlfriend because of you, you know! Saying 『you're not cool like Lei-sama』!"

"I was also told 『it's impossible because you're not strong like Lei-sama』! When I asked 'how strong do I have to be', I was told 『if you can at least hurt Lei-sama』, like hell I can do that against such a monstrous opponent!"

"That's right, damn lecherous demon!"


"Damn manwh◯re!"

Tons of disparagement fly at Onii from the vicinity. Harbouring anger the extent of which I've never seen before thus far. The soldiers are casting their magic at Onii even during that time. Though Onii is probably fine, I've got to stop them soon. The moment I thought that

Bachi bachi bachi!

, lightning ended up surging from the epicentre as the magic was heading over. The one who appeared from within after the smoke cleared was Onii who was clad in lightning. That's the Lightning Heavenly Garment. He was smiling while surfacing veins on his forehead.

"......I get your feelings now. Even though you could've just said it to me straight up if you had so much pent-up. That 'you want a serious training with me'. What, I'll heal it even if your limbs get blown away. That's why don't hold back, alright"

It was already too late when the soldiers came to their senses. The instant a soldier tries to apologise, Onii's fist drives into the soldier's face. Although he's holding back, it's quite powerful nevertheless. To the extent that I think, 'isn't his face's shape going to change?'.

Furthermore, since he's using Healing Magic simultaneously as he's punching, though the pain dissipates, the intense pain courses through them at the moment of the punch, and they lose consciousness.

Onii, continues rampaging until the soldiers are unconscious even when he heals them. And then, while being surrounded by soldiers whom I can't be sure whether or not they're even alive around us, Onii

"I also love Hakuu!"

Perhaps Onii was imitating me as well, he conveyed his feelings to me in a loud voice, and he was in front of my eyes and hugging me tightly before I knew it. And then by my ear

"I'll definitely make you happy. That's why I want you to support me"

, he muttered. It felt like my happiness was going to explode with just that, but I hugged Onii back



"She finally conveyed her feelings huh, that girl"

Alexia who was peeping at the practice grounds beside me mutters. I heard about it from Priscilla and others and came right away; I'm glad she managed to convey her feelings.

It's somewhat like I'm looking at the past me when I'm looking at Haku huh. How do I put it, slightly putting some distance between me and the people around. There were times I tried to behave as an elder sister as well after all.

I'm glad I talked to Lei beforehand. Because Lei has been keeping quiet even though he's noticed Haku's feelings as well!

"Mamaa〜, where'ss Mamaa〜?"

Oops, looks like Elene came looking for me. Now then, I've got to prepare it so that Haku can appear in Arcadia's wedding ceremony as well!


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