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After Story. Wedding Ceremony Arc: The Day The Legend Returned

"Do- do-, don't make up such a lie! Leivelt・Runwalker died 3 years ago, you know! You bastard! Disguising as a dead person and showing up!"

The fatass still doesn't try to acknowledge it even at this point in time. However, I wonder what the audience, the people around the world, watching this scene think.

Do they think I'm a fake like this fatass, or do they think I came back after 3 years. Well, I suppose you normally won't believe it. But this time around

"Unfortunately, he is the real deal. Really unfortunately"

Emperor Rozbell says horribly disgruntledly. This person, he really hates me after all. He's still bearing a grudge now at the fact that I threatened him in the past.

Beside him, President Obbarman nods in agreement to that fact even as he's smiling awkwardly at Emperor Rozbell. Demon Queen Meteor too. Over there

"He's my younger sister's disciple. There's no mistake"

"Uh-huh. He has grown bigger than he was 3 years ago, but it's undoubtedly him"

Following on, Queen Titania and King Celia acknowledge me. And then three people come on out to the front from amongst the rulers of all those countries. The super-physical body-faction Beast King, the brains and brawns Pope, and the brains-faction King Nanor line up beside me respectively.

"He is my precious son-in-law. Do you have a complaint or something?"

"Hey there, Pope, you mixed up your words. It's, our"

"That's right, Pope. It's exactly as the Beast King said. He's the precious fiancé of my precious daughter Alexia. Are you still going to say Lei is a fake even when we go this far?"

......uwaa〜, what a sense of intimidation. Is this what you call the pressure of those who represent a country? The fatass and such were hit by this sense of intimidation and could do nothing but open their mouth gapingly.

The nobles who came along with the fatass are all lowering their heads until they touch the ground. Their bodies come off like they're slightly trembling. Well, let's leave them be since I don't really have the intention of doing anything.

I take a step forward and look around the vicinity. The matter this time around, it's been made to transmit to the whole country using a magic tool. Well, it's tough for the countryside, but this scene is probably being projected if it's a decent-sized city.

"Raundie・Fattine. If you can't believe me no matter what, then I sure have no choice but to show the power that says I defeated the Demon God"

It's the second time I'm using this power since I returned to this world after 3 years. The first time, I used it under Astell's surveillance in the mountains to see if I could use it even in this world. The stamina consumption was intense, but I was slightly surprised that I could use it normally.

I activate Deitification on the spot. My entire body shines white and releases Divine Pressure to the vicinity. Oops, I've gotta suppress it. Suppress it, suppress it; here we go. Alright, it'll probably be alright if it's this much.

When I look around the vicinity again, Alexia looks at me dreamily, and Dargris facepalms going, 'you're going overboard'. The rulers of every country smile awkwardly. And then

"Kyaー!! You're so cooll, Papa!"

my adorable daughter gets overly excited and hops around. And then the sight of the fatass who faints while discharging all kinds of fluid from his entire body before my eyes. He was the closest, so I guess he ended up getting hit by it before I suppressed it. His mind......thank goodness, it didn't break.

And then, the audience who ended up falling silent as well, bit by bit, they started understanding what happened and shouting my name. Those voices ensued not just in this country, but even in other towns and countries.

I turn off Deitification and go to Alexia's side. I pull and hug Alexia, who's still dreamy even now, close to me

"Alexia, you're my precious wife. I ain't gonna give you to anybody no matter what, get it?"

"Fufu, what are you saying after all this time? Ever since I met you, and then even when I separated from you, my heart is always with you. I won't allow you to let go of me after all this time"

In front of my eyes is Alexia who shows me a very beautiful smile even as she's blushing crimson red. The jealous eyes of the other fiancées are a little painful but bear with it for a bit. I'll do it to everybody as well afterwards.

"I love you, Alexia"

"Me too, Lei"

In front of the world watching, I kiss Alexia. At that moment, earth-shaking cheers reverberated around the continent.

This day, without me knowing, ended up being decided as a continent-wide anniversary of 『Legend Homecoming Day』 by the rulers of every country. It would be passed on and talked about together with the day the Great War ended from here on out as well, was something that I at this time had of course no reason of knowing

"How cunning, Alexia!"

"That's right! Lei, do it to us too!"

"Papaa〜, what about Elene? Do you love Elene〜?"

The fiancées who couldn't bear it anymore rushed onto the grounds, and I was surrounded by everybody asking to be next. Despite being looked at with warm eyes by the vicinity, I do the same to everybody as well.

This day, the fact that I came back was known throughout the continent.

"Of course, I love both Elene and Allen as well〜!"

"Kyahー! Papa〜!


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