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Demon Sword-ish → Magic Sword-ish

Edited Chapter 181

Groms Arms → Grom Arms

After Story. Wedding Ceremony Arc: My Name Is

"Here I go"

When the masked man says a single sentence, he readies each of the Magic Swords he holds in both hands and runs over. I also re-grip Galadolg and get ready. I'm not gonna let you get close to this circle, you know?

The masked man shrinks the gap and slashes at me with the sword in his right hand. I catch that with Galadolg and circulate lightning through it simultaneously. The masked man moved away instantly, but he probably got slightly numbed since he was swinging his right hand.

I activate spears of lightning in the meantime. First, it'll be ten. The masked man is dodging and repelling the approaching spears of lightning and moving closer to me. I'm increasing the number of spears bit by bit.

The masked man is getting pushed back bit by bit. The spears of lightning are grazing and wounding his body bit by bit. Now, what are you going to do? Are you gonna get done in like this? The moment I thought that

"Flame Emperor Sword Amun, Water Emperor Sword Dine Activate!"

The moment the masked man's magic power welled up, the spears of lightning I released, ended up burned by flame and washed away by water. And then what appeared from within the spears were, swords in his right hand and left hand that were respectively glowing red and blue, even though they were dark-coloured up until just now.

And then, when he pours his magic power into both swords, flame and water entwine the tip of the respective swords, and the tips extend over at me. Although the length is as though Aerith's longsword, I suppose its weight probably doesn't change.

He swings those two swords over at me. Normally, movements will become monotonous and whatnot if it becomes such a long sword, but because the weight doesn't change, and there's nothing to be concerned about in the surroundings, the masked man's movements are quite fast.

I dodge the blades in a way that I don't leave the circle. His movements sure have gotten significantly better compared to the past. I suppose he overcame all kinds of perils in these 3 years.

The masked man swings down the two Magic Swords over at me from the top. I'll send you flying head-on. I pour magic power in and course lightning into Galadolg. Intense lightning surges aggressively through Galadolg and penetrates the vicinity ragingly.

"Penetrate, Lightning Dragon Spear!"

When I swing Galadolg, a dragon of lightning manifests from the speartip. The dragon of lightning that opened its large mouth closes in on the masked man to crunch him.

Both the masked man's swords are colliding and standing off against the Lightning Dragon's fangs.


But, when that stand-off is about to crumble, the masked man pours in even more magic power and goes up against it. And then

"Cross Edge!"

Flame and water ended up intersecting and slicing the dragon of lightning. And then, it carries on to head over in my direction. That just now wasn't a technique he could endure if he were the same as he was 3 years ago.

Alright, next stage it is then.

"Try enduring this. Lightning Heavenly Garment"

I activate my forte magic, Lightning Heavenly Garment. Simultaneously as my body carries bluish-purple lightning, I activate Lightning Emperor’s Armament(Grom Arms) as well, and weapons of lightning hover in the sky with me in the centre.

Those weapons hovering in the sky rain down on the masked man one after another. Each and every single one of the weapons possesses more power than the Lightning Dragon just now.

The masked man is completely different from just now and is on the defence one-sidedly. He's unable to completely block the weapons that are raining down and is getting even more wounded than before.

In the meantime, I release them at the remaining fellows as well, and they run about, scattering like a flock of birds. There are also those who leave the grounds amongst them. There are also those amongst them who try to catch them head-on, but they get electrocuted the moment they touch the weapon.

The nobles who had hired them are yelling, but what I think is, 'you guys come if you're going to say so much'. When I released a few shots at the nobles to shut them up, they quieted down though......ah, I hit the same spot too many times, and a small hole opened in the barrier. Let's keep quiet about it.

The masked man dodges continuously even during that time, but it sure looks like he's almost at his limits. I point my spear in the masked man's direction. Immediately after, the weapons flying around me all head towards the masked man.


And then, I release the weapons at the masked man. The masked man is trying to take it head-on without showing signs of fleeing. Good grief, this fellow. At that moment


I hear a voice calling the masked man's name. I suppose, usually, I should dispel the magic here, but he doesn't wish for that. That's why I go on as it is. I'll heal you if you get injured, so bear with it, alright?

'Zudododon!', the sound of the weapons raining down consecutively reverberates on the grounds. I use Healing Magic on the masked man at the same time as that. There's no way I can let Elene and others see his bloodied figure after all.

The entire venue has fallen completely silent, waiting for the dust cloud to clear. But since it feels like it'll take some time if we just wait, I blow the dust cloud away with Wind Magic.

What appeared from within the dust cloud was, the figure of an unconscious masked man, battered but without wounds.

It seems the other participants had fleed the grounds before I knew it. It's finally over huh. When I glance over at Dargris, Dargris nods as well

"Due to every participant falling unconscious or forfeiting, the victory goes to Lei!"

When Dargris announces the victor loudly

"Kyaah〜〜! Papa wonn〜!! Mama! Papa wonn!"

, I can hear Elene's delighted voice. Just hearing this voice makes it worth it for me to have worked hard!

It's just that, there was naturally someone who didn't want to acknowledge that fact

"You bastard, you cheated huh!"

, and he entered the grounds angrily. The other nobles are together as well with the fatass as their leader.

"There's no way you can win against that number of people! What exactly did you do! Answer!"

"I didn't do anything in particular. I just defeated them the same as always"

"Yo-, you bastardd! Even now, you are lyi-......"

"He is not lying, you know"

As I was getting annoyed at the fatass' complaint, I heard such a voice from behind. I turn around and over there is

"Yo- yo- yo-, you are......" 

"King Nanor"

The rulers of every country came all the way to the grounds. King Nanor, Beast King, Pope, King Celia, Emperor Rozbell, Queen Titania, President Obbarman, Demon Queen Meteor, and then Alexia.

"His capability is the real deal, you know. I will hear you out if you have any objection to the current result though?"

When the Pope says with a smile, the fatass turns pale and shakes his head. He then glares at me. When I glance at Alexia, Alexia also nods and comes to my side. And then she hugs my arm.

The fatass who saw that turned crimson red and pointed his finger at me.

"Wh-, who exactly are you!? The rulers of every country and even Alexia! Who are you!"

Who am I, you say? I've gotta answer if I'm asked who I am.

"I'm only gonna say it once, so you better listen properly, fatass. My name is......Leivelt・Runwalker! Don't you target my precious Alexia who had waited for me, the whole time!"


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