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After Story. Wedding Ceremony Arc: Troublesome Stuff

That day, a certain letter reached the continent's countries. Upon seeing that letter, a certain country went, 'at last huh', and shed tears perhaps from relief, a certain other country made a racket, going, 'it's a feasttt!', and a certain other country made a horribly sour look, and depending on the countries, their reactions vary respectively, but there's one thing that every single one of the countries thought. That's......


"......Levine-san, it has been a while. I came back about a month ago, but I ended up being late to come here. Apologies.

I came here today because I have something to report. Yesterday, we contacted the other countries, informing them that we are going to hold our weddings. We'll go around in sequence, starting from Worvest, Nanor, and Arcadia, and do it in Runwalker on the last day of this month from the week after onwards.

Please look at Eclat in her wedding dress from the heavens. If you were alive, you would probably, come punching at the me who says something like that again. There's a part of me that feels lonely now that there isn't that.

However, I will make Eclat blissful. So please watch over us from the heavens. I will come again, Levine-san"

I open my closed eyes and stand up. And then, I pour the alcohol that Levine liked over the gravestone in front of me. After pouring about 2/3 of it over the gravestone, I drink all the rest of it......my throat burns! This sure isn't something you drink in one go huh.

I put away the empty bottle in the Item Ring and offer my silent prayers once more......fuu, I wonder if everybody is angry since I sneaked out in the middle of work. Just as I'm thinking of that

"Thanks......I think Levine will be happy too"

I hear a voice from behind me. Vardy-san was standing there making a gentle smile when I turned around. Well, that's a given as well. The place with Levine-san's gravestone is Vardy-san's Water Dragon Shrine after all.

"No, I am the one to say thank you instead. I think Levine-san is able to rest peacefully as well thanks to Vardy-san after all"

I convey just that and leave the Water Dragon Shrine. I teleport all the way to Runwalker Kingdom's capital with Space Magic. I arrived in an instant. This place is the terrace on the second floor huh. 'Now then, I guess let's go inside', I thought, but

"What's this"

I looked at the Royal Palace's gate and ended up freezing. Kana showed up just at the right time over there.

"Ah, Lei-kun, welcome back. How was the grave visit?"

"I'm back, Kana, wait, how did you know I went grave visiting?"

"Hilde-san went out of her way to come and inform us. Saying that Lei-kun came to ask about the location of Levine-san's grave. So, we all assumed that the Lei-kun who suddenly disappeared had probably gone there"

I see. I'm spared from being scolded thanks to Hilde-san. So I thought, but

"But, Alexia-san was angrily saying that she won't forgive you regarding the fact that you sneaked off in the middle of preparation"

Kana said that and giggled while placing her hand on her mouth. Welpー, as I thought, she got angry huh. I've got to apologise afterwards.

"So, what's this ruckus about?"

When I ask Kana, Kana smiles awkwardly. What exactly is it.

"Look, we informed the other countries about the wedding ceremony yesterday, right? We announced our wedding ceremony around the country today, but because we announced it while keeping Lei-kun's part ambiguous, they're making a racket over who the other party is"

Ahー, that's what it is huh. Indeed, even in just this one month, the nobles courting Alexia and the others weren't few.

For the general public, because I've ended up dying before getting married, Alexia and the others, on top of not being widows, they're Princesses and Ministers, a female lineup that's at the top even in this country. I guess it's also only natural for nobles to target them.

As I'm looking at the gate that's brimming with such nobles, a carriage that's remarkably bigger and more extravagant shows up from within......it sure looks extremely costly. It's a carriage that uses so much gold that it feels like it'll shine even at night.

"......as I thought, he came huh"

Kana mutters softly beside the me who's looking at such a nouveau riche carriage. Looks like Kana knows who's the person riding in that carriage.

"Kana knows the person who's riding in that carriage?"

"......un. The one riding in that carriage, is the Marquis, someone called Raundie・Fattine. The previous Marquis was someone who had helped out since this country was founded, but he had apparently collapsed from an illness ever since last year, and his son succeeded him. That is the person who is riding in that carriage. It's just that......"

A person-like thing rolled over from the carriage before Kana continued her story. What's that? Is that a clump of meat or something.

His height is about 160, his hair is half-balding, and his fringe is sticking to his forehead. Horizontally, his width is about the same as three of me lining up side by side, and he's holding boned-meat in both hands and bloody stuffing his cheeks with them.

"Let me through here right now! I'm going to go and meet my Alexia!"

That fatass says and tries to drive the soldiers away.

"Hey, Kana. Why is that fatass acting so arrogant?"

"Yeah, about that, as I also said just now, we had received assistance from his father around the time this country was just created. The other countries aided us in various ways, but even so, every one of the countries was in an exhausted state around the time the great war had just ended. At that time, his father did things like bringing over supplies from Regalia that suffered little damages"

I see. I suppose there are probably also lives that were saved thanks to that. So that fatass is making use of that and being so confident huh.

I jump down from the terrace on the second floor. I proceed towards the Royal Palace's gate as it is. In front of that gate, the fatass was squealing.

The soldiers around try to stop me, who approach the gate, but I proceed forward as it is. And then, I open the gate. The fatass makes a smile at the fact that the gate opened.

"You're the one sent by Alexia to fetch me? Then quickly lead the way. My Alexia is waiting"

......as expected, I, too, reached the limit of my tolerance. Who the fuck is your Alexia, you bastard.

"Sorry, but I am Alexia's fiance. That's why, I can't let you through here. Hurry up and go home, fatass"


Joshua Ramos

I get the feeling that the "fatass" is either going to die or be cursed. Since lei is a god he could put a divine curse on mr fatass.